Mission Statement and Objectives of the PCC
- Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy Mission
- The mission of the Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy is to protect cave resources within the Mid Appalachian Region (Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey and Delaware) to ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy, explore and study these natural resources.
- Objectives of the Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy
- The Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy believes caves are a significant, non-renewable resource in need of protection and that entering caves is a privilege, not a right. Because of this belief, the PCC is prepared to use all legal means to protect caves and their environments. The PCC believes that, in many cases, recreation can be balanced with protection.
- Protective measures may include buying caves, leasing caves, having access agreements with landowners or establishing a conservation easement. Gating caves could be used as a means of restricting access. The PCC recognizes that some caves will need to be given extra protection to protect endangered or threatened species, summer maternity bat colonies, winter hibernating bats and/or protection of geological features within in the cave. The PCC believes in providing education to landowners, local governments, developers and the general public over the value of cave and karst resources.
- Each cave throughout the Mid Appalachian Region is unique and mandates a specific cave management plan and policy. Accordingly, PCC will work with landowners to develop a cave management plan and policy that best protects a particular cave and its natural resources.
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PCC Membership Information
- All NSS Grottos within the Mid Appalachian Region (MAR) may apply for membership to the PCC. In order to become a member of the Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy the potential member grotto must apply to the PCC and the PCC Board will then either approve or deny the application.
- See the
Contacts Page for information on contacts for applications.
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PCC Meeting Information
- Meetings of the PCC are held three times a year; at the annual Mid-Appalachian Region business meeting held on the last Saturday in February and at the Spring and Fall MAR meets.
- Check the
Calendar for specific dates, times and places of upcoming meetings.
- Minutes from past meetings .....
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