Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy Meeting Minutes for February 23, 2008 This is a summary of the minutes of the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 3:40 pm by President Pat Minnick at the home of Jay Herbein The following officers were present: President P. Minnick Vice President C. Catherman Secretary K. Bange Treasurer G. Bange Representation was as follows: Bald Eagle Grotto JD Lewis Baltimore Grotto Craig Hindman Bucks County Grotto --- Buffalo Valley Grotto Eric Synder Central New Jersey Grotto --- Commander Cody Caving Club Mike Mostardi Franklin County Grotto Pat Minnick Greater Allentown Grotto Dean Snyder Huntingdon Co. Cave Hunters Dean Synder (proxy) Nittany Grotto Gary Dunmire Philadelphia Grotto Amos Mincin Pennsylvania Inner-Earth Grotto --- Pittsburgh Grotto --- Seven Valleys Grotto Gretchen Williams York Grotto Dale Ibberson Secretary Report: The minutes from the September 2007 meeting were accepted as published in the January 2008 Breakdown. Treasurer Report: George Bange distributed a copy of the PCC financial summary. Web Page: Dave Fricke gave an update on the PCC web site. Dave asked that PCC reps keep him up to date with current / correct grotto and contact information. PCC Breakfast: PCC will put on a Sunday morning breakfast at the Spring MAR. The Cathermans will coordinate with Commander Cody Caving Club the amount of food needed. PCC will decide at the Spring MAR field meet about hosting a Sunday morning breakfast at the Fall MAR field meet. PCC Brochure: Anyone interested in brochures should contact George Bange. Mail: The Christmas card for the landowner of Penn Aqua Cave was returned. Anyone with the correct address for the landowner should contact Karen Bange. T-shirts: Dean Snyder has PCC t-shirts for sale. Submission for funding raising T-shirts for PCC’s 25th anniversary is February 2008. Designs are posted on the PCC website. T-shirts are to be printed in spring of 2009. PA Cave Database: Bill Herr has volunteered to be the new PA Cave Database steward. Bill is asking for volunteers to be county stewards and provide him with updates on specific geographic areas in PA. Garrett Czmor has volunteered to be the steward of Huntingdon County and JD Lewis has volunteered to be the steward in North Central PA. Mike Spencer volunteered to be the steward for Lehigh and North Hampton counties; Jim Hart, Don Arrowood and Ken Jones will be county stewards for Cumberland, Franklin and Fulton counties. Any other volunteers to be county steward for the PA Cave Database should contact Bill Herr at Everyone is encouraged to contact Bill with all updates and changes to caves in PA. Grottos are encouraged to put Bill on their newsletter mailing lists as information in newsletter is a good resource for updates/changes throughout the state. Bill will supply county stewards database content information for their specific county. There was discussion about posting a listing of counties and county stewards on the PCC website. OLD BUSINESS: Project List: Baker Caverns: Franklin, County, PA - Pat Minnick reported the property is off the market. The home is occupied by renters. Dragon Cave: Berks County, PA – no report J-4: Centre County, PA - status quo Red Church Cave: Schuylkill County, PA - GAG will look into the status of the landowner Merkle Cave: Berks County, PA - no change Cleversburg Cave: Cumberland County, PA - FCG is managing access into the cave. Currently the cave is flooded. Schofer Cave: Berks County, PA - The MAKC open house will be at Schofer Cave June 13-15th. Durham Cave: Bucks County, PA - no change Corker Hill and Frustration Pit: Franklin County, PA - A motion was made, seconded and passed for Amos Mincin to call Paul Trodonovich of WASHCO Homes to introduce Ken Jones as the contact person for PCC to enter into negotiations with WASHCO Homes for acquisition of the land containing Corker Hill and Frustration Pit. If an agreement is reached between PCC and WASHCO Homes in regards to the acquisition of the land, PCC will accept the property. Joel Jacobs reported that he has spoken to Mike Walsh of the Texas Cave Conservancy (TCC). Mike continues to voice interest in helping PCC with the possible acquisition of this land. NEW BUSINESS: Inactive Members: A motion was made, seconded and passed that effective immediately grottos that have missed 6 consecutive PCC meetings have to reapply for PCC membership. Inactive grottos are: Central New Jersey, Pennsylvania Inner Earth Grotto and Pittsburgh Grotto. Karen Bange will send out a notification to these three grottos. Officer elections were held. President - Pat Minnick Vice President - Christopher Catherman Secretary - Karen Bange Treasurer - Gary Dunmire Next meeting: The next meeting of the PCC will be on Sunday May 18, 2008 at the Spring MAR field meet. The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 pm Respectfully submitted, Karen Bange, Recording Secretary