Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy Meeting Minutes for October 4, 2009 This is a summary of the minutes of the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 9:30am by President Pat Minnick at Rupert Cave Campground, McVeytown PA on Sunday October 4, 2009 The following officers were present. President - P. Minnick Vice President – not present Secretary - K. Bange Treasurer - G. Dunmire Representation was as follows: Bald Eagle Grotto JD Lewis Baltimore Grotto --- Bucks County Grotto --- Buffalo Valley Grotto --- Central New Jersey Grotto --- Commander Cody Caving Club Mike Mostardi Franklin County Grotto Pat Minnick Greater Allentown Grotto Dean Snyder Huntingdon Co. Cave Hunters --- Nittany Grotto Gary Dunmire Philadelphia Grotto Amos Mincin Seven Valleys Grotto Gretchen Williams (proxy) York Grotto Joel Jacobs Secretary Report: The minutes from the June 2009 unofficial meeting were accepted as published in the August 2009 Breakdown. Treasurer Report: Gary Dunmire distributed a copy of the PCC financial summary. Web Page: Dave Fricke continues to maintain the PCC Web Page. PCC Breakfast: Pat Minnick and Anne Shepard did a great job coordinating and preparing food for the PCC breakfast. Thank you to Joe Schock for reconstructing the PCPC grill for easier transport. It worked well at the breakfast. The breakfast made $430. PCC Brochure: Anyone interested in brochures should contact George Bange. Mail: None T-Shirts: Gary Dunmire reported that Spotted Lizard can produce PCC T-Shirts using the design submitted by Frank Stahan. The cost is $13.45 per T-Shirt, cost includes top quality T-Shirts. A motion was made and passed for Gary to proceed with getting a firm bid from Spotted Lizard. Gary agreed to store the T-Shirts. PA Cave Database: Karen Bange attempted to contact Bill Herr with no success. A motion was made and passed for PCC to contact Keith Wheeland for his version of the most current information in the database and start over with a new steward of the database. Cave Hill Grotto asked at the last PCC meeting to be part of PCC. Since that meeting did not have a quorum, PCC tabled the decision until the next PCC meeting. A vote was taken at this meeting not to have Cave Hill Grotto part of the PCC. Cave Hill Grotto can request to be part of the PCC in the future if they are still interested. PCC Raffle was won by Robert Seeger. He returned the winnings to PCC. OLD BUSINESS: Project List: Baker Caverns: Franklin, County, PA – Pat Minnick reported no changes and asks to have the cave dropped from the project list. Dragon Cave: Berks County, PA – Ed Kehs plans to contact the land owner to find out if the cave is open or closed as there is a housing development being built around the cave. Red Church Cave: Schuylkill County, PA – Land owner relations remains good. Joel Jacobs plans to contact the landowner regarding the possibility of gating the cave. Merkle Cave: Berks County, PA - No changes and it was agreed to drop the cave from the project list as the cave is on land owned by the local golf course. Cleversburg Cave: Franklin County, PA – Tom Feeney, a professor from Shippensburg University, has a monitoring system on the cave to monitor water levels. The data can be found on the Franklin County Grotto website. Pat Minnick reported the kiosk at the cave entrance was damaged recently. Schofer Cave: Berks County, PA - No report Durham Cave: Bucks County, PA - No changes Corker Hill and Frustration Pit: Franklin County, PA - Ken Jones has been in contact with WASHCO Homes, owners of the land. There have been no further developments with discussions to acquire the cave. The housing development has slowed down due to the economy. Karen Bange will be sending out Christmas Cards to landowners soon. Contact Karen if you have a landowner you want added to the Christmas card list. NEW BUSINESS: Gary Dunmire reported on a recent rescue in J4. A non-caver became stuck in the cave requiring a 7-hour rescue by the local fire company. The person was fined $150 for trespassing. Tippery Cave, Huntingdon County: It was agreed to add this cave to the project list. The property with the cave is up for sale. Next meeting: The next meeting of the PCC will be on Saturday, February 27, 2010 following the MAR Business Meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30am Respectfully submitted, Karen Bange, Recording Secretary