Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy Meeting Minutes for February 28, 2009 This is a summary of the minutes of the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 3:35 pm by President Pat Minnick at the home of Jay Herbein The following officers were present: President P. Minnick Vice President C. Catherman Secretary K. Bange Treasurer G. Dunmire Representation was as follows: Bald Eagle Grotto --- Baltimore Grotto --- Bucks County Grotto Pat Richard Buffalo Valley Grotto Eric Synder Central New Jersey Grotto Frank Strahan Commander Cody Caving Club Mike Mostardi Franklin County Grotto Pat Minnick Greater Allentown Grotto Dean Snyder Huntingdon Co. Cave Hunters --- Nittany Grotto Gary Dunmire Philadelphia Grotto Amos Mincin Seven Valleys Grotto Gretchen Williams York Grotto Dale Ibberson Secretary Report: The minutes from the October 2008 meeting were accepted as published in the January 2009 Breakdown. Treasurer Report: Gary Dunmire distributed a copy of the PCC financial summary. Gary reported a drop in the interest rate on the checking account. Gary will investigate this. He will be filling the forms for the IRS online. Web Page: Dave Fricke continues to maintain the PCC web page. PCC Breakfast: Pat Minnick volunteered to organize the PCC breakfast for the Fall MAR meet. PCC Brochure: Anyone interested in brochures should contact George Bange. Mail: Dean Synder reported the post office will be charging a yearly rental rate for the PCC PO box. This fee was $57.00 which Dean paid. A motion was made and passed to reimburse Dean half the yearly fee for the year and ongoing. The PO box is shared with Greater Allentown Grotto. T-shirts: There was only one T-shirt design submitted for the 25th anniversary T-shirt. A motion was made and passed for Gary Dunmire to chair a sub committee that would look into obtaining T-Shirts fort the PCC 25th anniversary. PCC agree to budget $750.00 for printing the T-Shirts. No authorization was given for spending money at this time. The sub committee will report back at the next PCC meeting. The T-shirt design is posted on the PCC website. PA Cave Database: No report. International Congress of Speleology: No abstract submitted. OLD BUSINESS: Project List: Baker Caverns: Franklin, County, PA – No change Dragon Cave: Berks County, PA – No change Red Church Cave: Schuylkill County, PA – Dean Synder reported there is a new landowner. Dean and Dale Ibberson have met with the new owner who is conservation minded. The cave remains closed at this time. Merkle Cave: Berks County, PA - No change Cleversburg Cave: Cumberland County, PA – The kiosk has been updated. The cave was flooded at the last check in January. Franklin County Grotto is the contact for access to this cave. Schofer Cave: Berks County, PA – No report Durham Cave: Bucks County, PA - No change Corker Hill and Frustration Pit: Franklin County, PA – Land development by WASHCO is at a standstill because of the economy. PCC would like to provide a survey of the cave location in relationship to possible surface development. Landon Woodward, a professional surveyor, has offered to perform this survey. The NSS has a link on their website with information on working with land developers. NEW BUSINESS: Spring PCC Meeting: To be held during the MAKC Open House. Tentative location Lincoln Caverns, Huntingdon County. Details on the PCC website. PCC Grill: Joe Sclock reported he obtained a quote for stainless steel replacement of the grill. The quote was $178.00. A motion was made and passed for the PCC to issue $200.00 to Joe to purchase the necessary materials to resurface the grill. Bat Protection: PCC affirmed it’s conservation policy to support bat protection in light of the spread of WNS into the region and further south. Information on the WNS and bat protection can be found on the NSS website. Next meeting: The next meeting of the PCC will be at the MAKC Open House in June. Respectfully submitted, Karen Bange, Recording Secretary