Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy Meeting Minutes for May 18, 2014 This is a summary of the minutes of the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 10:07 am by President Pat Minnick at the OTR site, Dailey, WV The following officers were present: President P. Minnick Vice President C. Catherman Secretary G. Schock Treasurer G. Dunmire Representation was as follows: Bald Eagle Grotto --- Baltimore Grotto --- Bucks County Grotto --- Central New Jersey Grotto Amos Mincin Commander Cody Caving Club --- Franklin County Grotto Pat Minnick Greater Allentown Grotto --- Huntingdon Co. Cave Hunters Pat Minnick (proxy) Nittany Grotto Paul Winter Philadelphia Grotto Amos Mincin Seven Valleys Grotto Gretchen Schock York Grotto --- Secretary Report: The minutes from the February 22, 2014 meeting were read and accepted as published in the April 2014 MAR Breakdown. Treasurer Report: Gary Dunmire reported that $59.00 was earned from the PCC 50/50 raffle. 39 people attended the PCC pancake breakfast. Finances from the 2014 Spring MAR field meet will be finalized by the next PCC meeting on October 12, 2014. Web Page: Dave Fricke stated the PCC web page is up and functioning with no issues or problems to report. PCC Breakfast: 39 people attended the PCC pancake breakfast during the 2014 Spring MAR field meet. Thank you to all the volunteers that made the breakfast possible! The PCC plans to host a pancake breakfast for the upcoming 2014 Fall MAR field meet. Joe Schock will make additional modifications to the griddle prior to the Fall MAR and will ensure it is transported to the field meet site in McVeytown, PA. Karen and George Bange had offered to store the equipment at the Rupert property between the Spring and Fall field meets. Amos will transport the equipment to Red’s house after the 2014 Spring field meet. Transportation provisions to get the equipment to the Rupert property will have to be organized. The PCC will consider purchasing a coffee urn to be used for future MAR field meet events. PCC Brochure: Anyone interested in obtaining brochures should contact George Bange. Mail: Nothing reported. Christmas Cards: Karen Bange continues to manage the yearly distribution of Christmas cards to cave landowners. PCC will reimburse Karen for the postage of the cards sent. Contact Karen if you have a landowner you would like added to the Christmas card list. T-shirts: Gary Dunmire reported that one t-shirt was sold during the 2014 Spring MAR field meet. Gary continues to have PCC 25th anniversary T-shirts available at $15 each (approximately $17.65 with shipping). Dean Synder also has older PCC shirts available for sale at $5 each. PA Cave Database: Tony Canike receives requests and continues to process them accordingly OLD BUSINESS: Project List: Corker Hill and Frustration Pit (Franklin County, PA) – Pat Minnick reported that Franklin County Grotto has had contact with the land owner. Dragon Cave (Berks County, PA) – Nothing reported. Dreibilbis Cave (Berks County) – Nothing reported. J4 Cave (Centre County) – Gary Dunmire stated that two email attempts for contact with Graymont have been made with no response. They will continue the effort to make contact with Graymont. Kepler Cave (Centre County) – New addition to the project list. Paul Winter will act as contact for Kepler Cave. McFadden Cave (Huntingdon County) – New addition to the project list. Franklin County Grotto will follow up on the status of cave. Red Church Cave (Schuylkill County, PA) – Nothing reported. PCC Tax Exempt Status: Gary Dunmire reported that the tax exempt status has not been filed to date. Gary is awaiting confirmation from the IRS concerning the status of the request. NEW BUSINESS: New PCC Grotto: Cave Hill Grotto has expressed interest in becoming a member of the PCC organization. Amos Mincin moved and Paul Winter seconded to accept Cave Hill Grotto as a PCC grotto member. The motion passed. John Boswell was designated as the Cave Hill Grotto representative with Amos Mincin designated as the alternate representative. Welcome Cave Hill Grotto! PCC Project List: Amos Mincin moved and Paul Winter seconded to add McFadden cave to the PCC Project List. The motion passed. Franklin County Grotto will follow up on the status of the cave. Paul Winter moved and Amos Mincin seconded to add Kepler cave to the PCC Project List. The motion passed. Paul Winter will serve as contact for this cave. Loss of a friend: The caving community lost a good friend and active member in Ken Jones, who passed away on March 20, 2014. Ken Jones will certainly be missed by all of us who were fortunate enough to have known him. Spring MAR 2014: The PCC would like to recognize Amos Mincin for all his efforts and hard work coordinating the event. Great job Amos! Thanks to Paul Winter for his assistance and preliminary site work. We would like to express our appreciation to Mike Mostardi for printing the guidebook at no cost to the PCC and to Landon and Dana for their assistance in the guidebook assembly. Thank you to Dave Fricke, Gary Dunmire and Amos Mincin for your hours of work manning registration. Natalie Hirneisen did an outstanding job coordinating the delicious spaghetti dinner! The Philadelphia Grotto was a huge help pitching in wherever needed. We appreciate everyone with the TRA staff who was so was wonderful and helpful! Thank you to all those that pitched in to help make the event a success! Fall MAR 2014: The Seven Valleys Grotto will be hosting the 2014 Fall MAR field meet. The event will be held the weekend of October 10-12, 2014 at the Rupert Cave Preserve located near McVeytown, PA (Mifflin County). Additional information will be posted on the MAR website as it becomes available. Next meeting: The next meeting of the PCC will be held at the FallMAR field meet on Sunday, October 12, 2014 at the Rupert Cave preserve in McVeytown, PA. Meeting time 9:30 am. Gary Dunmire moved and Christopher Catherman seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 11:09 am. Respectfully submitted, Gretchen (Red) Schock, Recording Secretary