Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy Meeting Minutes for February 26, 2005. This is a summary of the minutes of the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 3:40 pm by Secretary, Karen Bange, at the home of Jay Herbein on Saturday February 26, 2005. The following officers were present: Secretary: K. Bange Treasurer: G. Bange Absent were: President: R. Rosevear Vice President: A. Horn Representation was as follows: Bald Eagle Grotto JD Lewis Baltimore Grotto Craig Hindman Bucks County Grotto Pat Rosevear-proxy Buffalo Valley Grotto Matt Neyhart Central New Jersey Grotto ---- Commander Cody Caving Club Mike Mostardi Franklin County Grotto Pat Minnick Greater Allentown Grotto Dean Snyder Huntingdon Co. Cave Hunters ---- Nittany Grotto ---- Philadelphia Grotto Amos Mincin Pennsylvania Inner-Earth Grotto ---- Pittsburgh Grotto ---- Seven Valleys Grotto Steve Shawver York Grotto Dale Ibberson There were other individuals present Officer Elections: The four names on the ballot were elected into office: President: Pat Minnick Vice President: Christopher Catherman Secretary: Karen Bange Treasurer: George Bange Secretary Report: The minutes from the May 2004 meeting were accepted as published in the Breakdown. Treasurer Report: There have been no changes to the Treasurers Report from the February 2004 meeting. Web Page: David Fricke, the web master, reported every thing is up and running. PCC appreciates Dave and his efforts on maintaining the PCC website. PCC Breakfast: Christopher Catherman will be in charge of the PCC breakfast at the Spring MAR. Tickets will be available at registration. Fund Raising T-Shirts. Dean Snyder has PCC bumper stickers for sale at $2 a piece and PCC T-Shirts for sale at $8 each. PCC Brochure: Brochures are available. Anyone interested in brochures should contact George Bange. OLD BUSINESS: Project List: Baker Caverns: Franklin, County, PA - No change in status or access; the property remains for sale. Dragon Cave: Berks County, PA - Mike Mostardi reported the cave property has been sold. The current landowner doesn’t want to be involved with cavers. Amos Mincin will be the liaison between the landowner and the PCC. As for the now the cave is CLOSED. J-4: Centre County, PA - status quo - CLOSED - Gary Dunmire reported the landowner is becoming even more aggressive in their efforts to keep people out of the cave. No trespassing signs are posted all along the quarry. Red Church Cave: Berks County, PA - The landowner is still very unfriendly towards cavers. Merkle Cave: Berks County, PA - No change Cleversburg Cave: Franklin County, PA - Pat Minnick reported there is a new management policy in place. The policy is posted on the MAR website. There is a pending hydrology study of the cave and surrounding area. Corker Hill and Frustration Pit: Franklin County, PA - Amos Mincin reported the survey to update the map of Corker Hill Cave is underway. Philly Grotto is spearheading the survey efforts. There are survey trips scheduled for the first Saturday in March and April. Amos Mincin is the contact for the trips. Franklin County Grotto will assist in contacting the current landowner in hopes of developing an access/management policy. Schofer Cave: Berks County, PA - A discussion ensued about the liaison between PCC and the Game Commission regarding access into Schofer Cave. Mike Spencer will be the contact between the PCC and the Game Commission. Christmas Cards: Anyone wishing to add a landowner to the Christmas card list should contact Karen Bange. Archie Follweiler will be removed from the mailing list. Mail: Dean Snyder reported on a $100 donation from Lost River Cavern. A thank you note was sent to Lost River Cavern. NEW BUSINESS: Dale Ibberson reported on the death of longtime West Virginia caver Dave Collins. Pat Rosevear reported on a survey of Northhampton County quarries. Bucks County Grotto is doing the survey and plans to have it completed by the end of 2005. Amos Mincin reported that Ridley Creek State Park has asked the PCC to do a cave conservation presentation. Amos will follow up with the park. Karen Bange reported on being contacted by the National Public Radio affiliate station in Central Pennsylvania. The station is doing a feature series called Pennsylvania Radio Expeditions based on the National Geographic Society program. Karen was interviewed for the series with the emphasis on cave conservation in Central Pennsylvania. Dates for the airing of the show are to be announced. The PCC will get a CD of the show along with website links. Joe Schock brought up the subject of fundraisers at the MAR field meets. There was interest in a PCC 50/50 raffle at the spring MAR. Steve Shawver made a motion to have a 50/50 at the spring MAR with Joe as the chair of the raffle. Matt Neyhart seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed. Next meeting: The next meeting of the PCC will be on Sunday May 15, 2005 at the spring MAR field meet. The meeting was adjourned at 4:45pm Respectfully submitted, Karen Bange, Recording Secretary