Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy Meeting Minutes for October 10, 1999 This is a summary of the minutes of the meeting. The unofficial meeting was called to order by President, Pat Minnick at the Rupert Cave property near McVeytown, PA. at 10:15 a.m., Sunday October 10, 1999. (There was not a quorum, so no official business was conducted.) The following officers were present: President Pat Minnick V. Pres. Karen Bange Secretary Keith Wheeland Treasurer Dale Ibberson Representatives were present from Bald Eagle Grotto, Baltimore Grotto, Commander Cody Caving Club, Franklin County Grotto, Nittany Grotto, Philadelphia Grotto, and York Grotto. Other individuals present were George Bange, Karen Bange, David Fricke, James (J.D.) Lewis, Bob Zimmerman, Carol Tiderman, Mike Kistler, Dwight Livingston, and Anne Shepard. The Treasurer's report was provided by George Bange. It showed a balance of $1,339.30. Current receipts made the total approximately $1,735.81 OLD BUSINESS: The Secretary reported that there was no response from Pittsburgh Grotto concerning membership in the PCC. Project List: Deerbone Cave, Centre County, Pa. Keith Wheeland reported that he had spoken with the owner, John Ellenberger within the past week. The owner is still trying to get an appointment with his surveyor. J-4 Cave, Centre County, Pa. - Keith Wheeland reported that he had spoken with a trusted advisor who advised that nothing be done about J-4 at the present. Web Page: David Fricke will put up a web page which could then be critiqued by PCC members. Section 501(c)(3): Ann Shepard has completed the forms except for the financial data. George Bange indicated that he felt that the financial data could be made available shortly because Dale Ibberson had the data with him at this meeting. As soon as the financial data is provided, Ann can submit the forms. Living on Karst: Mike Mostardi has thirty booklets at home and will provide them at the next PCC meeting. If PCC members have a need to send one to a cave owner, contact Mike and have him send it. Fund Raising T-shirts: Dean Snyder has PCC T-shirts for sale at $8 each. Profits will be presented to the PCC. NEW BUSINESS: Seven Valleys Grotto: Keith Wheeland welcomed members of the new Pennsylvania Grotto, The Seven Valleys Grotto. He invited them to join the PCC. The grotto is based in Milroy, Pa. and has approximately 10 members. The Secretary of the PCC will send the grotto a PCC information packet. Restricted-Access Cave List: Dave Fricke suggested that the PCC include a list of restricted access caves on the PCC web page. Discussion indicated that there would be no objection by PCC members as long as location coordinates were not included. Quorum: Harris Martin suggested that the PCC By-Laws be amended to change the size of a quorum from the present requirement of two-thirds of the Voting Grottos to one-half of the Voting Grottos. Discussion seemed to indicate that PCC members would be in favor of this change. Notice is hereby given that this amendment will be considered at the next PCC meeting. John V. Stoneman Guide Map: Kim Metzgar and John Long gave Keith Wheeland a copy of a Guide Map which is being sold by John V. Stoneman to the general public for $2.50 a copy. This foldout map has X's and a number to indicate sites of specific areas of interest including tectonic cave sites. The PCC members present, when shown the map, indicated that they were not in favor of it. The PCC will write a letter to Mr. Stoneman indicating the PCC does not approve of the practice of revealing cave locations to the general public. Grottos and individual cavers are encouraged to e-mail Mr. Stoneman at to express their displeasure. We do not have a regular mailing address for Mr. Stoneman. Cavers and cave groups are encouraged to be wary of any requests for cave locations from Mr. Stoneman. Next meeting: The next meeting of the PCC will be Saturday, February 26, 2000 at the site of the MAR Business meeting. To be conducted after the MAR Business Meeting. Respectfully submitted, Keith D. Wheeland, Secy.