Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy Meeting Minutes for October 3, 2004 This is a summary of the minutes of the meeting. The meeting was called to order by Secretary, Karen Bange, at Woodward Cave and Campground on Sunday October 3, 2004 The following officers were present: Secretary K. Bange Treasurer G. Bange Absent were: President R. Rosevear Vice President A. Horn Representation was as follows: Bald Eagle Grotto Dave Hollick Baltimore Grotto --- Bucks County Grotto --- Buffalo Valley Grotto Matt Neyhart Central New Jersey Grotto --- Commander Cody Caving Club --- Franklin County Grotto --- Greater Allentown Grotto Dean Snyder Huntingdon Co. Cave Hunters --- Nittany Grotto Gary Dunmire Philadelphia Grotto Amos Mincin Pennsylvania Inner-Earth Grotto --- Pittsburgh Grotto --- Seven Valleys Grotto Steve Shawver York Grotto --- There were not enough grottos represented for a quorum. An unofficial meeting did take place. The following was discussed: Secretary Report: The minutes from the May 2004 meeting were published in the Breakdown. Treasurer Report: George Bange distributed a copy of the PCC financial summary. Web Page: David Fricke, the web master, sent a written report. The website problems from last spring have been corrected. The site continues to receive inquiries and is increasing in visibility in the caving community with more listings on the caving related link web sites. PCC Breakfast: PCC will ask Nate Hirneisen if he is interested in doing the PCC breakfast at the spring MAR. Christopher and Christine Catherman are interested in coordinating a breakfast. Fund Raising T-Shirts: Dean Snyder has PCC bumper stickers for sale at $2 a piece and PCC T-Shirts for sale at $8 each. PCC Brochure: Brochures are available. Anyone interested in brochures should contact George Bange. Project List: Baker Caverns: Franklin, County, PA - No one present to report Dragon Cave: Berks County, PA - No one present to report J-4: Centre County, PA - status quo - CLOSED Merkle Cave: Berks County, PA - No change Red Church Cave: Berks County, PA - Was not discussed Cleversburg Cave: Franklin County, PA - No one present to report Corker Hill and Frustration Pit: - Amos Mincin gave a power point slide presentation on this project. Amos displayed four aerial maps overlaid with USGS maps to show exactly where the caves are located. The owner for both caves lives in Minnesota. Amos has tried to contact the owner without success. Currently there is no valid access policy for the caves. There is no map of Corker Hill and the map of Frustration Pit is dated. A discussion pursued on the best way to proceed with mapping the caves. Franklin County Grotto has given Amos the okay to proceed with the survey. The group present at the PCC meeting felt this was appropriate, too. Amos will proceed with the survey project and report back at the next PCC meeting. Christmas Cards: Anyone wishing to add a landowner to the Christmas card list should contact Karen Bange. Mail: Karen sent a thank you note to the Delaware Society of Natural History for their $50 donation to PCC in appreciation of a Commander Cody Caving Club trip to several caves in Berks County. Next meeting: The next meeting of the PCC will be on Saturday February 26, 2005 after the MAR Business Meeting. Respectfully submitted, Karen Bange, Recording Secretary