Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy Meeting Minutes for February 24, 2001 This is a summary of the minutes of the meeting. The meeting was called to order by President, Pat Minnick, at the home of Jay Herbein, Harrisburg, Pa., at 4:01pm, Saturday, February 24, 2001. The following officers were present. President: Pat Minnick V. Pres: Karen Bange Secretary: Keith D. Wheeland Treasurer: George Bange All grottos were represented except Bald Eagle and Central New Jersey. The minutes were approved as published. The treasurer, George Bange, reported a balance of $236.00 in the checking account, and $2,055.64 in the savings account for a total of $2,291.64. OLD BUSINESS: PROJECT LIST: Devil's Den, Sussex County, N.J. - No report. Dragon Cave, Berks County, Pa. - Mike Mostardi reported that it appears that the cave now is on a 30 acre plot in a subdivision. The owner doesn't want to close the cave. The cave is no longer for sale. Lime Sinks Cave, Mifflin County, Pa. - Seven Valleys (Steve Shawver) will keep the PCC updated. Smith Cave, Blair County, Pa. - Huntingdon County Cave Hunters contacted the mining company which owns the cave to explore options. The mining company is not interested in opening the cave. This cave will be dropped from the list. Duffield Cave, Franklin County, Pa. - Pat Minnick reported nothing new. Tytoona Cave, - Carol Tiderman spoke with Huntingdon County Cave Hunters. They are satisfied with the present arrangement with the NSS. Penn Aqua Cave, Mifflin County, Pa. - Nittany Grotto and Seven Valleys will remove the entrance obstruction sometime this Spring. PCC Brochure: The Brochure Committee chair, Karen Bange, provided some samples for the board to critique. Suggestions were offered. A revised version will be available for review at the May 13, 2001 meeting of the PCC. Web Page: David Fricke, the web master, provided a written report. Fund Raising T-Shirts. Dean Snyder has PCC T-Shirts for sale at $8 each. NEW BUSINESS: Elections: After a round of elections, the current officers were retained. Baker Caverns, Franklin Co., Pa. This ex-show cave has been for sale for almost a year. After discussing the merits of the cave, it was decided to add it to the Project List. It will be monitored by Franklin Co. Grotto. Holiday Greeting Cards: Karen Bange reported that she had sent holiday greeting cards to 10 landowners. Pancake Breakfast: The President asked for and received support to have a PCC fund raising breakfast at the Spring MAR. He will work with Alan Horn who has volunteered to chair the committee. Mount Rock Cave: Keith Wheeland reported that the Nittany Grotto holds a key to Mount Rock Cave. Grottos may obtain their own key after signing an agreement. See Keith for details. Conservancy License Plates: Karen Bange will check into the feasibility of the PCC applying to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for inclusion in the license plate program. Next meeting: The next meeting of the PCC will be on Sunday May 13, 2001 at 10:00am at the site of the Spring MAR field meet. The meeting was adjourned at 5:13pm, February 24, 2001. Respectfully submitted, Keith D. Wheeland, Secy.