Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy Meeting Minutes for September 1, 2007 This is a summary of the minutes of the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm by President Pat Minnick at the OTR site in Dailey, WV. The following officers were present: President P. Minnick Vice President --- Secretary K. Bange Treasurer G. Bange Representation was as follows: Bald Eagle Grotto JD Lewis Baltimore Grotto --- Bucks County Grotto Pat Richard Buffalo Valley Grotto Matt Neyhart Central New Jersey Grotto Frank Strahan Commander Cody Caving Club Mike Mostardi Franklin County Grotto Pat Minnick Greater Allentown Grotto Dean Snyder Huntingdon Co. Cave Hunters --- Nittany Grotto Cheri Schock (proxy) Philadelphia Grotto Amos Mincin Pennsylvania Inner-Earth Grotto --- Pittsburgh Grotto --- Seven Valleys Grotto Joe Schock (proxy) York Grotto --- There were other individuals present Secretary Report: Pat Minnick reviewed the minutes from the May 2007 meeting as published in the Breakdown. Keith Wheeland made a correction in the minutes: the minutes should read that a memorandum of understanding was signed by The Nature Conservancy, not the Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program. Treasurer Report: George Bange reported on the PCC financial status. PCC has a total of $6,663.36 Web Page: No report PCC Breakfast: There will be not PCC breakfast at the 2007 Fall MAR/VAR. There is no hosting grotto for the 2008 Spring MAR. PCC will discuss the need for a PCC breakfast at the Spring MAR at the next PCC meeting in February. PCC Brochure: Contact George Bange for PCC brochures. Mail: Dean Synder reported there has been no mail since the last meeting. OLD BUSINESS: Project List: Baker Caverns: Franklin County, PA - Pat Minnick reported the property is back on the market. Dragon Cave: Berks County, PA - No report J-4: Centre County, PA - No change in status Red Church Cave: Schuylkill County, PA - No change in status Merkle Cave: Berks County, PA - No change in status Cleversburg Cave: Franklin County, PA - Pat Minnick reported Southampton Township has closed the cave because of the number of accessible keys to the cave. Ken Jones involved MAKC in the working with the township and a lease arrangement has been worked out between Franklin County Grotto (FCG), MAKC and the township, pending agreement with the solicitor of the township. The key arrangements will be changed per the request of the township. Individuals wanting access into the cave will have to contact the key holder for permission and to obtain the key. Corker Hill: Franklin County, PA - Pat Minnick was approached by Mike Walsh, Executive Director of the Texas Cave Conservancy (TCC) at the 2007 NSS Convention. TCC is interested in getting involved with negotiations with WASHCO. TCC has experience and funds for this type of project. A motion was made by Amos Mincin to give Pat Minnick authority to enter into discussions with TCC in regards to negotiations with WASHCO. The motion passed. Franklin County Grotto, York Grotto and Philly Grotto all voiced interest in helping gate the cave as necessary. Schofer Cave: Berks County, PA - Dean Synder reported that Greg Turner of the PA Game Commission is interested in scheduling a clean up into Schofer Cave in the spring/summer of 2008. This would be done in conjunction with MAKC and their annual members' weekend. Durham Cave: Berks County, PA - no report Penn Aqua: Mifflin County, PA - Good landowner relations continue. A motion was made by Joe Schock to remove Penn Aqua from the project list. The motion was seconded and passed. PA Cave Database: Keith Wheeland send an email to PCC reps in early August with an update to the PA Cave Database steward. Bill Herr,, has agreed to be the new Database steward. Volunteers are now needed as County Stewards. County Stewards are responsible for: * Reporting on cave related activity in their geographical area * Serve as contacts concerning scientific studies or projects * Be contacted concerning changes to caves within their geographical area * Report to the Database Steward any and all changes and additions to caves within their area Garrett Czmor has volunteered to be the County Steward for Huntingdon County. Anyone interested in serving as a County Steward should contact either Keith Wheeland or Bill Herr. Topo Maps: MAKC was given the PA topo maps, a donation from Jon Pearson. Sharer Cave: Karen Bange gave a follow up report on the dead bats found in Sharer Cave. Greg Turner of the PA Game Commission was out to the cave the week after the Spring MAR. Greg Turner, Gary Dunmire, Andy McKinnon and Joe Turchick went into the cave and retrieved approximately 250 dead and dying bats. Greg sent the bats to a lab for analysis but the on site assessment suggested the bats had drowned. There has been no official report from the game commission. The cave is open per the bat moratorium dates. Sharer Cave Follow Report: Karen Bange did contact Greg Turner of the PA Game Commission after the September PCC meeting. Here is Greg's response to the cause of death for the bats in Sharer Cave: "Results were negative on all disease fronts. Bats that were alive during the collection were targeted for necropsy and they were found in poor physical shape regarding energy stores. Most likely due to the fact they were soaking wet and trying to spend their energy staying warm enough into move out of the water, and were not able to dry off. My best guess was that those bats were unable to negotiate the waterfall sections (maybe due to higher than normal water levels after that valentines snow storm????)" PCC Treasurer: George Bange will not be running for PCC Treasurer at the next meeting when elections are held. Anyone interested in the position should contact a PCC officer to have their name put on the ballot. NEW BUSINESS: Landowner Liability Act: Karen Bange gave a follow up report on the change to the landowner liability act. On June 30th, Governor Rendell signed into law (Act 11) that closes the loophole in the Recreational Use of Land and Water Act. This change was brought about by a shooting accident that occurred in Lehigh County in 2004. Next meeting: The next meeting of the PCC will be Saturday, February 23, 2008 following the MAR Business Meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm Respectfully submitted, Karen Bange, Recording Secretary