Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy Meeting Minutes for September 16, 2001 This is a summary of the minutes of the meeting. Lacking a quorum, an unofficial meeting was called to order by President, Pat Minnick, at the Delaware River Family Campground at Delaware, NJ at 10:00 am, Sunday, September 16, 2001. The following officers were present: President Pat Minnick V. Pres. Karen Bange Secretary Keith D. Wheeland Treasurer George Bange Representation was as follows: Bald Eagle Grotto Baltimore Grotto Bucks County Grotto Central New Jersey Grotto John Tudek Commander Cody Caving Club Franklin County Grotto Pat Minnick Greater Allentown Grotto Huntingdon Co. Cave Hunters Nittany Grotto Keith Wheeland Philadelphia Grotto Amos Mincin, Ellen Hoffler Pittsburgh Grotto Seven Valleys Grotto Joe Schock South Jersey Grotto Ed Fiore York Grotto There were other individuals present Treasurer Report: The treasurer, George Bange, reported a balance of $206.84 in the checking account, $2722.06 in the savings account for a total of $2,928.90. OLD BUSINESS: Project List: Baker Caverns, Franklin County, PA. No report Dragon Cave, Berks County, PA. No report Duffield Cave, Franklin County, PA. The owner doesn't want anyone entering the cave. Remove from the list. Penn Aqua Cave, Mifflin County, PA. The Nittany and Seven Valleys Grottos removed the temporary obstruction on June 16, 2001. Remove from the list. J-4, Keith Wheeland reported that there has been no change in the status of J-4. The owner has asked that cavers not visit the cave. Liability Insurance: The Secretary reported on insurance. PCC Brochure: Two thousand brochures were printed and brought to the meeting. It was decided (unofficially) to distribute the brochures to show caves. This is to be done by various grottos and organizations. Coral Caverns Nittany Laurel Caverns MAKC Crystal Caverns GAG Lincoln Caverns HCCH Crystal Grottos FCG Lost River South Jersey Historic Indian Nittany Penns Cave Seven Valleys Indian Echo York Woodward Nittany The PCC will send Gordon Ley a thank you letter for his help in getting the brochures printed. PCC Cave Calendar: George Bange noted that there were not enough pre-orders to make the project worthwhile. Discussion followed two lines. How to save the project especially since a lot of effort went into it. And what to do in the future. It was decided (unofficially) to scrap the project for this year and return all funds collected for the pre- orders. It was also decided (unofficially) to try again next year with a slightly different approach. Web Page: Dave Fricke, the web master, provided a report by email. Fund Raising T -Shirts: Dean Snyder has PCC T -shirts for sale at $8 each. NEW BUSINESS: Spring 2002 MAR: The Spring 2002 MAR field meet will be hosted by Seven Valleys Grotto at the Rupert Cave Campground the weekend of May 4, 2002. Pancake Breakfast: A pancake breakfast will be served on Sunday morning at the Spring MAR with proceeds to benefit the PCC. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the PCC will be on Saturday February 23, 2002 after the MAR Business meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 11 :20 am September 16, 2001. Respectfully submitted Keith D. Wheeland, Secy.