Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy Meeting Minutes for February 22, 2003. This is a summary of the minutes of the meeting. The meeting was called to order by President, Kim Kehs, at the home of Jay Herbein in Harrisburg, Pa., at 4:30 pm, Saturday, February 22, 2003. The following officers were present. President: Kim Kehs V. Pres.: Rich Rosevear Secretary: Karen Bange Treasurer: George Bange Representation was as follows: Bald Eagle Grotto - - Baltimore Grotto Craig Hindman Bucks County Grotto Rich Rosevear Buffalo Valley Grotto Matt Neyhart Central New Jersey Grotto -- Commander Cody Caving Club Harris Martin Franklin County Grotto Pat Minnick Greater Allentown Grotto Dean Snyder Huntingdon Co. Cave Hunters -- Nittany Grotto Keith Wheeland Philadelphia Grotto Mike Mostardi Pittsburgh Grotto Tom Metzgar-Proxy Seven Valleys Grotto Joe Schock South Jersey Grotto -- York Grotto Dale Ibberson There were other individuals present. Secretary Report: The minutes were accepted as published in the Breakdown. Treasurer Report: George Bange, reported a balance of $228.844 in the checking account, and $3,547.18 in the savings account for a total of $3,776.02. Web Page: David Fricke, the web master, has added a counter to the site. There are approximately 5 hits daily. PCC Bumper Sticker: Keith Wheeland is donating the bumper sticker to the PCC. Dean Snyder will keep the bumper stickers with the PCC T shirts. PCC Breakfast: There will be no PCC breakfast at the Spring MAR meet. Alan Horn agreed to do the breakfast at the fall meet. Alan is looking for help and donations for the event. Fund Raising T-Shirts. Dean Snyder has PCC T-Shirts for sale at $8 each. PCC Brochure: George Bange has brochures available. Growing Greener Grant: Harris Martin reported there is a new interim Pennsylvania DEP Secretary and that last year’s budget was cut in half so who knows what will happen this year. OLD BUSINESS: PROJECT LIST: Baker Caverns: Franklin County, PA - status quo. Dragon Cave: Berks County, PA - The owner does not want the cave gated. J-4: Centre County, PA - status quo. McAlisterville Cave: Juniata County, PA - Everything is status quo and the cave should be removed from the project list. Merkle Cave: Berks County, PA - no changes. Cleversburg Cave: Franklin County, PA - status quo with the township. Sharer Cave: Centre County, PA - Nittany Grotto is the contact for access into the cave. Christmas Cards: Karen Bange sent out 16 Christmas cards to landowners. PCC brochures were included with the cards. Legislation: Harris Martin spoke about an Environmental Liability Law. PCC members are encouraged to write to their state legislature asking them not to pass this bill. Mail: There was no new mail. Karen Bange did respond to the correspondence from the US Geological Survey Library asking for an update of the Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy newsletter. Karen directed them to the PCC website. 2006 NSS Convention: Kim Kehs will not proceed with the chairing the event. Anyone interested in pursuing a Pennsylvania Convention should contact Carol Tiderman. NEW BUSINESS: Elections: The following officers were re-elected. President: Kim Kehs V. President: Rich Rosevear Secretary: Karen Bange Treasurer: George Bange Woodward Cave: Matt Neyhart, Buffalo Valley Grotto, introduced himself and his wife, Shannon. They have the lease to the cave and are open to gift shop inventory. They are willing to sell PCC items and have PCC brochures at the cave. Onyx Cave: Ed and Kim Kehs have settlement on the purchase of Onyx Cave February 27th. They plan to make the cave into a commercial venture. Pennsylvania Inter-earth Grotto: A motion was made by Nittany Grotto to invite PIG to attend a PCC meeting after they get their NSS charter. Franklin County Grotto seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed. Keith will send Karen Bange PIG’s address so she can send them an invitation. Cave For Pay: Commander Cody Caving Club made a motion stating the PCC is opposed to cave for pay without permission from the landowner. The motion was seconded by Nittany Grotto. Dave Fricke pointed out this statement is already on the PCC website. Nittany Grotto made an amendment to the first motion that states PCC doesn’t support caving without the landowner’s permission. Franklin County Grotto made a motion to substitute the wording to read PCC is collectively concerned by the apparent recent trend of cave for pay without the landowner’s permission. Nittany seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the substitute motion was passed. Follow up discussion on the matter centered on whether this was really a PCC concern, how much of the recent cave for pay activity is new and how to prevent cave for pay people from infiltrating into grottos. Next meeting: The next meeting of the PCC will be on Sunday May 10, 2003 at 10 a.m. at the Old Timers Site, Daily, West Virginia The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m., February 22, 2003. Respectfully submitted, Karen Bange, Recording Secretary