Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy Meeting Minutes for September 17, 2000 This is a summary of the minutes of the meeting. The meeting was called to order by President, Pat Minnick at the Seven Mountains Campground near Potters Mills, PA, at 9:39 a.m., Sunday, September 17, 2000. The following officers were present. President Pat Minnick V. Pres. Karen Bange Secretary Keith D. Wheeland Treasurer George Bange Representatives were present from Bald Eagle Grotto, Baltimore Grotto, Commander Cody Caving Club, Franklin County Grotto, Huntingdon County Cave Hunters, Nittany Grotto, Philadelphia Grotto, Seven Valleys Grotto and York Grotto. No representatives were present from Bucks County Grotto, Central New Jersey Grotto, Greater Allentown Grotto, nor Pittsburgh Grotto. Other individuals present were Larry Moore, Josh Rubinstein, Steve Shawver, Carol Tiderman, Nathan Hirneisen, Cary Shafer, Frank "Roo" Yoder, Kelly Moore and Anne Shepard. The treasurer, George Bange, reported a balance of $236.00 in the checking account, and $1,875.57 in the savings account for a total of $2,111.57. OLD BUSINESS: The Secretary reported that he had sent proxy forms to all representatives. He received one for York. Loyalhanna Grotto resigned from the PCC. PROJECT LIST: Deerbone Cave, Centre County, Pa. - Keith Wheeland reported that he had spoken with the owner, John Ellenberger. The owner decided not to pursue the matter further with the Planning Commission. The person living next door wanted the property between the cave tract and the highway. Without a deeded access to the cave tract, the Planning Commission would not approve the subdivision. This item will be dropped from the list. Devil's Den, Sussex County, N.J. - No report. Dragon Cave, Berks County, Pa. - Mike Mostardi reported that it appears that the cave now is on a 20 acre plot in a subdivision. The owner doesn't want to close the cave, but must do something to restrict access to appease the Planning Commission. The gate which was placed in the cave has already been breached. Mike will contact the owner. Lime Sinks Cave, Mifflin County, Pa. - The owner contacted Seven Valleys Grotto to express concern that many persons were visiting the cave and to inquire whether something could be done about it. Seven Valleys will contact the owner to explore gating and other options. Smith Cave, Blair County, Pa. - Derek Flaig will contact the mining company which owns the cave to explore options. Duffield Cave, Franklin County, Pa. - Pat Minnick reported that the owner had contacted Ken Jones of Franklin County Grotto to ask for ideas in setting up a management plan for the cave. This after an accident in the cave where a young girl who had permission to visit the cave became stuck and had to be rescued. Grottos should send copies of management plans that they use for other caves to Ken. This way he will have other ideas which he may be able to incorporate into a plan for Duffield. Franklin County Grotto made a motion to add this to the project list. Baltimore seconded. Motion passed. Web Page: David Fricke, the web master, provided a written report. NEW BUSINESS: South Jersey Grotto was accepted as a member of the PCC. Karen Bange will serve as Chair of an ad hoc committee to develop a brochure for the PCC. Dean Snyder has PCC T-Shirts for sale at $8 each. The Treasurer's Report showed that one of our fund raising efforts raised $138. The breakfast brought in another $115.15. The next meeting of the PCC will be after the MAR Business Meeting at the home of Jay Herbein on February 24, 2001. The meeting was adjourned at 11:32 a.m., Sept. 17, 2000. Respectfully submitted, Keith D. Wheeland, Secy.