Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy Meeting Minutes for September 30, 2012 This is a summary of the minutes of the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 10:04 am by Vice President Christopher Catherman at Crystal Cave, Kutztown, PA The following officers were present: President --- Vice President C. Catherman Secretary G. Schock Treasurer --- Representation was as follows: Bald Eagle Grotto --- Baltimore Grotto --- Bucks County Grotto --- Central New Jersey Grotto --- Commander Cody Caving Club Mike Mostardi Franklin County Grotto --- Greater Allentown Grotto Mike Spencer Huntingdon Co. Cave Hunters Dean Snyder (proxy) Nittany Grotto Christopher Catherman Philadelphia Grotto Amos Mincin Seven Valleys Grotto Gretchen Schock York Grotto --- Secretary Report: The minutes from the June 2012 meeting were accepted as published in the August 2012 Breakdown. Treasurer Report: Gary Dunmire will provide the secretary with the latest treasurer’s report to be published in the PCC meeting minutes. The following financial summary was submitted on October 4, 2012: Financial Summary (06-10-12 Thru 09-30-12) Interest Checking Account Account Balance Nittany Bank 6/30/2012 $4,285.14 Interest: Payment 6/30/2012 $ 0.36 Interest: Payment 7/31/2012 $ 0.36 Interest: Payment 8/31/2012 $ 0.36 Total Expenses : $ 0.00 PCC T-Shirt Fund Cash $ 120.00 Ending Balance: $4,406.22 SAVINGS ACCOUNT: Maturity Date Certificate of Deposit 5/29/2012 $1,077.34 Certificate of Deposit 5/29/2010 $1,077.34 Certificate of Deposit 5/29/2010 $1,077.34 Account Balance: $3,232.02 Other Income COMBINED TOTAL : $7,638.24 Web Page: Dave Fricke has applied the requested updates. There has been no email activity and there are no issues to report. PCC Breakfast: The PCC breakfast provided during the Fall 2012 MAR collected $235.00 to be donated to the PCC. Funds will be provided to PCC treasurer Gary Dunmire. There are plans to have a PCC breakfast at the upcoming Spring MAR. PCC Brochure: Anyone interested in obtaining brochures should contact George Bange. Mail: Dean Snyder reported that nothing of significance had been received. The PCC has agreed to provide the funds to cover the cost of the post office box fees for the upcoming year. Christmas Cards: Karen Bange continues to manage the yearly distribution of Christmas cards to cave landowners. Contact Karen if you have a landowner you want added to the Christmas card list. T-shirts: Gary Dunmire continues to have PCC 25th anniversary T-shirts available at $15 each (approximately $17.65 with shipping). Dean Synder also has older PCC shirts available for sale at $5 each. PA Cave Database: Paul Winter reported that Tony Canike has the web site up to date with the most current information. Christopher Catherman has been communicating with Tony to determine how best to present available information. Mike Spencer moved and Paul Winter seconded to publish the Longest and Deepest caves list on the PCC web site. The motion passed. OLD BUSINESS: Project List: Dragon Cave (Berks County, PA) – Dean Synder reported that several trips were taken into Dragon Cave during the MAR event. Red Church Cave (Schuylkill County, PA) – Dean Synder stated the cave is gated. Thirty-five cavers visited the cave during the MAR event. Dean is available to lead a few trips per year and interested individuals must be NSS members. The previous plans to construct a retaining wall have been postponed until the landowner completes some landscaping in the area. Merkle Cave (Berks County, PA) – Dean Snyder is in contact with the cave owner and is working to gain visitor access to the cave. Cleversburg Cave (Cumberland County, PA) – The scientific study is ongoing and the water levels are being actively monitored. A geology trip is planned for the 2013 NSS convention. Schofer Cave (Berks County, PA) – Dean Snyder has attempted contact with the owner but has received no response. Dean is actively working to gain access to this cave. Durham Cave (Bucks County, PA) – A motion was made by Dean Snyder and seconded by Karen Bange to remove Durham Cave from the project list. The motion passed. Corker Hill and Frustration Pit (Franklin County, PA) – Glen Sarvis reported that Franklin County Grotto (FGC) continues to work with the landowner. Amos Mincin stated a waiver is required to gain access via FGC. Access is limited based on FGC discretion. Tippery Cave (Huntingdon County) – A motion was made by Karen Bange and seconded by Paul Winter to remove Tippery Cave from the project list. The motion passed. Peiper Cave (Cumberland County) – Additional vandalism has been reported. Anyone interesting in gaining entry into Peiper Cave should ALWAYS contact the cave owners, Kim and Ed Kehs Sr., for entry permission and complete the required waivers prior to gaining entry to the cave. Dreibilbis Cave (Berks County) – The cave is open and 14 people visited the cave during the MAR event. Mike Mostardi or Bill Schultz can be contacted and will act as a trip leader when needed. J4 Cave (Centre County) – Paul Winter and Keith Wheeland reported that negotiations between Nittany Grotto and Graymont are ongoing and continue to appear promising. NEW BUSINESS: Spring MAR 2013: CCCC and Philly Grotto have agreed to co-host the Spring MAR. More details will be available on the MAR website as they become available. Fall MAR 2013: Nittany Grotto is considering hosting the Fall MAR. They will make a final decision prior to the MAR Business Meeting in February. MAR 60th Anniversary: There will be a MAR 60th anniversary celebration being held on Tuesday, August 6th during the 2013 NSS Convention in Shippensburg, PA. Parking at Carnegie Cave: Ken Tayman had recently distributed an email containing updated information regarding parking at Carnegie Cave. The following information was contained in that message: To All Carnegie Cave Users, Franklin County Grotto recently received information that the new owner (new business manager) of the property where we have been parking does not want any cavers parking in the gravel lot. This gravel lot, 1/10 mile west of the cave, has been the approved parking area for Carnegie Cave visitors for the last couple of years. We sent two grotto representatives out to discuss it with the owner and manager, with hopes of re-negotiating a corner of his lot for caver parking. He was not interested and does NOT want anyone parking there. Apparently he is anxious to have anyone parked there TOWED. We agreed to put out this new information to cavers as wide as possible. We informed the Township of the change in parking. We will try and get permission to park in the Township Park's gravel lot just east of the cave. They had previously said it was OK to park there, but the gate was frequently closed. If you find the parks gravel lot gate is not locked you should be able to park there and walk down to the cave. We will promptly inform you of any updates in the parking situation. So, effective IMMEDIATELY "Do Not Park in the gravel lot 1/10 mile west of the cave". If you do, you may be towed!!— All grottos and organizations, please forward this to your members Note: Sorry if you receive multiple emails on this. I sent it to: FCG List, Carnegie User List, MAR Grottos and FCG_Friends List. I just want to make sure everyone is informed and hope no one gets towed! Ken Tayman Chair, Franklin County Grotto Game Commission Board Meeting: Bats were tabled as a species to be added to the endangered list at the game commission board meeting. A decision on this subject could have a significant impact on the caving community. Next meeting: The next meeting of the PCC will be held on Saturday, February 23, 2013 at the Mt. Laurel Park, near Linglestown Pennsylvania following the MAR Business meeting. For directions, please see the MAR Web Site ( The meeting was adjourned at 10:58 am. Motion made by Amos Mincin and seconded by Paul Winter. Respectfully submitted, Gretchen Schock, Recording Secretary