Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy Meeting Minutes for May 21, 2000 This is a summary of the minutes of the meeting. The meeting was called to order by President, Pat Minnick at the Little Meadows Campground, Grantsville, MD, at 10:07 a.m., Sunday, May 21, 2000. The following officers were present. President Pat Minnick V. Pres. Karen Bange Secretary Keith D. Wheeland Treasurer George Bange Representation was as follows: Baltimore Grotto, Franklin Co. Grotto, Nittany Grotto, Pittsburgh Grotto and Seven Valleys Grotto. All other grottos had no representative. Other individuals present were Bill Vis (South Jersey), Edward Fiore (South Jersey), Ron Crowell Jr.(South Jersey), Carol Tiderman, Jim Hart, and Anne Shepard. Because there was not a quorum present, no official business could be conducted. A discussion was held concerning this issue. The Secretary suggested sending out a proxy form to representatives. It was suggested that the form be mailed shortly before the time of the meeting. This will be done before the next meeting. OLD BUSINESS: Pittsburgh Grotto has reactivated its status as a member of the PCC. "Welcome back, Pittsburgh." PROJECT LIST: (Only caves with updates have been included.) Deerbone Cave, Centre County, Pa. - Keith Wheeland will meet again with the owner to discuss options. Peiper Cave, Cumberland County, Pa. - Fellow cavers, Ed & Kim Kehs, have purchased the cave and property. Section 501(c)(3): Anne Shepard reported that the PC has been approved as a tax exempt organization. Fund Raising T-Shirts. Dean Snyder has PCC T-Shirts for sale at $8 each. Fund Raising: An unofficial report showed that one of our fund raising efforts raised about $138. The Breakfast brought in another $115. These are preliminary figures, final results will available at the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS: South Jersey Grotto: The grotto has been re-established. Bill Vis, the Chairman has petitioned the PCC to accept the grotto as a member. This issue will be considered at the next PCC meeting. Next meeting: The next meeting of the PCC will be Sunday at 10 a.m at the site of the MAR Fall Meet. The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 p.m., May 21, 2000. Respectfully submitted, Keith D. Wheeland, Secy.