Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy Meeting Minutes for May 5, 2002. This is a summary of the minutes of the meeting. The meeting was called to order by President, Kim Kehs, at the Rupert Cave Campground in McVeytown, PA at 10:00 a.m. Sunday May 5, 2002. The following officers were present: President: Kim Kehs V. President: Rich Rosevear Secretary: Karen Bange Treasurer: George Bange Representatives were as follows: Bald Eagle Grotto: JD Lewis Baltimore Grotto: Craig Hindman Bucks County Grotto: Rich Rosevear Central New Jersey Grotto: --- Commander Cody Caving Club: Harris Martin Huntingdon County Cave Hunters: --- Nittany Grotto: Keith Wheeland Philadelphia Grotto: Mike Mostardi Pittsburgh Grotto: Patty Taylor York Grotto: Dale Ibberson There were introductions of the new officers and the current PCC grotto representatives. Secretary's Report: The minutes from the February meeting were approved as printed in the Breakdown. Treasurer's Report: There is a balance of $265.84 in the checking account and $2,227.20 in the savings account for a total of $2,493.04. Web Page Report: Dave Fricke reported the web site was recently updated with a new item to the Gift Store, the PCC bumper sticker. The web site continues to receive inquiries and continues to increase in visibility in the caving community with more listings on caving-related link web sites. PCC Bumper Stickers: Keith Wheeland has printed 125 removable bumper stickers for $129.85 which is $1.04 a piece. 65 bumper stickers need be sold to cover the initial printing cost. Stickers cost $2.00. Breakfast Report: The breakfast at the 2002 spring field meet brought in $466. There was a general thank you to Alan Horn for donating all of the food items and for preparing the breakfast. T-shirt Report: Dean Snyder reported one shirt was sold at the MAR field meet. Growing Greener Grant Money: Harris Martin reported the budget was cut in half for the next fiscal year. PCC Brochure Report: George Bange reported brochures are available for any one interested. Old Business: Project Reports: 1. Baker Caverns, Franklin County, PA. The selling price has been reduced. 2. Dragon Cave, Berks County, PA. A new gate is waiting to be installed. 3. J4, Keith Wheeland reported there has been no dialogue with the quarry owners. General census at the meeting was the objective of pursuing a relationship with the owners was to keep the cave open. A sub committee was formed to try and develop a relationship with the owners by way of the local fire department/rescue personnel. Cherie Picard and Kathryn Parks will work on this approach. 4. McAlisterville Cave, Juniata County, PA. Keith Wheeland reported the cave has new gate on it. The cave break in was publicized in the local paper complete with a reward for any information leading to an arrest. There has only been one call from the article. The call was from a local business saying their business was vandalized about the same time as the gate vandalism. 5. Merkle Cave, Berks County, PA. Bill Wentz requested that grottos email him an answer to these questions: 1) Why is the cave significant? 2) How should it be managed? He will use the answers to put together a proposal to present to the landowner. He also has the Merkle Cave video available. 6. Cleversburg Cave, Franklin County, PA. The township has purchased the cave property and is developing a park there. New Business: Buffalo Valley Grotto: Two members from Buffalo Valleys Grotto were at the PCC meeting and were introduced. There was a unanimous vote to add the grotto to the membership list. Christmas Card: Karen Bange reported sending out holiday cards to cave owners in 2001. If anyone wants a cave owner added to the mailing list contact Karen. PCC Breakfast: Alan Horn agreed to do the Fall MAR breakfast but would appreciate other PCC members volunteering to coordinate the meal at future meets. The PCC voted to pay Alan's registration fee at the Fall MAR. Cave For Pay: Kim Metzgar reported a group of individuals has been charging people to go into Bear Cave, Westmoreland County without permission. The group is the Western Pennsylvania Field Institute and is comprised of Sean Brady, Jon Lucazamo, and Mike Schiller. Cavers should be aware of this group. Legislation: Harris Martin reminded everyone that there may be a new administration voted into office with the upcoming elections. Next year may a good time to try to pass a cave project. Cave Gating: Rich Rosevear reminded the group to utilize the large resources available when it comes to cave gate designs and installations. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the PCC will be on Sunday September 22, 2002 10:00 a.m. at the Fall MAR Field Meet in West Virginia. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m. May 5, 2002 Respectfully submitted, Karen Bange, Secretary