Pennsylvania Cave Conservancy Meeting Minutes for February 23, 2002. This is a summary of the minutes of the meeting. The meeting was call to order by President, Pat Minnick, at the home of Jay Herbein in Harrisburg, Pa., at 4:15 pm, Saturday, February 23,2002. The following officers were present. President: Pat Minnick v. Pres: Karen Bange Secretary: Keith D. Wheeland Treasurer: George Bange Representation was as follows: Baltimore Grotto Craig Hindman Bucks County Grotto Rich Rosevear Central New Jersey Grotto John Tudek Commander Cody Caving Club Harris Martin Franklin County Grotto Pat Minnick Greater Allentown Grotto Dean Snyder Huntingdon Co. Cave Hunters Proxy Nittany Grotto Keith Wheeland Philadelphia Grotto Mike Mostardi Pittsburgh Grotto -- Seven Valleys Grotto Joe Schock South Jersey Grotto Bill Vis York Grotto Ted Sargent There were other individuals present, including past president of the NSS, Jack Stellmack. The treasurer , George Bange, reported a balance of $273.34 in the checking account, and $2,174.47 in the savings account for a total of $2,447.81. OLD BUSINESS: PROJECT LIST: Devil's Den, Sussex County, N.J. - No report. Baker Caverns, Franklin Co., Pa. - Pat Minnick reported that he thought the price for the property had dropped. Dragon Cave, Berks County, Pa. - Mike Mostardi, et. al., reported that the original gate had been breached, and that a new attempt was being made to gate the cave. It is a Frank Eckert project. J-4: Keith Wheeland reported that there has been no change in the status of 1-4. The owner has asked that cavers not visit the cave. PCC Brochure: The distribution of brochures was discussed. The Tytoona Cave Preserve and the Western Pa. Conservancy were specifically mentioned. Persons who have ideas for distribution should contact Karen Bange. According to PCC representatives, the initial distribution to show caves (as detailed in the minutes of Sep. 16, 2001) has been completed. The PCC Secretary sent Gordon Ley a thank-you letter for his help in getting the brochures printed. Fund Raising T -Shirts. Dean Snyder has PCC T -Shirts for sale at $8 each. PCC Cave Calendar: After much discussion, a motion was made by Commander Cody, seconded by Baltimore to drop the calendar project. Passed. The benefit to the PCC is small compared with the effort and expense. Web Page: David Fricke, the web master, provided an oral and written report (included). Growing Greener Grant Money: Harris Martin reported again that there is money available for water related projects. He urged members to consider karst/hydrology projects and apply for grants NEW BUSINESS Elections: Pat Minnick and Keith Wheeland decided not to seek re-election. Candidates were Karen Bange, Chris Catherrnan, Kim Kehs, Rich Rosevear, Ted Sargent, and Joe Schock. The following officers were elected. President: Kim Kehs v. President: Rich Rosevear Secretary: Karen Bange Treasurer: George Bange The PCC representatives thanked the many candidates who were on the slate this year. They also thanked the outgoing officers for their work. Spring 2002 MAR Pancake Breakfast: The Spring 2000 MAR field meet will be hosted by Seven Valleys Grotto at the Rupert Cave Campground the weekend of May 4, 2002. A pancake breakfast will be served on Sunday morning with proceeds to benefit the PCC. Alan Horn has again volunteered to chair and fund the breakfast. The PCC, by acclamation, decided to pay Alan's registration fee for the Spring 2002 MAR. McAlisterville Cave Gate: Keith Wheeland reported that the gate on McAlisterville Cave had been vandalized. The Nittany Grotto has a written agreement with the landowner to maintain a gate and control access in order for the cave to remain open and accessible to cavers. A new gate will be installed on Monday Mar. 11 (and the 12th, if necessary). Volunteers are invited. After the gate is installed, a reward will be posted in the local newspaper for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for vandalizing the gate. It is also possible that a cave conservation related article may be written for the local newspaper. Merkel Cave: Mike Mostardi reported on an attempt by trespassing cavers to dig open the cave. Their attempt was foiled. They found the obscure site by using GPS. Another attempt will be made to contact the owner about gating the cave. Cleversburg Sink: Pat Minnick reported that access to the cave hasn't changed, although the exact ownership of nearby properties at the site is unclear . Next meeting: The next meeting of the PCC will be on Sunday May 5, 2002 at 10 a.m. at the Rupert Cave Campground. The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m., February 23, 2002. Respectfully submitted, Keith D. Wheeland, Outgoing Secretary