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Speleo Digest
1993 Speleo Digest
Edited by Scott Fee
Cave Index
Author Index
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Title Index
1991 Investigations of the Devil Karst Area 15
1993 Indiana Bat Census Results 437
Adventures of Randy Rogers, Cave Cadet, The 489
Alarming Extension, The 46
An Accidental Cave Discovery 319
An Accidental Discovery at An Historic Note on Blue Springs Cave 477
Another Tale of the Exploits of "Sand Hill Multi-Drop" 424
Arch Cave 157
Archaeological and Paleontological Sites in Georgia Caves 451
Are You Sure You Are Prepared? 362
Armchair Ridgewalking With Computers 376
Armin Krueger and Illinois Caverns 475
Artesian Well Cave 128
B-E-E-T-L-E-S, Dammit! 490
Bakers Hole 81
Baldwin and Early Caves 246
Bat Tails 499
Bat Well Cave 225
Bats at Night 442
Beaverhole Upper Cave 268
Bend Area Caves Mapped 185
Beyond Baiers Button Buster 8
BJ Drop 109
Black Cave Revisited 97
Black Range Blues 494
Block & Tackle Survey 112
Blowing in the Wind Cave 11
Boiga Cave in Geike Gorge National Park 293
"Boink" 491
Bottom Belay for Rappelling, The 412
Breakthrough At Barren Mountain 133
Brief History of the Exploration of Roasting Ear Cave 33
Browns Cave and 13th Lake Road/Route 28 Caves 167
Buck Creek Cave Survey 114
Burnsville Mighty Sarlacc Death Pit: The Survey 244
Caldwell Cave 270
Candlelight Cathedral 172
Candlelight's Gravelanche Survey 235
Carbide: It's Not Just for Breakfast Anymore 367
Carlisle Bone Caves Today, The 466
Carlsbad Experience, The 468
Cascade Spring Cave 176
Cave Discoveries in the Former Soviet Union During 1992 346
Cave Disillusionment, Split Rock Caves, Chyle Hole, and Other Areas of Interest 170
Cave Owner Relations (again) 352
Cave Packs 419
Cave Talk 493
Caver Discovers Helectite in Diet Pepsi 523
Caver from Muldoon, The 514
Caver's Dictionary, The 489
Caver's Dream 499
Caver's Prayer, A 520
Caver's Wife's Lament 502
Cavernicoles 435
Caves Along Rock House Creek 130
Caves of Dade County, Florida, The 59
Caves of Millard County 227
Caves of Portland and Vicinity, The 180
Caves of Southeast Asia 329
Caves of the Elkins Quad 260
Caves of the Lower Coliseum Rapids 271
Caving Can Bring The Unexpected 429
Caving Helmets 418
Caving in Bulgaria 296
Caving in Hawaii 69
Caving in Samoa 25
Caving in Ukraine 342
Caving on the Fourth of July 493
Caving Ropes--Types, Properties, Care, Storage, and Cleaning 406
Caving Softly 351
Cemetery Cave 107
Chemical Curiosities in Carbide Caving 368
Chinn Springs Cave 26
Chisum Chasm, The Unexpected Continues 214
Coming of Dusk, The 497
Composition for the Cave Photographer 388
Continued Exploration and Survey in Paint Rock River Cave 3
Copper Ridge Cave, or "There are no Caves on the Reservation" 208
Cox (Peters) Cave 98
Crystal Palace Cave 12
Cuban Caving 1992 308
Cueva Amontillado 325
Cueva de Los Muchos Machos 503
Curing Cabin Fever: The Survey of Coon Trap Cave 158
"Cutting Edge" of Cave Surveying, The 156
Death Trip with Josephine 194
Dedication iii
Deep, The Pretty, The Long, and The Virgin, The 84
Depths of Easter Cave Estimated After Seven Years, The 233
Description of Guthrie Cave 86
Determining Cave Ownership using Rockford Map Publishers Plat Books 375
Determining Geographic Position 373
Discovery in Manitowoc County: Vetterieck Cave 283
Discovery of Mystery IV, The 508
Doris Martin Driveway Cave 101
Dot Roadside Pit 131
Effects of Foreign Substances on the Migratory Habits of North American Caves, The 507
Eight Miles Inside the Big Island--Summer 1993 76
End of Graffiti, The 355
English Chunnel, The 217
Environmental Hazards of Batteries 354
Equipment Tips 418
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Cave Diving 421
Exploration of Red Marble Cave, The 506
Exploration of the New Discovery Section of Crystal Cave, The 277
Explorations in the Back Valley Area of McLemore Cove 66
Exploring the Flatiron, Hells Canyon, Idaho 82
Extending Mini-Mag Battery Life 371
Field Key to Illinois Bats, A 440
Fine Tuning the Frog Vertical System 404
Fire Canyon 488
First Aid (Almost) the Last in a (Regrettable) Series 364
Fisher Ridge Cave System 122
Fisher Ridge Summary 123
Fisher Ridge Summary 124
Five O'Clock Pit 267
Flash Techniques for Cave Photography 386
Foreword iii
Four New Tennessee Four Hundreds, The 207
Fox Hollow Cave 95
Further Mapping in the Keala System 79
Garda Knot, The 411
Gating and Exploration of Rugh Cavern, Medina County, The 221
Gear for the Supernatural Cave Emergency 517
Getting Right on the Concept of Vertical Rigging 417
Ghosts 501
Gim'me Shelter 104
Gold and Silver Found in New Mexico Caves 474
Good, Too, The Last Drop 507
GPS As a Means of Determining Cave Locations 374
Grandma Got Run Over by a Caver 520
Great (Cow) Escape, The 509
Guardian of Graveyard Cave, The 486
Hastings Cave 34
Helix Cave 264
Hellroaring Ridge Cave Survey 255
Here Be Dragons 162
Highland County Cave Survey Report 248
Hillside Run Cave and Spiral Cave 187
Historian Cave, Novices Nightmare Cave, and Keyhole Cave 20
Historical Review of Ackermans Cave 144
History of Exploration of the Cave Snezhnaya, The 310
Hodags, A Vanishing Species? 496
Hogan Cave #1 126
Hole in the Wall Cave 159
Holes So Dark and Deep 521
Hollow Brook Karst 135
Honaker Cave 258
Horror in Moon Cave, The 516
Horse Valley Cave Number 4 337
Horse Valley Caves Numbers 1,2, & 3 332
How Caves Form 443
How Not to Lose Rubber Parts of your Carbide Lamp 371
Howes Cave 470
Hurd and Neelys Creek Update 132
Hurricane Crawl 39
Hypothermia 363
I Wish I Had a Wetsuit 290
Ideal Grotto, The 500
Incident at McPhearsons Ridge Cave 498
Incline Cave, Lava Beds National Monument 43
It's In the Soil 448
Jack-Pot on Sheep Mountain 285
Jackson County Caving 114
Jewel Cave 1993 204
Jewel Cave Explorations 1992 199
Joe and the Tupelo Karst 515
Joyner Cave 127
Joys of Caving, The 486
Just Another Orange County Hole 106
Killer Cows from Hell 499
Kit 'n' Kaboodle Cave 12
La "Belle" 510
Labyrinth of Myth . . . 195
Lamp Bracket for Miniature Lamps 372
Lava Cave on the Puena Blanca, A 164
Leap of Faith, A 520
Lighthouse Cave, San Salvador 294
Lightweight, Simple Knots System, The 398
Like a Light in a Dark Place 383
Lilburn Cave Cartography Project 46
Little Caving Trip to Iceland, A 317
Little Progress in Clayton County, A 113
Local Caving at Rocky Butte 183
Long Lost Smith Ladder Cave 190
Low-Profile Caving: A Conservation- Minded Approach 349
Magic Skylight Cave 50
Maribel New Hope Cave: History and Exploration 274
Mary Annes Hole: F.R.O. No Longer 420
Memoirs of a Cave Widow 505
Mexican Caving in Guerrero, A History 327
Middle Georgia Caving 65
Midnight in May 52
Midwinter Night's Dream, A 110
Mikes Cave 99
Miscellaneous Map 186
Miscellaneous Maps 116
Miscellaneous Maps 90
More Equipment Ideas . . . 372
More on Pigs 419
Moss Cleft Cave 245
Mothers Day Mapped 196
Move the Road Cave 22
Movile, The 434
Muddy Cameras and Baggies 385
My Friend, The Carbide Lamp 365
My Secret Place 522
Mysteries of Malheur Cave, The 182
Mystic Cave 175
Neriah Church--Hung 'Possum Cave 247
New Antioch Church Cave and Two More for Free 108
New Gel Cell For the Old Wheat Lamp, A 371
New Passage in Mount Anthony Cave 239
New Talus Caves in Clark County 256
Newly Discovered Wonder, A 177
Night Before New Years, The 520
Nirvana: A New TAG Find 217
No Life Here 515
Nolls Cave 191
Oahu Caving 79
Ohio Caverns 174
Onyx Cave, Discovery and Early Commercial Ventures 477
Oops! We Surveyed the Wrong Caves 154
Owyhee River Cave 178
Passage Modification Techniques 500
Perry County (Missouri) Caver 492
Phosphoria Doesn't House Significant<D> Caves, The 287
Photographic Tips 382
Photographing Cave Entrances 383
Pitman Pete's Caving Tips 419
Planning for Your Caving Accident 359
Plum-Hickory Cave Survey 31
Policy for Cave Conservation ii
Popcorn Cave 45
Portage Bay Cave 142
Potter Creek Cave 51
Premature Graying In The Caver Community 522
Pronoun Cave Complex, The 161
Publications Represented iv
Pushing Five Fall 215
Ramblings from a Concerned Caver 353
Rampaging Ruminations 518
Recent Cave Hunting in Colorado's San Juan Mountains 58
Reopening of Hunter Cave, The 237
Rescue! 523
Results of Storing Camp Gear Inside a Cave For Seven Years 425
Ridge Walker 505
Rimstone Dams 444
Rise of the South Branch of the Root River, The 151
Roaring Road Cave 24
Rope Strength and Care 415
Russian Caver's View of the United States, A 501
Safe Use of the Figure Eight 402
Sandstone Bluffs of Martin County, The 102
Search for the Copperas Cave of Mummies, Tennessee 460
Seeing in Low Light 452
Sewanee Plunge Goes Deep 212
Shadow Dancers 165
Shilly-Shally Cave, Union County, Illinois 89
Show Caves of South Bass Island 174
Simple Rope Washer 406
Simple Slave Unit for Photo-Flashes 387
Snowhole 19
Snyder Cave 29
Solo Photography Trip to Surprise Pit 389
Some Hindman History 478
Some Mt St Helens Caves 251
Some Pits on The Flanks of East River Mountain 266
Some Unrecorded (and Insignificant) Caves of Pennsylvania 192
Sątano de Amezcua 323
South Bass Island Features Caves 173
Spencer F Baird and the Carlisle Bone Caves 464
Spider Pit 336
Stolen Well (ACS 1518) 5
Stop the Car Cave 220
Stopping By Virgin Borehole on a Windy Evening 512
Storm Cave 513
Story Cave 37
Strange Fate of David Perry, The 483
Success At Sudbury 236
Summer Surveying in Colorado 57
Survey of Big Gypsum Cave, The 119
Survey of Turner Pit #2, The 262
Surveyed Caves of Colorado, The 55
Surviving Carbon Dioxide Poisoning in the Cave Environment 445
Sutterer Spring Cave 160
Taking Care of Your Rope 405
Tall Tales on Laurel Ridge 459
Talus Caving 198
Taste of China Caving, A 298
Teaching Novice Cavers 428
Ten Days Under the Earth 320
Them Dadgum Cavers 504
Three Izard County Cave Descriptions 35
Tit for Tat 499
Trapped? 463
Trip That Didn't, The 511
Turner Pit #2 264
Twilight Zone . . . and Beyond, The 433
Ultralight Electric Lamp System 370
Underground Radio 427
Ups and Downs of the NSS 457
Vampire Rats 519
Vandalism and Restoration of Cave Without A Name, The 356
Virgin's Review of Coon Cave, A 502
Wash Out 524
Water, Milk, Whiskey, and Wine: Historic Use of a Small Tennessee Cave . . . 467
Western Kentucky Cave (Kie Cave?) 125
What Did Baird Find? 466
What Goes In . . . Goes Back In? 240
Wheeler Farm Cave 240
Why Project Cave? 427
Why? 506
Wildcat Shelter Cave 206
Wonders of the Blue Dragon 83
World's Deepest Known Karst Hydrologic System: A Summary of how the Record was Established 453
Yarik Magara (Crevice Cave) 338
You Know You're an Absent Minded Caver if. . . 487
You've Got to Get Down-n-Dirty, If you Want The Booty 218
Zimmermans Cave 243