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The original was sold out, but the NSS has a few reprints still available as of June 2006

Edited by Scott Fee

1989 Speleo Digest Summary

1989 Speleo Digest book review by Larry Reece

The 1989 Speleo Digest is a soft cover book of 462 pages published by the National Speleological Society, Cave Avenue, Huntsville, Alabama 35810-4431. This book is a compilation of articles from various Grotto newsletters and other cave-related publications. The first Speleo Digest was published in 1956 and this one continues the tradition. This issue's editor is Scott Fee formally of the Central Indiana Grotto and now with the Birmingham Grotto. The quality of the typesetting, graphics and printing are excellent thanks to the work of Tom Rea, also of the CIG.

In the U.S. Caves Description section, 35 states and Puerto Rico are represented. This is an extremely large number of states considering the number of caves in some of these locations. As you might expect, the states with the most caves or the most active population of cavers have the largest number of cave descriptions.

The International Cave Description section represents 16 countries with Mexico having the largest amount of space. The Equipment and Techniques section has some information on vertical equipment, explosives, clothing repairs, cave diving and other subjects. In the Cave Science area you will find data about bats, radon, geology, dye tracing and even more. Under Spelean History, Floyd Collins is written about again, there is an article on the wartime use of caves, the bats of Nickajack and more.

Finally, the section on Speleo Fiction and Humor (my favorite area) seems a little small. (It has been said that the editor has no sense of humor.) Although small, this section is required reading as it contains some of the best humor published in 1989. When you read this area remember the people who wrote these articles were just having fun and not trying to present their expert (?) views. Or were they?

This edition of the Speleo Digest represents the finest from 70 different publications. It was produced in record time while maintaining a high standard of quality. The editor and his staff expended a lot of time and energy in the preparation of this issue and they are to be congratulated for the excellent work they have done. This Speleo Digest sets the target for those that follow to attempt to attain although I doubt that they will!

Table of Contents

United States Cave Descriptions 1

International Cave Descriptions 249

Equipment & Techniques 327

Surveying 329

Lighting 333

Cave Diving 338

Locating Caves 340

Vertical Caving 347

Clothing 354

Explosives 359

Safety 361

Miscellaneous 365

Cave Science 371

Spelean History 411

Speleo Fiction & Humor 425

Authors Index 451

Subject Index 453

Cave Index 459

1989 Author Index