The 2002 Speleo Digest is out and it is a doozy! Let the wise people from The
Troglodyte show you how to create beautiful and utilitarian bat origami. Allow Brian Perkins
to show you just how many words DO rhyme with underground. Let the jesters from
Underground instruct you in the proper method for rocking a pack. Know what a burrito bag
is? Allow Taran Doty to teach you all about how to create one. Whoever heard of an ostrich
making home in a cave? Certainly not us, but Pam Tegelman will regale you with a tale that
will make you think twice before entering certain caves in West Virginia. All in all, this
Digest is guaranteed to please the most difficult audience. Packed full of 293 articles and
236 maps from over 66 newsletters and representing 32 States and 8 countries, this book is
chock full of all the great cave descriptions, science, and humor you've come to expect. It
will grace your shelf and certainly come to be a most valued and treasured work of art.