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Speleo Digest
1990 Speleo Digest
Editor: Scott Fee
Layout: Tom Wilett
Cave Index
Author Index
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1990 Speleo Digest Summary
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Table of Contents
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1990 Author Index
Ackerman, John 142
Adams, Laurie 217, 230
Addis, Bob 288
Addison, Aaron 83, 149
Adkins, Darrel 120
Agnew, John 126
Alexander, E. Calvin, Jr. 437
Alexander, Michael B. 90
Alexander, Scott C. 437
Allred, Kevin 26, 29, 33
Alsmeyer, Dan 309, 500
Anderson, Carl 7
Andrus, Jesse 274
Andrus, Ted 271, 274
Ash, Donald W. 65
Ashbrook, Bert 392
Askey, S. 489
Bailey, Jerry 102, 106
Balfour, Bill 290
Baren, Ian 354
Bartel, Lester 488
Bartholemew, Roger V. 372, 380
Beard, Jonathon B. 145, 153, 410
Bedner, Craig & Polly 311
Belski, Carol 497
Bennett, Allison P. 465
Bennett, Bob 282
Benton, John M. 447
Bevan, Bruce 361
Bittle, Don 489
Black, Dave 219
Blackwood, Randall 394
Bose, Michael 222, 237
Bosted, Peter 49
Bowers, Marie 270, 275, 494, 496, 500
Brady, Craig 368
Breisch, Richard L. 375
Brick, Greg 143
Brooks, John 163
Bunnell, Dave 47
Bush, Linda Gaylor 479
Caplenor, Tamara 211
Carroll, Robert W., Jr. 488
Carstens, Ken 170
Chalky, Damon 382
Chenger, John 209
Clarkia, Bill 307
Clauser, L. 307
Cohen, Steve 184, 186, 477
Collings, Dave 138, 263, 279
Collins, S.J. 98
Coney, Bob 17
Cook, Holly 219
Crowl, Dan 129, 132, 481
Cunningham, Hal T. 461
Czmor, G. 205
Davidson, Marcel 254, 343
Davis, Brian 134, 492
Davis, Donald G 55, 167, 171
DiBlasi, Philip 170
Dittrich, Bob 356
Doolin, Dave 232, 233
Douglas, Joe 238
Dumont, Kevin A. 382
Dyas, Mike 127, 128, 135, 136
Erickson, Jim 58
Fee, Scott 89, 91, 109, 490, 498
Fish, Larry 63, 442
Fluke, Andy 478
Fogarty, John 369
Forsythe, Preston 127, 128, 135, 136
Forsythe, Shari 127, 135
Foster, Michael B.J. 437
Frank, Dr. Howard 402
Franklin, Andy 123
Fuller, Jerry 494
Futrell, Mike 265
Ganter, John 295
Gardner, John 45
George, Angelo I. 451, 456
Gorski, J.J. 120
Green, Dale J 250, 256, 469
Guy, Lin 4, 24
Guyer, Laura 482
Guzman, Javier 312
Hackley, David 208, 285, 289
Halliday, William F. 77, 78, 313, 333
Hamm, Walt 203, 207, 309, 374
Hampton, Don 34, 330
Harnden, Monty 481
Harter, Russell 337
Heath, Bill 173, 345, 486, 497
Herron, Dave 413, 420
Higham, Steve 137, 161, 261
Hilton, Sheryl 132
Hobbs, H.H. III 188
Holsinger, John 368
Hood, Mike 75
Hopkins, Tony 487
Horrocks, Rodney D 254, 413
Hose, Louise D. 36, 59, 393, 427
Hrepta, George 10, 13, 20
Hubbard, Dave 267
Huges, Dave 475
Huppert, George 302
Hutchison, John 215, 236
Ibberson, Dale 201
Jackson, Randy 91
Jasek, James 387
Johns, Dave 400
Johns, LaDona 80
Johnson, Jerry M. 66
Johnston, Paul 363
Jorden, Jay 240, 472
JTML 367
Kambesis, Patricia 11, 328
Kaye, Tom 374
Keeler, Ray 174
Kelly, Bill 365
Kennedy, Jim 200, 409
Key, Roger 235
Kilby, Tim 345
Kirchman, Paul 346
Kistler, M. 69
Knoche, Nathan 303
Kox, Norbert H. 297, 300, 301
Kranzel, Rich 204
Krause, Albert 68, 72
Laine, Larry 140, 141
Landrum, Jody 223
Larson, Charlie 43, 199
Lee, Joli 497
LeJune, Kaate 415
Lieberman, Neal 477, 480, 491, 497
Liebman, Bob 497
Linn, Scott 197, 352, 357
Lipinski, Ron 172
Litaker, Jerry 92, 93, 96, 98, 104, 108
Lucas, Charlie 273, 375
Lucas, Phil 276
Lushkin, P. 395
Martin, Will 186
McCracken, Jeff 206
McGee, Kenny 82
McNamara, Greg 5, 332
Medville, Dug 294
Meitner, Erik 299
Metzgar, Tom 461, 471
Moore, Debbie 379
Mooty, Greg 191, 192, 193, 195, 244, 248
Moss, Tom 218, 388
Murphy, Tray 347, 355
Nadich, Bob 338, 479, 496
Nelson, Mike 111, 112, 343
Nicholls, Colin 394
Nichols, Ken 162
Nieuwenhuis, Luurt 419
Nugent, Tom 101, 109
Oelker, Gregg 342, 429
Okunewick, Phil 347, 351
Oothoudt, Jerry W 160
Park, Mel 149
Parnell, Jeff 389
Pickle, Wanda 447
Piersen, Dixie 45
Plante, Alan R 181, 422, 458
Plemons, Doug 226, 234, 235, 239
Pope, Tim 15
Potts, James 114, 116, 117, 145, 152, 155, 157
Proctor, Jonathan 118, 314
Prohaska, Heinz 386
Pruitt, Buford Jr. 69
Rainey, Bill 45
Rambo, Bill 246
Ray, Vernon 443
RBS Labs 480, 494
Ream, Cynthia 48
Reames, Stephen 440
Reece, Larry 358, 486, 491
Reed, Dawn 321
Reeves, Jay 478
Reich, Jay 210
Reid, Frank 362, 468
Renard, John 359
Rhinehart, Richard 61
Rice, Pat 45
Robinson, Keith 432
Rodgers, Mike 216
Rogers, Bruce 38, 45, 163
Rosevear, Rich 407
Rubin, Paul A 176, 465
Saunders, Joe 122, 130, 135, 271, 281
Schaper, Jo 406
Schleis, C.W. 300, 302
Schmitz, S. Allen 481
Schmitz, Scott A. 37
Schweyen, John 187
Senger, Clyde M. 412
Senulis, Joe 304
Sharp, James 41
Shaw, Trevor 452
Sheldon, Ray 95
Shipp, Bob 500
Shofstall, Don 482
Shurtz, Dave 260
Simmons, Ron 272, 280
Simpson, Lou 132, 133, 476
Skipworth, Joe 3, 22
Smith, James H. 18, 220
Smith, Joanne 325
Smith, Marion O. 23
Snyder, B. 428
Socky, David 291
Socky, Mary Sue 346
Soware, Janet 340
Sperry, Jay 293
Spina, Tom 276, 278, 280, 339, 379
Sprague, Steve 350
Springer, Greg 282, 284, 287
Springston, Bob 83, 85
Sprouse, Peter 327, 331
Stitzel, Bill 124
Stumpf, Brian 303
Sturrock, Jim 349
Thomas, Woodrow 244, 245, 439
Thompson, Richard 158
Thorndyke, Brian 390
Thuesen, Kevin 399
Tranbarger, Oren 323, 384
Uhl, Hope 380
Vargo, John George, Jr. 358
Veni, George 240, 242
Vesely, Carol 310, 316, 462
Wainscott, Bob 453
Walsh, Mike 366
Webb, Mark 88, 100
Wendricks, Carolyn 444
Wheeland, Keith C. 495
Wilson, David 489
Wolf, Liz 42, 48
Woods, John 359
Woodward, Lisa 45
Wright, Winfield G. 30
Zimmerman, Robert 179
Zuercher, Sheila 493