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1995 Speleo Digest

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Edited by James Adams

1995 Speleo Digest Summary

Have you ever held your breath while squirming through a submerged lead only to discover virgin borehole? You can read about this adventure and many others in the 1995 Speleo Digest. It is chock full of every cave related topic imaginable.
This 602 page book continues the previous Speleo Digest series and has 32 states and numerous countries represented during the first 300 pages of cave descriptions and maps. The rest of this timely publication has articles on Archaeology, Biology, Conservation, Equipment, Fiction, Geology, History, Hydrology, Safety, Lighting, Locating Caves, Photography, Surveying, and Vertical Caving. If you prefer more casual reading, the Digest is renowned for its chapter of Caver Humor and the graphics, poetry, songs, and other tid bits spread throughout its pages.

Table of Contents

United States Cave Descriptions 9

International Cave Descriptions 297

Equipment & Techniques 335

Cave Science 443

Spelean History 507

Speleo Fiction & Humor 549

Authors Index 583

Title Index 585

Cave Index by Name 592

Cave Index by State 596

Authors Index