Warren Cave Nature PreserveWarren Cave Nature Preserve, located in Alachua County, Florida, was donated to the NSS in early 1991 by The Nature Conservancy. The Nature Conservancy had held the property, since acquiring it in 1976 with the help of the Florida Speleological Society, an NSS grotto. The Warren Preserve property is now overseen by the Warren Cave Nature Preserve Committee, co-chaired by David Lizdas and Doug Prior, with assistance from the Florida Speleological Society. Warren Cave is the longest known dry cave in Florida with over four miles of mapped passage. At the present time, the cave is gated, but visitation is allowed. A waiver must be signed for admittance to the property.
If you have questions about this Preserve, e-mail David Lizdas and Doug Prior at WarrenPreserve@caves.org