Take nothing but pictures, Leave nothing but footprints, Kill nothing but time |
Survey of Kansas CavesThe K.S.S. has conducted numerous surveys and produced many maps of Kansas caves. Some of those maps are available in past issues of the Kansas Kaver and Kansas Caves. Other maps are available in the K.S.S. library and members' personal files. Several ongoing projects are being conducted in the state at this time. More information about cave surveying can be obtained from the National Spelelogical Society or the K.S.S. The K.S.S. owns three complete sets of survey gear, including three clinometer/compass units, and three 100' Keeson tapes, which are available for use by members to survey caves. Survey data collected while using K.S.S. survey gear must be shared with the K.S.S. Users agree to replace or repair survey gear damaged while in their possession. To contact the K.S.S Librarian, e-mail
The K.S.S. publishes a newsletter, the Kansas Kaver, six times a year. All K.S.S. publications are available to K.S.S. members. Membership to the K.S.S. is open to anyone who supports cave conservation. Send annual dues of $15 per year to the K.S.S. Treasurer Steve Kite. For more information, email kss@caves.org