KSS logo Kansas Speleological Society
Dedicated to the Study, Conservation, and Exploration of Kansas Caves
Take nothing but pictures,
Leave nothing but footprints,
Kill nothing but time

Study of Caves

The membership of the K.S.S. is made up of many persons interested in many different aspects of caves and caving. Caves are a frontier that has not been fully explored. Due to the nature of caves, unique individuals are attracted to their study. Persons from all walks of life have the opportunity to become amateur speleologists who can donate to an understudied field of science. Anyone can be a speleologist by participating in karst studies, cave surveys, photodocumentation, groundwater resource studies, resource identification surveys, biological surveys, mineral identification, and pollution studies. There are endless opportunities to contribute to the study of caves.

The study of Kansas caves continues with K.S.S. members having been involved in many of the above mentioned fields of interest.

Join the NSS!   The K.S.S. is formed as an internal organization of the National Speleological Society and was officially chartered on May 30, 1984. Visit www.caves.org for N.S.S. membership information.

Extra! Extra! Read all about Kansas kaving! The K.S.S. publishes a newsletter, the Kansas Kaver, six times a year. All K.S.S. publications are available to K.S.S. members.

   Membership to the K.S.S. is open to anyone who supports cave conservation. Send annual dues of $15 per year to the K.S.S. Treasurer Steve Kite. For more information, email kss@caves.org

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Copyright © 2004 Kansas Speleological Society          For information about caves and caving in Kansas, contact: kss@caves.org