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Dedicated to the Study, Conservation, and Exploration of Kansas Caves
Take nothing but pictures,
Leave nothing but footprints,
Kill nothing but time

Crayon Drawings

by KSS Members
"What caving means to me"

The opinions expressed here are those of the artists
and do not necessarily reflect the views of others,
especially nitpicky busybodies.

Bob's drawing

Bob's drawing represents the adventure in a cave, possibly falling into an unknown cave in the forest. The water represents his desire to one day go cave diving.

To Bryan, caving means the six hour drive to the cave in his SpeleoSuburban, getting stuck in a tight crawl and having to be pulled out by his boots, and afterwards... "For all the caving you do, this Mud's for you..."

Bryan's drawing
Emily's drawing

A caving inspiration came to Emily while at Marvel Cave, Mo. She was intrigued by the five balloons flown in the cave, which combined spelunking and flying.

It is Gaylen's dream that his involvement with caving will one day lead to the discovery of and possibly his visit to a cave on Mars. Photographs from the Jet Propulsion Lab indicate that there may be cave systems on Mars.

Gaylen's drawing
Janet's drawing

For Janet, caving is a "low down dirty adventure" which is highlighted by crawling among beautiful formations.

"Virgin Cave! and I found it!" is what keeps Jimmy caving.

Jim's drawing
Steve's drawing

The thrill of a starry, moonlit night trip to a "Mystery Cave" allows Steve to cave in the "second dimension." "The best you ever get."

Approaching the darkness, Stevee "ponders what lies ahead in the abyss of the unknown."

Stevee's drawing
Tom's drawing

Tom's drawings represent the sore, red knees one gets from caving, but also the mystery of caves.

To Wayne, the best part of caving is lying on a big rock deep in a cave, absorbing the darkness and the cool of the stone. "No matter if my light is off, this is the brightest spot in the cave."

Wayne's drawing

Mary's drawing

During Mary's first experience in a non-commercial cave she was attacked by a bat. Her surprise was obvious as shown here.

To Guy, caving means entering Mother Earth, and "that's the way to get in there."

Guy's drawing

Join the NSS!   The K.S.S. is formed as an internal organization of the National Speleological Society and was officially chartered on May 30, 1984. Visit www.caves.org for N.S.S. membership information.

Extra! Extra! Read all about Kansas kaving! The K.S.S. publishes a newsletter, the Kansas Kaver, six times a year. All K.S.S. publications are available to K.S.S. members.

   Membership to the K.S.S. is open to anyone who supports cave conservation. Send annual dues of $15 per year to the K.S.S. Treasurer Steve Kite. For more information, email kss@caves.org

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Copyright © 2004 Kansas Speleological Society          For information about caves and caving in Kansas, contact: kss@caves.org