The Sara Corrie Memorial Fund provides grants to support group cave exploration in the United States and its territories. The U.S. Exploration Committee administers the fund by review and approval of grant proposals. Up to six grants per year may be awarded. Applicants must be NSS members and may apply at any time. No group may receive more than one grant in one calendar year. Applications will be considered for only one year. Groups may reapply in the following or later calendar years but must demonstrate progress has been made in the objectives of their past proposal through published report or presentation.
The maximum grant amount is $1,000. All grant requests are to be supported by a breakdown and list of item(s) and cost(s) needed to support exploration. No funding will be provided to activity outside of exploration such as research, photography or filming, or touring or sport related caving activity unless it is shown that these activities are in support of original exploration.
To make a request send either a written proposal or e-mail to the Chairman of the U.S. Exploration Committee describing: The location of the cave or system of caves to be explored; the estimated dates the exploration will begin and end; a short description of the cave(s), the geologic and geographical setting and potential for discovery, and the expected challenges; a breakdown or list of the expected items to be used in the exploration, and the cost of each. Examples of items are rope, rigging gear, climbing gear, survey gear, diving gear, and can include costs for underground camping supplies, food, and travel.
Decisions on grants generally take two to six weeks. Expect another several weeks to receive the funds. The successful recipient group can expect a synopsis of their proposal to be posted on this Web site for the calendar year. In addition, the recipient group is expected to provide a short report of exploration findings in addition to listing of members, etc., with some action photos and group for posting on the Web site, and publish the results of their exploration in the NSS News or give a presentation at the annual NSS Convention, U.S Exploration Session. Failure to publish or present as noted will be grounds for denial of future grant requests.
To Apply
Submit an application letter to the Chairman of the US Exploration Committee (below) explaining why a
grant is needed, how the grant will be used, and the amount required. The chairman will then
correspond with the applicant if any additional information is required by the committee.
Committee Chairman
Jason Ballensky
mail: jason@ballensky.com
Committee Members
Stan Allison - New Mexico, Texas, and Midwestern states
Dave Black – Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky
Hans Bodenhamer - Northwest
Nikki Fox – East
Jon Lillestolen – Southeast