NSS Planning Committee
Where is the NSS headed?
What plans does the Society have for the future?
In a changing economic, demographic, and political environment it is essential that the NSS look ahead and anticipate future opportunities, needs, and obstacles in order to draw plans that will effectively further the organization's mission. The process of creating a broad, general plan for the future is strategic planning. The NSS Planning Committee is actively involved in helping the Board of Governors craft that plan. For a complex organization like the NSS this is no simple task, and following the Board's wishes that task has been broken up into several broad topis termed focus areas. After the initial plan is constructed, it will be continually reviewed and updated in order to assure it continues to address issues important to the members and to advance organizational goals over time.
09-594 Planning Committee 11-06-04, 03-22-97
"The NSS Planning Committee in the president's department is established to lead and facilitate for the Board the development and maintenance of a strategic plan for the future of the NSS."
Planning for the NSS has been a long term trial. Even though the Planning Committee was has established by the Board in 1997 a complete plan has never yet been submitted for Board action. The current planning committee is committed to helping the Board develop a plan that will serve as a guide into the future, and to put into place a process that future committees can easily follow to assure continuity in the planning process.
The committee chair reports to the NSS President, who occasionally requests that the committee assist in drafting other documents for the benefit of the Board. The Planning Committee currently consists of ten members, drawn from various regions of the country and with differing points of view as to how the NSS might best prepare for an uncertain future. In addition to working under the President and for the Board, the Planning Committee works with other NSS Committees and Internal Organizations to accomplish Society goals.
Members wishing to communicate with the Planning committee may send e-mails to:
or contact the members of the committee individually.