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Certificate of MeritThe Board of Governors may, each year at the convention, award several Certificates of Merit, each for a specific recent accomplishment in cave exploration, study, or conservation or which furthers other goals of the Society. Ordinarily no more than three accomplishments should be honored each year. The awards shall be selected with the advice of the Awards Committee. For each such award, up to three individuals or organizations responsible for the accomplishment shall be named and presented with copies of the certificate. If an individual recipient is a member of the Society, his status as a Certificate of Merit recipient shall be recorded in the Society's membership records.
Tips to Writing a Good NominationThe Certificate of Merit is for people, organizations, or groups of people (up to three) who have made recent significant contributions to caving or the Society. Recipients do not have to be members of the Society to receive this award. Emphasis for this award is for recent specific accomplishments and achievements and not typically for long-term projects. Your nomination letter should include details of the nominee's contributions. Please do not assume that "everyone" knows your nominee and your nominee's merits. Letters from other people supporting your nomination are helpful, especially if they provide additional useful insights into the nominee's contributions. |
This page was last updated on October 18, 2022
Contact Award Committee webmaster Tony Canike for comments or suggestions. |