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Welcome to the web page of the National Speleological Society's (NSS) Section of Cave Geology and Geography. The Section is the oldest in the NSS, and since 1968 has generally functioned as a forum for the exchange of cave geoscience information and the interaction of karst geoscientists. It also serves as the NSS's link to the American Geological Institute. This is not to say that non-geoscientists or non-degreed persons are not welcome. In fact, it's just the opposite. Cave science is largely based on the explorations and observations of cavers (which describes most degreed Section members when you strip away the degrees) and other folks who often have a strong interest in the geosciences and make many and substantive contributions. This aspect of caving/cave science makes the Section a group that has the degrees and does the related "big science," yet is just as comfortable with low key science, interdisciplinary science, and cave science education.

The Section is active in several ways, and is picking up steam. For example:

  • The Section maintains the list of the longest and deepest caves in the world and the U.S.

  • In 1996, we sponsored and received an award for an "Interactions of Karst Geology and Ecology" symposium for the American Association for the Advancement of Science's annual meeting.

  • Each year at the NSS Convention, we give a workshop or symposium on some aspect of cave geoscience that is geared to be interesting and informative for geoscientists and non-geoscientists alike.Topics of recent years include: karst hydrology, karst geology of the Guadalupe Mountains, cave paleontology, karst environmental management, vulcanospeleology, and karst geomicrobiology.

  • We are co-producing the first national environmental education booklet on karst with the American Geological Institute titled "Living with Karst: a Fragile Foundation." It will be published in Spring 2001.

  • This web page is the most recent means by which the Section is spreading karst geoscience information to those who need it. 

In addition to the above activities, each year at NSS Convention, the Section hosts the Geology and Geography Session for the presentation of new research (anyone wishing to give a paper needs to contact Section Executive Secretary). 

This web site is new and building. If you have any questions, comments,praises, criticisms, or contributions for this site, contact our Web Editor.
