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GIS Special Interest Group

GIS is not limited to the geosciences and has broad applications to the other sciences as well as cave exploration. The Geology and Geography Section is simply only offering its website as a convenient place to post the GIS information and welcomes input from any interested person.

Following are some good resources for the ESRI Cave/Karst GIS community. Users of other GIS and digital mapping products are encouraged to send their information for the website.

The ESRI Cave and Karst Web site:
At the bottom of the above web page, you’ll find a way to subscribe to the ESRI Cave and Karst eNewsletter, and also to back issues. The newsletter comes out intermittently, and you won’t get spammed with ESRI advertising. There’s also a discussion forum link (not very active, but you never know).

Virtual Campus, with online courses covering a variety of software; introductory courses are all free:

The Virtual Campus also has “campus clubs” covering special interests. There is a cave and karst club, though it is not active (but you never know). Lots of other clubs are active.

General user discussion forums: Ask questions, get answers.

An excellent set of technical resources is the ESRI Knowledge Base and Support Center:
The Support Center

Knowledge base:
A gateway to all sorts of resources, including documentation, scripts, FAQs, etc.

ArcUser is an excellent user-oriented publication with lots of articles that explain how to do things, and even a few cave and karst related reports from time to time. You can subscribe to ArcUser and ArcNews for free. The “New to GIS?” link on the above web page points to some very good resources and the Top 10 suggestions for new GIS users: http://www.esri.com/news/arcuser/newtogis.html


If anyone has or knows of “how-to” or other problem-solving information on the Internet, especially with regard to cave and karst research, please send the web address to the Section Web Editor
