![]() | ppppppppppppp | An Overview |
In 1971,the State of Iowa took out a 3-year lease on the land above Coldwater Cave on the farm of Ken and Wanda Flatland. For that time period, the state conducted and sponsored a number of different research projects in the cave. One of the objectives of the research was to determine the feasibility of developing Coldwater Cave. The recommendations at the end of that study were that the cave not be developed. In January of 1975, the lease expired and the land, entrance shaft, plus "improvements", reverted to the landowners. The State offered to seal the shaft if the Flatlands requested it. Fortunately the owners wished to continue to offer access to this truly unique cave.
Some of the founding members of the Coldwater Cave Project, top l-r Jeff Plache, Brad Olson, Bruce Coulter, Doc Lewis, bottom l-r Pete DeVries, Mark Rohn, Pat Kambesis, Mike Bounk (circa 1977),In 1976, the Rock River Grotto of the NSS began the Coldwater Cave Project. This was envisioned to be a long-term project that was open to cavers who were interested in participating in exploration and survey activities in Coldwater Cave. The purpose of the project was to provide a cohesive structure in which to collect and process survey data, to support research and other activities, and to promote camaraderie among cavers. Since 1976, the Project has consistently met these goals while welcoming cave explorers from Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Arkansas, South Dakota and Kentucky to participate in project activities.
The Coldwater Cave Project is an official project of the NSS. In addition to exploration and survey, project work includes resources inventory, photo documentation and photo monitoring, restoration/conservation activities, and support of research in the main system and other related caves in the area.
The Coldwater Cave Project is open to all cavers who are interested in participating in the ongoing survey and study of Coldwater Cave and other caves in the county. For more information contact Coldwater Cave Project.
Project trips occur on the third weekend of every month. Work conducted includes survey/inventory, photodocumentation, restoration, and research support.
Off weekend trips are conducted for water sampling, dye tracing and dye receptor retrieval.
Project Personnel
Mike Lace: Project Coordinator; surveyor, cartographer.
Larry Welch: Data management, computer cartography, experienced surveyor; has been dealing with data management for the Coldwater Project since 1992.
Chris Beck: Conservation/Restoration Coordinator. Extensive experience with cave restoration work in Carlsbad Caverns, Lechuguilla Cave, Mammoth Cave and many other caves in Iowa and Illinois.
Scott Dankof: Project photographer. Has been providing photo archives of the project since 1986.
Doug Schmuecker: Rescue logistics. Coordinates rescue training for the project.
John Lovaas: Science Support Coordinator. Coordinates and implements data and sample collection for science-related projects that require manpower and project resources Currently is collecting and replacing dye receptors for a basin delineation project, providing support in water sample collection for a water quality study, and collecting data for a cave water temperature study.
Coldwater Project Participants
Joe Abbott
John Ackerman
Dick Ames
Ed Arters
Bryan Bain
Tom Backer
Bruce Baker
Mike Barden
Steve Barnett
Tony Barron
Chris Beck
Al Berg
Mike Bounk
John Bowman
Jeff Burkett
Wayne Burke
Jeff Bushman
Jans Carlson
Andy Christianson
Chuck Crandall
Bruce Coulter
Tim Dailey
Greg Daigle
Scott Dankof
Peter Dayton
Jack Decker
Betty DeVries
Dave DeVries
Donna DeVries
Peter DeVries
Jeff Dorale
Ralph Earlandson
James Erickson
Dave Ecklund
Sue Ecklund
Tom Egert
Jim Elliott
Gary Engh
Mike Eviston
Jeff Fagerland
Ron Fedie
Paul Finch
Larry Fattig
Ken Flatland
Wanda Flatland
Bruce Foyer
Mary Foyer
Dave Gerboth
Gwenne Glasser
Harold Herrington
John Henning
Kevin Henning
Duke Hopper
Mike Houle
Dave Jagnow
Kathy Jamrog
Jason Jech
Joe Jonakin
Mark Jones
Pat Kambesis
Jim Klager
Ed Klausner
Hannah Klausner
Joe Klausner
Charlie Knight
Bob Kooser
Gary Krafp
Alex Krakinovsky
Matt Kramar
Steve Kreitlow
Greg Kromminga
Randy Kwiatakowski
Don Koch
Norb KoxClyde Kuehnen
Mike Lace
Larry Laine
Ben Larson
Phil LaRue
Kris Licursi
Reno Lippold
John Lovaas
Jeremy Ludwig
Doc Lewis
Greg McCarty
Loren McVey
Elizabeth Miller
Paul Miller
John Moses
Steve Moon
Rolland Moore
Mike Mosch
Philip Moss
Bill Mulder
Mary Nellis
Bill Nelson
Mike Nelson
Rick Nelson
Rich Ness
Warren Netherton
Marc Ohms
Rene Ohms
Brad Olson
Patti Osborn
Carroll Paulson
Jeff Plache
Chris Poe
Steve Porter
Chuck Rex
Dave RichardsonJim Roberts
Mark Rohn
Frank Rose
Randy Runyon
Dawn Ryan
Neil Saylor
Doug Schmuecker
Nathan Schmuecker
R. C. Schroeder
Vince Schusk
Paul Scobie
Barry Schuman
Greg Sherf
Dave Smith
Don Smith
Jon Smith
Lois Staff
Gary Soule
Ron Spong
Brett Swanson
Jeremy Tallent
Peter Tokheim
Mark Tokheim
Tom Varisco
Al Veal
Bob Wahlstrom
Beth Welch
Larry Welch
Al Wellhausen
Jay Wells
Shirley Wickland
Aaron Wildenborg
Sarah Wildenborg
Eric Winch
George Zacchiriasen
Dean Zimmerman
copyright 2003 (C) Coldwater Cave Project