This is the official logo of the Iowa Grotto (this logo is copyright protected).

The Iowa Grotto

Iowa Chapter of
the National Speleological Society

The Iowa Grotto is a non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to
the exploration, preservation, and study of Iowa caves since 1949.

Clicking here will open the National Speleological web site in another window.

{ Home }-{ Get Involved }-{ Meetings }-{ Officers }-{ Publications }-{ History }-{ Projects }

{ Photographs }-{ Cave Maps }-{ Iowa Karst }-{ Bibliography }-{ Contact Us }-{ Links }

In order to facilitate the operation and business of the organization the Iowa Grotto has four executive officers, four appointed officers, and two non-officer positions.

Executive officers are the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer, and each serves a one-year term after being elected by other Grotto members.

Appointed officers are the Grotto Safety Officer, Grotto Conservation Officer, and Grotto Librarian.

Non-officer positions are the NTERCOM Editor and Webmaster.

For information on how to contact Iowa Grotto officers, please click on the Contact Us link in the menu at the top of the page.

Copyright © 2005. The Iowa Grotto, P.O. Box 228, Iowa City, Iowa 52244, All rights reserved.
Questions or comments? Contact the Iowa Grotto Webmaster (