This is the official logo of the Iowa Grotto (this logo is copyright protected).

The Iowa Grotto

Iowa Chapter of
the National Speleological Society

The Iowa Grotto is a non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to
the exploration, preservation, and study of Iowa caves since 1949.

Click here to learn more about the National Spelelogical Society, the parent organization of the Iowa Grotto.

{ Home }-{ Get Involved }-{ Meetings }-{ Officers }-{ Publications }-{ History }-{ Projects }

{ Photographs }-{ Cave Maps }-{ Iowa Karst }-{ Bibliography }-{ Contact Us }-{ Links }

The Iowa Grotto can be reached at the following address, or by contacting one of the two following officers by email or phone.

Iowa Grotto
P.O. Box 228
Iowa City, Iowa 52244

Ed Klausner
(319) 354-2940

The Iowa Grotto meets quarterly in various locations. For more detailed information regarding the meetings, please contact the secretary, Elizabeth Miller at or the calendar which may not be kept up to date Meetings link in the menu at the top of the page.

If you have a question or comment regarding the web site, please contact the Webmaster at

Copyright © 2005. The Iowa Grotto, P.O. Box 228, Iowa City, Iowa 52244, All rights reserved.
Questions or comments? Contact the Iowa Grotto Webmaster (