The Cartography Salon will be conducted in person so there will not be an option to upload maps for judging. Deadline for submitting maps to the Cartographic Salon is Monday, June 13, 2022 by 2:00pm, in the Events Center. All entries should be given to the Cartography Salon coordinator (Pat Kambesis) by the deadline. All Judging will be on-site and will take place at the Events Center. Any questions contact Pat Kambesis.
This year's salon will also feature a "Cavers Choice" award. Convention participants will be able to vote for their favorite map entry.
The NSS Cartographic Salon is held annually at the National Speleological Society Convention and has four purposes:
Highlights include:
Salon Resources: Entry Form pdf Judging Criteria pdf Contact.
The Cartographic Salon is
operated by the Survey and Cartography Section
of the NSS. Visit their home at SACS
All cave cartographers are welcome to enter maps. You do not need to be a US resident or NSS member. A map may be entered only by its cartographer, unless written permission from the cartographer is provided. The salon considers the cartographer to be the person or persons who drew the final map and who created the look and arrangement of the final map.
Type of Maps
Maps of caves or karst related features may be entered. There are no restrictions of cave size or location.
Map Formats
The salon accepts a variety of formats and methods of presentation. Innovations are encouraged (including web-based maps). Cartographers wishing to submit electronic displays of their maps must provide their own media for displaying the maps.
Number of Maps
Cartographers may enter as many as THREE maps for 2022.
There are no fees for the Cartographic Salon.
Map Formats:
Typical Map entries are on paper medium though other methods can also be used as long as the cartographer provides the media (computer/laptop, monitors, etc) in which the map should be viewed.
Put a URL for your map on the salon entry form, and we will do the rest. Innovation in this media is welcome and encouraged.
Though specific judging criteria for web based maps have
not yet been developed for this salon, web-maps should include features that use the web format to
advantage, such as view control or interactive controls.
Entry Form
The entry form can be found on this website. Detailed instructions are presented below.
Enter the full name of the cartographer for all the maps entered. At a minimum, include a complete first and last name.
Where all the maps are created by more than one cartographer, list the names at the top of the form. The order of names shown on the entry form will be used in any award presentations.
Where not all the maps entered have the same set of cartographers, either submit separate entry forms or list all the cartographers alongside the entry for each map.
Provide contact information for one of the cartographers. The number for a cell phone carried at convention may be handy.
Enter the Cartographic Salon category that applies to the cartographers entering the maps (see Judging and Awards). If there is more than one cartographer, pick the most experienced category that applies to any of the cartographers.
For each map, enter the name of the cave and its location, including county, state, and country (or non-US equivalents).
If the map shows a section, quadrant, or other subdivision of a cave, include both the name of the section and the name of the cave. For system or thematic maps, enter the map title.
Your PDF maps will be sent to the judges only and will not be made available for download. As in other years, images of winning maps will be included in the Salon Awards presentation only if you allow it in your submition form.
Please read the use rights section of the entry form. If you want to have your winning map shown during the Salon Awards
Presentations and shown in the record of winners on the NSS website,
then mark the box and put your dated signature at the bottom.
This is optional.
Maps are entered in one of three categories, based on the experience level of the map’s cartographers.
The apprentice category is for cartographers who have never been awarded a ribbon at a previous NSS Cartographic Salon.
The experienced category is for cartographers who have won one or more ribbons at a previous NSS Cartographic Salon, but not a Medal.
The master category is for cartographers who have been awarded the Medal at a previous NSS Cartographic Salon.
Awards by Salon Judges
Given to maps that demonstrate cartographic technique at a level suited to the category.
Given to maps that demonstrate consistent cartographic technique at the top level of the category.
Given to outstanding maps that demonstrate a consistent excellence of cartographic technique.
Caver’s Choice Award - This will be awarded to the map with the most caver votes.
Awards are presented by the Cartographic Salon Chair at the Salon Awards Show. This is traditionally held on Thursday evening of convention and includes all the great NSS Salons.
FRIDAY MORNING CRITIQUES (June 17, 2022-10am, Events Center) |
The most important part of the Cartographic Salon is the critique of the maps. This often is the only opportunity a mapper has to hear feedback from a group of fellow cave cartographers who each have taken time to study the map and to construct careful advice.
Monday June 13th, 2022 by 2pm in the Events Center
Deadline for receiving entries. |
Monday June 13th, 2022 2pm through Wednesday June 15th by 5pm
Map judging time frame. |
Thursday June 16th, 2022 | Awards will be presented at the Salon Awards Show at both short and long sessions |
Friday June 17th, 2022
Map critiques will be available. Everyone is welcome to attend. |
Pat Kambesis
Updated on June 7, 2022