SWR Group Photos


May 26, 2012: SWR 50th Celebration at Fort Stanton in front of Building #9 with the railing we restored

Photo by Pete & Karen Lindsley using Nikon D-60 w/ 18-200 mm lens @ 18mm


December 3, 2011 SWR Winter Tech in Las Cruces, Hosted by Mesilla Valley Grotto

Someone not in photo using Pete Lindsley's Nikon D60 18mm lens


September 3, 2011 at Labor Day Regional, hosted by Pajarito Grotto at San Pedro Parks Wilderness NW of Santa Fe, NM

Photo By Jeff Bach using a Nikon D90 w/ 18-200 mm lens @ 18mm


May 28, 2011 at Big Manhole Cave

Steve Peerman Photo using a Canon PowerShot A2000IS


March 19, 2011 at Fluorite Ridge

Pete Lindsley photo, Nikon D60 18mm lens


SWR Potluck at Convention in Michigan.

Photo by Jennifer Foote, Kodak DX4900

March 28, 2009 at Big Manhole Cave

Steve Peerman said "I used a Nikon Coolpix 8800 on a tripod, took two photos and merged them using PanoramaMaker. Then I added a border and caption using GraphicConverter."

1989 Panoramic Photo in Pickle Alley, Carlsbad Caverns

Steve Peerman said " A panoramic photographer took the picture. I had my photo print framed and this is a picture of that framed photo behind glass, with the frame cuting off part of the photo. The current name list needs updating (adding in a few names from a 2008 Regional identifying effort) and perhaps I will take it to the next Regional. Please e-mail me the additional names of people that you know and we will do an update."

SWR 2001 Kentucky

Steve Peerman said: "This one was taken at the Taco Salad Feed at the 2001 Kentucky NSS Convention"

SWR 1999 Idaho

Steve Peerman said: "This one was taken at the 1999 Filer, Idaho NSS Convention"

1984 Fort Stanton Regional

Steve Peerman said: "Many of us have a copy of this one. My copy has 1984 written on it, but the resoloution is not great and since I don't know who took the photo it is difficult to track down a better resolution photo."

1980 (?) Winter Tech at Las Cruces

Steve Peerman said: "Kathy and I have identified some of the people, but we are not positive about the year. Take a close look and if anyone can add or correct names it will be easy to correct. Please send comments to Steve Peerman."



Links to More Photo Pages Below

Group Photos 2010

Scanned Photos 3 at Cottonwood, Dec. 1964




Do you have a good photo of SWR activites that you would like to share with the Region? Send a copy to your webmasters for consideration of inclusion on this web site. No digital copy? We can scan and convert 35mm slides or up to 8.5 x 12 inch prints.


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Rev. 6-11-2012
SWR pages maintained by Jennifer Foote and Pete Lindsley