Activities and History
Spring Regional
**To be rescheduled** March 20-22, 2020Big Manhole/ Parks Ranch
See your Southwestern Cavers for more information
Regional activities include exploration, mapping, cave inventory, scientific study, public education and awareness, and conservation and restoration volunteer efforts with the NPS, BLM, and USFS. The Southwestern Region holds four Regional meetings a year. Three of them are field meetings, and include caving activities and/or volunteer projects. The Winter Technical is held indoors with technical papers presented.
Spring Regional - late March or Early April
Summer Regional - usually Memorial Day weekend
Fall Regional - usually Labor Day weekend
Winter Technical Regional - usually held the first or second weekend in December
SWR Caving Calendar
2020 | |
October 14 7 pm | SWR Business meeting via Zoom contact swrNSSchair@gmail.com |
Oct 21 7 pm | ARA Business meeting via Zoom |
November 14-15 | Lechuguilla Cave 150 Mile Celebration-Zoom |
TBD | SWR Winter Tech via Zoom |
Cancelled | High Guads Restoration Project |
Cancelled | Carlsbad Caverns Cable Camouflage Crew -contact Lois Manno |
cancelled | Fort Stanton Cave Study Project |
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