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Index 1

25 Year
Cumulative Index

Index 3

5 year
Cumulative Index

The Northeastern Caver 5 year Cumulative Index, 1994-1998

VOLUMES XXV - XXIXby Steve Higham

The codes used in the cave index are as follows:

a accident, rescue
g geology/hydrology
o owners, access, gating
b biology
h history
p photograph
c conservation
i illustration
r rumor or report
d description
m map
x location

The table below shows the page numbers of each issue in volume XXV to XXIX.

ISSUE NO. 1 2 3 4 Note: "(SD)" indicates that the article appears

VOL. YEAR FIRST PAGE OF ISSUE in the Speleodigest for the year of publication.

25 1994 1 34 66 101 (Speleodigests for 1995, 1996, and 1997 were

26 1995 1 39 73 106 available as of the publication of this index.)

27 1996 1 36 69 101

28 1997 1 37 71 107

29 1998 1 39 73 109

Accidents, safety, hazards, rescues

Assistance in Hanor’s Cave/ Allen, George 29-44

Bat Rabies Caused Death of Girl/ Anon. 26-110

Clarksville Cave Accident/ Nardacci, Mike 29-8

Falling Rocks! - To be or not to be...Flattened!/

Botto,Larry 26-89

Flood in McFail’s/ Zimmerman, Bob 27-77 (SD)

Floyd Collins Revisited/ Dunn, Russell 29-113

Gage Cave Accident Report/ Porter, Chuck 26-114

High Tide at Pompeys/ McLuckie, Steve 29-125

Junkyard Cave Body Recovery/ Schindel, Geary 26-69

Mine Safety: A Closer Look/ Plante, Alan

Higham, Steve 25-28

Rabies Facts/ Winfrey, Cathy 25-10

Rescue at Keyhole Cave/ Barton,Tom; Douglas,Craig; Errandonea,Francois; Gasser,Morrie; Hartshorne,Toinette; Hollick,Dave; McLuckie,Steve; Mobley,Emily; Porter,Chuck 29-78

Biology & Ecology

Effect of the January 1996 Flood on McFail’s Cave/ Palmer, Peg Palmer, Art 27-79

Book Reviews

Catskills, A Geological Guide, The (review of)/

Addis, Bob 26-9

Down to a Sunless Sea(review)/ McLuckie, Steve 28-35

Vermont Caves - A Geologic and Historical Guide

(review of)/ Porter, Chuck 25-111

You Can’t Believe Everything You Read/ Engel,Thom 27-83

Cartoons and Drawings

1931 Coca-Cola advertisement/ Anon. 26-65

Bat Cave/ Abare, Jeff 28-101 (SD)

Cartoon, untitled/ Abare, Jeff 27-84

cartoon, untitled/ Fluke, Andy 27-105,28-18(SD),


cartoon/ Pingree, R. 25-39

Cave Disappointment, Hanors Cave, NY/ McKusick, Gloria 25-27

Cave Life/ Higham, Steve 27-9 (SD)

Cave Mistake/ Whittemore, Mark 25-70

Concealment Caverns/ Abare, Jeff 28-26

Defying Gravity Near Everest/ Whittemore, Mark 25-70

Got Milk?!?/ Fluke, Andy 28-77 (SD)

If You Come North To Cave…/ Fluke, Andy 29-119

New York Caving/ McLuckie, Steve 25-24

Nick-a-jack Cave/ Anon. 25-67

No Go!/ Abare, Jeff 28-69

Pits, The/ Abare, Jeff 27-41(SD),28-10(SD)

Tales From The Lost Cavern/ Fluke, Andy


Under What?/ Abare, Jeff 28-50

Vision in My Moustache, A/ Lieberman, Neal 28-129 (SD)

Wing Section, The/ Lieberman, Neal 25-86

Wing Section at Howe’s Cavern, The/ Lieberman, Neal 27-70

Cave Descriptions and Explorations

1813 Description of Sunderland Ice Cave, An/

Douglas, Joe Porter, Chuck 28-63

1995 Ice Walk Log/ Carroll, Robert W., Jr. 26-59

1998 Ice-Slab ‘Caves’ at Potsdam, N.Y./

Carroll, Robert W., Jr. 29-14

1998 Villa Luz Expedition, The/ Porter, Chuck

Hose, Louise 29-9

Allagash Ice Cave, The/ Higham, Steve 25-119

Allagash Ice Caves Revisited/ Hendrickson, Eric 28-22 (SD)

Allegany State Park Region Caves/ Marlett, Tim 29-46

Aragonite Confirmed in New York/ Folsom, Bill 27-115 (SD)

Balls Cave/ Anon. Engel, Thom (submitter) 25-95

Barrack Zourie cave map/ Dumont, Kevin 26-83

Barrack Zourie Cave: "Into the Heights"/

Hopkins, Tony 25- 46

Barrack Zourie, The Continuing Saga/ Hopkins, Tony 25-72,107

Barrack Zourie, Winter Notes from my Diary/

Hopkins, Tony 26-46

Barren Mountain Update/ Higham, Steve 25- 88

Bears Breath Cave/ Higham, Steve 29-20

Been to any Good Digs Lately?/ Botto, Larry 27-21

Blueberry Cave/ Hendrickson, Eric 29-122

Bonticou Crag Caves/ Allen, George R. 25-25

Cave Hunting in Southern Maine/ Higham, Steve 29-140

Caver is Born!, A, Little Peaked Mtn. Cave, Maine/ Hendrickson, Eric 28-99 (SD)

Cavern at Trenton Falls/ Whitesborough, D.B.,

Engel, Thom (submitter) 26-25 (SD)

Caves of Austin Glen: Austin Cave/ Hopkins, Tony 28-84

Caving in La Redemption,Quebec/ Hendrickson,Eric 28-95 (SD)

Cayuga Cave/ Allen, George R. 25-98

Central Lake Champlain - At Last/

Carroll, Robert W., Jr. 25-49

Central New Hampshire Talus Leads/ Belliveau, Gary 29-12

Chevy Cave (map)/ Whittemore, Mark 28-27 (SD)

Chimney Mountain Notes/ Bartholomew, Roger 29-25

Continuing Exploration of Devils Rhapsody, The/

Hopkins, Tony 29-127

Cornell Was a Caver..and Other Pursuits in Tompkins County / Pease, Jonathan 26-16 (SD)

Cullen Cave - Herkimer County, NY/ Engel, Thom 27-29 (SD)

Cyclops Cave - Hart Ledge, New Hampshire/

Higham, Steve 28-127 (SD)

Dash to BZ, A/ Whittemore, Mark 28-21

Deboullie Township Caves/ Hendrickson, Eric 29-128

Debsconeag Ice Cave, The/ Higham, Steve 28-137 (SD)

Deep Fissure Cave/ Smith, Brad Robinson, Liz

28-118, (SD, 1986)

Devil's Den Cave/ Plante, Alan 25-90

Devils Rhapsody Again/ Hopkins, Tony 29-54

Devils Rhapsody Revisited/ Hopkins, Tony 28-18

Devils Washdish at Treadway Mountain/

Carroll, Robert W., Jr. 27-129

Diggers’ Day Off and Return To the Boneyard/

Hopkins, Tony 29-23

Discovery and Exploration of Keyhole Cave, The/ Pulensky, Paul 29-92

Discovery of 911 Cave.../ Whittemore, Mark 25-14

Discovery of Triple X, The/ Knight, Doug 29-57

Dover Stone Church Cave/ Dunn, Russell 25-31

Easter Cave, Whitingham, Vermont/ Dion, Bob 26-118 (SD)

Eighty-Five Caves, Mines ... of New England/

Charles, Buchanan Moore, Jim (submitter) 29-27,59

Eldon French Cave/ Plante, Alan 28-56 (SD)

Exploration of Skull Cave, Albany County, N.Y./

Palmer, Art 26-50,91 (SD), 27-22 (SD)

Featherstonhaugh's Flop: The Through Trip/

Allen, George 25-118

Flat Creek Gorge Lead Mine/ Dunn, Russell 29-102

Freedleyville Quarry/ Porter, Chuck 28-62

Further Progress at Bensons Cave/ Barton, Tom

Hopkins, Tony 29-13

Garden of Eden 3 - Gateway to Klondike/

Hopkins, Tony 28-44

Garden of Eden 4 (Sinks By The Sugarbush)/

Hopkins, Tony 28-44

Garden of Eden 4: Completion of the Tube/

Hopkins, Tony Barton, Tom 28-85

Garden of Eden 4A: Peggy Hole/

Hopkins, Tony 28-85

Garden of Eden 7: Jack Patricks #3 Beyond the Hairpin/ Hopkins, Tony 28-88

Garden of Eden 8: The Bone Dig/

Hopkins, Tony 28-131

Glawackus Cave - New Discovery in Connecticut/

Knight, Doug 28-78 (SD)

Greene County Gleanings/ Uhll, Tom 28-132

Greenwood and Leverett Revisited/ Higham, Steve

28-28 (SD)

Grenville Marble Revival/ Carroll, Robert W., Jr.

26-101 (SD)

Grotto Cave, Maine/ Hendrickson, Eric 29-138

Gulf Road – Townsend Road Caves and Karst/

Allen, George R. 29-130

Harris Hill Cave/ Marlett, Tim 29-107

Hinman’s Hole, NY/ Anon., Engel, Thom (submitter) 29-119

Inmans Cave/ Higham, Steve 28-102 (SD)

It’s Now Chevy CAVE/ Whittemore, Mark 27-81

Keyhole Cave: More Than Just An Accident Waiting To Happen/ Plante, Alan 29-94

Knox Cave Dig, The/ Ebert, Tom 29-67

Knox Cavern Developer Refuses to Glamorize/ Anon. Nardacci, Mike (submitter) 28-98

Kunjamuk Cave/ Dunn, Russell 25-83

Le Trou des Perdus II/ Hendrickson, Eric 28-130 (SD)

Legend of the Breathing Well, The/ Marlett, Tim 29-64

Lost Room of Easter Cave, The/ Botto, Larry 27-44

Mack Farm Cave/ Grant, Peter 26-58

Maidstone Fracture Cave System, The/ Folsom, Mark Plante, Alan 26-127

Maidstone Update/ Plante, Alan 27-121 (SD)

Main Trou des Perdus System, The/ Hendrickson, Eric 29-51

March, 1996 Ice Walks and Ice Caves/

Carroll, Robert W., Jr. 27-54

Massachusetts Miscellany/ Moore, Jim 28-20 (SD)

Memorial Day Gathering in Schoharie/ Folsom, Mark 27-94

More Berkshire Digging/ Botto, Larry 26-6

More Sea Caves Near Bar Harbor/ Higham, Steve 29-134

Most Difficult Mile, The/ Doan, Daniel

Higham, Steve (submitter) 27-93

Mount Horrid - Reassessment and Challenge/

Carroll, Robert W., Jr. 27-133

Mount Horrid Challenges/ Carroll, Robert W., Jr. 29-98

Na One Pit cave map/ Coons, Don Vesely, Carol 26-81

Nature’s Way/ Hopkins, Tony 27-85

Negley Was a Small Man/ McLuckie, Steve 26-116

Negley's Lost "Football Room" in Knox Cave/

Mylroie, John 25-45

New England Explorations 1994 - 1996/

Higham, Steve 27-88 (SD)

New Entrance at Chevy Cave/ Whittemore,Mark 29-15

New Hampshire and Maine Miscellany/ Higham, Steve 25-54

North Brookfield, Massachusetts Caves/ Moore, Jim 29-136

Northwest New Brunswick Gypsum Karst/

Hendrickson, Eric 29-70

Other Notes of Interest in Southern Vermont/

Racicot, Greg 26-100

Pasture Cave...Year II/ Whittemore, Mark 27-55

Per-Severance Cave/ Keough, John 29-95

Pioneer Valley Finds/ Moore, Jim 29-19

Poestenkill Gorge Cave/ Dunn, Russell 25-52

Progress at Bensons/ Barton, Tom 28-114

Prussian Cave (map)/ Lampkins, Jason Lampkins, Tom Lampkins, Dave Wood, James 28-83

Real Plymouth Water Cave, The/ Pingree, Rick 26-68

Recent Survey Efforts at Tom Ball Mountain/

Howcroft, William D. 28-52 (SD)

Rediscovery of the Mount Anthony Goldmine, The/

Racicot, Greg 26-99 (SD)

Relict Marble Caves at Stephens Pond and Mitchell Ponds, Hamilton County, NY/ Carroll, Robert W., Jr. 28-103 (SD)

Return to Eastern Lake Ontario/Carroll, R.W., Jr. 25-60

Return to Gorge Cave,or,Confessions of the Crawlers/ Hudson, Andrew Pietroiusti, Nina 27-28

Return to Williams Cave/ Porter, Chuck 28-24

Rhodes Cave Rediscovered/ Folsom, Mark 27-126

Sea Caves of Iles de la Madeleine, Quebec, The/ Hendrickson, Eric 28-64

Second Easter at Easter Cave, A/ Higham, Steve

27-42 (SD)

Second Look at the Historical and Statistical Gazetteer of New York State, A/ Porter, Chuck 27-59

Shelter Cave at Marys Glen/ Dunn, Russell 28-104

Shelter Cave on Green Mountain/ Dunn, Russell

26-12 (SD)

Shoenlein Cave/ Hopkins, Tony 27-91

Sinks by the Sugarbush...New Cave/ Allen, George 25-87

Solution Cave in the Far Northeast, A/

Hendrickson, Eric 28-8 (SD)

Spelunking in Erie County, NY: Zoar Valley Cave/ Marlett, Tim 28-116 (SD)

Strontium Mines and Ain’t No Catchment Cave/

Hopkins, Tony 26-84 (SD)

Strontium Mines and Ain’t No Catchment Cave.../ Rubinstein, Josh 29-10

Stupendous Cavern at Watertown/ Anon.

Engel, Thom (submitter) 25-47

Talus Finds During the 1998 Vermont Fall NRO/

Carroll, Robert W., Jr. 29-120

Terrace Mountain Again/ Hopkins, Tony 27-12 (SD)

That’s No Sink – Or Is It?/ Carroll, Robert W., Jr. 29-141

The Cave, Greene County, New York/ Engel, Thom 27-62 (SD)

Traps Cave Revisited/ Hopkins, Tony 27-127

Tunnels of the Third Reich (excerpt)/ Nadich, Bob 25-5

Turning Wheels, The/ Hopkins, Tony 25-8

Uhll Be Cold Cave/ Martuscello, Mike 29-116

Underground Chemistry Classroom, An/

Hendrickson, Eric 29-16

Unknown Pond Mini-Karst, The/Carroll, R. W., Jr. 29-58

Valcour Island - A Preliminary Report/ Engel, Thom

28-120 (SD)

Veenfliet’s Cave, Schoharie County, NY/

Porter, Chuck Dumont, Kevin 27-16 (SD)

Water Cave near Plymouth, Vermont/ Cook, Tom 26-8

Western New York Leads/ Welker, Doug 25-22

Wet Pinch in Morris Cave Is History Or Is It?, The/ Spivak, Jonah 27-106

White Lake Caves,Karst,and Fossil Field/

Allen, George R. 27-51

Whither MBDATHS/ Harris, Kevin 26-124

Will the Real Plymouth Water Cave Please Stand Up?/ Carroll, Robert W., Jr. 26-7

Wiltsies Cave (map)/ Hrepta, George

Kastning, Ernst 28-105

Wright Way to the Lodens System, The/ Hopkins, Tony 27-120

Cave Lengths and Lists

1997 Reassessment of Talus Caves and Snowtubes/

Carroll, Robert W., Jr. 28-92

Discussion of the H97 Talus Standard/

Carroll, Robert W., Jr. 28-49 (SD)

Long and Deep Caves of the World/ Anon. 28-19

Long Caves of the Berkshires - An Update/

Plante, Alan 25-114

New England Long Caves and the Effect of the Talus Standard/ Higham, Steve 28-51 (SD)

New England Long Caves as of 1-1-95 / Higham, Steve 26-5

New York State Long Caves/ Engel, Thom 27-11

Talus Cave Length and Connection Standard, A/

Higham, Steve 28-48 (SD)

Vermont Cave Statistics/ Quick, Peter 25-11

What is a Cave?/ Engel, Thom 28-15 (SD)

Conservation, Vandalism, Gating, Management

Access Policy for Benson's Cave/ Anon. 25-40

Cleanup of the Bears Caves at Allegany State Park/ Marlett, Tim 29-49

Guest Editorial/ Hochreiter, John 26-79

Landowner Relations & Cave Conservation/ Plante, Alan 27-97

McFails and Barton Hill Reports, Late Summer 1995/ Mobley, Emily Davis Mobley, William Frost 26-82

News from the Schoharie Caverns Preserve/

Addis, Bob 26-45,82

Northeastern Cave Conservancy to Reorganize/

Haberland, Peter 29-31

Schoharie Cave Camping Information and Regulations/ Anon. 25-117

Schoharie Caverns Preserve News/ Addis, Bob 28-75

Vanishing Wilderness, The/ Dunn, Russell 27-64

Virginia Region Limited Access Caves, March, 1998/

Hoke, Bob 29-65

Conventions, Meetings

2nd Annual Benson's Cleanup and Cave Extravaganza/ Brandle, Harry 25-112

Nearly All NRO Meetings Ever/ Porter, Chuck 28-11

NSS Board of Governors and NSF Weekend/ Addis, Bob 28-113

Schoharie Cabin Dedication Ceremonies/ Addis, Bob 26-113

Spring 1994 N.R.O/ Anon. 25-6

Spring 96 NRO Gathering/ Anon. 27-41

Cover Photos (chronological order)

formations in Thai cave/ Fanning, Bill 25-1

Knox Cave promotional brochure/ Anon. Porter,Chuck (submitter) 25-35

entrance to Benson's Cave/ Porter, Chuck 25-101

photo collage, Howes Cave/

Anon., Addis, Bob (submitter) 26-39

They call it "Spelunking"/ Latham, Sidney

Porter, Chuck (submitter) 26-73

stairs at Knox Cave/ Porter, Chuck (submitter) 26-107

Cave Disappointment entrance in flood/ Palmer, Art 27-1

caver in pit, Wolfert’s Cave/ Downey, Kevin 27-37

calcite crystals/ Downey, Kevin 27-69

looking out entrance, King Phillips Cave/

Knight, Doug 27-101

entrance, Marble Pond Cave/ Hendrickson, Eric 28-1

Paul Woodell in Jack Patricks Cave/ Levinson, Joe 28-37

Mike Nardacci in McFails Cave/ Palmer, Art 28-71

Lenny Woodruff in Zoar Valley Cave/ Marlett, Tim 28-108

Pete Johnson in Gage Cave/ Martuscello, Mike 29-1

construction of steps, Knox cave/ Driscoll, Edward Middleton, Jack (submitter) 29-39

Claire Anderson rappeling in Peggy Hole/

Downey, Kevin 29-73

The Cave, Hopewell, New Brunswick/ Hendrickson, Eric 29-109

Equipment and Techniques

Cancord Rope/ Porter, Chuck 28-62

Cave Digging Tips/ Dion, Bob 26-57 (SD)

Cleaning Suunto Instruments/ Minton, Mark 29-69

CMAP Family of Cave Mapping Programs, The/

Lippold, Reno 26-21 (SD)

Evolution of a New Seat Harness, The/ Johnson, Pete 27-86 (SD)

Fix Up Your Premier Lamp/ Earl, Scott Wiles, Mike 29-50

Gear Review: The BMS Microrack/ Ivy, Joe 28-97

Gloves and Stuff/ Botto, Larry 26-70 (SD)

Minimalist’s Vertical Gear, A/ Johnson, Pete 28-128

New Bolting Gear/ Mayo, Sherry 27-30

Palomar Knot, The/ Johnson, Pete 29-136

Petzl Mega Tampering/ Whittemore, Mark 28-14

Pulse-Width-Modulated Voltage Regulator for Electric Caving Lamps/ Hunts, Willie 25-125

Rechargeable Alkaline Cells/ Lippold, Reno 27-130

Useful Wheat Lamp Conversions / Davis, Donald G., Minton, Mark 26-66 (SD)

Vertical Quiz/ Lloyd, Chris 29-57

Geology, Hydrology, Regional Cave Potential

Aragonite Confirmed in New York/ Folsom, Bill 27-115 (SD)

Assorted Northeastern Mysteries/Carroll, R. W., Jr. 28-136

Devil's Den Cave/ Plante, Alan 25-90

Eastern Vermont's Limestone Cave Potential/

Higham, Steve 26-28 (SD)

Effect of the January 1996 Flood on McFail’s Cave, The/ Palmer, Peg Palmer, Art 27-79

Eldon French Cave/ Plante, Alan 28-56

Ellenville (NY) Crevice Geomorphic Processes,The… (abstract)/Medville, Douglas Werner, Eberhard 28-69

Flood of ‘96, The/ Palmer, Art 27-7

Gravity Survey of the Buried Preglacial Valley at Browns Depression/ Milunich, Kelly Palmer, Art 27-108

Hydrology of the Hannacroix Maze Karst, The/

Nardacci, Michael 25-75

Maidstone Fracture Cave System, The/ Folsom, Mark Plante, Alan 26-127

Musings on Speleological Potentials/ Engel, Thom

27-48 (SD)

Mysterious Waters of BZ, The/ Hopkins, Tony 25-110

Northeast Karst Science Abstracts/ Anon. 29-132

Northeastern Tantalizers/ Carroll, Robert W., Jr. 25-20

Northwest Champlain and St. Lawrence Limestone Areas, The/ Carroll, Robert W., Jr. 28-126

Northwest New Brunswick Gypsum Karst/

Hendrickson, Eric 29-70

On Classifying Tectonic Caves/ Plante, Alan 26-61 (SD)

Our Garden of Eden: Sinks by the Sugarbush and Peggy Hole/ Carley, Steve Rubinstein, Josh 29-104

Preliminary Dye Tracing Results in the Town of Wright,Schoharie County, NY/ Woodell, Paul Rubinstein, Josh 29-100

Prelimin. Results of Speleothem U28-Th Dating...Helderberg Plateau, NY (abs)/

Lauritzen, Stein-Erik Mylroie, John 28-91

Talus Cave Length and Connection Standard, A/

Higham, Steve 28-48 (SD)

Travertine Deposition from High-Sulfate Spring Water...(abstract)/ Taylor, Penny M. 28-91

Veenfliet’s Cave, Schoharie County, NY/

Porter, Chuck Dumont, Kevin 27-16

What is a Cave?/ Engel, Thom 28-15 (SD)


1813 Description of Sunderland Ice Cave, An/

Douglas, Joe Porter, Chuck 28-63

America’s First Underground Railroad/ Dunn, Russell 26-103 (SD)

Balls (Gages) Cave in 1949/ Anon. Middleton, Jack (submitter) 28-68

Balls Cave/ Anon. Engel, Thom (submitter) 25-95

Cavern at Trenton Falls/ Whitesborough, D.B.,

Engel, Thom (submitter) 26-25 (SD)

Cornell Was a Caver...and Other Pursuits in Tompkins County / Pease, Jonathan 26-16 (SD)

Discovery and Exploration of Keyhole Cave, The/ Pulensky, Paul 29-92

Eighty-Five Caves, Mines ... of New England/

Charles, Buchanan Moore, Jim (submitter) 29-27,59

Exploration of Skull Cave, Albany County, N.Y./

Palmer, Art 26-50,91,27-22 (SD)

Floyd Collins Revisited/ Dunn, Russell 29-113

Greene County Gleanings/ Uhll, Tom 28-132

Inmans Cave/ Higham, Steve 28-102

Keyhole Cave: More Than Just An Accident Waiting To Happen/ Plante, Alan 29-94

King-Size Schoharie ‘Shelter’ Being Improved/

Von Linden, Hal Addis, Bob (submitter) 27-95

Knox Cavern Developer Refuses to Glamorize/ Anon. Nardacci, Mike (submitter) 28-98

Mine Hole, Rockland County, NY/ Mahon, Patrick J. 27-92

Nearly All NRO Meetings Ever/ Porter, Chuck 28-11

Old Times at Knox Cave/ Nardacci, Mike 26-119 (SD)

Photos from 1946 Parade Article/ Latham, Sidney Porter, Chuck (submitter) 26-106

Second Look at the Historical and Statistical Gazetteer of New York State, A/ Porter, Chuck 27-59

Spelunking for Folklore/ Perry, Clay 28-82

Strontium Mines and Ain’t No Catchment Cave.../ Rubinstein, Josh 29-10

Stupendous Cavern at Watertown/ Anon.

Engel, Thom (submitter) 25-47

Veenfliet’s Cave, Schoharie County, NY/

Porter, Chuck Dumont, Kevin 27-16 (SD)

Humor, Poetry, Fiction, Creative

Bat Love/ Lucas, Angela 28-96

Caver’s Prayer, A/ Lieberman, Neal 28-77 (SD)

Caverns Measureless to Man/ Hopkins, Tony 27-99

Dancin' in the Mud/ Plante, Alan 26-26

Extremes/ Dunn, Russell 26-20

Hide-Behinds and Cave Sprites/ McCusick, Gloria 25-65

How it Wuz/ Palmer, Art 25-7

If Stephen King Went Caving, This Would Be His Trip Report/ Steward, Paul 28-135 (SD)

Karst meeting Place/ Porter, Chuck 29-115

On Rope - A Crossword Puzzle/ Walden, Bill 25-58

Rise and Fall of Batman, The/ Steward, Paul 27-99 (SD95)

Rockeater Rules/ Hopkins, Tony 28-47 (SD)

Speleocrooks/ Porter, Chuck 26-71

Tale of Nethmad, The/ Hopkins, Tony 29-139

Terra Universal’s Mashed Stalactites/

Allen, George R. 27-15

Things to Talk About at Grotto Meetings/

Steward, Paul 27-114 (SD)

Tit for Tat/ Dunn, Russell 26-58 (SD)

untitled poem/ Whittemore, Mark 26-67 (SD)

Wash Out/ Steward, Paul 25-64

You Realize You're Hopelessly Addicted When:/

Brandle, Harry 25-57

Northeastern Caver

Back Issues of the Caver/ Porter, Chuck 26-10

Back Issues of the Northeastern Caver/

Porter, Chuck 27-46, 124,28-65

Boring Financial Statement/ Porter, Chuck 26-4

Northeastern Caver Volume XXV Index (1994), The/

Higham, Steve 26-32

Northeastern Caver Volume XXVI Index (1995), The/ Higham, Steve 27-31

Northeastern Caver Volume XXVII Index (1996), The/ Higham, Steve 28-31

Northeastern Caver Volume XXVIII Index (1997), The/ Higham, Steve 29-32

Silver Anniversary/ Porter,Chuck 25-3

Organizations (NSS, Grottos)

Grottos in the Northeast/ Porter, Chuck 28-19

Northeastern Cave Conservancy, The/ Addis, Bob 29-55

Northeastern Cave Conservancy to Reorganize/

Haberland, Peter 29-31

Owners, Access, Liability

Access Policy for Benson's Cave/ Anon. 25-40

VAR Limited Access Caves, April, 1995/ Hoke, Bob 26-55


Doug Knight/ Armstrong, Joe 28-114

Memories of Russ Gurnee/

Mueller, Al Mobley, Emily Davis 26-44 (SD)


Buzzwords/ Porter, Chuck 28-25

Cave Fiction/ Mixon, Bill Davis, Donald et al. 28-134

Caver Certification/ Dasher, George 25-43

Caving Information on the Internet/ Higham, Steve


Checklists for Caving Trips/ Lippold, Reno 25-123

E-Mail Addresses for NE Cavers/ Porter, Chuck 26-9,54

Floyd Collins...the musical (review)/

Nardacci, Michael 27-10

How Much Do You See/ McLuckie, Steve 25-85

I was a Teenage Yahoo Caver/ Peapus, Diane 26-60

Life as a Digger/ Hopkins, Tony 28-61

More Caving Information on the Internet/

Higham, Steve 26-48

NSS Liability Waiver Form/ Anon. 26-80

Olin Battery Ad/ Anon., Porter, Chuck (submitter) 29-141

Pervert's Guide to the OTR, The/ Pazer, Janette 25-44

Price List, Mid-Appalachian Region Bulletins/ Anon. 26-37

Prospecting For Caves With Gravitational Nutations/ Kometer, Arthur Porter, Chuck (submitter) 29-37

Remedial Education/ McLuckie, Steve 25-32

Some Things Take Time/ Lippold, Reno 27-40

Truly Unfortunate Accident in 1991, A/

Guenther, Ben 25-42

Using the UTM System/ Porter, Chuck 29-133

Abare, Jeff

Bat Cave (cartoon) 28-101 (SD)

cartoon, untitled 27-84

Concealment Caverns (cartoon) 28-26

No Go! (cartoon) 28-69

Pits, The (cartoon) 27-41,28-10 (SD)

Under What? (cartoon) 28-50

Addis, Bob

Catskills, A Geological Guide, The (review of) 26-9

King-Size Schoharie ‘Shelter’ Being Improved

27-95 (submitter)

News From the Schoharie Caverns Preserve 26-45,82

Northeastern Cave Conservancy, The 29-55

NSS Board of Governors and NSF Weekend 28-113

photo collage, Howes Cave 26-39 (submitter)

Schoharie Cabin Dedication Ceremonies 26-113

Schoharie Cavern Preserve Notes 28-75

Allen, George R.

Assistance in Hanors Cave 29-44

Bonticou Crag Caves 25-25

Cayuga Cave 25-98

Featherstonhaugh's Flop: The Through Trip 25-118

Gulf Road – Townsend Road Caves and Karst 29-130

Sinks by the Sugarbush - The New Cave 25-87

Terra Universal’s Mashed Stalactites 27-15

White Lake Caves, Karst, and Fossil Field 27-51

Anonymous or Unknown

1931 Coca-Cola advertisement 26-65

Access Policy for Benson's Cave 25-40

Balls (Gages) Cave in 1949 28-68

Balls Cave 25-95

Bat Rabies Caused Death of Girl 26-110

Hinman’s Hole, N.Y. 29-119

Knox Cave Promo Brochure (cover photo) 25-35

Knox Cavern Developer Refuses to Glamorize 28-98

Long and Deep Caves of the World 28-19

Nick-a-jack Cave (cover woodcut) 25-67

Northeast Karst Science Abstracts 29-132

NSS Liability Waiver Form 26-80

Olin Battery Ad 29-141

photo collage, Howes Cave 26-39

Price List, Mid-Appalachian Region Bulletins 26-37

Schoharie Cave Camping Info. and Regs. 25-117

Spring 1994 N.R.O. 25-6

Spring 96 NRO Gathering 27-41

stairs at Knox Cave (cover photo) 26-107

Stupendous Cavern at Watertown 25-47

Armstrong, Joe

Doug Knight 28-114


Bartholomew, Roger

Chimney Mountain Notes 29-25

Barton, Tom

Garden of Eden 4: Completion of the Tube 28-95

Further Progress at Bensons Cave 29-13

Progress at Bensons 28-114

Rescue at Keyhole Cave 29-78

Belliveau, Gary

Central New Hampshire Talus Leads 29-12

Botto, Larry

Been to any Good Digs Lately? 27-21

Falling Rocks! To be or not to be...Flattened! 26-89

Gloves and Stuff 26-70 (SD)

Lost Room of Easter Cave, The 27-44

More Berkshire Digging 26-6

Brandle, Harry

2nd Annual Benson's Cleanup & Cave Extravaganza 25-112

You Realize You're Hopelessly Addicted When: 25-57

Carley, Steve

Our Garden of Eden: Sinks by the Sugarbush and Peggy Hole 29-104

Carroll, Robert W., Jr.

1995 Ice Walk Log 26-59

1997 Reassessment of Talus Caves and Snowtubes 28-92

1998 Ice-Slab ‘Caves’ at Potsdam, N.Y. 29-14

Assorted Northeastern Mysteries 28-136

Central Lake Champlain - At Last 25-49

Devils Washdish at Treadway Mountain 27-129

Discussion of the H97 Talus Standard 28-49 (SD)

Grenville Marble Revival 26-101 (SD)

March 1996 Ice Walks and Caves 27-54

Mount Horrid - Reassessment and Challenge 27-133

Mount Horrid Challenges 29-98

Northeastern Tantalizers 25-20

Northwest Champlain and St. Lawrence Limestone Areas,The 28-126

Relict Marble Caves at Stephens Pond and Mitchell Ponds, Hamilton County, NY 28-103 (SD)

Return to Eastern Lake Ontario 25-60

Talus Finds During the 1998 Vermont Fall NRO 29-120

That’s No Sink – Or Is It? 29-141

Unknown Pond Mini-Karst, The 29-58

Will the Real Plymouth Water Cave Please Stand Up? 26-7

Charles, Buchanan

Eighty-Five Caves, Mines ... of New England 29-27,59

Cook, Tom

Water Cave Near Plymouth, Vermont 26-8

Coons, Don

Na One Pit cave map 26-81

Dasher, George

Caver Certification 25-43

Davis, Donald G.

Cave Fiction 28-134

Useful Wheat Lamp Conversions 26-66 (SD)

Dion, Bob

Cave Digging Tips 26-57 (SD)

Easter Cave, Whitingham, Vermont 26-118 (SD)

Doan, Daniel

Most Difficult Mile, The 27-93

Douglas, Craig

Rescue at Keyhole Cave 29-78

Douglas, Joe

1813 Description of Sunderland Ice Cave, An 28-63

Downey, Kevin

calcite crystals (cover photo) 27-69

caver in pit, Wolfert’s Cave (cover photo) 27-37

Clare Anderson rappeling in Peggy Hole (cover photo) 29-73

Driscoll, Edward A.

construction of steps, Knox Cave (cover photo) 29-39

Dumont, Kevin

Barrack Zourie cave map 26-83

Veenfliet’s Cave, Schoharie County, NY 27-16 (SD)

Dunn, Russell

America’s First Underground Railroad 26-103 (SD)

Dover Stone Church Cave 25-31

Extremes 26-20

Flat Creek Gorge Lead Mine 29-102

Floyd Collins Revisited 29-113

Kunjamuk Cave 25-83

Poestenkill Gorge Cave 25-52

Shelter Cave at Marys Glen 28-104

Shelter Cave on Green Mountain 26-12 (SD)

Tit for Tat 26-58 (SD)

Vanishing Wilderness, The 27-64

Earl, Scott

Fix Up Your Premier Lamp 29-50

Ebert, Tom

Knox Cave Dig, The 29-67

Errandonea, Francois

Rescue at Keyhole Cave 29-78

Engel, Thom

Balls Cave 25-95 (submitter)

Cavern at Trenton Falls 26-25 (submitter) (SD)

Cullen Cave - Herkimer County, NY 27-29

Hinman’s Hole, N.Y. 29-119 (submitter)

Musings on Speleological Potentials 27-48 (SD)

New York State Long Caves 27-11

Stupendous Cavern at Watertown 25-47 (submitter)

The Cave, Greene County, New York 27-62 (SD)

Valcour Island - A Preliminary Report 28-120 (SD)

What is a Cave? 28-15 (SD)

You Can’t Believe Everything You Read... 27-83

Fanning, Bill

formations in Thai cave (cover photo) 25-1

Fluke, Andy

cartoon,untitled 27-105,28-18(SD),30(SD),83(SD),118(SD),


Got Milk ?!? 28-77 (SD)

If You Come North to Cave… 29-119

Tales From The Lost Cavern 29-91,93,129,137

Folsom, Bill

Aragonite Confirmed in New York 27-115 (SD)

Folsom, Mark

Maidstone Fracture Cave System, The 26-127

Memorial Day Gathering in Schoharie 27-94

Rhodes Cave Rediscovered 27-126

Gasser, Morrie

Rescue at Keyhole Cave 29-78

Grant, Peter

Mack Farm Cave 26-58

Guenther, Ben

Truly Unfortunate Accident in 1991, A 25-42

Haberland, Peter

Northeastern Cave Conservancy to Reorganize 29-31

Harris, Kevin

Whither MBDATHS 26-124

Hartshorne, Toinette

Rescue at Keyhole Cave 29-78

Hendrickson, Eric

Allagash Ice Caves Revisited 28-22 (SD)

Blueberry Cave 29-122

Caver is Born!, A, Little Peaked Mtn. Cave, Maine

28-99 (SD)

Caving in La Redemption, Quebec 28-95 (SD)

Deboullie Township Caves 29-128

entrance, Marble Pond Cave (cover photo) 28-1

Grotto Cave, Maine 29-138

Le Trou des Perdus II 28-130 (SD)

Main Trou des Perdus System 29-51

Northwestern New Brunswick Gypsum Karst 29-70

Sea Caves of Iles de la Madeleine, Quebec, The 28-64

Solution Cave in the Far Northeast, A 28-8 (SD)

The Cave, Hopewell, New Brunswick (cover photo) 29-109

Underground Chemistry Classroom, An 29-16

Higham, Steve

Allagash Ice Cave, The 25-119

Barren Mountain Update 25-88

Cave Hunting in Southern Maine 29-140

Cave Life (cartoon) 27-9 (SD)

Caving Information on the Internet 26-14

Cyclops Cave - Hart Ledge, New Hampshire 28-127 (SD)

Debsconeag Ice Cave, The 28-137 (SD)

Eastern Vermont's Limestone Cave Potential 26-28 (SD)

Greenwood and Leverett Revisited 28-28 (SD)

Inmans Cave 28-102 (SD)

Mine Safety: A Closer Look 25-28

More Caving Information on the Internet 26-48

More Sea Caves Near Bar Harbor 29-134

Most Difficult Mile, The 27-93 (submitter)

New England Explorations 1994 - 1996 27-88 (SD)

New England Long Caves and the Effect of the Talus Standard 28-51 (SD)

New England Long Caves as of 1/1/95 26-5

New Hampshire and Maine Miscellany 25-54

Northeastern Caver Volume XXV Index (1994), The 26-32

Northeastern Caver Volume XXVI Index (1995), The 27-31

Northeastern Caver Volume XXVII Index (1996), The 28-31

Northeastern Caver Volume XXVIII Index (1997), The 29-32

Second Easter at Easter Cave, A 27-42 (SD)

Talus Cave Length and Connection Standard, A 28-48 (SD)

Hochreiter, John

Guest Editorial 26-79

Hoke, Bob

VAR Limited Access Caves, April 1995 26-55

Virginia Region Limited Access Caves, March 1998 29-65

Hollick, Dave

Rescue at Keyhole Cave 29-78

Hopkins, Tony

Barrack Zourie Cave: "Into the Heights" 25-46

Barrack Zourie, The Continuing Saga 25-72,107

Barrack Zourie, Winter Notes from my Diary 26-46

Caverns Measureless to Man 27-99

Caves of Austin Glen: Austin Cave 28-84

Continuing Exploration of Devils Rhapsody 29-127

Devils Rhapsody Again 29-54

Devils Rhapsody Revisited 28-18

Diggers Day Off and Return to the Boneyard 29-23

Further Progress at Bensons Cave 29-13

Garden of Eden 3 - Gateway to Klondike 28-44

Garden of Eden 4: Completion of the Tube 28-85

Garden of Eden 4 (Sinks By The Sugarbush) 28-44

Garden of Eden 4A: Peggy Hole 28-85

Garden of Eden 7: Jack Patricks #3 Beyond the Hairpin 28-88

Garden of Eden 8: The Bone Dig 28-131

Life as a Digger 28-61

Mysterious Waters of BZ, The 25-110

Nature’s Way 27-85

Rockeater Rules 28-47 (SD)

Schoenlein Cave 27-91

Strontium Mines and Ain’t no Catchment Cave 26-84 (SD)

Tale of Nethmad, The 29-139

Terrace Mountain Again 27-12 (SD)

Traps Cave Revisited 27-127

Turning Wheels, The 25-8

Wright Way to the Lodens System, The 27-120

Hose, Louise

1998 Villa Luz Expedition, The 29-9

Howcroft, William D.

Recent Survey Efforts on Tom Ball Mountain 28-52 (SD)

Hrepta, George

Wiltsies Cave (map) 28-105

Hudson, Andrew

Return to Gorge Cave, or, Confessions of the Crawlers, A 27-28

Hunts, Willie

Pulse-Width-Modulated Voltage Regulators for Electric Caving Lamps 25-125

Ivy, Joe

Gear Review: The BMS Microrack 28-97

Johnson, Pete

Evolution of a New Seat Harness, The 27-86 (SD)

Minimalist’s Vertical Gear, A 28-128

Palomar Knot, The 29-136

Kastning, Ernst

Wiltsies Cave (map) 28-105

Keough, John

Per-Severance Cave 29-95

Knight, Doug

Discovery of Triple X, The 29-57

Glawackus Cave - New Discovery in Connecticut 28-78 (SD)

looking out entrance, King Phillips Cave (cover photo) 27-101

Kometer, Arthur

Prospecting for Caves with Gravitational Nutations 29-37

Lampkins, Dave

Prussian Cave (map) 28-83

Lampkins, Jason

Prussian Cave (map) 28-83

Lampkins, Tom

Prussian Cave (map) 28-83

Latham, Sidney

Photos from 1946 Parade Article 26-106

They call it "Spelunking" (cover photo) 26-73

Lauritzen, Stein-Erik

Preliminary Results of Speleothem U28-Th Dating from the Helderberg Plateau, NY (abs.) 28-91

Levinson, Joe

Paul Woodell in Jack Patricks Cave (cover photo) 28-37

Lieberman, Neal

Caver’s Prayer, A 28-77 (SD)

Vision in My Moustache, A (cartoon) 28-129 (SD)

Wing Section at Howe’s Cavern, The (cartoon) 27-70

Wing Section, The (cartoon) 25-86

Lippold, Reno

Checklists for Caving Trips 25-123

CMAP Family of Cave Mapping Programs, The 26-21 (SD)

Rechargeable Alkaline Cells 27-130

Some Things Take Time 27-40

Lloyd, Chris

Vertical Quiz 29-57

Lucas, Angela

Bat Love 28-96

Mahon, Patrick J.

Mine Hole, Rockland County, NY 27-92

Marlett, Tim

Allegany State Park Region Caves 29-46

Bears Breath Cave 29-20

Cleanup of the Bears Caves at Allegany State Park 29-49

Harris Hill Cave 29-107

Legend of the Breathing Well, The 29-64

Lenny Woodruff in Zoar Valley Cave (cover photo) 28-108

Spelunking in Erie County NY: Zoar Valley Cave 28-116 (SD)

Martuscello, Mike

Peter Johnson in Gage Cave (cover photo) 29-1

Uhll Be Cold Cave 29-116

Mayo, Sherry

New Bolting Gear 27-30

McKusick, Gloria

Cave Disappointment, Hanors Cave, NY (drawing) 25-27

Hide-Behinds and Cave Sprites 25-65

McLuckie, Steve

Down to a Sunless Sea (review of) 28-35

High Tide at Pompeys 29-125

How Much Do You See 25-85

Negley was a Small Man 26-116

New York Caving (cartoon) 25-24

Remedial Education 25-32

Rescue at Keyhole Cave 29-78

Medville, Douglas

Ellenville (NY) Crevice Geomorphic Processes,...,The (abstract) 28-69

Middleton, Jack

Balls (Gages) Cave in 1949 28-68 (submitter)

construction of steps, Knox Cave (cover photo) 29-39 (submitter)

Milunich, Kelly

Gravity Survey of the Buried Preglacial Valley at Browns Depression 27-108

Minton, Mark

Cleaning Suunto Instruments 29-69

Useful Wheat Lamp Conversions 26-66 (SD)

Mixon, Bill

Cave Fiction 28-134

Mobley, Emily Davis

McFails and Barton Hill Reports, Late Summer 1995 26-82

Memories of Russ Gurnee 26-44 (SD)

Rescue at Keyhole Cave 29-78

Mobley, William Frost

McFails and Barton Hill Reports, Late Summer 1995 26-82

Moore, Jim

Eighty-Five Caves, Mines,... of New England

29-27,59 (submitter)

Massachusetts Miscellany 28-20 (SD)

North Brookfield, Massachusetts Caves 29-136

Pioneer Valley Finds 29-19

Mueller, Al

Memories of Russ Gurnee 26-44 (SD)

Mylroie, John

Negley's Lost "Football Room" in Knox Cave...


Nadich, Bob

Preliminary Results...Speleothem U28-Th Dating...

Helderberg Plateau, NY (abs) 28-91

Tunnels of the Third Reich (excerpt) 25-5

Nardacci, Mike

Clarksville Cave Accident 29-8

Floyd Collins...the musical (review of) 27-10

Hydrology of the Hannacroix Maze Karst, The 25-75

Knox Cavern Developer Refuses to Glamorize

28-98 (submitter)

Old Times at Knox Cave 26-119 (SD)

Palmer, Art

Cave Disappointment entrance in flood (cover photo) 27-1

Effect of the January 1996 Flood on McFail’s Cave 27-79

Exploration of Skull Cave, Albany County, N.Y.


Flood of ‘96, The 27-7

Gravity Survey of the Buried Preglacial Valley at Browns Depression 27-108

How it Wuz 25-7

Mike Nardacci in McFails Cave (cover photo) 28-71

Palmer, Peg

Effect of the January 1996 Flood on McFail’s Cave 27-79

Pazer, Janette

Pervert's Guide to the OTR, The 25-44

Peapus, Diane

I was a Teenage Yahoo Caver 26-60

Pease, Jonathan

Cornell was a Caver...and Other Pursuits in Tompkins County 26-16 (SD)

Perry, Clay

Spelunking for Folklore 28-82

Pietroiusti, Nina

Return to Gorge Cave, or, Confessions of the Crawlers, A 27-28

Pingree, R.

cartoon 25-39

Pingree, Rick

Real Plymouth Water Cave, The 26-68

Plante, Alan

Dancin' in the Mud 26-26

Devil's Den Cave 25-90

Eldon French Cave 28-56 (SD)

Keyhole Cave: More Than Just an Accident Waiting to Happen 29-94

Landowner Relations & Cave Conservation 27-97

Long Caves of the Berkshires - An Update 25-114

Maidstone Fracture Cave System, The 26-127

Maidstone Update 27-121 (SD)

Mine Safety: A Closer Look 25-28

On Classifying Tectonic Caves 26-61 (SD)

Porter, Chuck

1813 Description of Sunderland Ice Cave, An 28-63

1998 Villa Luz Expedition, The 29-9

Back Issues of the Caver 26-10

Back Issues of The Northeastern Caver 27-46, 124

Back Issues of The Northeastern Caver 28-65

Boring Financial Statement 26-4

Buzzwords 28-25

Cancord Rope 28-62

E-Mail Addresses for NE Cavers 26-9,54

entrance to Benson's Cave (cover photo) 25-101

Freedleyville Quarry 28-62

Gage Cave Accident Report 26-114

Grottos in the Northeast 28-19

Karst Meeting Place 29-115

Knox Cave promo brochure (cover photo) 25-35 (submitter)

Nearly All NRO Meetings Ever 28-11

Olin Battery Ad 29-141 (submitter)

Photos from 1946 Parade Article 26-106 (submitter)

Prospecting for Caves with Gravitational Nutations

29-37 (submitter)

Rescue at Keyhole Cave 29-78

Return to Williams Cave 28- 24

Second Look at the Historical and Statistical Gazetteer of New York State, A 27-59

Silver Anniversary 25-3

Speleocrooks 26-71

stairs at Knox Cave(cover photo) 26-107 (submitter)

They call it "Spelunking" (cover photo)

26-73 (submitter)

Using the UTM System 29-133

Veenfliet’s Cave, Schoharie County, NY 27-16 (SD)

Vermont Caves - A Geologic and Historical Guide

(review) 25-111

Pulensky, Paul

Discovery and Exploration of Keyhole Cave 29-92

Quick, Peter

Vermont Cave Statistics 25-11

Racicot, Greg

Other Notes of Interest in Southern Vermont 26-100

Rediscovery of the Mount Anthony Goldmine, The 26-99

Robinson, Liz

Deep Fissure Cave 28-118

Rubinstein, Josh

Our Garden of Eden: Sinks by the Sugarbush and Peggy Hole 29-104

Preliminary Dye Tracing Results in the Town of Wright,Schoharie County, NY 29-100

Strontium Mines and Ain’t No Catchment Cave... 29-10

Schindel, Geary

Junkyard Cave Body Recovery 26-69

Smith, Brad

Deep Fissure Cave 28-118

Spivak, Jonah

Wet Pinch in Morris Cave Is History or Is It?, The 27-106

Steward, Paul

If Stephen King Went Caving, This Would Be His Trip Report 28-135 (SD)

Rise and Fall of Batman, The 27-99 (SD)

Things to Talk About at Grotto Meetings 27-114 (SD)

Wash Out 25-64

Taylor, Penny M.

Travertine Deposition from High-Sulfate Spring Water… (abstract) 28-91

Uhll, Tom

Greene County Gleanings 28-132

Vesely, Carol

Na One Pit cave map 26-81

Von Linden, Hal

King-Size Schoharie ‘Shelter’ Being Improved 27-95

Walden, Bill

On Rope - A Crossword Puzzle 25-58

Welker, Doug

Western New York Leads 25-22

Werner, Eberhard

Ellenville (NY) Crevice Geomorphic Processes..., The (abstract) 28-69

Whitesborough, D.B.

Cavern at Trenton Falls 26-25 (SD)

Whittemore, Mark

Cave Mistake (cartoon) 25-70

Chevy Cave (map) 28-27 (SD)

Dash to BZ, A 28-21

Defying Gravity Near Everest (cartoon) 25-74

Discovery of 911 Cave..., The 25-14

It’s Now Chevy CAVE 27-81

New Entrance at Chevy Cave 29-15

Pasture Cave...Year II 27-55

Petzl Mega Tampering 28-14

untitled poem 26-67 (SD)

Wiles, Mike

Fix Up Your Premier Lamp 29-50

Winfrey, Cathy

Rabies Facts 25-10

Wood, James

Prussian Cave (map) 28-83

Woodell, Paul

Preliminary Dye Tracing Results in the Town of Wright, Schoharie County, NY 29-100

Zimmerman, Bob

Flood in McFails 27-77 (SD)

Caves, U.S.

Fern Cave 27-53a ,28-43o

Kennamar Cave 28-43o

Neversink 26-112o, 28-5o

Nick-a-jack Cave 25-67i


Black Cave 28-43a

Dougal’s Cave 26-63g

shelter caves, Canyon de Chelly 26-61g,78g


shelter caves, Mesa Verde 26-61g,78g


cave in Moodus 29-28r

cave in Salisbury 29-28r

Devils Den, Sterling 29-28r

Glawackus Cave 28-78dp,81m

Judge's Cave, The 26-54i

King Phillips Cave 27-101p

Lions Den, Brooklyn 29-27r

Twin Lakes Cave 26-5r,28-51r


Cemetery Pit 28-74o

Fricks Cave 28-74o

Hurricane Cave 28-74o

Rustys Cave 28-74o


Kazamura Cave System 26-112r

Na One Pit 26-81rm

volcanic pit 25-5r


Sullivan Cave 29-77c


Fisher Ridge Cave 28-19r

Floyd Collins Crystal Cave 28-5r

Mammoth Cave 25-5a,28-19r


1000+ foot solution cave 28-7r

Allagash Ice Cave 25-120d,121m,26-77o,28-22rhl,42c,51r,93r

Anemone Cave (Mermaids Cave) 26-64g,29-28r

Big Bald Porcupine Sea Cave 29-134rx,135p

Big Ironbound Sea Cave 29-135rp

Big Long Porcupine Sea Cave 29-134rx,135p

Blowing Cave 25-24r

Blueberry Cave 29-122dp,123m

Broochers Cave 29-29r

Cave 2, Long Porcupine Island 29-134rx

Cave 4, Long Porcupine Island 29-134rx

cave at Cave Hill, Waltham 29-30r

cave at Sabattus Mountain 29-30r

cave at Searsport 29-30r

cave at Sebago Lake 29-29r

cave in Cornish 29-140r

cave in Oak Hill, Otis 29-29r

cave in Orland 29-29r

cave on Bald Porcupine Island 29-28r

cave on Cross Island 29-28r

cave on Houston Brook 29-29r

Champlain Cave 26-5r,28-51r,93r

Deboullie Cave #1 29-128dm

Deboullie Cave #2 29-128m,129d

Deboullie Ice Cave 29-128d

Debsconeag Ice Cave 28-137dm

Devils Den, Andover 29-28r

Devils Den, St. George 29-29r

Devils Den, Turner 29-140dx

Devils Oven, Andover 29-28r

Dorr Point Cave 29-134p,135r

Fat Man’s Dilemma 27-88d,89m

Fat Man’s Misery 27-88d

fault cave, Doubletop Mtn. 25-21r

fault cave near Leeds 25-21r

fault cave SE of Rumford 25-21r

fissure cave, Deboullie 29-129r

fissure cave, North Brother 28-7r

fissure, Shutdown Mountain 27-90r

Galilee talus field ice cave 29-129r

Greenwood Ice Cave #1 28-28d,29m,39r

Greenwood Ice Cave #2 28-28d,29m,39r

Greenwood Ice Cave #3 28-28d,29m

Greenwood Ice Cave #4 28-29d

Greenwood Ice Caves (Wentworth Caves) 26-78g,29-29r

Grotto Cave 29-138dxp,139m

Gully Oven 29-29r

hollow ground, Blue Hill 25-24r

Huff Silver Mine 29-30r

Ice cave, Gardner Mountain 29-129r

Inmans Cave 28-102dmh

lead mines, Lubec 29-29r

Ledge House Cave 29-30r

limestone caves, Indian Pond 28-119r

limestone caves, Phippsburg 29-140r

Little Bald Porcupine Sea Cave 29-134rx

Little Ironbound Sea Cave 29-135r

Little Long Porcupine Sea Cave 29-134rxp

Little Peaked Mtn. Cave 28-99d,101pm

Lone Star Gold Mine 29-30r

Lower Allagash Ice Cave 28-22dp,23m

Mahoosuc Ice Cave 26-5r,28-51r,93r

Marble Pond Cave 28-1p,8rp,9mp,10p

Moose and Squirrel Cave 25-88r,26-5r,78g,28-51r,93r

Moose and Squirrel Satellite Cave 25-88r

Moose Cave 29-29r

natural bridge, Orland 27-90r

Old Indian Cave, Sanford 29-29r

Ovens, The 25-54d,29-28r

Pathfinder Cave 26-5r

Pirate Cave 29-28r

pits on Quebec border 25-21r

Ripogenus Gorge Cave 25-121r

Saddleback Mountain Talus Cave 26-5r,28-51r,93r

Sea Arch, The 25-54d

sea caves, Porcupine Islands 25-54r

shelter cave, Deboullie 29-129r

Southwest Pathfinder Cave 28-51r,93r

Swantons Cave 29-28r

Table Rock Slab Caves 26-78g

talus cave, Little North Basin 28-7r

talus cave, Northwest Basin 28-7r

talus caves, Otis 29-56r

talus caves, Orland 27-90r

talus caves, T15R9 25-122r,28-7r

Thunder Cave 29-28r

Twin Towers Cave 25-88d,89m,26-5r,78g,28-51r,93r

Twin Towers Satellite Cave 25-88r

Via Mala 29-28r

Witherle E-T Cave 26-5r,28-51r,93r

Youngman’s Mine 29-29r


Baker's Quarry Cave 25-114r

Barn Door Cave 28-20r

Bat's Den Cave 25-114r,26-5r,28-51r

Bear Rock Stream Cave 25-115r

Bears Den, Bernardston 28-76r

Bears Den, Colrain 29-19r

Bears Den, Middlefield 28-76r

Bears Den, Middlesex Fells 29-59r

Bears Den, Westhampton 28-76r

Beartown Cave 27-119r

beehive chambers near Leverett 27-119r

boulder cave, Brockton 29-115r

boulder cave, Norton 29-115r

Brodie Mountain Cave 25-116r

Cat Hole Cave 25-114r,29-59r

Catamount Dens 29-19r

cave in Adams 29-59r

cave in Lincoln 29-59r

cave in North Brookfield 29-56r

cave near Hoosac Tunnel 27-119r

cave near lime quarry, Lee 27-119r

cavern beneath Boston Harbor 25-69r

caves at Cooks Canyon 29-56r

caves at Den Rock, Lawrence 29-59r

caves in Catamount Hills 28-20r,39r

caves in Lenox 28-20r

caves in New Marlborough 29-59r

caves in North Tunnel, Farnams 27-119r

caves on Rattlesnake Mountain 28-20r

caves, Sugarloaf Mountain 29-19r

Chester Mine 28-5c

Church Cave 29-137rm

Coffin Cave 25-104r,115r,6-6r,77o

Conglomerate caves, Swansea 29-115r

Convention Cave 25-116r

Coon Hollow Cave 25-116r,26-5r,77o 28-51r

Devils Den (Alford) 25-90g,91x,93m,28-55r

Devils Den, Newbury 29-59r

Dolo Cave 25-115r,26-6r,77o

Drag Rock Cave 25-115r

Dungeon Cave 29-59r

Eldon French Cave (Eldons Cave) 25-114r,26-5r,


Eldons Annex Cave 28-52d,58g,59m

Elephant's Den Cave 25-115r

English Grass Cave 28-76r

Forty Caves 27-89r

Found Cave 25-115r

Frying Pan Springs Cave 28-55dm

Gold Cave 28-52d,54m,76r

Great Radium Springs Cave 25-115r,117r,26-5r,6r,28-51r

Hawthorne's Cave 26-12r

Healds Mine 29-60r

Hermits Cave 28-20r

Hoosac Tunnel 28-111r

Horse Cave, Amherst 29-19r

Hot Pot 28-55r

Indian Cave, Ashby 29-115r

Indian Cave, Warwick 28-76r,29-19r

Indian cave, Wakefield 29-60r

King Philip’s Cave 29-19r

Ladder Cave (Cricket Hill Cave) 28-20r

Lost Cave 28-20r

Lucky Seven Cave 26-64g

Marble Slab Cave 28-61r

McMaster's Cave 25-103o,116r,26-77o

monks caves, Warwick 29-19r

Nodding Bear Pit 27-119r

North Quarry Cave 29-124r

Old Emery Mine 25-28r,29r,30r

Ovens, The 28-20r

Panther Cave 29-59r

Pettibone Falls Cave 25-116r,26-5r,28-51r

Pettibone North Tunnel 25-29r

Pirates Cave 29-115r

Plumber Canyon Cave 25-29r,116r

Porky Hole 28-61r

Powderhouse Cave 25-116r

Rattlesnake Gutter Cave 28-20r,30rm

Ravens Ravine Cave 29-124r

Revival Cave 29-124r

Rhenas Cave 28-20r

Richmond Cave 25-115r

Sabrina Lake caves 29-115r

Scalped Woman Cave 25-104r

shelter cave, Bartholomew's Cobble 26-12r

shelter cave, Colrain 28-39r

Silver Cave 28-52d,54m,60m,61d

silver mine, Middlesex Fells 29-59r

sink cave in Sheffield 26-6d,7d

small cave south of Eldons 28-61r

small cave, Williamsburg 29-19r

Smallpox Cave 29-137r

Sunderland Ice Cave 28-63dhm

talus caves, Leverett 27-90r

talus caves, Mount Toby 29-19r

tectonic caves, Wrentham 29-115r

Walking Fern Cave 27-119r

New Hampshire

Ayers Pond Caves 29-12r

Band M Megalith Cave 27-90r

Band M Second Rampart Cave 27-90rm

Big Rock Cave 25-56r

Blue Brook Cave 25-55d

Bonney Cave 25-55d

bunkers at Odiorne Point 25-56d

cave at Catamount Hill, Allenstown 29-60r

cave at Rattlesnake Hill, Auburn 29-60r

cave in Bedford 29-61r

cave in cliff, Meredith 29-62r

cave in Moultonborough 29-62r

Cave Mtn. Cave, Bartlett 25-56r

cave on Straw Mountain, New Durham 29-62r,97r

cavern, Sanbornton 29-63r,97r

caves, Rattlesnake Hill, Weare 29-63r

Cilleys Cave 25-56r

Cow Cave 25-56r

Cyclops Cave 28-127dm

Devils Den, Auburn 29-60r

Devils Den, Barrington 29-60r,97r

Devils Den, Mt. Willard 25-55dh

Devils Den, New Durham 25-55d,97r

Devils Den, Pawtuckaway St. Pk. 25-56r

Dixville Cave Mountain Caves 26-78g

Dixville Ice Pit 25-21r,29-61r

Dodge Gold Mine 29-62r

fault cave, N. Sugarloaf Mtn. 25-21r

fault cave, Wildcat Mtn. 25-21r

Franconia Notch Coral Cave 26-5r,28-51r,93r

Franconia Notch Ponor Cave 26-5r,28-51r,93r

Franconia Notch Slabs Cave 26-5r

glacial caves, Loon Mountain 28-119r

Hedgehog Chasm 25-56r

Ice Gulch Nightmare Maze 26-5r,28-51r,93r

Indian Camp Cave, Deerfield 29-61r

Jasper Cave (mine) 29-61r

lead mine, Shelburne 29-63r

Lion's Head Cave 26-5r

Lost River Caves 29-62r

Mascot Mine 29-62r

MBDATHS Talus Network 26-5r,78g,124d,27-3r,4r,5h,71r

miarolytic cavity, Diamond Ledge 27-3r

mine, Mount Sentinel, Warren 29-63r

mine, West River Mountain, Chesterfield 29-61r

Mount Washington Snow Talus Maze 26-5r

Mt. Adams Ravine Cave (Mount Adams Talus Cave)


Mt. Washington Snow Talus Maze 28-51r,93r

Ore Hill Mine, Lisbon 29-62r

Ore Hill Mine, Warren 29-63r

Oven, The, Raymond 29-62r,97r

S. Franconia Notch Slabs Cave 28-51r,93r

Scotts Cave 28-51r,93r

talus cave, Mt. Percival 29-76r

talus caves, Cave Mountain, Dixville 27-89r

talus caves, Eagles Nest 29-12r

talus caves, Franconia Notch 27-71r

talus caves, Mahoosuc Notch 27-93r

Valencia Mine 25-21r

West Kinsman Talus System 28-51r,93r

New Jersey

Devil’s Den 26-110o

Leigh Cave 26-3o,42r,76r,28-41g

mine shaft, Morris County 28-4a

sinkhole, Route 519 26-76r

zinc mines 25-28r

New Mexico

Black Cave 29-113r

Carlsbad Caverns 26-65I

Hidden Cave 113r

Lechuguilla Cave 28-19r

New York - Albany County

300 footer, central Albany Co. 26-76r

Airport Cave 27-49r

artificial indoor cave 25-37r

Brokendown Cave 27-48r

cave on Copeland Hill 27-60r

Chatter-Stone-Hole System 27-11r,60r

Church Cave 27-11r,28-3o

Clarksville Cave 25-104r,26-41a,75a,109a,27-11r,


Diddly Cave 25-69b,27-11r,28-41o,73c

Dynamint Ridge Caves 28-6r

Ella Armstrong Cave 27-60r

Fiatos Cave 27-11r

Fools Crawl 27-11r

Gregory Cave 27-60r

Haile’s Cave 27-11r,49r28-4b,29-124r

Hannacrois Maze 25-75d,76g,77m,27-11r

Hannacrois-Merritts System 27-48r

Hollyhock System 27-48r

Ice Flower Cave 27-49r

Joralemons Back Door 25-78g,79x,81m

Joralemons Cave 25-78g,79x,81m

Judd's Cave (Bear Cave) 25-108i

Knox Cave 25-5o,35p,45dm,26-73p,104p,107p,116r,



Knox-Fossil-Beckers Cave 27-11r,49r

LaSelles Hellhole 27-12r,13xm

Mayo Cave 27-59r

Merritts Cave 25-76d,78g,79x

Natures Way Cave 27-85r

new cave at Hollyhock Hollow 25-37r

new cave over Skull 25-37r

new caves, Delmar quad. 27-103r

Old Skull Cave 27-60r

Onesquethaw Cave 26-3o,42o,27-39o,60r,


Onesquethaw-Jordan’s Cave 27-11r

Overhead Cave 27-49r

Polje System 27-48r

Przysiecki Pits 27-49r

Salzer System 27-48r

shelter caves at High Point 26-12r

shelter caves at Indian Ladder 26-12r

significant find, Diamond Hill 27-49r

sinks near Thacher Park 27-85r

Skull Cave 26-50dh,53m,91dhp,93m,


Small Wonder Cave 29-4r

South Bethlehem Cave 27-59r

Torys Hole 27-59r

Trash Hole Cave (Tin Can Cave) 27-59r

Tunnel Cave 27-11r,29-91h

TV Tower Cave 27-85r

Uhll Be Cold Cave 29-111r,116d,117p,118pm

underground brook, Coeymans 27-60r

underground stream near Thacher Park 27-85r

Underhill System 27-49r

void below Thacher Park 27-119r

Wagonwheel Cave 27-11r,28-3o

Ward Cave 27-60r

Wiltsey’s (Wiltsies) Cave 27-48r,28-105m

New York - Cattaraugus County

Bears Breath Cave 29-20dp,21m

Bears Cave #1 29-46d,47m

Bears Cave #2 29-46d,48m

Bears Cave #3 29-46d

Bears Caves 29-49c

cave in breathing well 29-64r

New York - Clinton County

Bat Cave 28-124r

Bridge Cave 28-122r

Darkroom Cave (Spoon Pit Cave) 28-121p,122r

destroyed cave near Ellenburg 25-21r

Hawkeye Porkie Maze 28-93r

Lighthouse Bluff Cave (Wrack Cave) 28-125d

lost cave on W Mtn. 25-21r

Lyon Mtn. iron mines 25-22r

sinking stream, Valcour Island 28-123r

sinking stream, West Chazy 28-126r

small cave, Sloop Bay 28-121r

South Valcour Caves #1 - #4 28-124r

Spoon Island Cave (Tucker Cave #2) 28-123m,124d

Tucker Cave 28-122m,123d

underwater caves, Valcour Island 26-77r

Valcour Spoon Strait Caves #1 and #2 28-122r

New York - Columbia County

Alander Cave 28-82rh

Indian Oven Cave 28-82rh

Iron Mountain mines 27-96r

Sims Cave 26-110r

New York - Dutchess County

Dover Stone Church Cave 25-31r

New York - Erie County

Harris Hill Cave 29-107do

mine at Akron Falls 25-22r

Zoar Valley Cave 28-107p,116pd, 117mx

New York - Essex County

Big Loop Cave 27-11r

Burroughs Cave 25-69r,27-11r,29-43x,97r

cave near Minerva 29-115d

Devils Washdish Cave 27-129dm

East Sphagnum Maze 28-93r

Manitou Abode Cave 28-93r

Old TSOD Cave 28-93r

Pyramid-Bear Cave 26-103m

Ridge Road caves 28-119r

Rusty Stove Cave 29-43x

shelter cave near Mt. Colden 26-12r

Sip-der Cave 27-76m

Sphagnum Ravine Cave 27-11r

Sphagnum Ravine-East Cave 28-93r

Sphagnum Ravine-Middle Cave 28-93r

Sphagnum Ravine-West Cave 28-93r

Split Rock Point Caves 50mx

TSOD Cave 27-11r

TSOD-2B Cave 28-93r

TSOD-Antigravitron-SE Cave 28- 93r

TSOD-Cyclops Cave 28-93r

TSOD-II-Lower Cave 28-93r

TSOD-II-Matterhorn Cave 28-93r

TSOD-Ponor Cave 28-93r

TSOD-Strungout Cave 28-93r

W.H. Lyman Cave 27-11r

WHL-Hendodoawda Cave 28-93r

WHL-Megaboulder Cave 28-93r

West Cave 27-60r

New York - Franklin County

lost cave on W Mtn. 26-21r

talus caves, Lower Saranac Lake 27-71r

tunnel at Chateauguay 26-21r

W Mountain Cave 28-93r

New York - Fulton County

shelter cave, Green Mountain 26-12d

New York - Genessee County

two caves, Black Creek 27-60r

New York - Greene County

Austin Cave 28-84d, 133d

Badman's Cave 26-12r

Bear's Den Cave 26-12r

cave in Austin Glen 28-133p

cave in Catskill 28-133r

cave resurgence, Coxsackie 28-132r

Cave, The 27-62d,63m,72h

Definitely Not The Cave 27-63r

Jack Packers Cave 27-11r,28-73c

Murderer Kill insurgence 28-132r

Not Necessarily The Cave 27-62r

shelter cave on Twin Mountain 26-12r

shelter cave, Marys Glen 28-104dx

Van Bergen Hole in the Ground 28-132r

Vosen Kill insurgence 28-132r

New York - Hamilton County

Atwood Cave 29-25r

Bajus Cave 28-93r

caves west of Indian Lake 27-71r

Eagle Cave 27-11r,28-93r,29-25r,112r

East Harris Pass Cave 26-101dm

East Mitchell Pond Cave 1 28-103dm

Good Luck Cave 25-4r,27-11r,28-93r

Kunjamuk Cave 25-83dg

resurgence opening west of Blue Mountain 27-71r

Starbuck Sink Cave 26-102m

Stephens Pond Cave 28-103dm

talus caves at Little Blue Mtn. 25-4r

talus caves near Raquette Lake 27-71r

talus caves, Castle Rock 28-40r

Unknown Pond Cave 1 29-58dm

Unknown Pond Caves 29-58d

unnamed marble cave, Harris Pass 26-102dm

West Harris Pass Cave 26-102dm

West Mitchell Pond Cave 1 28-103dm

West Mitchell Pond Cave 2 28-103dm

New York - Herkimer County

cave on county line 25-4r

cave near Jordanville 25-24r

Chyle Hole 25-4r

Cullen Cave 27-29dm

dig in Herkimer County 28-119r

fissure in Van Hornesville 25-4r

Hinman’s Cave 29-119r

New York - Jefferson County

Amos and Andy Maze 27-11r

Brownville Dry Maze 27-11r

cave in Watertown 25-47d

cave with pit NW of Oxbow 28-136r

caves in Pamelia 27-60r

Commercial Cave 27-11r

Crayfish Water Labyrinth 27-11r

erosion cave, Galloo Island 25-63mx

erosion cave, Sackett Harbor 25-63x

Ice Cave 27-60r

Kronos Maze 27-11r

Labyrinth System 27-11r

Limerick Cave 27-60r

Mangy Maze 27-11r

Natural Bridge Cave System 27-60r

Natural Bridge Caverns 27-11r

Newell Street Cave 27-11r

rime caves, E. Lake Ontario 25-60d,62p,63x

SCAG Cave 27-11r

Three Falls Complex 27-11r

Watertown (Mill Street Bridge) Cave 27-60r

New York - Lewis County

Sterlingbush pink calcite grotto 27-3r

New York - Madison County

fissure caves, Stockbridge 27-61r

New York – Montgomery County

Flat Creek Gorge Lead Mine 29-103d

shelter cave, Flat Creek Gorge 29-103d

New York - Niagara County

Culvert Cave 27-11r

Effluvia Falls 25-22r

Gorge Cave 27-11r,28dh

Lockport Cave 25-22r

tunnel at Niagara Falls 25-22r

New York - Oneida County

cavern at Trenton Falls 26-25d

Deep Fissure Cave 28-118d

New York - Onondaga County

Big Cave 27-53dm

Bone Cave 29-130r,131x

gypsum caves, Elbridge 27-61r

limestone cracks near Syracuse 26-16r

Name It After You Cave 29-130r,131x

Tee Cave 27-52dm

two caves, Dewitt 27-61r

White Lake Caves 27-51x,52dxm

New York - Orange County

Bear Hole 27-107r

cave near Round Pond 27-107r

Rhodes Cave 27-126dm,127m

New York - Otsego County

cave on county line 25-4r

new cave 26-76r

Pendulum Well 27-62r

New York - Rensselaer County

Bears Den 28-41o

Cipperly Cave 26-13m

Poestenkill Gorge Cave 25-52d

tunnel through Mt. Ida 25-53r

tunnels at Poestenkill Gorge 25-53rp

New York - Rockland County

cave, Orangetown 27-61r

Mine Hole 27-92h,29-77p

New York - Schenectady County

underground railroad, Schenectady 26-103r

New York - Schoharie County

30 foot pit near McFails 29-124r

911 Cave 25-14dp,15p,16dp,17dpm,18m,19m

Ain’t No Catchment Cave (ANC Cave) 26-86dp,109r,


B Sink 25-73r

Balls (Gebhards) Cave 25-95d,27-61r

Barber Cave 27-50r

Barrack Zourie Cave 25-46r,72r,107d,109m,110g,26-1m,46r, 83m, 27-6r,11r,94r,103r,112g,28-4r,21d,91g,109o,29-3o

Barytes Cave 26-3c,75c

Baugh Cave 29-23r

Beckers Cave 29-43x

Bensons Cave 25-40o,101i,112r,113x,28-112h,114d,29-13gr

Big Rabbit Hole Cave 27-12r,15m

Birch Pit 27-50r

Boneyard Cave 27-50r,29-24rm,100g

Bottomless Pit 29-75r

Bradt Insurgence 27-50r

Bug Sink 27-50r

Caboose Cave 25-104r,26-110r,27-11r,28-91g

Calliope Sinks 25-73r,27-50r

Carlisle Ice Cave 27-61r

Cave Disappointment 25-27i

caves in Sharon 27-61r

Chevy Cave 27-5r,55r,80m,81d,28-4r,27m,29-15r

Chevy Dig 26-42r

Committee Hole 28-119r

Dead Drover’s Cave 27-61r

Deitz Cave 28-109o

Devils Rhapsody Cave 28-18r,29-100g,127d

Ewald’s Fissures 27-50r

Eye of the Needle Cave 29-124r

Featherstonhaugh's Flop 25-118dm

Finger Cave 27-12r

Gage Cave (Balls Cave) 25-23r,69b,26-43r,114a,


Garden of Eden 3 Dig 28-47d

Garden of Eden 4 Dig 28-44d

Garden of Eden 8 Dig 28-131d

Garden of Eden Cave 25-23r

Green Cave 29-114b

Hanors Cave 29-44a

Howe’s Waterfall Pit 26-75c

Howe Caverns (Howes Cave) 26-3c,39p,41c,75c,


Howe-Barytes Cave 27-11r

Jack Patrick Caves 27-50r

Jack Patricks #3 Cave 28-88d,90m

Jack Patricks Cave 28-37p,41o,110o

Joober Hole 27-50r

Keyhole Cave 29-75a,78a,80m,81m,92h,94h,113a

Kniskern (Rockhouse) Cave 27-61r

Levys Cave 29-56r

Loden System 27-50r

McFails Cave 25-103g,26-41o,82r,111r,27-11r,77a,78m,79bg, 94r,103a,112g,28-41r,71p,110r,29-75r,111r

McMillen's Waterfall Pit 26-47r

Mystery Pits 26-48r

new cave in Wright 27-120r

new cave near Hanors Cave 27-103r

new cave near Schoenlein Cave 29-54d

Old Maids Hole 27-62r,29-111r

Paradise Lost System 27-50r

Pasture Cave 27-55pr,56d,57m,58mp

Peggy Hole 28-85d,29-56r,73p,104hgdp,105p,106m

Persistence Pit 29-56r

Phoebe Pit 27-50r

pit on Barton Hill 27-50r

Rockhouse Cave 27-11r

Schoenlein Cave 27-91d,120r,29-102g

Schoharie Caverns 25-5o,117o,26-3o,45c,


Secret Caverns 26-109r,28-4r,29-56r

Secret-Benson’s Cave 27-11r

Selkirk’s (Selleck’s) Cave 27-61r

Shoehorn Cave 27-50r

Single X Cave 27-11r

Sinks by the Sugarbush 25-87dm,28-85d,29-56r,104hgd,106m

Sitzer’s Cave 27-12r,13x

Spider Cave 27-11r,29-100g

Strontium Mine 25-23r,29-10d,11p,12m

Strontium Mines 26-84rhg

Teenies Triumph 28-109o

Trap Cave 26-110r

Traps Caves 27-127d

Turbine Cave 25-8r,9m,72r,27-50r,29-100g

two pits, SW of Sitzer’s Cave 27-12r

Two Traps Cave 27-12r,14m

Veenfliet’s Cave (Nethaway’s Cave) 25-23r,


Wolfert’s Cave 26-3c,75c,27-37p

Woodlot Sink 27-50r

Young’s Cave 27-61r

New York - St. Lawrence County

Black Duck Hole ice cave 27-54dm

Grasse Blade Tick Cave 28-93r

Joe Indian Island ice cave 27-54dm

large cave south of Rossie 28-136r

Little Mountain Fissure Cave-1 26-102r,103m

Little Mountain Fissure Cave-2 26-102r,103m

Little Mountain fissure caves 26-102r

Oak Island ice slab caves 29-14dmx,15p

Six Mile Bay Microburst Cave 27-54r

talus caves at Wheeler Mtn. 25-4r

talus caves near Dog Pond 25-4r

underwater cave southwest of Rossie 28-136r

New York - Sullivan County

Bloomingburg/Wurtsboro tunnel 26-77oa

Surprise Cave 25-70r,27-11r

New York - Tompkins County

caves at Cayuga Lake 26-19r

caves east of Cayuga Lake 25-99r

Cayuga Cave 25-98g,99mx

Critter Rock Cave 25-98r

Ezra Cornell's Tunnel 26-16h,17i,18m,19d

Little Cayuga Cave 25-98r,99mx

Millraces #1, #2, #3 26-19d,20m

New York - Ulster County

abandoned mine, Kingston 29-42bc

Bonticou Crag caves 25-25d,26m,27m

Burrough's Shelter Cave 26-12r

crevice caves, Ellenville 28-69g

Ice Caves, Shawangunks 27-104o

Pompey’s Cave 25-23r,27-11r,62r,29-125ap

Salamander Cave 25-23r,27-115gp,117m,29-56r

shelter cave, Mohonk Lake 26-12r

talus caves, Shawangunks 27-104o

Tree Cave 25-24r

New York - Warren County

cave in Moxham’s Mountain 27-62r

cave near Anthony’s Nose 28-136r

cave near Beaver Pond 28-136r

Crane Mountain Cave 29-43x

Natural Stone Brige Cavern 27-62r

solution opening in quarry 28-136r

talus caves on Moxham Mountain 26-78r

New York - Washington County

caves, Hartford 27-62r

Prussian Cave 28-83m


Ape Cave 26-64g


Aitkin Cave 25-69o,28-42b,74cb

Archbald Pothole 29-76r

Copperhead Cave 29-43c

Hostermans Pit 25-5c,104oc,26-42c,27-39c,104c,28-5c,112b

Laurel caverns 27-75r

Schofer Cave 25-69c

Seawra Cave 28-42b

sinkhole, southern Pennsylvania 29-5a

Smullton Cave 28-112b

Stover Cave 25-5c

Tytoona Cave 28-74c,112o,29-76c,112o

Veiled Lady Cave 28-112b

South Dakota

Jewel Cave 28-19r

Wind Cave 28-19r


Junkyard Cave 26-69a


100 foot cave, Johnson 26-31r

100 foot talus cave, Mt. Horrid 29-120d,121m

150 foot talus cave, Mt. Horrid 29-120d,121m

1867 Cave 25-11r,13r

200+ foot talus cave, Mt. Horrid 29-120d,121m

300 foot cave, West Mountain 28-136r

50 foot talus cave, Mt. Horrid 29-120d,121m

60 foot pit, Tinmouth Range 28-136r

600 foot cave, Pine Hill 28-136r

80 foot cave in Readsboro (see also Carved Falls Cave) 26-6r

Abenaki Cave 26-5r,28-51r,93r

Aeolus Bat Cave 25-11r,12r

ancient mine with ice near Bristol 28-136r

Barrel Cave 25-11r,12r

Bear Bones Cave 25-13r

Bear Cave 25-12r

Beartown Porkie Dens 25-12r

Beldens Falls Cave 25-11r,12r

Bobcat Cave 25-11r,12r

Bone Room Cave 25-12r

Bostwick Point Cave 25-50mx

Boulder Cave 25-11r,13r,29-4a

Box Canyon Caves 29-98r,99m

Brandon Porkie Den 25-13r

Brian's Cave 25-11r,13r

Bristol Cave 25-12r

Bruised Rib Cave 25-12r

Calvin Cave 28-112rm

Calvin Cave 25-11r,13r

Camp Spring Cave 25-13r

Carpenter Hill Cave 25-12r

Carved Falls Cave 26-118r

Catamount Cave 26-118r

cave at Lake Willoughby 25-23r

Cave Island Cave #1 25-12r

Cave Island Cave #2 25-12r

cave near Caspian Lake 28-136r

cave on Mt. Hor 25-23r

cave on Snake Mountain 29-42r

cave on Spruce Peak 25-20r

cave under Route 30 29-124r

Cave Woods Caves 25-12r

cavern, Monkton 29-63r

Caves in the Vales 25-13r,29-124r

caves near Bloodroot Mountain 26-78r

caves on Miles Mtn. 25-20r

caves on Pine Hill 25-21r

caves SE of Arlington 25-21r

Cemetery Field Cave (Orchard Cave) 25-13r

Chaffee Mtn. #2 Cave 25-11r,13r

Chiller Cave 26-5r,78g,27-133r,28-51r,93r

Chimney Cave (Sicos Cave) 25-11r,13r

Clamshell Cave (Southeast LaMotte Cave) 25-13r

Cliff Hole 25-11r,12r

cliff hole near Caspian Lake 26-31r

Cobble Cave 25-12r

Cold River Cave 25-13r

Cook Hollow Caves 25-12r

Cow Hill Cave 25-21r

Cricket Cave 27-133r,29-98r

Dave's Porcupine Cave 25-11r,13r

deep pit, Bear Mountain 28-136r

deep pit, Tinmouth Range 28-136r

Deer Cave 25-11r,13r

Deer Leap Cave 26-5r

Deer Trail Cave 25-11r,12r

Devil's Den (Chittenden Co.) 25-12r

Devil's Den (Mt. Tabor) 25-13r

Devil's Den (Mt. Tabor) 26-29r

disappearing stream/cave, Florence 28- 41r,111rm

Dorset Cave 29-41b

Double Cave 25-52d

Easter Cave 26-42d,76r,118dm,27-3r,21r,42m,43d,44d,28-51r

Eiger Caves 29-98r

Eigercave 27-133r

Elizabeth Mine 25-28r

Ely Copper Mine 29-41b

Equinox Cave 25-12r

Everett Cave 25-11r,12r

Falls Cliff Cave 25-11r,12r

fissure cave, Dorset Peak 25-21r

fissures near Glastonbury Mtn. 25-21r

fissures near Mt. Tabor 25-21r

Flat Room Cave 25-11r,12r

fracture cave at Maidstone 26-28r

fracture cave at Peacham 26-28r

Gargantua Cave 26-5r,78g,27-133r,28-51r,93r

Gee's Cave 25-11r,13r

Green Frog Cave 25-13r

Gully Cave 25-13r

Haleys Hole Cave 26-100r,29-124r

Halls Lake Cave 26-139d,140m,27-124r

Hanging Boulder Cave 25-13r

Hise Cave (Porcupine Cave) 25-12r

Hole in the Wall Cave 25-12r

Horse Farm Road Cave 25-11r,12r,26-5r,28-51r

Hunter Cave 25-4r,11r,13r,20r,28-51r

Hunter Cave 26-5r

Indian Pit 26-99r

Ira Cave 25-11r,13r

Johnston Pit (Hangover Pit) 25-13r

Kent Cave 25-11r,12r

large talus cave south of Bird Mountain 29-124r

Leaves Cave 27-133r

Leonards Cave 25-12r,29-56r

Lime Kiln Caves 25-12r

Little Quarry Cave (Sluggo's Cave) 25-11r,13r

Little Skinner Cave 25-12r

Lone Rock Point Caves 25-50mx

Mack Farm Cave (Dead Cow Cave) 26-58r

Maidstone Cave (Maidstone Caves #1 and #2) 25-20r,37r,

26-5r, 131m,132m,133d,27-3g,6r,121d,122m,28-51r,93r

Maidstone System 26-43r,128x,129g,131m

Miller Cave 27-7rm

Mole Cave (see also Maidstone System) 26-133d

Mole Root Cave 25-13r

Morris Cave 25-11r,13r,20r,103r,26-5r,78o,27-106r,28-51r

Morris East Satellite Cave 25-13r

Morris Spider Cave 25-11r,13r

Morris West Satellite Cave 25-13r

Mount Anthony Cave 27-74r

Mount Anthony Goldmine 26-99d,100m

Mount Horrid Ice Cave 26-5r,27-133r,28-51r,93r,29-98r,99m

Mt. Anthony Cave 25-11r,12r

Nag's Den 25-13r

natural bridge, Georgia 29-63r

new cave at Maidstone 25-37r

new cave, Mt. Anthony 26-100r

New York/ Polis Quarry 25-30r

Nickwacket Cave 25-11r,13r,26-5r,28-51r

North End Caves 25-13r

North Falls Cave 25-12r

North White Rocks Caves #1 - #6 29-120d,121m

Peculiar Well 25-13r

Per-Severance Cave 29-95r,96m

Phelps Point Caves 25-13r

Philadelphia Cave 25-11r,13r,37r,38m

Pico Cave 29-3r

Piper's Crossing Cave 25-12r

Pisser Cave 26-100r

Pit of Misery 25-11r

pit on Red Mtn. 25-20r

pit, West Mountain 28-136r

pit, Wheelock Mountain 28-136r

pits on Mt. Mansfield 25-21r

Pittsford Ice Cave 26-5r,76a,78g,28-51r,93r,29-4a

Plymouth Cave #1 (South Cave) 25-11r,13r

Plymouth Cave #2 (West Cave) 25-13r

Plymouth Caves 26-30r,68rx,77b,29-41b

Plymouth Water Cave (mine) 26-7d,8m,68rx

Porkie Beans Cave 27-133r,29-98r,99m

Porky Den Cave 26-118r

Porky Poop Pit 26-118r

Potholes Cave 25-12r

Proctor Village Cave 25-13r

Prow Fissure/Sink 27-88dh,89m

Purgatory Pit/ System 25-11r,13r,20r,26-5r,28-51r

Purgatory South Vent 25-13r

Quarry Cave 25-11r,13r

Queneska Island Cave 25-50mx

Red Fox Cave 26-28r

Red Mountain Pit 25-11r,12r,26-111o,28-3o,41o,73oc

Red Rock Gothic Echo Cave 25-12r

Red Rock Point Caves 25-12r

resurgence cave E of Danby 28-136r

resurgence cave N of Spruce Peak 28-136r

Rimmond Cave 25-12r

Rockeby Cave 26-76r

Rockerby Cave 25-37r

Schoolhouse Cave (=Plymouth Water Cave?) 26-8r,30r,68rx

sink, Pownal 29-124r

sinkhole on Pico Peak 25-21r

Skinner's Hollow Cave 25-11r,12r

sinking river, southern Vermont 29-124r

sinking stream, Benson 29-63r

small cave-like openings, Jamaica 26-29r

Smuggler's Notch Graffiti Cave 26-5r

Snow Hole 27-119r

Southwest LaMotte Cave #4 25-13r

Southwest Providence Island Caves 25-13r

Stave Island Caves 25-13r

Stoneham Mountain Cave (Maidstone Cave #3)


Substitute Cave 27-133r,29-98r

Sweeney Brook Cave 25-11r,12r

Tallow Cave 25-11r,12r

Tallow Spur Cave #4 25-12r

talus caves near Lake Dunsmore 26-78r

talus caves, Groton State Park 26-28r

talus caves, Mt. Horrid 26-28r,28-73r

talus caves, Smuggler's Notch 26-28r

talus caves, The Dome, Pownal 26-100r

talus caves, Wallingford 29-64r

talus caves, Waterbury 29-64r

talus resurgence passage near Pittsford 28-136r

Thin Man's Cave 25-13r

Thompson's Point Cave 25-50mx

three new caves, Mount Horrid 27-133r

three new caves, Palmer Farm 26-100r

Tropical Breeze Cave 27-44r

underground stream 26-31r

underground trout brook 25-23r

upper Miles Mountain Cave 28-136r

vertical fissure cave, Tinmouth Range 28-136r

voids on Dorset Peak 25-20r

Walk In Den 25-12r

waterfall cave, Whitingham (see also Carved Falls Cave) 26-42d

Webster's Bonus Cave 25-12r

West Horrid Sink caves 29-99m

West Mtn. South Knob Caves 25-12r

West Providence Island Cave #5 25-13r

Weybridge Cave 25-11r,12r,26-3a,5r,28-51r

Wheeler Farm Cave 25-13r

Williams Cave 27-119r,28-24hdx,29-75r,112r

Woodards Cave (Duns Den) 29-63r


cave near Burnsville 26-3a

West Virginia

Buckeye Creek Cave 29-77o

Foxhole Cave 29-112c

Lobelia Saltpetre Cave 28-112o

Maxwelton Sink 29-77o

Norman Cave 25-104a,28-42a

Organ Cave 28-112o,29-112c

Rapps Cave 29-77o

Scott Hollow Cave 25-24r

Caves, outside United States

Hollenhohle 28-112r

Lamprechtshofen 28-19r

Stary Swistak 28-112r

Canada, New Brunswick

Dallings Cave 29-97o

gypsum caves 29-71r

Kitts Cave 29-16rp,17m

sink near Plaster Rock 28-76r

sinking stream in gypsum 29-70r

The Cave 29-109r

Underground Lake Cave 29-5r

Canada, Ontario

Dewdneys Cave 29-77r

Shelburne Leader Cave 29-77r

Canada, Quebec

Le Trou des Perdus 28-76r

Le Trou des Perdus II 28-130dm

pits near Woburn 28-136r

sea caves, Iles de la Madeleine 28-64d,65p

Speos de la Fee 28-94d,95m

Trou des Perdus System 28-119r,29-51dp,52p,53m


new cave in Sichuan 26-43r


Lukina Jama 28-19r

Patkov Gust 28-112r


cave in Ardeche River Canyon 26-4r

caves in Ariége region 26-90r

Gouffre Mirolda 28-19r,29-43r

Reseau Jean-Bernard 28-19r


Abatz Cave 25-69r

Vjacheslava Pantjukhina 28-19r


Nazi labyrinth 25-5r


Armanath Cave 28-75a


Gua Air Jernih 28-19r


Cueva de Villa Luz 29-9gbr

Huautla System 25-105r

Sistema Cheve 28-19r

Sistema Huautla 28-19r


Brezno Pod Velbom 28-6r,112r

Vrtiglavica Vertigo 28-6r,112r


Illaminako Ateeneko Leiza 28-19r

Sistema de la Trave 28-19r


Holloch 28-19r

Siebenhengste-hoelen 28-19r


cave near Cave Lodge 25-1p,2r


Optimistecheskaja 28-19r

Ozernaja 28-19r


Boj Bulok 28-19r


KaKuche tunnels 29-124r