Alabama Anderson Cave 40-45r Fern Cave 27-53a ,28-43o,40-45r Kennamar Cave 28-43o Neversink 26-112o, 28-5o,40-73p Nick-a-jack Cave 25-67i No Cave 40-12r,44-39b sinkhole near Montevallo 4-40d Valhalla Cave 33-43o Arizona Black Cave 28-43a Dougals Cave 26-63g Rampart Cave 8-29d shelter caves, Canyon de Chelly 26-61g,78g California Castaic Gold Mine 40-18a Cavern of Gold 1-109r caves in Sierra foothills 33-82r mine tunnel, Alta 37-48a sinkhole in La Jolla 38-109rp Colorado shelter caves, Mesa Verde 26-61g,78g Connecticut Abrahams Cave (Dead Mans Cave) 40-42dh,43-70r Bashful Lady Cave 33-18h,43-95p Bears Cave 43-31p Bill Stuarts Cave 30-95rh Black Sals Cave 44-73r Bonnies Crack 35-16r Bridgewater Cave 30-95rh cave in Moodus 29-28r cave in New Milford 6-22r cave in Salisbury 29-28r cave near Hartford 38-128r Cave of the Indian Chief 37-142p cave on Candlewood Mountain 6-22r cave on Indian Mountain 30-94r cave on Mine Hill, Roxbury 30-95r cave system near Canaan 7-93r cavern in Granby 41-33r caves at Ben Venue 31-71p,78r caves in Bolton Notch 44-73r caves in Litchfield County 6-100d Colebrook Cave/Cavern 1-20d,76r,38-84h Copperhead Cave 35-17dm Devils Den, Sterling 29-28r,41-60r Dragons Hole (Devils Den) 44-54d,55xpm,73r drains below Hartford 38-28r Glawackus Cave 28-78dp,81m Glory Hole 35-18dm Indian cave in Salisbury 30-94r Indian Council Caves 20-14d Jack in the Pulpit Cave 43-94p Judges Cave 26-54i,34-62rp,41-99h,44-59r King Phillips Cave 1-72dxm,20-13d,27-101p,34-62rp,110rg,40-75a Leather Mans Cave 44-4r Leatherman Cave, Jericho Bridge 30-96r Leatherman Cave, Watertown 30-95r Leetes Island Cave 37-3c Lions Den, Brooklyn 29-27r Lost Creek 15-14r mine tunnel, Cheshire 37-48r Moodus Cave 44-73r Natural Ice House near Meriden 7-22d Natural Ice House of Northford 7-22d Newgate Prison Mine 40-40b Not Federal Offense Cave 35-16d,17m Old Indian Cave, East Hampton 43-31p Philips Cave 34-63rp Pootatuck Indian shelter caves 30-95r Queen Annes Cave 1-72dxm reported cave in marble 6-101d Roxbury Mine 30-87dc,34-111cp,37-60hp,61dp,62m,64p,65p,66p,83c,89r,40-45b Salisbury Cave 9-69d Shouldabeenmore Cave 1 41-122d,123mp Shouldabeenmore Cave 2 41-122d,123m six Leatherman caves, Woodbury 30-95r small marble cave, Bolton 37-7r Squaw(s) Cave 42-73r, 44-73r Squaws Kitchen 44-123hdp Talcott Mountain Caves (see King Phillips and Queen Annes Caves) talus caves near Norwich 21-31r (S) talus caves near Squaw Rock 44-124r talus caves, Sleeping Giant State Park 37-3r,7r Three Judges Cave 35-16r Tory Cave, New Milford 30-95d Tory Den, Burlington 30-94d,95x Tory(s) Cave 37-7r,47c,38-75c,107c,39-38c,44-70a Twin Lakes Cave (Bashful Lady, Miles, Jack-in-the-Pulpit Caves) 6-100d,9-36r,11-78m,21-110r,26-5r,28-51r, 30-96hd,31-44o,49r,95r,33-52r Twin Lakes Cave System 37-7ro unnamed #1 near Prophet Rock 21-30i,31r West Rock Cave 40-133r Wolfs Den 33-113r Wolf(s) Den, Pomfret 37-142p,43-31p Wolfs Den, Putnam 37-142p,40-32rhp Wolfs Den, Stonington 37-142p Wolfshollow Cave 7-22d District of Columbia cement cavern, Lincoln Mem. 10-20d Floridaa Big Dismal Sink 30- 75r Blue Sink 3-135a,10-39a cave used to grow marijuana 16-29r Cheryl Sink 30-75r chimney at Narianna 3-135r Injun Joe Cave 14-51d Leon and Wakulla Springs System 38-109r Little River Springs 3-133a Little Salt Springs 3-135r Magic Magnetic Mine Cave 14-51d Ponce de Leon Springs 3-134a Runaway Ore Train 14-51d sinkholes 4-3d,13d underground Santa Fe River 3-135r Georgia caves, northern Georgia 43-90r Cemetery Pit 28-74o Ellisons Cave 1-68r Fricks Cave 28-74o,40-6c,40-45r Hurricane Cave 28-74o Rock House Cave 43-89r Rustys Cave 28-74o Hawaii Kazamura Cave System 26-112r lava tube 43-104a Na One Pit 26-81rm volcanic pit 25-5r Illinois Cherry Mine 35-63a Indiana Bee Tree 4-49m Binckleys Cave 1-146r,4-45d Blue Springs Cave 4-45d Brinegar Cave 4-44dm Buckners Cave 4-45d,13-31d Ellers Cave 4-45d Gory Hole 4-44d King Blair System 4-43dm Lamons Latter Cave 4-46d Marengo Cave 4-46d Salamander-Crystal Cave 4-44dm Saltpeter Cave 4-43dm Shaft Cave 4-44d Sullivan Cave 4-45d,29-77c Trap Door Cave 4-49m Triple-J Cave 4-44dm Waynes Cave 4-43dm Wyandotte Cave 3-47d,4-46d,40-6c Iowa caves, Maquoketa 42-42b Cold Water Cave 1-145r Kentucky Bangor Cave 38-48r Carter Caves 40-6c cave, Trigg County 42-40b Colossal Cave 38-76r Fisher Ridge Cave 28-19r,31-5r Fisher Ridge Cave System 18-77r Flint Ridge Cave System 1-109r,2-4r,127d,18-77r,78r Frenchman Knob Cave 40-45r Floyd Collins Crystal Cave 28-5r,42-106r Great Saltpetre Cave 34-41r Hester Cave 11-27d Logsdon Cave 40-45r Long Cave 44-4b Mammoth Cave 1-109r,110i,2-4r,3-127d,25-5a,28-19r,32-79c,35-62r,37-48i, 41-40r,42-106r,115r Neelys Creek Cave 38-48r Sand Cave 33-20h,42-106r Sloans Valley Cave System 18-77r State Trooper Cave 33-43r Maine – Androscoggin County cave at Sabattus Mountain 29-30r Devils Den, Turner 29-140dx fault cave near Leeds 3-74r,25-21r Ledge House Cave 29-30r Maine – Aroostook County Colony Brook Cave 31-109dx,32-33r Deboullie Cave #1 29-128dm,32-33r Deboullie Cave #2 29-128m,129d,32-33r Deboullie Ice Cave 29-128d fissure cave, Deboullie 29-129r Galilee Talus Field ice cave 29-129r Haystack Cave 32-33r,35-112dxm ice cave, Gardner Mountain 29-129r shelter cave, Deboullie 29-129r talus caves, T15R9 25-122r,28-7r Maine – Cumberland County cave at Sebago Lake 29-29r cave in Cornish 29-140r Gully Oven 29-29r Pirates "Cave", Bailey Island 33-105p,43-29p,38r Maine – Franklin County Bigelow Range talus caves 21 108r Cranberry Pond Cave 35-123dmp Fat Mans Dilemma 27-88d,89m,32-33r Fat Mans Misery 27-88d,32-33r Granger Mine 24-86r Northwest Saddleback Satellite Cave 32-33r Piazza Rock Overhang 32-33r Piazza Rock talus caves(see also Saddleback) 3 70d;36-50r pits on Quebec border 25-21r Saddleback Mountain Ponor Cave 32-33r Saddleback Mountain Southeast Cave 32-33r Saddleback Mountain Talus Cave 9 33dm,112dm,14-24r,21-110r,22-21r,26-5r,28-51r,93r,31-49r,32-33r,33-52r Saddleback South Flange Cave 32-33r Saddleback West Cave 32-33r sinks near Arnold Pond 23-18r small caves, Tumbledown Mountain 36-50r talus cave, Mount Abraham 34-23r talus caves, Saddleback Mountain 36-50r,51r Tumbledown Mountain Cave #2 32-33r Tumbledown Mountain Cave #3 32-33r West Cranberry Pond Cave 32-33r Maine – Hancock County 60-footer west of Cadillac Mountain 38-101p Acadia National Park caves 21 109r Anemone Cave 20 61i,63d,65m,68g,26-64g,29-28r,32-33r,33-75p,105p,35-67p Beech Cliff Cave #1 38-98xr,99m Beech Cliff Cave #2 32-33r,38-98xr,99m Bernard Mountain Sea Cave 32-33r,33-88pdg,89pm Big Bald Porcupine Sea Cave 29-134rx,135p Big Ironbound Sea Cave 29-135rp,31-138rx,139p,32-34r Big Long Porcupine Sea Cave 29-134rx,135p,32-33r Black Hawk Mine 24-85r Blackwoods Cave 38-96rx,97m,101p Blue Hill Mine 24-85r Blueberry Cave 29-122dp,123m,30-9r,32-33r Bubble Pond Cave 21-47r Bubble Pond Caves #1, #2 32-33r,38-96rx,97m Bubble Pond Cave #2 Northwest 32-33r Cadillac Cliffs Sea Cave 20 66d,68gm,32-33r Cape Rosier Mine 24-86r Cave 2, Long Porcupine Island 29-134rx Cave 4, Long Porcupine Island 29-134rx cave at Cave Hill, Waltham 29-30r Cave Hill Cave 34-117dpg,118m cave in Oak Hill, Otis 29-29r cave in Orland 29-29r cave on Bald Porcupine Island 29-28r Champlain Cave 14 98m,99d,21-110r,22-21r,26-5r,28-51r,93r31-49r,95r,33-52r,36-51r,38-99rx,100m,101p Champlain Mountain Cave 32-33r Day Mountain Cave 32-33r Deer Isle Mine 24-86r Dorr Notch Caves #1 - #3 32-33r,38-95rm,96x Dorr Point Cave 29-134p,135r,30-110r,31-7r Dorr Tarn Cave #2 32-33r Dorr Tarn Cave #3 32-33r Dorr-Tarn Caves #1-4 38-97r,98xm Douglass Copper Mine 24-86r East Champlain Cave #1 32-33r,38-96rx,97m,99rxm East Champlain Cave #2 32-34r,38-96rx,97m,99rxm,40-126d East Champlain Cave #3 32-33r,38-96rx,97m,99rxm,40-125r Eggemoggin Mine 24-86r Emerson Mine 24-86r Enchanted Hall Cave 41-125rm,126p fissure-block cave near Monument Cove 38-96x,97r Floods Pond Cave 32-33r Floods Pond Caves #1 - #3 30-88dmx fracture caves, Champlain Mountain 38-96x,97r Franklin Extension Mine 24-86r Gorham Mountain Sea Cave 33-88dmg Gouldsboro Mine 24-86r Great Head Cave 20 64r,67m,68g,32-33r,38-96x,97r,98r,99m,101p Great Mountain Cave 32-32r,34-118dpg,119m Grotto Cave 29-138dxp,139m,32-33r Harvey Elliot Mine 24-86r hollow ground, Blue Hill 25-24r Huguenot Gulch Cave #1 32-33r,38-96x,97mr Huguenot Gulch Cave #2 38-96x,97mr Ironbound Grotto Cave 31-138rpx,32-33r Kidd Cave 37-143p Kimball Terrace Hall 41-126rmp Little Bald Porcupine Sea Cave 29-134rx,32-3r Little Ironbound Sea Cave 29-135r Little Long Porcupine Sea Cave 29-134rxp,32-33r Lower Champlain Cave 32-33r Mammoth Mine 24-86r Mermaid Cave 32-33r Milton Mine 24-86r natural bridge, Orland 27-90r newly discovered emerged sea cave, Acadia 32-112r Newport Cave 32-33r Newport Cove Cave 20 64r,67m,68g Ovens, The 25-54d,29-28r,31-132rpx,133mp,32-34r,34-71r,43-29p Pillar Cave 31-138rx,139p,32-33r Pirate Cave 29-28r Precipice Cave 32-33r,72dx,73mp Sea Arch 25-54d,31-132rxp, 133mp sea caves, Bear Island 31-7r sea caves, Ironbound Island 31-138rpx sea caves, Porcupine Islands 25-54r sea caves, Sutton Island 31-7r Seal Bay Caves #1,2 38-96rx,97m Spouting Horn 43-30p St. Sauveur Mountain Cave #1 32-33r,38-98rxm St. Sauveur Mountain Cave #2 38-98rxm Stewart Mine 24-86r Sullivan Mine 24-86r talus cave, Cadillac Mountain 36-51r talus caves below Champlain Mountain 40-126r talus caves in vicinity of Champlain Cave 40-125r talus caves, Mount Desert Island 36-51r talus caves, Orland 27-90r talus caves, Otis 29-56r talus caves, Precipice Trail 40-125r Tapley Mine 24-86r Thunder Cave 29-28r;37-143i Thunder Hole 33-105p Twin Lead Mine 24-86r Underboulder Cave 41-125m,126rp uplifted sea caves 31-95r Valley Peak Cave #1 32-33r,38-98xr,99m Valley Peak Cave #2 38-98xr,99m Via Mala 29-28r Waukeag Mine 24-86r Weil Freddie Mine 24-86r Maine – Knox County Annis Road Cave 31-93dm,32-34r Bear Cave 31-92r Delano Hill Luminous Moss Cave 32-34r,33-130dbmx Devils Den, St. George 29-29r Inmans Cave 28-102dmh,31-97dhmp,32-34r limestone cave in Rockland 23 18r Mount Megunticook Cave 31-98dmp,32-34r Mount Megunticook Talus Cave 32-34r,37-103dm Pirates Cave, Oakland Park 43-30p Quarry Cave/Mine 31-92dm,93p,32-34r Seal Island Sea Cave 31-76r,39-56hd Wawenok Cave 31-92r,32-34r Maine – Lincoln County Birthday Cave 32-34r,36-11r,42-79r,106r Boars Head Cave (#1) 32-34r,36-11r,42-78dg,79mx Boars Head Caves #2,3,4 (The Three Little Pigs) 42-78rg,79x Broochers Cave 29-29r,39-56r Brooks Cave 37-143p caves on Monhegan Island 35-108r,36-11hr Howitzer Cave 32-34r,36-11r,42-79r Nightshade Cave 32-34r,36-11r,42-79r Norton Ledge Caves 36-11r,42-79r Nortons Ledge Caves #1 - #3 32-34r Schooner Cave 32-33r Stag Cave 32-33r Maine – Oxford County Amphitheatre Cave 41-65r Blood Cave 23-129dm,32-34r Bumpus Mine 24-85r Carlo Col Cave 32-34r cave south of Rumford 3 74r,4 29r Devils Den, Andover 29-28r,43-28p Devils Den, Porter 44-65p Devils Oven, Andover 29-28r,43-28r East Royce Stream Cave 39-133dm fault cave southeast of Rumford 25-21r Goodrich Cave 23 129m,130d,32-34r Grafton Notch caves 21 108r Greenwood Ice Cave #1 28-28d,29m,39r,32-34r Greenwood Ice Cave #2 (see also Walleys Cave, Wentworths Cave) 28-28d,29m,39r,32-34r Greenwood Ice Cave #3 28-28d,29m,32-34r Greenwood Ice Cave #4 28-29d Greenwood Ice Cave (Wentworths Cave) 21 120dm Greenwood Ice Caves 3-70d,21 108r,26-78g,29-29r,36-50r,41-65m Harrington Cave 23 130d,32-32r ice cave, Rumford Falls 37-143p Jenks Cave 23-128r,129m,32-34r Laughing Lion Cave #1 44-98dm Laughing Lion Cave #2 44-98dmp Lone Star Gold Mine 29-30r Lower Mahoosuc Ice Cave 32-34r Mahoosuc Ice Cave 21-110r,22-21r,23 131d,132m,26-5r,28-51r,93r,31-49r,32-34r,36-51r Mahoosuc Notch 150 footer 23 130r,131r Mahoosuc Trail Tunnel 32-34r Middle Mahoosuc Tunnel 32-34r mines near Rumford 33-5b Molly Locket Cave 32-32r Moose Cave 21-120dm,29-29r,32-34r Mother Walker Falls Cave #1 32-34r Nevel Mine 24-86r Pychowska Cave 32-34r,23 129m,130d Ragged Jack Gorge Cave 42-76d,77mp Ragged Jack Pinnacle Cave 42-76dm shelter caves, Black Brook Devils Den 43-38p shelter caves, Ragged Jack Mountain 42-76r Snake Passage 41-64r Table Rock Base Talus Caves #1 - #5 32-34r Table Rock Slab Caves #1 - #3 32-34r Table Rock Slab Caves 21 119dm,26-78g talus caves, Mahoosuc Notch 21-108r,36-50r talus caves, Table Rock 36-51r Tri-Boulder Cave 32-32r two Oxford County mines 42-71b vanishing stream near Upton 3 74r Walleys Cave (see also Greenwood Ice Cave #2, Wentworths Cave) 41-64r,65r Wardwell Mine 24-85r Well Cave 41-64r Wentworths Cave (see also Greenwood Ice Cave #2, Walleys Cave) 32-34r Youngmans Mine 29-29r Maine – Penobscot County Hercules Mine 24-86r Little Peaked Mountain Cave 28-99d,101pm,32-34r Marble Pond Cave (Marble Pond Island Cave) 23-18r,28-1p,8rp,9mp,10p,32-34r,41-59dh sink near Shin Pond 3 74r,4 29r Swantons Cave 29-28r Maine – Piscataquis County 50+ footer, Witherle Ravine 44-52r Allagash Ice Cave 25-120d,121m,26-77o,28-22rhl,42c,51r,93r,31-49r,52hp,53dp,54mx,55p,96m,32-25r,35r,33-52r Bald Mountain Cave #1 32-35r Big Reed Cave 32-32r Cave, The (Hunt Trail) 32-32r caves at base of Dudley Trail 41-123r caves in North Basin 41-123r caves in the Traveler Range 41-123r caves in Witherle Ravine 41-123r caves near Lower South Branch Pond 41-123r caves on Billfish Mountain 41-123r caves on Elephant Mountain 3 74r Chimney Pond North Cave 31-7r,36-96dxp,103m,37-117dm Davis Cave 32-35r Debsconeag Caves #1 - #3 32-25mx,26d,35r Debsconeag Ice Cave 28-137dm,32-24d,25mx,26p,34r,44-5op Debsconeag Ice Cellar (Debsconeag Cold Cellar) 32-25mx,26d,35r Double Top Cave 32-35r East Witherle Cave #1 32-35r East Witherle Cave #2 32-35r fault cave, Doubletop Mountain 25-21r fissure cave, North Brother 28-7r fissure in Witherle Ravine 30-17r fissure on The Owl 30-17r Gateway Cave 32-35r Horse Mountain Cave #1, #2 32-34r Huff Silver Mine 29-30r ice caves, Baxter State Park 31-78r ice caves near Sebec Lake 10 21dx,43-28p Lower Allagash Ice Cave 28-22dp,23m,32-34r Lower Pamola Cave 35-93d,94pm,41-123r Middle Moose and Squirrel Cave 32-34r Middle Pamola Cave 35-94pm,95d,41-123r Moose and Squirrel Cave 24 16d,18m,25-88r,26-5r,78g,28-51r,93r,31-49r,32-4r,33-52r Moose and Squirrel Satellite Cave 25-88r,32-34r new talus caves, Baxter State Park 32-8r North Basin Caves A - G 32-35r Northeast Fort Mountain Cave 32-35r Northeast Pathfinder Cave 32-35r Pamola Caves 36-50r Pamola Ice Cave (Pamola Cave, Pamola Purgatory, see also Upper Pamola Cave) 3 70d,21 109r,32-35r,35-93p,95dpm,96p,41-124p Pathfinder Cave 12 34d,36m,14-24r,21-110r,22-21r,26-5r,36-51r Peak of Ridges Hari-Kari Cave 32-35r Peak of Ridges Trailside Cave 32-35r Peak of Ridges Trailside Maze 32-35r Ripogenus Gorge Cave #1 33-98pd,99m Ripogenus Gorge Cave #2 33-99dm,100p Ripogenus Gorge Cave #3 33-99dm,100p Ripogenus Gorge Cave 25-121r Satans Cave 34-64dpm Sebec Ice Cave 31-134d,135m,32-25r,35r,43-28p South Turner Mountain Caves C,D 32-35r Southeast Russell Mountain Cave 32-35r Southwest Pathfinder Cave 28-51r,93r,31-49r,32-35r,33-52r Table Edge Cave 32-35r,44-52r talus cave, Little North Basin 28-7r talus cave, Northwest Basin 28-7r talus caves, Baxter State Park 21 109r,36-51r talus caves, Chimney Pond 36-96r Traveler Summit Cave 32-35r Twin Towers Cave 25-88d,89m,26-5r,78g,28-51r,93r;31-49r,32-34r,33-52r Twin Towers Satellite Cave 25-88r underwater cave, Baxter Park 6 76r underwater cave, Shin Ponds 23-18r Upper Moose and Squirrel Cave 32-34r Upper Moose and Squirrel Satellite Cave 32-34r Upper Pamola Cave (see also Pamola Cave) 41-123r Wassataquoik Cave #3 32-35r West Billfish Caves #1 - #3 32-35r West Witherle Cave 32-35r Witherle E T Cave 15 15d,16m,21-110r,22-21r,26-5r,28-51r,93r,31-49r,32-35r,33-52r,36-51r,44-52r Maine – Sagadahoc County limestone caves, Phippsburg 29-140r Mount Ararat Sea Cave #1 37-106dg,107pm Mount Ararat Sea Cave #2 37-106dg,106p,107m Murderers Cave 32-35r Maine – Somerset County 250 footer, Safford Notch 35-123r Avery Peak Foot Cave A 32-35r Avery Peak Foot Cave B 32-35r Bigelow Range talus caves 21 108r,36-51r Enchanted (Lake) Cave 22 92dhm,95m,32-35r Enchanted (Lake) Cave #2 22 94d,95m,32-35r Enchanted (Lake) Cave #3 22 94d,95m,32-35r Enchanted System 23 17r fissure, Shutdown Mountain 27-90r Houston Brook Cave 29-29r,32-32r Little Bigelow Cave A 32-35r Maine – Waldo County cave at Searsport 29-30r Sears Island Sea Caves 34-51dm Maine – Washington County Bold Coast Heath Cave 39-12x,13rp Bold Coast Hidden Cove North Side Cave 39-12x,13rp Bold Coast Hidden Cove South Side Cave 39-12x,13rp Bold Coast North End Cave 39-12xrp Cherryfield Mine 24-86r Cross Island Sea Cave 29-28r,32-32r,34-115dp,116m Cutler Sea Cave 30-97dmx,32-35r,39-12xr Gullivers Hole (West Quoddy Head Cave) 32-35r,38-133dpm,134m Jasper Beach caves 39-12rpx Kendall Head Cave 32-2r Lamb Cove Cave 30-83mx Lambs Cove Sea Cave 32-35r lead mines, Lubec 29-29r Lubec Lead Mine 24-86r Magurrewock Cave 32-35r Mill Cove (Sea) Cave #1 30-83xm,32-35r Mill Cove (Sea) Cave #2 30-83x,84dm,32-35r Mill Cove (Sea) Cave #3 30-83x,84d,85m,32-35r Mill Cove (Sea) Cave #4 30-83x,84d,85m,32-35r Ravens Head Cave 32-32r sea cave, Hardwood Island 31-7r sea caves, Cutler 30-97rx sea caves, Machias Bay 31-7r Shackford Head Sea Caves #1 - #8 32-105dhxp West Quoddy Head Cave 32-35r Maine – York County Betty Moodys Cave 32-35r Blowing Cave 25-24r,32-35r Old Indian Cave, Sanford 29-29r Maine – county unknown or unspecified 1000+ foot solution cave 28-7r granite fracture cave, north woods 42-71r Indian Pond Cave 32-32r limestone caves, Indian Pond 28-119r Mouse Cave 14-24r sea caves, Downeast coast 30-79r Maryland Crabtree Cave 42-40b Grieses Cave 42-40b Roundtop mines 42-40b Massachusetts - Berkshire County 1605 Cave 42-108dm,109p Arrowhead Through Cave 41-83mrp Bakers Quarry Cave 23 54x,60m,66x,25-114r,36-107rp,37-57r,39-43b Bards (Hessian) Cave 36-20r Bats Den Cave 22 85g,86m,21-111r,25-114r,26-5r,28-51r,31-49r,33-52r,39-43b,41-10b Bear Rock Stream Cave 21-111r,25-115r Bears Den, Great Barrington 38-95r Bears Den, Sheffield 41-9rp Beartown Cave 27-119r Beartown Karst caves 31-89r,36-19rg Berkshire Cavern 31-20d,24m,49r,33-52r,38-131r Bill Blackneys Cave 24-62x,63gh,70d Blanket Cave 24-62x,63gh,68d Blockhouse Cave 23 61g,66x Blowing Porky Hole 42-112m boulder cave, Pittsfield 37-7r boulder caves, The Gulf 36-19hr Brodie Mountain Cave 21-111r,23 54x,25-116r Brodie Slot Cave (Hooker Pit) 42-110r Brookside Cave 24-62x,63gh,70d,41-121g Buckleys Cave 23 54x,57g Cat Hole Cave 14 30dh,21-111r,25-114r,29-59r,34-110o,36-18g,38-61r,44-45r cave “in Berkshire” 40-133r cave in Adams 29-59r,40-133r cave in Lanesboro 40-133r cave in Lenox 6 50r cave in Richmond 38-77r cave near Hoosac Tunnel 27-119r cave near lime quarry, Lee 27-119r cave near Pulpit Rock 36-18pg cave near West Stockbridge 40-133r cave on Hawks Peak 37-15r caves at Farnams 43-101c caves in Lenox 28-20r caves in New Marlborough 29-59r,40-133r caves in North Tunnel, Farnams 27-119r caves near Pittsfield 6 101d caves near Williamstown 10 30d China Room Cave 42-112rm,113p Coffin Cave 21 99r,24-62x,63gh,68d,69m,25-104r,115r,26-6r,77o,36-20r Cone Brook Cave 36-20r Constitution Cave 23 54x,62m,63g,34-33p Constitution Hill Cave 36-20rm Convention Cave 10 69r,12 31d,32m,20 85m,21-111r,23 54x,63m,63g,25-116r,36-20r,38-48r,77r Convention Crawl Cave 23 54x,63g Coon Hollow Cave 7-93r,21-111r,23 54x,24-62x,63gh,65m,68d,25-116r,26-5r,77o,28-51r,31-49r,33-52r,36-20r,107r,43-63p Coon Hollow Pit 24-62x,63gh,71d Coon Hollow Resurgence #3 Cave 24-62x,63gh,67m,68d Coon Hound Cave 40-58rp,59p,41-121g Coreys Water Hole 40-123r Corkscrew Cave 38-12r,40-124rp,125m Counterfeiters Cave, Hancock 36-20r,38-95r Cowbone Cave 23 67g Crevice Cave (Cave of Beauty) 23 59g,66x Crevice Caves 36-20r Crystal Pool Cave 22 85g,87m,41-10b,105o dark openings on Mount Greylock 21-68r Devils Den, Alford 25-90g,91x,93m,28-55r,36-18g,40-52dmp Disappearing Brook Caves 23 54x,61gm,66x,36-20r,37-57r Dolo Cave 23 87d,88m,24-62x,63gh,66m,71d,25-115r,26-6r,77o,36-20r,107r,41-132rp,133m Drag Rock Cave 22-29rm,23 54x,64m,67g,25-115r,38-12r Easy Hole Cave 40-122dp Eldon French Cave (Eldons Cave) 5-96dh,6 100d,7-41r,21-110r,111r,25-114r,26-5r,28-3o,51r,52hd,53m,56g,57x,58d,59m,76r,30-82c,31-49r,33-52r,36-18g,38-94r,109c,40-18r,41-1p, Eldons Annex Cave 28-52d,58g,59m Elephants Den Cave 23 54x,59gm,66x,25-115r,34-21r,36-20r,107r,111b Elsie Venners Cave 36-18gd,37-7r Enchanted Frog Pond Caves 22 88g Everetts Hole 32-90r Farnams Mine Tunnel 37-12b Farnams North Tunnel (see also Pettibone North Tunnel) 13-56m,24-89r Farnams Tunnel 24-89r,32-78b,118d,33-82b Fern Falls Cave 38-12r Fluted Cave 43-82rm,83p Forgotten Karst Cave 40-56rp,57p,42-8o Found Cave 23 54x,65m,67g,25-115r,36-20r,107r,38-48r four caves near Johnsons Cave 42-111r Frying Pan Springs Cave 28-55dm Glendale Road Caves 36-18g Gold Cave 28-52d,54m,76r Goodale marble quarry (mine) 24-89r Great Radium Springs Cave 6-100d,21-111r,25-115r,117r,26-5r,6r,28-51r,31-49r,33-7r,36-19g,40-73r,109rp,114r,41-70r,103r,44-3r,37r Green River Caves 43-84rpm,85p Growling Bear Cave (Waterfall Cave) 22 87g,88m Harbor Cave 12 78h,83x,13 43h,59m Hawk Crag (cave) (Bears Den, Elm Street Cave) 36-19r Hawthornes Cave 22 81r,26-121r Hermit Cave 1 100r Hidden Valley Caves 43-87r,88m Hillside Cave 22 87g hollowed out boulder, Pittsfield 36-113r Hoosac Tunnel 28-111r Hot Pot 28-55r Ice Cave, Great Barrington 34-20r Ice Cave, Mount Greylock 34-20r Ice Glen talus caves 22 80h,81d Icy Glen caves 8 51d Icy Gulf caves 8 51d iron mine, Lenox 24-89r Johnsons Cave 42-111rm,112p Jug End caves 42-39b Justins Cave 23 54x,66x,24 21rm Kelly Caves 43-40rm,41p Known Cave 42-110r Landslide talus cave group 21-81r leads near Coon Hollow Cave 6 50r Lenox Canyon Caves (Upper Canyon Cave, Lower Canyon Cave) 42-110rm,111p Liberty Cave 41-84m,85pr,86p Lost Cave 28-20r Lucky Seven Cave 26-64g,36-19r Maelstrom, The 1-58dm Man Made Cavern 33-82r man-made cave, Hartsville 38-95r Marble Hole Cave 22 87g Marble Slab Cave 28-61r marble tunnel, Stockbridge 24-89r Markoffs Cave 36-20r Mary Janes Cave 1-4r Mass Hole 39-37r,46dp,47mp,101p,107dp,108p,109mp,110p,111p,112p,113dp,114p,40-10rbg,23rm,44b,134g,41-10b,42-101r,44-37r,45r,94g,95p,106r McMasters Cave 1 52d,21-111r,25-103o,116r,26-77o,38-95r,39-20dp,21m Mistooken Cave 43-83mpr Monument Mountain talus caves 22 81r Mud Hole Cave 31-95r Natural Bridge Cave 33-93d natural bridge, North Adams 10 22d new cave, Lanesborough 36-111r new discoveries near Lanesborough 7 93r Nice & Easy Cave 42-8o Nickys Cave 42-8o Nobodys Fault Cave 32-119r Nodding Bear Pit 13 51d,58m,27-119r,32-119r,37-57r North Quarry Cave 29-124r North Tunnel 32-118d Nowornever Cave 23 54x,61g,62m,66x ore transport tunnel, Cheshire 32-43rb Overhang Cave 40-58m,123rp Pettibone Falls Cave 1-4r,74r,2-2d,7-13r,12 76x,77d,83x,91p,13 29p,41h,50p,52p,54m,57m,20 88m,89m,21-111r,25-116r,26-5r,28-51r,30-82c,31-49r,32-78r,33-52r,37-12b,38-75r,129r,130r,39-18r,43-101c Pettibone North Tunnel (see also Farnams North Tunnel) 25-29r Pfizer Quarry tunnel 24-89r Phantom Canyon Cave 7-42dm,12 77d,13 47d,56m,32-78r,119d,37-12b,51b,39-18r Phelps Disappointment Cave 36-20r Phils Cave 42-112rm,113p Pitfalls Cave 41-82mrp Plan B Cave 38-12r Plumber Canyon Cave 2-2r,12 77d,13 47d,56m,21-111r,25-29r,116r,32-78r,119d,37-51b Pokie Hole Cave 23 54x Porcupine Caves 36-19g Porky Hole 28-61r Porky Poop Pit 42-112m Pothole Cave 22 87g,88m Pothole Spring Cave 23 54x,67g Powderhouse Cave 12 77d,83x,13 29p,51d,52p,55m,21-111r,25-116r Privacy Cave 42-109rmp Ravens Ravine Cave 29-124r Red Bat Cave 34-62rh,36-20r,37-58dp,88r,39-43b,133d Replacement Cave 40-124dm Revival Cave 29-124r Richmond Cave 21-111r,24-100o,101m,102d,103g,25-115r Rodent Caves 23 61g,66x Root Pit 40-123r Rosens Painted Cave 41-82rmp,83p Rounds Rock Cave 38-95r Scaces Cave (Wet Crawl) 36-18g Scalloped Cave 43-82r Scalped Woman Cave 25-104r,36-18g Schist-Marble Contact Cave 36-12c School Canyon Caves 43-83mr,84p Separation Cave 1 40-123r Separation Cave 2 40-58m,123r Shelf Rocks Cave 42-111r,112mp shelter cave, Bartholomews Cobble 26-12r Shepherds Cave 40-58r,59p,60p,41-120dm,121pg,122p,44-37r Short Cut Cave 23 54x,59g Silver Cave 28-52d,54m,60m,61d,36-18g Silver Street Quarry Cave 23 54x sink cave in Sheffield 26-6d,7d Skeleton Cave 40-130dp,131p,132p,133m,41-73r,105cp,43-7rp,44-107rp Sky Cave 37-48r Sky Peak Cave 36-19gp Slime Hole Cave 23 54x,59g,66x Slime Time Back Door Cave 40-58m,123r Slime Time Cave 40-58m Slot Machine Cave 21 99r,36-12c small cave south of Eldons 28-61r small caves in New Ashford 30-133r small caves, Ice Glen 39-4r small caves, Ice Gulch 39-4r talus cave, Flag Rock, Great Barrington 39-105dp talus caves near Cheshire Lake 12 62r talus caves, Ice Gorge 37-85r Temper Hole 24-62x,63gh,70d,43-85r,86mp,87p Three Amigos Cave 38-12r,41-83mp,84r Trurans Cave 36-20r Two Amigos Cave 41-84rm Two Feet Cave 40-124rp two openings near Eldons Cave 1-69r Undertree Cave 42-109r Union Street Cave 1 74r,21-35r,36m,99r,22-4r Unnamed Cave 42-109r Unnamed Fissure Cave 40-122dp Valentine Cave 43-39pgrm,41p,42p Valentine Karst Contact Caves 43-87r,88pm Walking Fern Cave 27-119r Whose Fault Cave 32-118r Widow Whites Spring Cave 23 54x,63g Wills Well 22 88g Wilsons Cave 24-103d,104m Wilsons Cave #2 24-103d Witches Cave 21 114d,22 3r Worthless Cave 40-59r,123rp,41-121g Massachusetts - Bristol County boulder cave, Norton 29-115r cave in Taunton 36-112r caves in Swansea 31-89r conglomerate caves, Swansea 29-115r King Philips Cave 29-19r,31-8c King Phillips Cave, Freetown 34-20r Massachusetts - Essex County Bears Den, Essex 34-20r cave below Ship Rock 34-20r cave in Nahant 40-133r cave in Peabody 37-27r cave near Salisbury 6 108d cave on Hog Island 30-68r caves at Den Rock, Lawrence 29-59r caves, Fort Sewall, Marblehead 39-22r Devils Chin (cave) 35-110r Devils Cove (cave) 35-110r Devils Den, Newbury or Newburyport 29-59r,44-65p Devils Den, Rockport (Triangle Cave, Devils Triangle Cave) 37-45r Devils Maze 35-110r Devils Mouth 35-110r Dungeon Cave 29-59r Dungeon Rock “Cave” 43-5r Indian Cave, Saugus 34-20r Indian Shelter Cave 32-72rp Irenes Grotto 35-80ri Natural Bridge, Nahant 35-64p Old Indian Cave, Peabody 37-28r Pirates Cave 29-115r Pirates Glen Cave 30-20rp,38-49r,60hr,61p Swallow(s) Cave 30-17r,34-60irh,37-144p,41-57dhi,58p Syrens Cave 35-64p Turtles Cave 38-110r,111p two caves, Essex County 33-7r underground military base, Nahant 31-68dx,69p,77o water caves, Saugus 38-95r Massachusetts - Franklin County Aunt Dinahs Den 30-133r Barn Door Cave (Barndoor Cave) 28-20r,31-109r,40-114r,42-47rp Bat Cave, The, Farley (see also Barn Door Cave) 42-47rp Bears Den, Bernardston 28-76r,40-11r Bears Den, Colrain 29-19r Bears Den, Erving 38-95r Bears Den, Greenfield 38-77r Bears Den, New Salem 38-94r beehive chambers near Leverett 27-119r Boulder Cave 7 93r boulder cave, Monroe 31-89r Catamount Dens 29-19r cave in Sunderland 36-80rp,40-133r cave or mine in Charlemont 36-112rp caves in Catamount Hills 28-20r,39r caves in Leyden 31-46r caves on Rattlesnake Mountain 28-20r,31-109r caves, Sugarloaf Mountain 29-19r Davis Pyrite Mine 24-89r Graves Cave 35-126dp Hermits Cave 28-20r,34-61pr Hoosac Soapstone Mine 37-71dp,87h Hoosac Talc Company Mine 24-89r Indian Cave, Warwick 28-76r,29-19r Ladder Cave (Cricket Hill Cave) 28-20r Louise Pyrite Mine 24-89r mine near Rowe 37-15r mine prospect near Rowe 37-7r monks caves, Warwick 29-19r Mount Owen Bears Den 30-133r new cave near Gill 34-69r Northfield Ice Cave 34-22r Oven, The 36-20r,37-7r,38-8rp Ovens, The 28-20r Pumpkin Hill Bears Den 37-27r Rattlesnake Gutter Cave 28-20r,30rm,41-70ap Rattling Porcupine Cave 43-40rmp Rock Rift 37-144p Scout Cave 30-133r Serpent Cave 34-103r,41-91dp,92m,42-47r,113r,114m Settlers Cave 38-8r shelter cave, Colrain 28-39r small cave in Gill 31-89r soapstone mine, Rowe 31-44b Stereogram Cave (see also Serpent Cave) 42-47r Sunderland (Ice) Cave 8 12dh,9 31dmx,28-63dhm,34-22r,61pr,103r,35-124dhp,38-94r,44-33dh Sunderland Cave and Fissure 1 110di talus caves, Leverett 27-90r talus caves, Mount Toby 29-19r tectonic system, North Leverett 8-115 Wildflower Walk Cave 30-133r Witchs Cave, Bernardston 38-95r Wolves Den 37-7r,39-40r Massachusetts - Hampden County bears den cave, Hampden 40-5r Cat Rock, Monson 30-68r cave near Connecticut River, Westfield 36-101r cave in Chester 37-7r caves in Granville 30-68r Chester emery mines 39-9b,43b Chester Mine 28-5c,40-44b Chester mines 42-6b Counterfeiters Cave (Mt. Tekoa) 30-133r,36-101r Counterfeiters Cave (Plunkett Cave, Tunkett Cave) 30-68r,133r English Grass Cave 28-76r Gulf Cave 30-133r iron mine, Prospect Mountain 24-89r Marcia Mine 24-86r mine shaft, Hampden Co. 31-44b Old Emery Mine 24-86r,89r,25-28r,29r,30r Sackett Mine 24-86r Massachusetts - Hampshire County Bears Den 30-134r Bears Den, Middlefield 28-76r Bears Den, Westhampton 28-76r cave at Clarks Ledges 30-134r cave in Westhampton 40-114rp cave on Norrotuck Mountain 37-15r Cliff Cave 30-133r freezing well, Ware 8 51d Hatfield Mine 24-86r Horse Cave, Amherst 29-19r Horse Caves (Shays Horseshed Cave) 37-15r Juniper Cave 30-133r Manhan Lead Mine 24-86r Rhenas Cave 28-20r,36-18r,38-94r Shays Cave 36-18r small cave, Williamsburg 29-19r Southampton Adit 1 11d Massachusetts - Middlesex County aqueduct tunnels, Wellesley and Natick 40-78b Bears Den, Middlesex Fells 29-59r cave at Menotomy Rocks Park 38-69r cave in Lincoln 29-59r cave in Melrose 37-27r cave in Newton 34-60pr cave in Waltham 37-27r Cudjoes Cave 38-49r,77r Devils Den, Ashland 43-4cp,43-35c Devils Den, Newton 35-64p,80r Dwyer Cave 32-69m,71r,72p Golf Ball Cave 32-69rmp Goochs Cave 31-89r,109r Healds Mine 29-60r Indian Cave, Ashby 6 112r,29-115r,30-9r,134r Indian Cave, Wakefield 29-60r,37-28r Indian Cave, Waltham 37-28r Panther Cave 29-59r,37-144p silver mine, Middlesex Fells 29-59r Thoreau(s) Cave 34-61pr,38-38r Tower Cave #1 32-70rp,71m Tower Cave #2 32-70r,71pm Tower Caves 38-49r Wolf Rock Den 30-134r,34-20r Massachusetts - Norfolk County aqueduct tunnels, Wellesley and Natick 40-78b Bear Cave, Westwood 41-30rp Boulder Cave, Wrentham 41-30r cave below House Rock 34-20r cave in Cohasset 41-31rp cave in East Braintree 38-110r cave in Weymouth 37-69r cave in Wrentham 31-89r Devils Den Cave, Needham (Billy Bruins Cave) 31-89r,41-29r,44-65p Devils Den, near Holbrook 41-30r Ellery Cave 41-30r Fat Man’s Misery, Cavern Rock, Weymouth 37-69r,41-30rp Grepeon Den 41-30r Hatchs Cave 41-30r Indian Cave, Medway 38-110r,41-28r,30r King Phillips Caves, Sharon 30-134r,41-29r Lions Den 36-137h Lions Den, Cohasset 37-87r,41-30r Maugus Cave (Devils Den (Wellesley), Nehoidens Cave) 31-89r,34-72rp,35-110r,41-29rp,44-65p minor sea caves, Cohasset 37-87r Odies Den 34-20r,36-137hp,41-30r Old Bears Den 36-101r Ovens Mouth (Devils Mouth, Westwood Cave) 37-26rp,41-29r Quincy Cave 41-30r Rattlesnake Den 41-30r Robbers Cave 34-62pr,41-29r rock shelter/cave, Wilson Mountain 41-30r Sabrina Lake artificial caves 29-115r,31-89r,41-28r,29m small cave in Blue Hills 30-134r small cave, Cohasset 37-87r tectonic caves, Wrentham 29-115r Wampoms Rock (cave) 43-17d Westwood Cave (see also Ovens Mouth) 31-109r,37-26rp,38-110rp Wilson Mountain Den 31-109r Massachusetts - Plymouth County boulder cave, Brockton 29-115r Cleft Rock Cave 31-89r,34-20r Indian Cave, Brockton 34-20r Massachusetts - Suffolk County cave in Franklin Park 35-80r,39-118dh Hancock Woods Cave 38-38r Massachusetts - Worcester County Bearsden Cave 6 148d Cats Cave 6-148r,30-134r,38-49r cave at Murders Rock 40-83r cave in East Templeton 30-134r cave in North Brookfield 29-56r cave in Purgatory Chasm 32-44a cave in Southbridge 30-68r caves at Coggshall Park 33-7r caves at Cooks Canyon 29-56r caves in Boylston 30-63r Church Cave 29-137rm Dead Mans Cave 40-83r Deneson Rock Cave 30-68r,34-20r Forty Caves 7 13r,27-89r,39-40r gold mines near Templeton 7-67r King Phillips Cave, Norton 34-20r King Phillips Cave, Uxbridge 30-79r Moses Rock Cave 33-7r Purgatories near Sutton 40-133r railroad tunnel, Clinton 39-21r,40rp shelf cave at Cooks Canyon 6 118r shelf cave near Barre 6 118r shelf caves, Hubbardston 30-134r Smallpox Cave 29-137r Tory Cave, Boylston 30-79r,134r Upton Chamber 36-38o,37-84ohi,43-70r Massachusetts - county unknown or unspecified Beehive Cave 37-144p cavern beneath Boston Harbor 25-69r Ice Cave (Her Majestys Cave) 37-144p Pirates Cave, Sakomet 38-95r reported cave in marble 6 101d underwater caves, Boston Harbor 34-52r Missouri Quincy Mine 40-13a Missouri Berome Moore System 1-145r cave in Shannon County 41-42b Crevice Cave 1-145r,18-77r Mystery Cave 1-145r Smallin Cave 1-17i,41-20rp New Hampshire - Belknap County Carbonneau Cave 40-92dm cave in cliff, Meredith 29-62r cavern, Sanbornton 29-63r,97r Cross Link Cave 40-92dm Hermit Cave 40-93r Mount Major Crevice Cave #1 39-134dm Mount Major Crevice Cave #2 39-134d,135mp Mount Major Crevice Cave #3 39-134d,135mp Mount Major Rockfall Cave #1 39-98dm Mount Major Rockfall Cave #2 39-134rm Quarry Mountain Cave 40-92dm Rock Cave 40-93r New Hampshire - Carroll County Band M Megalith Cave 27-90r Band M Second Rampart Cave 27-90rm Big Rock Cave 25-56r,37-145rp,39-97dm Big Rock Cave #2 39-97dm Big Rock Cave #3 39-97dm Bolles Cave 40-61d,62pd,63m cave in Moultonborough 29-62r Cave Mountain Cave, Bartlett 25-56r Cow Cave 25-56r Cyclops Cave 28-127dm Devils Den, Cathedral Ledge (see also Devils Den, North Conway) 43-21phid,43-22pr Devils Den, Mount Willard 25-55dh Devils Den, North Conway (see also Devils Den, Cathedral Ledge) 35-65ph Diamond Ledge Gold Mine 24-85r Double Tunnel Cave 39-105r,40-93dm Eastman Hill Mine 24-82r,84r Falls of Song Cave 42-107rhp gold mine, Chatham 24-84r Green Mountain Ice Cave 38-136hp,137dm,39-77r Green Mountain Shelter Cave 39-105r,40-93dm Hitchcocks Crawford Notch Cave 39-98dm Madison Lead Mine 24-85r Mineral Hill Mine 24-85r Moose Mountain Cave 35-128d,129mp Moose Mountain Cave #2 35-129r Moose Mountain Cave #3 35-129r Nickerson Lead Mine 24-84r Randall Lead Mine 24-84r small caves near Falls of Song 42-107dp Sundown Megalith Cave 35-128d,129m Tin Mountain Mine 24-82r,84r New Hampshire - Cheshire County Bearden Fissure Cave 43-15r Bearden Stream Cave 43-15rp Bears Den 43-13rp,14m,15p Bears Den Cave #2 43-14m,15p Bingham Cave 43-14r Blister Mine 24-84r boulder cave in Marlborough 7 121r Britton Mine 24-84r Colony Mine 24-84r Gilsum & Victory Mine 24-84r,87m Hidden Glen caves 30-79r,40-11r Lyman Mine 24-84r mine, West River Mountain, Chesterfield 29-61r mines in Gilsum 30-43r Monadnock Mine 24-85r Nichols Mine 24-84r rumored long cave, Bearden Ledge 43-14r slab cave, Mount Monadnock 35-65p Surry Mountain Gold Mine 22-85r three small caves, Alstead 39-4r West River Mountain Silver Mine 24-84r William Wise Mine 24-85r New Hampshire - Coos County Ball Cave, The 8-38dp Blue Brook Cave 25-55d,30-136r,137m Bonney Cave 25-55d,30-136r,137m cave on Mount Weeks 6 112dr cave on Pine Mountain (see also Chapel Rock Cave) 40-74a cave on Wildcat Mountain 7 67r,25-21r cave, Ammonoosuc River 35-66p caves in King Ravine (see also Mount Adams) 2-46d,7 18d,21 108r caves in Tuckerman Ravine 7 19d caves north of Shelburne 36-51r caves on Mount Washington 8 38d Chandler Brook Megalith Cave 43-77d,78p Chandler Brook Middle Rampart Cave 43-75m,76d,77p Chandler Brook Moss Cave 43-77dpm Chandler Brook Talus Cave 43-76md Chandler Brook Upper Rampart Cave 43-76m,78d Chapel Rock Cave 33-93adm,120r,40-74a Chemin des Dames Talus Cave 14-24r Dixville (Notch) Ice Pit/Cave 4 118dm,14-24r,21-108r,25-21r,29-61r,35-66p,36-50r Dixville Cave Mountain caves 24-40r,26-78g Howling Puma Cave 7 19d Ice Gulch Nightmare Maze 11 30d,31m,14-24r,21-110r,22-21r,26-5r,28-51r,93r,31-49r,33-52r Ice Gulch talus caves 21 108r Ice Hole, Dixville Notch (see also Dixville Notch Ice Pit) 34-23r Jasper (Indian Jasper) Mine/"Cave" 7 128dh,29-61r,34-71r Jeffersons Knee Boulder Cave #1 34-128r Jeffersons Knee Boulder Cave #2 34-128dmp King Ravine Subway 36-50r lead mine, Shelburne 29-63r Lions Head Cave 13 103d,104m,14-24r,21-108r,110r,26-5r,36-51r Mascot Mine 22-79c,82r,24-84r,29-62r,36-39bc,37-67rb,68o miarolytic cavity, Diamond Ledge 27-3r Milan Mine 24-85r,89r Mount Adams 700 footer 9 34dm Mount Adams caves 2 46d,3 5d,69d,6-52d Mount Adams Ravine Cave (Mount Adams Talus Cave) (see also King Ravine) 3-70d,14-24r,21 108r,110r,22-21r,26-5r,28-51r,93r,31-49r,33-52r Mount Washington Caves #1, #2 44-51rmx Mount Washington Snow Talus Maze 9 33dp,35m,36r,14-24r,21-47r,108r,110r,22-21r,28-51r,93r,31-49r,26-5r,33-52r,36-50r,51r Mount Weeks fault cave 6 112dr,21 108r Shelburne Lead Mine 24-85r,89r snow tubes, Tuckerman Ravine 36-51r Speleonalp Cave 6-52d,8 38d talus caves, Carter Notch 21-108r,36-50r talus caves, Cave Mountain, Dixville 27-89r talus caves, Huntington Ravine 21 108r,36-50r talus caves, Ice Gulch 36-51r talus caves, King Ravine 34-20r,36-50r,51r,136r talus caves, Pine Mountain (see also Chapel Rock Cave) 31-130a,40-74a talus caves, Tuckerman Ravine 36-50r,51r Tuckermans snow melt cave 13 101d,102m Wildcat Ridge Cave 33-120dm New Hampshire - Grafton County Attic Cave 6-75m Atwood Gold Mine 24-84r Atwood Mica Mine 24-85r Bailey Mine 24-84r Barn Door Cave (see also MBDATHS) 6-74mdh,7 133mdh BDATH Cave (see also MBDATHS) 6-74mdh,7-133mdh,36-50rh bear caves east of Mount Osceola 21 107r Bear Crawl (cave) 32-96xg,97h,99d Beebe River Mine 37-67rb Black Jack West End Cave 44-90x,91d,129x Black Mountain talus caves 21 107r Boardman Mine 24-84r Bristol Mine 37-67rb Buddha Cave 44-90x,92d,93p,129x Cap Rock Cave 44-90x,91dm,92p,129x Cave 031 44-90x,92d,129x,131r Cave 046 44-129x,130d cave inside Old Man of the Mountain 39-115r,116m,40-65r cave near Indian Head 21 107r Cave of Odin 32-96xg,97hd Cave of Silence 32-96xg,97h,98d Cave of the Shades 32-100r Cave of the White Rats 32-100r cave on Cannon Mountain 21 107r cave on North Sugarloaf Mountain 25-21r,36-50r caves at Hobbitland 30-100m,101dx caves in Eagle Pass 7 19d caves near Eagle Cliff 21 107r caves near Greeley Pond 9-129r caves near Scaur Trail 35-128r caves on Mount Lafayette 21 107r Center of the Earth (cave) 32-96xg,97h,98dm,99p Charles Davis Mine 24-84r Cilleys Cave 25-56r,35-127dm Devils Cave, Sugar Hill 35-67p Devils Den, Black Mountain 3-69d,36-50r Devils Den, Rattlesnake Mountain, Rumney 44-131r Devils Kitchen (Cave of Lost Souls) 32-96xg,97hdp,98m Dodge Gold Mine 24-84r,29-62r,37-67rb Dunbar Graphite Mine 24-84r Dungeon, The (cave) 32-96xg,97h,98d,99m Essex Gold Mine 24-84r Fern Hollow Cave 44-90x,92d,93m,129x Franconia Falls Cave 42-108rp Franconia Iron Mine 24-85r Franconia Notch Coral Cave 10 15d,17m,14-24r,21 107r,110r,22-21r,26-5r,28-51r,93r,31-49r,33-52r Franconia Notch Ponor Cave 13 24d,25m,14-24r,21-107r,110r,26-5r,28-51r,93r,31-49r,33-52r,36-51r Franconia Notch Slabs Cave 10 14d,16m,14-24r,21 107r,110r,22-21r,26-5r French Pond Ledge Caves 36-50r Gardner Mountain Copper Mine 24-84r glacial caves, Loon Mountain 28-119r gold mine, Campton 24-84r Gregory Mine 24-84r Grotto Cave 35-127r Haviland Copper Mine 24-84r Hawaii 5-0 Cave 44-129dx Hedgehog Chasm 25-56r,32-56rh,57m Hi-Cannon Cave 39-97dmp Hidden Crevice Cave 44-90x,92d,129x Hidden Shelter Cave 44-90x,92d,129mdx,130p Hogback Bear Dens 3 70d Hole Attic Cave, The 33-102rmx Hole, The (see also MBDATHS) 6-74mdh,7-133mdh iron mine in Landaff 24-84r Judgement Hall of Pluto (cave) 32-96xg,97h,99dp,100m,36-114c Keyes Mine 37-67rb Kilton Mica Mine 24-84r KTS (Kinsman Talus System) West Cave 30-18r Lemon Squeezer (cave) 32-96xg,97h,98d,43-117r Little Barn Door Cave 33-102rmx Little May Gold Mine 24-85r Lost River talus caves 21 107r,29-62r,36-136r,43-117h,44-38r Lower Vader Shelter Cave 44-90xd,129x LRC Cave 6 100d LRTC System (see also MBDATHS) 6 100d Mahomets Coffin (cave) 35-65p Maine Gold Mine 24-85r MBDATH (Merrills-Barn Door-and The Hole) Cave (West Kinsman Cave) (see also MBDATHS) 6-74mdh,7 133mdh,33-52r,102rmx,38-60r,44-44r MBDATHS Talus Network/Complex (Merrills-Barn Door-and-The Hole-Scotts Caves; also called LRTC,SMUDBATH, Kinsman Notch Talus Complex) 6 4d,74dhm,112r,7-133mdh,9-36r,74r,14-24r,21-107r,110r,22-21r,26-5r,78g,124d,27-3r,4r,5h,71r,31-44r,32-96r, 33-8rx,102rmx,36-50rh,51rh,136r Merrills Cave (see also MBDATHS) 7 133mdh,36-50rh Merrills Southeast Flange Cave 33-102rmx mine near Landaff 24-84r mine shafts near Bath 24-84r mine south of Gardner Mountain 24-84r mine, Mount Sentinel, Warren 29-63r Misers Cave 36-97dm Mount Morgan Cave 33-120r,35-127d,128m Mount Percival Cave 29-76r,35-127d,128m Mud Mine 24-84r Nancy No.2 Mine 37-67rb Nickerson Mine 24-85r North Woodstock Silver Mine 24-85r,37-67rb old gold mine, Beebe River 30-119r Oliverian Notch Owls Head caves 21 107r Orange Mica Mine 24-85r Ore Hill Copper/Zinc Mine 24-85r Ore Hill Mine, Lisbon 29-62r Ore Hill Mine, Warren 29-63r Paddock Copper Mine 24-85r,37-67rb Palermo No. 1 Mine 24-83r,84r Parallel Rocks (cave) 32-96xg,97h Parking Lot Caves 44-90xr,129x Pattuck Mine 24-84r Pecketts Copper Mine 24-84r Pharaohs Pass (cave) 35-66p Plume Mine 24-84r Polar Caves 21 107r,34-23r,36-136r,44-38r,131r Pond Ledge talus caves 3-69d,21 107r Precipidome (cave) 32-100r Purgatory (cave) 32-100r Ruby Mine 24-84r Ruggles Mine 24-84r,37-67rb Saunders Mine 24-84r Scotts Cave (see also MBDATHS) 6-74mdh,7 133mdh,28-51r,93r,31-49r,33-52r,102rmx,36-50r,38-60r,44-44r Scotts Mideast Flange Cave 33-102rmx Scotts Southwest East Flange Cave 33-102rmx Shadow Cave 32-96xg,97h,99d,100m,101p Shark Tooth Cave 44-90x,92dm,93p,129x SMUDBATH Cave (see also MBDATHS) 7 133h South Franconia Notch Slabs Cave 28-51r,93r,31-49r,33-52r Starship Talus Front Cave #1 44-129x,130d Starship Talus Front Cave #2 44-129x,130dp Swallows Nest Cave 44-90x,92d,93p,129x talus cave, Zealand Notch 36-51r talus caves at North Sugarloaf 21 107r talus caves below Cannon Mountain 36-51r talus caves, Eagle Cliff 36-50r,51r talus caves, Eagles Nest 29-12r talus caves, Franconia Notch 27-71r,36-51r talus caves, Mount Lafayette 36-50r talus caves, Oliverian Notch 36-50r,51r Tent, The (cave) 32-100r Triangle Cave 44-129x,130dp Tuts Tomb (cave) 32-100r Underworld Cave 44-90xmd,91p,129x United Mine 24-84r Valencia Mine 24-84r,25-21r Waimea Talus Cave 44-90x,91d,129x Warshaw Cave 33-102rmx West Kinsman Talus System 28-51r,93r,31-49r White Ribbon Cave 44-129x,131pd White Stripes Cave 44-90x,91dpm,129x Zealand Notch talus caves 21 107r New Hampshire - Hillsborough County asbestos mine, Pelham 30-79r cave in Bedford 29-61r caves, Rattlesnake Hill, Weare 29-63r Morisons Split Rock Cave 44-3r Raymond Cliff Cave 30-136r,137m New Hampshire - Merrimack County Ayers Pond Caves 29-12r cave(s) on Catamount Hill, Allenstown 29-60r,35-127r New Hampshire - Rockingham County 12 footer, North Mountain 43-120rx 14 foot cliff fissure, Devil's Den Ridge 43-120r,121x 14 foot shelter cave, Rocky Ridge 43-120rx 24 foot fracture cave, Rocky Ridge 43-120rx 6 footer, North Mountain 43-120rx Above the Wedge Cave 43-120r,121xr Betty Moodys Cave 37-145pdh Bindweed Cave 43-120rx,121r bunkers at Odiorne Point 25-56d cave in fracture above The Wedge Cave 43-120r,121x caves at Pawtuckaway State Park 44-38r Churchill Rock Cave 43-120rx,123mr crevice cave below triangular roof, Devil's Den Ridge 43-120r,121xr crevice cave, north of Epping Wall, Devil's Den Ridge 43-120r,121x crevice cave, south of 100 foot rappel area, Devil's Den Ridge 43-120r,121xr Den Top Cave 43-120r,121x,122mr Devils Den Lower Cave 43-120r,121xr Devils Den, Mine Hill, Auburn 29-60r Devils Den, Pawtuckaway State Park (see also Pawtuckaway Devils Den) 25-56r Devils Den, Rattlesnake Hill, Auburn (see also Rattlesnake Hill Cave) 6 117d,43-17d End-of-Fissure Cave 43-120rx End-of-Ridge Cave 43-120r,121x,122r Fritos Chimney crevice 43-120r,121xp,122p Gorgeside Cave 43-120rx Guardian Block Cave 43-120rx,122r Indian Camp Cave, Deerfield 29-61r Jim Beam Cave 43-120rx Lower Microwave Boulder Cave 43-120rx,121mr multi-boulder shelter cave, South Mountain 43-120rx Nothing Boulder Cave 43-120r,121x Oven, The, Raymond 29-62r,97r Overlooked Cave 43-120rx,122r Pawtuckaway Attic Cave 33-100b,101dm,120r,43-120r,121x Pawtuckaway Devils Den 33-100bm,101d,120r,43-120r,121x,122p Rattlesnake Hill Cave 29-60r,33-120r,35-127dm single room porcupine den, North Mountain 43-120rx South Mountain Exfoliation Cave 43-120rx,123r Summit Boulder Middle Cave 43-120rx Summit Boulder North Cave 43-120rx Summit Boulder South Cave 43-120rx Swamp Thing Cave 43-120rx,123pmr Wedge Cave, The 43-120r,121xpr New Hampshire - Strafford County cave on Straw Mountain, New Durham (see also Devils Den, New Durham) 29-62r,97r Devils Den, Alton (see also Devils Den, New Durham) 44-38r Devils Den, Barrington 29-60r,97r Devils Den, New Durham 25-55d,97r,30-136r,137m New Hampshire - Sullivan County Beryl Mountain Mine 24-84r Devils Chair Cave (Devils Den, Washington) 42-107d Indian Cave, Sunapee 37-145p Royal Arch Cave 33-120r,35-127d,128m Sargent Mine 24-84r Yuhas Mine No.2 37-67rb Yuhas No. 1 Mine 24-84r New Hampshire - county unknown or unspecified Carter Mine 37-67rb Devils Cave 40-133r Grafton Mine 34-24r Mount Kearsarge Mine 37-67rb Red Mine 37-67rb New Jersey 13 small caves, Sussex County 42-4r beer-tunnel, Union Hill 40-12r Bevans Rock House 35-57r Bone Cave 35-58r Buttermilk Cave 39-4r cave at Shiloh 35-58r cave in Monmouth 43-17d cave in Princeton 37-59r cave in Sussex County 8-51d cave in Union 41-40r cave near Passaic 40-12r cave near Paterson 6-89dh cave near Princeton 36-133r cave in Shrewsbury 43-17r cave(s) in Orange Mountains 2-54dh caves near Millbrook 41-40r caves on Scotts Mtn., Roxburgh 39-22r Clinton Cave 35-58r Crooked Swamp Cave 13-38a,39a,14-3a,5d,15-90r,35-5c,57r,38-38r,75c,42-35r,43-4r Dead Mans Cave 35-57r Devils Cave 39-4r Devils Den Cave 26-110o,30-82c,38-75c Devils Hole 35-57r Devils Kitchen 35-58r Devils Wheelwright Shop/Cave 35-58r,43-16p Edsall Indian Cave 35-57r Endless Caverns 7-91d Fairy Hole 35-58r Fox Hole 35-58r Franciscos Cave 38-47r Hermits Cave 41-40r Hibernia Mine 40-9b,41-41b,43-36b Hudson River railway tunnels 34-56di,58i,59ip Indian Cave 35-57r Indian Hollow Rock Shelter 35-58r Kalamara Spring (rock house) 35-58r Leigh Cave 11-53d,26-3o,42r,76r,28-41g,30-4r,31-44r,32-4r,34-6o,35-5c,43r,36-3r,38-75c,43-4r mine shaft, Morris County 28-4a Moodys Rock (shelter cave) 35-57r new cave, Sussex County 42-4r New Jersey Zinc Mine 24-90d Owens Cave 35-58r Papakating Cave 35-58r Peapack Cave 11-53d Peapack Quarry Cave 33-136dh,137m,38-38r,40-25d,41-40r Petite Interior Cave 43-36r Post Hole Cave 35-57r rail tunnel under Hudson River 40-76r Roomy Mine 31-60mrx shelter near Yellow Frame Church 35-58r sinkhole, New Brunswick 24-77a sinkhole, Route 519 26-76r six small caves near Johnsonburg 42-35r small caves at Delaware Water Gap 37-86r small caves near Monroe 35-57r Spruce Run Cave 35-58r Supplees Mill Cave 35-58r Surprise Cave 7-91d Sybils Cave 36-70hpc,41-39r talus caves, Hunterdon County 41-40r Todd Rock Shelters 35-57r Van Horn Ice Cave 34-23r Van Syckles Cave 41-32d voids, Gladstone/Peapack 42-73r Warbasse Caves 35-57r Warsaw Rock Shelters 39-4r Wild Cat Rock (shelter cave) 35-57r Wolf Den (Waterfield Cave) 35-58r zinc mines 25-28r New Mexico Black Cave 29-113r Carlsbad Caverns 26-65I Cave of the Madonna 7-104d Cottonwood Cave 30-6r Hidden Cave 29-113r,30-6r Lechuguilla Cave 28-19r,30-6r,35-84rp New Cave 9-96d New York - Albany County 120 footer, Thacher Park 44-10g 20 new caves 8-34r 200 footer in southern county 9-51r 300 footer, central Albany Co. 26-76r Airport Cave 1-60d,6-67dm,20-43m,27-49r,38-48r,43-80g along Indian Ladder Trail 6-45d artificial indoor cave 25-37r ASOC Cave (see Two Second Pit) at foot of Copeland Hill 3-148r,6-66dh Bass Cave 8-34r,44-10g Beaverdam Springs 3-148r Bee-Line Cave 3-20r Berne Cavern 3-136r Bethlehem Caverns 30-126r Bottom Cave 33-117r Boy Scout Caves #1 and #2 (see Camp Allen Cave System) Brokendown Cave 4-71dx,27-48r,43-80r Camo Cave 34-73r Camoflaged Cave 4-80dx Camp Allen Cave System (Boy Scout Caves, Cub Scout Caves, Camp Allen Shelter Caves, Spider Web Cave) 1-9d,4-33dxm,5-2d Camp Allen Shelter Caves (see also Camp Allen Cave System) 4-36d cave at Hollyhock Hollow 38-48r cave behind Minelot Falls 43-19r cave behind Outlet Creek Falls 43-19r cave east of Collabeck Road 6-50r cave in roadcut south of Thacher Park 38-39b Cave Ledge Cave 1-62d,41-127mx,128r cave near Church Cave 33-104r cave on Beebe Road 31-95r,43-73ap cave on Copeland Hill 27-60r Cave-on-a-Ledge 1-62d,41-127x,128rm cavern near Celucks (Clarks) 30-126r cavern north of Pucker St. 30-126r caverns southwest of Albany 30-126r caves near Clarksville 6-7d caves near Drydens 6-8d caves near filtration plant 1-75r,6-7d,9d caves near Font Grove Road 40-83r caves on property of professor 8-141r caves with arrowheads south of Clarksville 6-7d Chatter-Stone-Hole (Chatterstone Hole) System (Slingerlands Hellhole, Georges Surprise, Chatterbox Cave, Sump Cave, Chokestone Pit) 3-20r,18-5r,19-19r,94r,20-56r,22-21r,23-86r,27-11r,60r,33-114g,34-11r,38-48r,60r,40-80r,42-8r,84h,85hm,44-44r Chatterbox Cave 42-84xd,86dm,88r Childs Cave 43-63r Chockstone Pit 31-95r Chokestone Pit 42-84x,85mo,86dm,88r Church Cave 1-27a,75r,2-21g,30dr,3-20r,136r,5-84a,6-6r,18-33r,22-21r,27-11r,28-3o,30-81c,32-110o,33-4c,114g,115gx, 37-16r,17m,19p,43-81g Church-Wagonwheel System 34-45g,37-121o,43-79g Clarksville Cave (see also Wards-Gregory Cave) 3-20r,59r,136r,6-117dh,7-13r,50d,61dhm, 66dm,93r,113d,8-5p,11-83r,12-13a, 15a,22p,14-77m,78g,15-62a,90r,16-1i,5g,16-105r,17-108a,113h,123r, 19-19r,81r,20-56r,122g,21-121h,22-21r,72a,23-37a,86r, 24-76c,25-104r,26-41a,75a,109a,27-11r,28-5a,29-3a,8a,30-61m,82c,107a,32-3a,11a,12a,45r,47c,50a,33-10dm,39p,113r,114g,115x, 34-6o,11r,15m,38oc,103oc,106rp,111r, 35-3co,420,50o,74ac,75cr,76o,105c,108o,118ag,36-37c,40r,42r,60d,61m,80r,114a, 37-3rm,43r,44r,45rp,50r,85r,89r,105r,134b,38-5r,37r,38r,60r,77r,107r,111r,39-3r,7c,9b,38r,43b,104r,40-39c,44b,97b,115p, 41-9b,10b,39rp,49b,42-99r,105a,106h,43-8a,20r,59r,61p,62p,72c,79r,101r,125r,44-38ap,44r Clarksville-Osborne System 16-90r Cliff Corner Cave 33-115x,116dmx Cliffside Cave 4-71dx Cow Jaw Cave 7-121r Crossbones Cave 30-45x,47d,48p,49m,50p,74r,107o,115dp,116dp,117dp,31-7r,85m,110r,119m,120rm,32-53g,87r,33-25ob, 37-105r,38-87x,92r,39-7c,104r,40-39c,97b,112r,41-111c Crumple Cave 9-105p,107dm,20-53m Cub Scout Caves (see also Camp Allen Cave System) 4-36d Devils Hole 30-119r Diamond Hill Cave 1-62d,41-127x,128rm Diddly Cave 3-58r,6-114dhxm,7-121r,20-45m,21-8m,23-86r,25-69b,27-11r,28-41o,73c,33-114g,34-11r,38-60r,43-79r,44-44r Dirtbag Cave 1-34dxm Disappearing Stream Sink 1-40dxm,2-18d Dribblemouth Cave 4-71dx,42-90dm Dry Gulch Cave (Fox Cave) 3-20r,7-15dxm,43-54h,55d,56m Dynamint Ridge Caves 28-6r Eastons Pit 3-148r Eft Cave 32-59gx,36-26dm,37-82r Ella Armstrong Cave (see also L. Armstrong Cave) 2-30r,14-104m,27-60r,30-45x,46r,54d,55m,108r,31-38hd,32-53g,34-38c,103r, 35-3c,77r,78x,105c,106o,36-101r,37-105r,134b,38-37r,87x,92r,39-7c,104r,40-39c,97b,112r,44-117x End-of-Gulch Cave (Fox Cave, Middle Cave) 2-49x,7-13r,16-95r,19-112r,30-108c,42-100rp,43-54r Farce Cave 44-117x Fiatos Cave (see also Kens Kave) 27-11r,30-43r fissures and pits, Diamond Hill 41-128rm Fizzle Fissure 3-58r,33-133m,134dx Fools Cave (Fools Crawl,Bobs Crawl) 1-75r,18-5r,34m,21-47r,27-11r,33-115x,34-27p,43-73ap,44-109hpr,110mx Footes Folly 3-20r Forgotten Cave 38-111b Fossil Fissure 3-58r Four Little Indians 20-25r Fox Den 20-25m Fracture Cave 8-34r,19-87r Fuds Folly 7-16dm Gallon Can Cave 8-3dmx Gallup(s) Cave 42-84x,85d,87d Gallups Pool Cave 42-84x,85d,87d Garden of Eden Cave 2-2dxr,40-28rh,35r Georges Surprise Cave 3-20r,42-84x,87d,88d Giants Castle (Bridal Chamber) 43-19r Grade Five Cave 1-62d,41-127x,128rm Gregorys Cave 17-1i,27-60r,36-76o,38-48r,41-6r,42-99rp,44-37r,58r,107hr,108ip Hailes Cave (Sutphens Cave,Thatchers Cave, Helmus Pitchers Cave) 1-47r,75r,2-23p,4-7r,6-6d,8d,61d,139r,18-4r,33r, 19-19r,81r,20-56r,21-65p, 22-21r,65p,68c,99r,23-50h,53p,86r 27-11r,49r,28-4b,29-124r,32-58gp,59x,33-115x,34-11g,27p,52r,35-1p,37-82br,121r, 38-39b,60r,39-3r,7bp,9bp,43b,104r,41-63p,42-5b,39b,43-4r,18pr,19r,20r,79g,103r,44-44r,105cp Hannacrois-Merritts System 27-48r,43-79g Hannacroix Maze (Hannacrois Maze) 7-27p,29dxmp,18-4r,19-19r,94r,20-56r,22-21r,23-86r 25-75d,76g,77m,27-11r32-49rp,33-134r, 37-69r,38-60r,44-44r Hannacroix Maze/ Sleeping Alligator System 40-14r Hazel Champions Cesspool Cave 7-121r HEDS #1 Cave 10-29r HEDS Cave 7-93r Helmus Crevice (Fat Mans Misery) 43-19r Hendersons Cave 30-45x,44-117x High Point Crevice Cave 19-86d,92m Hillbilly Hole 33-114g,115gx,34-45g Hollyhock Hollow Cave 31-55g Hollyhock System 27-48r,43-80gh Horse Sink Cave 36-101r Hunters Fissure Cave 3-58r,21-7r,8m Ice Cave 43-73a Ice Flower Cave 27-49r,43-63r,119g Impossible Cave 10-84r Impossible-Wagon Cave 3-20r,7-125d in Camp Pinnacle Area 4-7r in Coeymans 4-7r Indian Caves System 16-38g Indian Ledge Joint Cave 8-5dmx Indian Sink 6-86x,97r,112r Joralemons Back Door 25-78g,79x,81m Joralemons Cave 3-20r,25-78g,79x,81m Jordan-Onesquethaw System 16-90r,18-7r,77c,104c,19-17r,18m,19r,94r,20-56r,22-21r,23-86r,44-44r Jordan(s) Water Cave (Jordan(s) Cave) 2-48dx,3-20r,43-54r Judds Cave (Acme Cave, Bear Cave) 3-136r,25-108i,34-28p,41-62p Kastning Kave 1-60d Kens Kave (Fiatos Cave) 30-45x,51d,53m,32-45r,53g,36-1p,38-47r, 40-97b,42-100rp Kepler farm sinkholes 17-23r Knox Annex Cave 2-21g,3-20r,49d,6-50r,86x,30-45x,46r,43-119xg Knox Cave (Roaches Cave) 1-4c,47r,74r,75r,99r,102r,138a,146r,2-4dr,6p,30r,37dhm,3-12d,51d,83w,121dm,136r, 139r,148r,4-7r,74m,96d,112d,5-20dxm,26d,60dm,62dm,71d,80dm,84a,6-55p,57p,84dxm,97r,112r,140d,10-68o,16-106r, 17-91i,99a,18-6r,19-19r,94r,20-56r,57r,22-21r,23-37a,86r,24-61r,25-5o,35p,45dm,26-73p,104p,107p,116r,117m,119h,122p,123p, 27-4h,11r,60r,28-98hd,99p,110r,29-39p,55hc,56r,67grm,68m,97r,124r, 30-1p,44h,45x,49m,76a,78r,106i,109c,112dp,113m, 31-5a,7c,43r,45r,47d,75r,77r,88r,116d,117m,119m,120m,32-47r,51g,63p,77r,81g,84mh,90r,33-5b,25ob,87dm,104r,34-69r,104c, 35-76c,77c,91h,92h,36-23h,24m,42r,99h,37-8h,43r,44c,84r,88rp,105r,131r,38-37r,39b,60r,61r,87x,92r,39-3r,7cb,9b,43b,104r Knox-Fossil-Beckers Cave 18-5r,19-19r,94r,20-56r,23-86r,27-11r,49r,40-15r,39c,44b,74p,82r,97b,112r,133r,41-6r,111c,44-10g Knox-Skull Cave System 17-32g,43m,42-1p,5b,16hp,17m,18h,22mh,23mh,24mh,38b,73r,100r,43-4r,9b,20r,25hp,70h,79r, 91h,103r,119xg,44-39p,44r,45r,58b,61r,89rb L. Armstrong Cave (see also Ella Armstrong Cave) 6-50r,86x Ladder Cave 39-7c,104r,40-39c Ladder Dig Cave 34-12dxp,13dm,14p,15m,44-70ap LaSelles Hellhole 27-12r,13xm Leonards Cave 7-121r,8-8r Little Dirtbag Cave 1-34dx Livingston Cave 6-61d,19-89d,90m,30-126r,38-48r Loop Cave 3-20r Lost Horizon Cave (Fallen Rock Cave) 43-19r Lost Horizon Caves 33-115x,116dx Lunchstop Cave 3-58r Mad Dog Cave 8-1p Mammoth Cave 34-28p Mayo Cave 27-59r Mayos Cave 4-33x maze system, Deans Mills Falls 6-50r Merritts Cave 20-55r,25-76d,78g,79x,33-134d Micro Cave 7-13r,19-92m Mosquito Cave 3-58r,7-62dm Natures Way Cave 27-85r,30-74r,31-9d,83m,107r,122dp,123p,124p,125m,126p,127p,33-114g,115gx,117r,34-11g,45g,35-7g,9x,39-43b, 40-98b near Diamond Hill 1-61d near Street Road 1-100r new cave at Hollyhock Hollow 25-37r new cave in Thacher Park 6-114r new cave near Clarksville 9-51r new cave over Skull 25-37r new caves at Thacher Park 36-101r new caves, Delmar quad. 27-103r new dig near Clarksville 8-34r new pit E of Rarick Rd. 9-51r new sink 3-23dhx,139gr,6-86x new sinkhole, Hargrave property 7-93r Novemberkill Cave 32-59gx,36-26d,27m,37-82r,39-3r,43-79g Old Skull Cave 6-84dxm,27-60r,30-44hp,45x,36-64hp,43-80r One Way Pit 19-92dm Onesquethaw Cave (Deweys Cave, Tri-County Cave)) 1-7o,2-48dxmp,3-20r,136r,6-50r,7-93r,8-145m,9-96x,16-105r,22-1p,4a,6a,10a,40a,23-75c, 24-40o,26-3o,42o,27-39o,60r,28-3o,91g,109o,29-3o,75o,30-8o,37o,31-1p,55g,32-45r,47c,65c,33-8r,17h,114g,34-11r,37-105r, 38-3r,4m,39-7c,39-104r,106am,40-39c,97b,41-39r,42-35op,68o,73h,100rp,105r,43-54r,79r Onesquethaw-Jordans Cave 27-11r,38-60r Onesquethaw System (Tri-County System) 43-54r Osborn Cave (Cold Spring Cave) 7-64dm,38-48r,43-20r,44-37r Overhead Cave 1-60d,6-67dm,20-43m,27-49r,38-48r,43-80g Palamountains Pinchout 7-121r passage above springs, near Skull Cave 37-70r Pettingill Cave 3-20r Phoebe Cave 44-117gx,118p,119p,120p,121m,122p Phoebe Pit 12-31x,60g,27-50r,37-134b Polje System 27-48r,43-80g Pollizzis Sink 1-21g Porkys Fissure 1-61d Porkys Pit 33-132d,133mx Przysiecki Caves 3-58r Przysiecki Pit(s) 27-49r,43-63r,119g Pseudo Cave 3-20r Quasi Cave 3-20r Raccoon Caves 3-20r Red Paint Mine, Minelot Falls 6-46dh Reservoir Cave 1-58r,3-8dxm Roadside Cave 32-64r,38-48r,42-84x rushing water under field 7-13r S.H.E.D. Cave 5-58dxm,6-50r Salzers Cave 43-80g Salzer System 27-48r Shakos Coon Hole 17-21d,22m shelter cave, Bearpath 41-63p shelter caves at High Point 26-12r shelter caves at Indian Ladder 26-12r Shortbox (Short Box) Cave 37-1p,44-47rm Shortcut Cave 19-89m significant find, Diamond Hill 27-49r sinks west of Chatterstone System 42-8r Sleeping Alligator Cave 40-14r Skull Cave 1-44o,2-2d,21g,3-20r,31d,59r,48r,4-95d,103dm,5-7dma,84a,98dm,6-41dm,79p,81dm,84xm,88r,97r,119d,7-121r, 9-74r,16-53r,17-38m,40m,18-9r,77r,19-19r,81r,20-55r,22-21r,23-86r, 26-50dh,53m,91dhp,93m,27-11r,22dh,23m,25p,26p,30p,60r, 119r,30-44h,45x,71p,32-45r,53g,33-55d,34-131r, 35-19h,49h,37-130r,131h,132m,38-60r,61r,131r,40-18r,99g,42-13a,43-4r,57rh, 79r,44-44r,45r,117x Skunk Ledge Cave 1-61d,41-127rmx,42-13a Slingerlands Hellhole (see also Chatter-Stone-Hole) 1-10d,42-84x,87md,88d small cave at cliff top 9-51r Small Mouth Bass Cave 8-34r Small Mouth Cave 8-34r,44-10g Small Wonder Cave 20-25m,29-4r Smellow Yellow Cave 33-116r South Bethlehem Cave 11-3c,17-12d,13m,123d,27-59r,30-81c,31-8c,107c,33-4c,39-43b,42-18r,44-59r,61r Spider Web Cave (see also Camp Allen Cave System) 4-36d Stalker Cave 3-58r Stonewall Cave 33-117r Stream Sink Cave 37-16m sulfur spring, Bennett Hill 7-13r Sump Cave 31-95r,42-84xd,86dm,88rh Sumptin Else Cave 34-45g Sunday Cave 44-10g Syncline Cave 4-71dx T.V. Tower Cave 3-20r,27-85r,33-114g,115x,34-11g Tenant Farm Cave 37-134b,41-93r,95dgm,97p,98p,43-7oh,44-35p Thompsons Lake Cave (Bear Cave, Palmatiers Cave) 2-21g,43-20r Thook Cave 12-20d,21d,24m,57d,19-113hdm Tight Neck Cave 32-64r Tommys Tummy Crawl 3-58r Tory House (Tory Spy Cave) 6-48dhw,15xi,43-19r,20r Torys Hole 27-59r Trap Cave 20-25m Trash Hole Cave (Tin Can Cave) 1-28dm,17-13m,27-59r Triple Creek Caves 3-20r True Sink 6-85dxm Tryon Cave 31-10r,11m Tunnel Cave 3-49r,16-53r,18-3r,35m,19-19r,94r,20-56r,22-21r,23-86r,27-11r,29-91h,37-134b,41-93dhm,96p Twin Pits 4-7r Two Second Pit 1-40dxm,2-27dhx,6-86x,30-45x,46h,81c,31-8c,35-71p,75d,36-105p,38-87xh,88m,89pd,90p,91p,92p,39-78p,44-21r,117x Uhll Be Cold Cave 29-111r,116d,117p,118pm underground brook, Coeymans 27-60r underground stream near Thacher Park 27-85r Underhill System 27-49r,43-80g Valentine Cave 33-117r Vincent Cave 3-20r void below Thacher Park 27-119r V-Slot Cave 24-61r Wagonwheel Cave 19-102m,103m,20-29i,22-21r,27-11r,28-3o,30-81c,32-110o,33-4c,115gx,37-16m,18m,19p,43-81g Walking Fern Cave 20-25m Ward Cave 1-62r,27-60r,41-6r Ward-Gregory Cave 35-10dh,13dh Wards-Gregory Cave System (see also Clarksville Cave) 1-77r,3-20d,59d,72d,139r,145dh,4-64d,6-6dh,7d,61dhi,118d,12-11a,41-9b Waterfall Cave 4-33x Wedge Rock Cave 7-121r Wiltseys (Wiltsies) Cave 4-80d,27-48r,28-105m,40-15r,43-80r Witchs Hole 6-39d Worlds End Sinkhole Cave 3-9m,19-91dm,33-82r,117hr,118m Wynd Cave 6-8d,7-67r,13-77d,78m,19-88m,89d,33-104r,38-48r,111b,41-73h,43-38rb New York - Bronx County beer caves, Melrose 41-5rp Black Pit 30-60r cave at Clason Point Inn 41-33r Indian Cave 32-90r New York - Broome County Hawkins Pond talus caves 24-52d tunnel in Devils Punchbowl 24-52d New York - Cattaraugus County Bear Cave 15-21i,42-93p Bears Breath Cave 29-20dp,21m,35-109r Bears Cave #1 29-46d,47m Bears Cave #2 29-46d,48m Bears Cave #3 29-46d,40-105i Bears Caves 29-49c cave in breathing well 29-64r The Cave, Rock City 42-93p New York - Cayuga County cave, Dry Falls 41-62p caverns below Auburn 38-76r near Auburn & Cayuga Lake 4-28r New York - Chautauqua County caves at Panama Rocks 10-30r,34-24p,25pg submerged caves, Lake Erie 16-42r New York - Clinton County Bat Cave 28-124r Bridge Cave 28-122r cave at High Falls 41-113r cave near Palmer Hill 32-90r Darkroom Cave (Spoon Pit Cave) 28-121p,122r destroyed cave near Ellenburg 25-21r Hawkeye Porkie Maze 21-46r,28-93r Hydes Cave 37-148p ice caves, Lower Ausable Pond 34-24r in Ausable Chasm 4-17r Jacobs Well 34-35p Lighthouse Bluff Cave (Wrack Cave) 28-125d lost cave on W Mountain 25-21r Lyon Mountain iron mines 25-22r near Ellenburg 4-17d old iron mines 21-67d sinking stream, Valcour Island 28-123r sinking stream, West Chazy 28-126r small cave, Sloop Bay 28-121r South Valcour Cave No. 1 22-25m South Valcour Caves #1 - #4 28-124r Spoon Island Cave (Tucker Cave #2) 28-123m,124d Spoon Pit Cave 22-25m Spoon Strait Cave 22-24r,25m Tucker Cave 28-122m,123d underwater caves, Valcour Island 26-77r Valcour Island caves 22-24d,25d,31-88r,40-43r Valcour Spoon Strait Caves #1 and #2 28-122r New York - Columbia County Alander Cave 28-82rh Belknap Cave (Merlins Cave) 38-108o Blindbrook Cave (Blind Brook Cave) 34-74r,36-42r,67dp Cat Hole Cave 35-60dp Caterpillar Cave 38-48r cave in Hudson 30-119r cave near Millerton 33-104r caves at No Bottom Pond 33-58hd,59p Cold Belly Cave 35-59dp Devils Den 33-58hdp Dragon Bones Cave 38-12r,56r,39-81r,42-9r,43-10r,11pmh,12p Elsie Venners Cave 39-40r flooding quarry, Greenport 7-152r Indian Oven Cave 12-33d,15-90r,22-99o,30-4c,31-44o,33-104r,39-43b,28-82rh,35-73r,74c,80co,83rm,43-4r Iron Mountain mines 27-96r Lebanon Springs Cave 36-78r Merlins Cave (see also Belknap Cave, XTC Cave) 39-3cr,9b,38c,43b,55pc,69p,74o,81om,40-4r,37p,41o,44b,47ocm,48br,98b, 41-35p,37c,50d,51m,70o,103r,106o,42-5b,9bp,10p,67ox,68o,74h,101r,43-10rhp,12op,13p,35r,36b,103r,44-4r,6rp,7p,8m,9m,37r,42r,44r,45r,94gp,96p,97p,103r,104c near East Chatham 1-74r No Bottom Pond Cave 10-29r,22-119d,32-93dh,34-18dp,19mp Rattlesnake Den 39-40r Scalped Woman Cave 35-59dp Second Cave 1-69dxm Sims Cave 26-110r Snort Ridge Cave 34-74r,36-18g XTC Cave (Merlins Cave) 38-12rm,35p,37r,48r,50dp,56d,57p,74c New York - Delaware County Mount Utsayantha Cave 30-58dm Point Mountain Cave 43-129hpm,44-5r tectonic cave, Mt. Utsayantha 37-69r New York - Dutchess County cave in Rhinebeck 43-17d Dover Stone Church Cave 25-31r Eighmyville Cave 3-21r,7-13dr,8-62dxmh,38-49o Indian Oven Cave (see entry in Columbia County) Meyer Cave 3-21r,8-62dxmh Spook Hole Spook Hole 3-139r,30-43r Stone Church Cave 8-62r New York - Erie County Brompton Cave 17-20d,33-77r cave in Akron 39-21r Devils Hole Cave 9-59dmx Driftwood Cave 9-59dmx Harris Hill Cave 7-41r,67r,141dr,15-74m,75m,29-107do mine at Akron Falls 25-22r Rock of Ages Cave 9-59dmx Scoby Dam Cave (see Zoar Valley Cave) storm drains, Tonawanda 39-75r talus cave 9-59dmx Zoar Valley Cave 28-107p,116pd, 117mx,38-107r,42-11dmpb New York - Essex County 1750 foot marble cave 36-102r 2400 foot anorthosite talus cave 36-102r 250 foot insurgence cave, Hotwater Pond system (see also Hotwater Pond Cave) 2-34dm 300 footer, Hotwater Pond system (see also Rusty Stove Cave) 2-34dm along Marble Canyon 2-37dxm Baldface Pass Cave 31-94dm,32-104dxm Barton Hill Mine 33-121bc Bears Den 3-13dx Big Loop Cave 2-35dxm,3-61d,6-4d,20-31d,33m,34g,22-21r,27-11r,30-133r,32-91x,37-43r blue marble cave near Cascade Lake 9-94r Browns Cave 3-13dhx,24-119x,120dp,121m,30-133r,32-121dp,122p,126m,33-8r,37-43r,44-101i Burroughs Cave (see also Enema Cave, Porcupine Cave, Hotwater Pond Cave system) 6-100d,136d,7-3dhxm,9-36r,13-105r,16-105r,43-101r 18-4r,33r,19-19r,94r,20-56r,57r,22-21r,23-86r,25-69r,27-11r,29-43x,97r,30-133r,34-43r,74r,36-42r,37-43r,38-60r,43-101r,104a,44-44r Calamity North Gully Caves 31-94dm Cascade Boulder Cave 34-74r,35-54dm cave at Pine Lake 34-42r,73r cave near Minerva 29-115d caves at Santanoni Preserve 31-109r caves on Elephant Island 37-135ri caves west of Dutton Mountain 30-78r Chambers Chambers (see Browns Cave) Crown Point Crevasse Cave 14-24r,37-137rm Deer Brook Cave 41-52dx Devils Washdish Cave 27-129dm Dry Channel Cave (see also Rusty Stove Cave, "300 footer", Hotwater Pond Cave system) 3-61d,68r East Sphagnum Maze 13-105r,106m,14-24r,28-93r Enema Cave (see also Burroughs Cave, Porcupine Cave, Hotwater Pond system) 2-33dxm,61d,3-68r Falls Bridge Cave 3-61d forty footer, Hotwater Pond system (see also Neverellen Cave) 2-34dm freezing talus, Ausable Pond 7-55d freezing talus,Giant of Valley 7-56d Gooley Outlet Cave 33-126d,127m Gooley Ripper Cave 33-126d,127m Henodoawda (II) Megalith Cave (see also William H. Lyman Cave) 8-105h,9-83dh Henodoawda (III) Gateway Cave (see also William H. Lyman Cave) 8-105h,9-83dh,14-24r Henodoawda Cave (see also William H. Lyman Cave) 8-105h,9-83dh Henodoawda IV Cave (see also William H. Lyman Cave) 9-36r,83dh Hotwater Pond Cave (see also "250 foot resurgence cave") 3-14dx,61d,68r Hotwater Pond Cave System (Hotwater Pond, Burroughs, Rusty Stove, Neverellen, and Porter Caves) 2-34dm,3-68r,16-95r,30-133r Indian Pass caves 34-23r,40-43r ice caves at Indian Pass 34-23r in Boreas River Valley 1-48r in town of Minerva 4-80d insurgence, Alder Creek 43-37r Little Big Loop Cave 3-61d Lost Pond Cave 6-40d,10-26dh,,41-90r Lost Pond Caves 1-128dxm Manitou Abode Cave 10-85d,86m,14-24r,28-93r marble caves east of Boreas River 31-45r Mount Marcy Cavern 8-10dm,14-24r Mt. Marcy Mile-High Cave 37-137rm,44-51rmx natural bridge near Schroon Lk. 6-117dgh near Underwood 2-19d Neverellen Cave (Never Ellen Cave, Cold Spring Cave, see also "forty footer") 3-15dx,68r,37-8r new marble cave, Adirondacks 15-14r NW Spur Couchsachraga Cave #2 37-137rm NW Willsboro Point Cave 24-106md Old TSOD Cave 28-93r,38-60r,44-44r Palisades Cave 24-106md Panther Gorge 440-footer 36-57r PIG Maze 12-37d Pine Lake Cave 34-122dm pit near Hudson Gorge 30-17r Pitchoff Mountain Fault Cave 14-24r,38-61r,44-45r Porcupine Cave (see also Burroughs Cave, Enema Cave, Hotwater Pond Cave system) 2-34dm,3-14dx,68r Port Henry Mine 39-28r Port Henry Mines 34-24r Porter Cave 37-8r Pyramid-Bear Cave 26-103m Ridge Road caves 28-119r,30-133r Rusty Stove Cave (see also Dry Channel Cave, "300 footer", Hotwater Pond Cave system) 2-34dm,3-15dhx,68r,6-101d,29-43x shelter cave near Mt. Colden 26-12r Short Borehole Cave 32-111r,139r,140m sinking spring near Minerva 24-119x,122r Sip-der Cave 27-76m,32-77r Sphagnum Ravine Cave 12-38m,39d,14-24r,20-56r,22-21r,23-86r,27-11r Sphagnum Ravine-East Cave 28-93r Sphagnum Ravine-Middle Cave 28-93r Sphagnum Ravine-West Cave 28-93r Sphagnum Sink Cave 12-39d Split Rock Point Caves 25-50mx Stone Bridge Cave 43-72hr Strungout Cave (see also TSOD Cave) 6-100d,8-104h talus caves near Port Henry 24-105r TSOD (Touchy Sword of Damocles) Cave 6-100d,8-19d,103dh,133dhm,9-36r,74r,14-24r,20-56r, 22-21r,23-86r,27-11r,34-23r,36-57r TSOD II Cave (see also TSOD Cave) 8-104h TSOD-2B Cave 28-93r TSOD-Antigravitron-SE Cave 28- 93r TSOD-Cyclops Cave 28-93r,38-60r TSOD-II-Lower Cave 28-93r TSOD-II-Matterhorn Cave 28-93r TSOD-Ponor Cave 28-93r TSOD-Strungout Cave 28-93r,30-18r,38-60r,44-44r underground stream, Giant Mtn. 7-93r unnamed, Hot Water Stream System 3-14dx West Cave 3-15dhx,27-60r WHL-Henodoawda Cave 28-93r WHL-Megaboulder Cave 28-93r William H. Lyman Memorial Cave (W. H. Lyman Cave, Henodoawda Caves) 9-83dhm,14-24r,20-56r,22-21r,23-86r,27-11r,34-23r 36-57r,90r New York - Franklin County 20 foot wide tunnel 9-51r cave, Lower Saranac Lake 42-92p cave, Norton Peak 34-131r caves at Twin Mountains 34-74r caves east of St. Regis Falls 34-74r Debar Ridge Caves #1-7 42-14rx,15rm East Debar Ledge Caves #1-8 42-14rmx fissure, Flat Top Mountain 33-113r fracture caves near Bridge Brook Pond 24-107r Furnace Mountain Cave 33-7r Furnace Mountain Cave-1 32-120dm Furnace Mountain caves 32-120r ledge-fissure cave, Furnace Mtn. 32-48r lost cave on W Mtn. 26-21r on Cat Hill 1-100r,107r Rice Mountain Cave 33-95dm Southwest Debar Spur Cave 42-15rmx St. Regis Gulch Caves #1-4 13-80d,81m Stacy Mountain Caves 35-90dm talus caves near Debar Mountain 12-63d talus caves, Lower Saranac Lake 27-71r talus caves, Stacy Mountain 34-74r talus/fracture caves near Loon Lake 30-110r tunnel at Chateauguay 26-21r W Mountain 150-footer 40-26hdx,27m W Mountain 200-footer 40-26hdx,27m W Mountain 40-footer 40-26hdx,27m W Mountain Cave (Norton Range Cave) 2-30dr,3-144d,5-76dm,78d, 6-4d,100d,14-24r,28-93r,38-61r,40-26hdx,27m,44b,53hbx, 54p,55p,56p, 41-105c,111c,43-4r,101rp,44-45r West Twin Mountains Talus Caves 35-15dm New York - Fulton County shelter cave, Green Mountain 26-12d New York - Genessee County large void under LeRoy 8-115r near Morganville 4-79dh two caves, Black Creek 27-60r New York - Greene County Austins Cave 21-112r,23-126r,28-84d, 133d Badmans Cave 26-12r Bears Den Cave 26-12r cave in Austin Glen 28-133p,40-105i cave in Catskill 28-133r cave resurgence, Coxsackie 28-132r Cave, The 4-4dxm,6-88r,7-9r,27-62d,63m,72h cavern quarried away 3-148r caves near Catskill 6-38d Crazy Music Cave (see also Moon Cave) 3-6dxm,59r,7-9r,40-15r Definitely Not The Cave 27-63r Devils Hole 23-126d Fat Mans Delight 40-34d hole near Catskill Mtn. House 6-37d Jack Packers Cave 6-112r,7-9r,22-21r,27-11r,28-73c,30-82c,31-76o, 40-94d,96m Limestreet Cave 23-126d,127m Lizard Cave 7-9r,21-112r Moon Cave (see also Crazy Music Cave) 7-41r,48dm Murderer Kill insurgence 28-132r near Leeds 1-75r Not Necessarily The Cave 27-62r Pawprint Cave 6-109dxm,7-9r,121r Quarry Hill Cave #1 3-6dx Railroad Cave 7-9r,21-112r,40-34r Railroad Lizard Cave 7-130r Roadcut Cave 40-15r Roadside Cave 6-29dhxm,7-9r,50d,107p,35-49r Sagers Surprise 5-15dxm Seesaw Cave 6-111dx shelter cave on Twin Mountain 26-12r shelter cave, Marys Glen 28-104dx sinking stream, Hollister Lk. 7-13r spring off Bronck Lane Road 6-118d talus caves in the High Rocks 7-93r There's One Now Cave 4-4dx,7-1p Triton Cave 41-61p Van Bergen Hole in the Ground 28-132r Von Ripers Cave 6-88r Vosen Kill insurgence 28-132r Waterfall Cave 34-52r New York - Hamilton County 1800 foot gneiss fracture cave 36-102r 80 foot cave 32-139r along Marble Canyon 2-37dxm Adolphus Lavigne Lost Mine 41-73r Atwood Cave 29-25r Bajus Cave 15-39d,40m,28-93r,36-89r,38-23x,24r Bear Cave, Cobble Mountain 33-7r Bear Cave, Kitty Cobble 32-137r Beaver Den Cave 32-139d,140xm Bivouac Cave (Eagle Satellite Cave 14) 36-57r,38-23x,24r Bullhead Pond Cave 33-95dm Canoe Shelter Caves 32-139r Canoeists Shelter Caves 2-37dxm,3-61d,30-133r Carter Ponds Cave 32-77r,91rx,123m,127d, 40-129r cave at Lost Ponds 30-78r cave at Pedestal Falls 40-129r cave at Pine Lake 34-42r cave, Chimney Mountain 42-91p cave near Conesville 41-73h cave near Lost Pond 36-90r cave near Starbuck Sink Cave 40-128r caves near Whortleberry Pond 30-133r,32-91r,111r,40-128rx cave on Thatcher Island 6-22dr cave south of Starbuck Mountain 32-91r caves at Chimney Mountain 34-23r caves at Corner Pond 32-91r caves at Rock River 33-82r caves near OK Slip Falls 40-128r caves near Eighth Lake 36-90r caves on Chimney Mountain 3-75dp,6-38d caves on Jimmy Creek 32-138r caves west of Indian Lake 27-71r Chimney Mountain Cave 33-18h,44-5r Chimney Mountain Cave #2 6-101d Chimney Mountain caves 3-75dp,6-38d,34-23r,40-43r Cobble Ledge Caves 33-47dm Corner Pond Cave 32-139dx,140xm Corner Pond caves 32-11r,139r,140x deep talus cave, Chimney Mountain 43-101r Eagle Cave 2-46d,,3-56d,57m,61d,144d,6-4d,38d,101d,136d,9-36r,14-24r,15-39r,18-96d,97m,20-56r,22-21r,33p,43hd,46p,23-86r, 27-11r,28-93r,29-25r,112r,31-73i,110r,32-5r,33-103d,34-8r,23r,36-42r,88rp,89rp,37-43r,38-20dm,21m,22m,23mx,24r,47r,61r, 40-78c,79r,91rm,,41-111c,42-5b,104b,44-5r Eagle Satellite 16 Cave 14-24r Eagle Satellite 18 Cave 14-24r Eagle Satellite 19 Cave 14-24r Eagle Satellite Caves 1 – 37 (ESC 1 – 37) 38-23x,24r East Harris Pass Cave 26-101dm,30-132r,32-91rx,40-128r East Mitchell Pond Cave 1 28-103dm Eighth Lake karst caves 30-93dm fracture caves near Bog River 34-43r Giant Fissure Cave (Eagle Satellite Cave 16) 38-23x,24r Good Luck Cave 14-21d,22m,24r,20-56r,22-21r,23-86r,25-4r,27-11r,28-93r Good Luck Cliffs talus caves 24-98d Good Luck Mountain caves 36-89r Ice Cave, Chimney Mountain 42-91p Ice Slide Cave (Eagle Satellite Cave 5) 38-23x,24r Kunjamuk Cave 7-97d,11-39d,40m,25-83dg,32-137r,34-7r,40-43r Little Haystack caves 30-131dm Lost Indian Gold Mine 41-73r Lost Ponds Cave 37-111dp,112pm Lost Ponds Sill Cave 30-93dm North Whortleberry Cave 40-128r,129pm,130r Northeast Long Lake Cave 24-106md Northeast Rock River Cave 33-126d,127m Northwest Bad Luck Cave 33-126d,127m,40-129r NW Little Moose Mountain Caves 30-131dm Peep-in Pit (Eagle Satellite Cave 2) 36-89r,38-23x,24r Pine Mountain Cave 34-93rm,40-128rp,130r pit at Chimney Mountain 30-17r pit at Pedestal Falls 40-129r Rathole 34-73r,40-129r,130m resurgence opening west of Blue Mountain 27-71r Rotunda Cave 15-39r,36-89r,38-23x,24r silver mine, Blenheim Mountain 41-73h South Whortleberry Cave 40-128rx,130r SE Island Slant Cave 31-94dm Starbuck Sink Cave 26-102m,40-128r,41-119r Stephens Pond Cave 28-103dm Sub-Z Cave 32-111r,139r,140x,40-129pr talus cave, Bell Ridge 40-129r talus cave near Middle Mountain 40-128r talus caves at Little Blue Mountain 25-4r talus caves near Black Mountain 40-128r talus caves near Raquette Lake 27-71r talus caves, Castle Rock 28-40r Three-Arch Cave 34-73r,40-130rmp Unknown Pond Cave 32-91r Unknown Pond Cave 1 29-58dm Unknown Pond Caves 29-58d unnamed marble cave, Harris Pass 26-102dm West Carter Pond Cave 33-126d,127m,40-129r West Harris Pass Cave 26-102dm,30-132d,32-91rx,40-128r West Mitchell Pond Cave 1 28-103dm West Mitchell Pond Cave 2 28-103dm X Cave 2-52dm,3-61d,6-100d,30-132d,31-110r,32-91rx, 40-127rp Y (Blue Ledge) Cave 2-52dm,3-61d,6-13dh,30-132d,31-110r,32-91rx,38-111r,40-127r Z Cave (Isolation Cave) 2-52d,3-61d,30-133r,32-91x,139dx,140m, 40-127rp,129r New York - Herkimer County 200 foot cave, Ice Cave Mountain 39-66mr,67p 3-D fracture maze, Ice Cave Mountain 23-107r 400 foot cave, Ice Cave Mountain 39-66m,67r 60 foot cave, Ice Cave Mountain 39-66m,67r Austins Cave 44-60r,61r Bottomless Pit 3-21r,37-95r,44-21h,23rg,24m Buttonhole Cave (see also Schroeders Pants Cave) 3-21r,41-73h Cave Disillusion 10-69d,24-136r cave near Jordanville 25-24r,34-52r cave on county line 25-4r Chyle Hole 24-137r,25-4r Corregidor Cave 32-61r Cullen (Kenyons) Cave 22-79o,27-29dm,44-59r,61r Cupids Retreat 44-110rx Daves Crevasse 39-65m Diamond Cave 3-21r dig in Herkimer County 28-119r drains below Little Falls 38-28r fissure cave south of Van Hornesville 34-131r fissure in Van Hornesville 25-4r fissures south of Van Hornesville 21-35r Hinmans Cave 29-119r Ice Cave Mountain Cave 34-24r,36-88r,39-64rp,65m Kitchen, The 34-131r Moss Island pothole caves 22-63d, 40-43r Mountain Ice Cave 39-131dm RCRB Cave 36-90r Rogers Crevasse 39-65m Schroeders Pants Cave (Buttonhole Cave, Herkimer System) 5-84a,21-9a,64d,35-75orah,36-108r,37-79p,81rp,90arh,91arh,92ah,95r, 96p,97m,98ah,102ahr,123a,124ap,125p,38-75ah,111r,39-14ha,15m,58ahp,41-47rp,48dmp,49dm,73h,44-22ha,45r,60r,61r Septic Tank Cave 21-44r,37-137r silver mine, Stark 34-131r Split Rock Caves 24-137rx Stairstep Shafts Cave 10-69d,24-136r,38-61r,44-45r talus caves near Summit Mtn. 32-61r Zurlos Pants Cave 3-21r,37-95r New York - Jefferson County 120 footer near Three Mile Bay 21-45r Amos and Andy Maze 23-86r,27-11r,38-60r,44-44r Ant Lion Sink 19-24r Black River Cave 1-102r,2-4d,42-69r Black River caves 42-36r Brownville Dry Maze (Brownville Cave) 3-109x,18-33r,19-19r,94r,20-56r,22-21r,23-86r,27-11r,34-5r,38-60r,44-44r,116r Carleton Island Cave 24-29m cave in Watertown 25-47d cave, north side Black River 42-60rh Cave of the Lost Pool 42-91p cave near Depauville 30-18r cave near Watertown 40-133r cave on Black River 30-89d cave, south side Black River (River Street Cave) 42-60dha,62r cave with pit northwest of Oxbow 28-136r caves in Pamelia 27-60r caves under Watertown 41-107r,42-36r Cedar Ledge Cave 24-29m Chaumont Karst caves 31-110r Chicken Soup Cave 21-45r Commercial Cave 1-102r,118xm,2-4dm,3-36d,109x,10-58g,60x,61m,18-4r,19-19r,94r,20-56r,22-21r,23-86r,27-11r, 36-57r,39-1m,25h,26m Crayfish Water Labyrinth 9-74r,18-8r,77r,19-19r,24r,81r,20-55r,21-45r,22-21r,23-86r,27-11r,38-60r,44-44r Depauville Cave 31-6r Devils Den (Devils Oven) 41-64pmr Devils Oven Cave 24-106md erosion cave southwest of Clayton 24-26r erosion cave, Galloo Island 25-63mx erosion cave, Sackett Harbor 25-63x extensive cave system 8-95r Flooded Cave 1-115m,23-92d Glen Park caves 36-89r,38-39b,39-9b,43b,44-116r Glen Park Labyrinth 1-94x,102r,2-4dm,3-36d,109x Glen Park Labyrinth Ice Cave 34-22r Hornet Cave 23-89r Houghs Cave 44-116r Ice Cave 27-60r Ice Cave (Beer Cave) 34-21r ice cave, Oswego 24-27p ice formations, Watertown 7-80dh Ice Labyrinth 3-105d,111m Ice-Crevasse Cave 3-36d in town of Brownsville 4-79dh Ironsides Island Cave 24-106md Island Cave 23-92d,93m Island Cavern 1-114dxm,3-62d,6-100d Jeffs Canyon Cave 4-85dm,21-45r,30-18r,119r,31-6r,38-61r,44-45r Johnny Cake Cave 21-45r karst fissure north of Glen Park 30-18r karst south of Dexter 31-110r Knee-Pad Maze 3-36d,63d Kronos Maze 27-11r Labyrinth Cave/System 3-104d,109x,113m,115m,9-74r,10-59g,60x,62m,18-9r,77r,19-19r,81r,20-55r,22-21r,23-86r,27-11r,36-49r, 38-60r,44-44r,116r Limerick Cave 27-60r,34-22r,44-116r Lost Labyrinth 2-26d,46dm,3-36d,63d,105d Mangy Maze 2-4m,3-36d,105d,109x,114m,18-6r,19-19r,94r,20-56r,22-21r,23-86r,27-11r,38-60r,44-44r maze caves, Glen Park 37-20r mile-long limestone mazes 36-102r Moulton Street Cave 42-62rh Natural Bridge Cave 38-60r,44-44r Natural Bridge Cave System/Caverns 1-114dxm,3-62d,106d,6-100d,7-68d,9-36r,16-89r,18-33r,22-21r,23-86r,89d,91m,27-11r 18-43m, 27-60r,41-5r,81r Natural Stone Bridge Caves 34-107r,42-41r Newell Street Cave 3-105d,4-19d,18-33r,19-19r,94r,20-56r,21-45r,22-21r,23-86r,27-11r,38-60r,44-44r,103ar Pancake Cave 23-89d,90m resurgence cave, Carleton Is. 24-26r rime caves, eastern Lake Ontario 25-60d,62p,63x River Edge Cave 3-105d River Street Cave – see cave, south side Black River Rons Mystery Cave 2-15xm,16d,3-36d,109x,110m Rubbish Pit Cave 1-104dm,2-18r,46m Sacketts Harbor Cave 24-27r,29m SCAG (Smith-Carroll-Allured-Gaines) Cave 9-74r,18-8r,77r,19-19r,24r,81r,20-55r,22-21r,23-86r,27-11r,36-50r,38-60r,44-44r silver mine on Grindstone Island 24-107r Siphon Cave 1-115m,23-92d Small Ravine Cave 3-36d Southwest Labyrinth Section 3-109x,110m Spring, The 1-114dxm,3-62d,23-92d Steves Delight 19-24r Three Falls Cave 33-44a,34-40a Three Falls Complex 1-118xm,2-4dm,15x,26d,3-36d,105d,109x,111m,9-74r,10-59g,18-7r,77r,19-19r,81r,20-56r,22-21r,23-86r, 27-11r,38-60r,39-1m,44-44r Throne of Neptune Cave 3-105d Tunnel Rat Special 1-94dxm,3-36d,105d,109x,113m Vestigial Maze 3-36d Wagon Wheel Cave 23-107r Water Labyrinth 3-106d Watertown (Mill Street Bridge) Cave 27-60r wave rime caves, Grenadier Is. 24-28p,30p,31d Weninger Cave (Winding Canyon Cave) 3-106d,109x,113m,44-116r West Cave 1-104dm,2-47m Winters Farm Caves 3-36d New York - Kings County Brooklyn Battery Tunnel 34-97r New York - Lewis County cave near Greene Pond 21-46r cave south of Lowville 30-18r cave system, Sugar River 31-95r caves in Lowville 37-70r Green Pond Cave 34-43r,99m ledge caves near Harrisville 34-99m near Harrisville 3-3d Sterlingbush pink calcite grotto 27-3r Wagon Wheel Cave 31-110r Weininger Cave 31-110r New York - Livingston County Cave of the Owls 42-92p Devils Hole 35-119h Genesee Valley Canal Tunnel 6-73dm New York - Madison County Bobcat Den #2 36-100rmx Burns Cave 36-100dxm caves near Chittenango 34-52r fissure caves, Stockbridge 27-61r near Munnsville 4-79dh Two Entrance Cave 36-100rmx under Chittenengo Falls 1-99r New York - Monroe County cavern below Pittsford 30-43r large cave under Rochester 8-95r New York – Montgomery County cave in Palatine Bridge 23-76r Flat Creek Gorge Lead Mine 29-103d Mitchells Cave 2-4r,3-145dh,4-79h,10-10d,30-82c,32-55h,33-19h,37-121o,38-61r,94b,39-9b,43b Mitchills Cave 44-52rh shelter cave, Flat Creek Gorge 29-103d New York - Nassau County proposed tunnel, Long Island Sound 39-5r New York - New York County Brooklyn Battery Tunnel 34-97r cattle tunnel, Greenwich Street 43-105r cattle tunnel, Manhattan 44-45rh cave, Central Park 33-105p Cave, The, Central Park 36-12hp,41-61rp caves, Central Park 1-13x,34-26p fissure cave, Inwood Park 33-4r gas mains 5-40d Hudson River railway tunnels 34-56di,58i,59ip Indian Cave, Central Park 42-89hp new water tunnel, Manhattan 37-89r New York City culverts 7-74d,98d New York City water tunnel 38-28r Old Croton Aquaduct 36-59r old water tunnel 21-56d Second Avenue subway tunnel 43-71r tunnels below Chinatown 36-59r tunnels in New York City 33-83r New York - Niagara County Cathartes Aura Cave 37-108dg,109m,110p Catlins Cave 33-68r cave at Niagara 40-133r cave in Lockport 32-90r Cave of the Winds 15-73r,37-149ph Cave, The, Pearl River 41-61p Culvert Cave 22-21r,27-11r Devils Hole (Cave) 9-59d,60x,61m,15-73r,33-96hp,h,36-68dp,69m Driftwood Cave 9-59d,60x,62m Effluvia Falls 25-22r Ensmingers Cave 16-28r,42-82hp,83mpg Gorge Cave 16-28r,18-3r,19-19r,94r,20-56r,22-21r,23-86r,27-11r,28dh,34-39r,36-22hr,37-25r Kneegnaw Cave 37-108dg,109m,110p Lockport Cave 25-22r,31-100hx Lockport Caves 2-2d,6-114r,7-141d Milk Cave 15-71r,16-28r,35-86dhp,87p,88p,89p,37-24dp,25m,108r,38-5r,42-82r Milk Cave System 42-83r NSU Cave System (see also Gorge Cave) 15-72d P.I.T.A. Cave 16-28r,42-82r Quelew Cave 16-28r,42-82r Rock of Ages Cave 9-59d,60x,62m Salamander Cave 16-28r,36-22pmhr,37-25r,81r six caves in Niagara Gorge 37-108r Spring Cave 16-28r,42-82r Talus Cave 9-59d,60x,61m Thrall Hill Cave 8-33dxm tunnel at Niagara Falls 25-22r New York - Oneida County cavern at Trenton Falls 26-25d Deep Fissure Cave 28-118d near Oriskany Falls 1-74r Randalls Cave 40-5r New York - Onondaga County Beckwith well cave 44-59r Beckwiths Cavern (Jamesville Cave) 2-32dhx Big Cave 27-53dm Bone Cave 29-130r,131x cave near Manlius 34-52r cave on Onondaga Reservation 30-17r caves at Clark Reservation 30-118r,33-25dp,30x,31x Clarks Reservation Cave 2-31dhx East Caves 44-58r,61r East Syracuse Cave 2-31dhx gypsum caves, Elbridge 27-61r Hermits Cave 42-93p ice caves, near Syracuse 34-22r in Lafayette 2-32dh Indian Tunnel Cave 2-31d Jamesville Mine 38-39b Jamesville Quarry Cave 39-9b,40-83r limestone cracks near Syracuse 26-16r Name It After You Cave 29-130r,131x Nedrow Cave 2-31dx,31-78o on Onondaga Indian Reservation 2-4r rumored cave from Syracuse to New York City 6-39d Split Rock Cave #1 10-3d,4m Split Rock Cave #2 10-3d,5m Tee Cave 27-52dm two caves, Dewitt 4-79dh,27-61r White Lake Caves 27-51x,52dxm New York - Orange County aqueduct bypass tunnel 44-104r Bear Hole 27-107r Big Island Cave 33-124dx,125mx Bradley Mine Cave 2-44m,3-21r,33-4c Bull Mine 34-24r,40-46b cave in Chester 33-70r cave near Round Pond 27-107r,44-46r cave on Erie Railroad 44-97h caves on Mount Eve 31-139r,32-9r Cro' Nest Cave 2-14dh,16d,3-21r Cro' Nest Grotto 2-14dh Dutchess Quarry Cave 3-21r Dutchess Quarry Caves 35-45c,49r,51c,108r Graham Mountain Cave 3-21r,33-42o,36-3r Gregs Hole 3-59r iron mine 39-42b Mount Eve Cave 1-63dh natural bridge, Round Pond 44-46r near Round Pond 4-7r on Bear Mountain 2-30dr Rhodes Cave 27-126dm,127m,30-98d,99m,31-63r,36-3r,37r,37-81r,40-10b,42-40rp,101r,44-103r Seven Room(s) Cave 42-90rh,106r Sherman-Williams Cave 3-59r Torpedo Tube 3-59r Tri State Cave 36-63rm Wihlahoosa Cave 3-56rh New York - Oswego County ice rime "caves" 35-55dp,56mp ice cave, Selkirk 42-92p rime "cave", Oswego 34-43r rime "caves", Selkirk Shores 31-45r New York - Otsego County cave in Cherry Valley 32-90r cave on county line 25-4r cave south of Cherry Valley 30-43r caves near Roseboom 32-90r Cherry Valley Ice Cave 34-23r Chyle Hole 21-34r Collins Cow Hole Cave 30-43r deep cracks between Cherry Valley and Van Hornesville 30-43r Leatherstocking Cave 34-25p new cave 26-76r Pendulum Well 27-62r Route 20 Cave 35-82r Van Hornesville tufa cave 40-43r New York - Putnam County Blackberry Mine (Grand Island Mine) 39-21r Captain Kidds Cave 41-33r cave in Mahopac 39-21r caves near Lake Carmel 34-52r caves under Brewster 36-101r two iron mines in Mahopac 39-21r New York - Queens County Queens Tunnel (New York City Water Tunnel No. 3) 31-127g New York - Rensselaer County Bears Den 28-41o Bentleys Cave 3-21r,59dr,8-34r,53p,59dr,21-113d,30-73r,31-44o,34-110r,35-3r,41r,49r,36-82rhp,83m,84x,107r,37-39p,38-61r,39-103o,40-4r,41-3cox,38c,70co,71r,103r,42-38b,43-35r,44-37r,45r cave in Cropseyville 1-48r cave on Gardner Hill 6-139r cave near Bentleys 40-83r cave, Adams Farm, Stephentown 12-64r Cipperly Cave 24-112r,26-13m Dry Valley Cavern 23-32rx,33m,39-103o Eagle Mills Cave (Mine) 32-137d Poestenkill Gorge Cave 25-52d Snow Hole 34-22r Starry Ridge Cave 41-105rp tubes in landslide gravel, Troy 24-32ghr tunnel through Mt. Ida 25-53r tunnels at Poestenkill Gorge 25-53rp New York - Rockland County cave, Orangetown 27-61r Claudius Smith Caves 7-109dhx in town of Orangetown 4-80dh Mine Hole 27-92h,29-77p New York - Saratoga County cave in Saratoga Springs 6-112dr cave, Mohawk River 39-21r Coopers Cave 2-23p,23-95r,96rp,31-3r,32-5r,37-47op,121r,40-43r two caves in Saratoga 9-94r New York - Schenectady County cavern in Glenville 3-73dr drains below Schenectady 38-28r underground railroad, Schenectady 26-103r Wolf Hollow Cave 23-25d Wolf Hollow caves 40-43r New York - Schoharie County 30 foot pit near McFails 29-124r 911 Cave 25-14dp,15p,16dp,17dpm,18m,19m a major new cave in Schoharie 9-51r a new cave on Barton Hill 9-94r a new Schoharie cave 8-8r Acks Shack (Acks Folly) 6-50r,42-56x,58r,59p Ain't No Catchment Cave (ANC Cave) 26-86dp,109r,27-11r,12rm,13x,29-10d,12m,32-112rp,33-92p,36-17d,125rp,126m,127p,37-119p,38-37r,58rp,60r,76p,111r,40-35r,98b,41-90r,44-44r Alls Well 16-50r B Sink 24-14d,15m,25-73r Balls Cave (see also Gage Cavern) 21-87d,89m,90m,93m,23-26g,28m,30m,25-95d,27-61r,33-13r,34-8r,49pr,50pr,37-57r,132r,38-131r,40-100d,133r,44-25r Barber Cave 1-32m,27-50r,34-46g,37-8r,43-81g Barbers/Porcupine Cave 37-133b Barrack Zourie Cave 23-73p,78d,79m,80m,82dp,86r,110d,111dp,112dp,113dp,114dp,115dp,116dp,117md,24-76r,79r,109p,111r,113d, 25-46r,72r,107d,109m,110g,26-1m,46r,83m,27-6r,11r,94r,103r,112g,28-4r,21d,91g,109o,29-3o,30-81c,31-55g,32-47r,38-60r,61r, 134r,39-11g,52r, 40-35r,99g,41-21g,22x,53gx,89r,43-79r,128g ,44-10g,44r,45r Barton Hill Cave System 17-53g Barytes Cave 10-53d,54m,16-60g, 26-3c,75c,30-82r,33-113r,34-3r,4p,69r,82md,83m,84p,85p,86p,87p,88p,89p,90p,91p,104r, 35-7g,82r,36-21rp,58d,95x,128m,137b,37-7r,52d,53m,54p,133b,134b,38-37r,71p,77r,39-38r, 40-35r,97b,41-10b,43-16p Barytes Mine 38-94b Barytes-Wolferts-Lecture Hall 38-60r,61r,44-44r,45r Baugh Cave 29-23r,30-82c,36-25dp,26pm,95x,107r,139dm,140c,141c,142p,37-44r,52r,121c,133b,38-61r,74r,39-38r, 40-35r,42-45cp,69rp,44-45r Beckers Cave 1-76r,4-7r,5-84a,23-124a,24-33r,29-43x,33-19hp,36-108r,110r,134ipd,135m,37-121o,38-74c,93h,111r,128o,39-3r, 40-4r Beckers Resurgence 5-70d Bensons Cave 1-48r,99r,6-76r,24-76o,111ocr,125hrg,24-125hrg,25-40o,101i,112r,113x,28-112h,114d,29-13gr,33-42r,77r, 34-22r, 35-7g,8x,36-95x,37-105r,133b,38-9dm,10m,11m,38a,39-43b, 40-35r,97b,102r,43-4r,44-114r Berghs Cave 11-55a Big Rabbit Hole Cave 27-12r,15m Birch Pit 3-130x,132d,27-50r,37-133b,43-81g Bogardus Spring 16-26r,91r,17-64g,18-79d Boneyard Cave 17-126r,18-23dm,27-50r,29-24rm,100g,40-35r,43-81d Boneyard Karst 30-82c Bottomless Pit 29-75r,40-35r Bradt Insurgence 27-50r,43-81r Bradt Sink Cave 22-114dm Bug Sink 27-50r Bug Sink Cave 22-115d,116m,43-81r Bunker Cave 35-7g,8x Caboose Cave 6-22dr,127p,129dhmp,7-41r,17-97d,98m,18-95c,19-69g,70m,20-95i,21-11d,43mr,22-21r,25-104r,26-110r,27-11r,28-91g, 31-55g,32-45r,33-42o,83oc,37-133b, 40-35r,41-25g,43-81o Calliope Cave 38-116r, 40-120dp,121m Calliope Sinks 17-62g,63m,25-73r,27-50r,44-10g Camo Cave 34-47r,40-24g Canyon Cave 39-38r Canyon Cave #2 36-58r,81rp,37-52r Carlisle Ice Cave 9-100d,11-4c,27-61r,31-107c,32-90r,34-21r,43r,38-134r,39-61g,40-51r,41-75g,42-54rh,55xm,56p Cataract Cave 38-59rh Cave 575 31-44o,33-9ox,37-105r,133b,39-7c,104r,40-39c,97b Cave Disappointment 18-63r,64m,22-99r,25-27i,34-72r,37-104r,42-55rh,56pr,57m,101r,105r,43-65r,44-88r Cave Disappointment/Hanors Cave 37-133b cave in Carlisle 36-101r cave in Lawyersville 30-118r cave in sink south of Schoharie 36-101r Cave Mistake 33-60d,61m,94d,135r,34-121r,39-105r,129dx,40-24g,35r,102r,103r,41-22x,53gx,43-128g,44-10g,46g,106rp cave near Sidney Corners 7-121r cave north of Chimney Hole 19-112r Cave of the Brown Teeth 31-44o cave on Rossman farm 43-22r cave system north of Leesville 6-139r cave west of Sellecks 32-90r caves in Blenheim 42-129rh caves in north part of Cobleskill 30-43r caves in quarry near Cobleskill 6-50r caves in Sharon 27-61r caves on Terrace Mountain 43-105r,119g Chert Hole 6-3d Chert Nodule Cave 7-85dm Chevy Cave 27-5r,55r,80m,81d,28-4r,27m,29-15r,38-61r,116r,39-52r,62g,63r, 40-35r,41-75g,44-45r Chevy Dig 26-42r Chicken Out Cave 1-119dhxm,15-32d,33m Chimney Hole 33-22h,23dp,43-81r collapsed sinkhole near McFails 7-41r Committee Hole 28-119r containing Strontium crystals 1-109r Corners Spring 16-60g Dead Drover Cave 27-61r Deadfall Cave 40-35r deep cave between Secret and Howe Caverns 36-138c deep pit north of Schoharie Cave 8-8r Deitz Cave 28-109o Devils Canyon Cave 22-112d,113m Devils Cave 39-17x Devils Rhapsody Cave 28-18r,29-100g,127d,34-47r, 40-24g Dietz Cave 23-11m,12m Dixie Pit 39-38r Doc Shauls Spring 2-4r,5-70d,6-50r,8-141r,16-60g,18-40d,20-109m Docs Pit 6-50r Doolittles Cave 33-73p,84pd,85m,38-134r,39-11g,40-35r,102r,41-22x,53gx Dugans Spring 17-53g Easter Pit 7-148dm,43-81r Ewalds Fissures 27-50r,41-54hr,43-119g Eye of the Needle Cave 29-124r,32-64r,39-61gp Featherstonehaughs Flop 18-63r,25-118dm,38-17r,42-100rp,44-88r Finger Cave 27-12r,40-35r Finger/Cabin Cave 41-90r Fishers Fissure 1-100r,44-46g Fossils Corner Cave 30-59dm Franks Haunt Cave 32-64r Gage Cavern/Cave (Balls Cave, Knoepfels Cave,see also Balls Cave) 2-21g,3-81dh,5-43d,6-0d,129r,7-121r,125d,9-120d,15-69i, 16-45a,18-6r,19-19r,57h,58m,80a,94r,20-56r, 22-21r,38dm,23-86r,24-111o,25-23r,69b,26-43r,114a,27-11r,50r,74b,28-4r,68hp, 29-1p,32-113a,115p,34-101im,123hd,127p,35-133a,36-71g,37-104r,38-39b,60r,61r,66h,67p,129r,39-3r,7cb,9b,18r,43b,104r, 40-21r,39c,44b,79a,97b,41-111c,42-5b,43-4r,9b,16p,23dh,36r,38r,81r,81g,119g,124r,125g,44-44r,45r Garden of Dina Mine 37-133b, 40-97b Garden of Eden 3 Dig 28-47d Garden of Eden 4 Dig 28-44d Garden of Eden 8 Dig 28-131d Garden of Eden Cave 1-48r,76r,99r,100r,107r,2-2dxr,4r,3-49r,83r,123dr,139r,148r,4-81dh,7-67r,121r,137r,9-63d,11-73h, 25-23r,33-62g,104r,35-107r,40-28rh,35r,93h,43-7r,44-57r Green Cave 43-124dhg,125m Greens Cave 3-21r,19-59m,29-114b,37-104r, 40-98b,43-81r Grosvenors Cave 1-75r Guenther Resurgence Cave 41-22g Hanors Cave 29-44a,37-104r,38-17r, 102r,42-55rh,56xrh,57m,58p,101r,43-57ra Hanors/Cave Disappointment System 18-63r,64m Hells Wells 30-82c,38-61r,39-38r,44-45r Hells Wells #1 36-13dp,14p,15m,16p,17p,37-134b, 40-97b Hells Wells #2 36-13r,37-134b holes on I-88 10-69r Howe Cavern mine 24-56d,73p Howe Caverns (Howes Cave) 1-36dh,48r,49dh,64dhm,76r,82dhm,99r,100r,142dhm,2-2dm,3-46dm,49d,83r,4-7r,30d,67dhi,79h,113dh,123dh, 5-43d,70d,73dh,7-121r,8-97h,9-94r,13-69i,15-3h,6m,7m,8d,38r,16-57i,60g,18-2i,31i,77r,22-21r,23-133h,24-37p,45h, 46h,47h,53h,56dh,60r,75r,26-3c,39p,41c,75c,27-6c,61r,28-4c,42r,73r,29-57dm,30-4cr,75r,82c,31-3r,4cr,50c,51x,56d,108r, 32-5r,7c,45r,46r,33-3cp,43r,75r,76p,109r,135r,34-3r,5c,40r,83m,107rp,35-3r,4c,6r,39p,61d,74r,77r,79r,108r, 36-4r,12r,38r,76r,95x,115r,116hd,118m,119m,120g,122m,123m,138b,37-4rc,5p,30d,43r,45b,83o,121o,134b,136h, 38-3c,25dh,38r,41oc,60r,61r,73oc,79r,105r,106m,127o,39-4r,9b,38r,43b,44b,51r,61g,99r,40-29r,34d,40r,41r,44r,51h,75r,97b, 100r,104i,111r,41-5r,20r,21g,22x,23mp,25p,26p,27p,38r,40r,42b,75g,42-3r,39r,49hd,50i,51i,119di,119di,43-4r,22r,33p,42r,43d,44hm, 45pm,46pm,47pr,48hg,49m,50p,51p,52h,93r,44-4rp,25h,27p,40r,44r,45r,71rp,74h,104r Howe Cement Mine 35-7g,8x Howe Quarry Mine 37-134b,40-44r,97b Howe-Barytes Cave 9-74r,18-8r,19-19r,81r,20-55r,22-21r,23-86r,27-11r,43-79r Howes Cavern Resurgence 5-70d Howes Waterfall Pit 26-75c Ice Cave 44-88r ice cave near Carlisle 10-33r ice caverns, Carlisle 40-101r Ice Hole west of Millspaugh Rd. 6-50r,40-101r Idiot Pit 36-58r in East Cobleskill 1-109r in Schoharie Hill 1-109r Jack Patrick(s) Cave 1-100r,6-139r,28-37p,41o,110o 30-82c,35-7g,8x,37-121o,40-34r Jack Patrick(s) Cave System 20-99g,104m,22-104h, 106m,107g,43-81g Jack Patrick(s) Caves 27-50r,41-22x Jack Patrick(s) #3 Cave 28-88d,90m Joober Hole 2-21g,2-30r,3-148r,22-54d,61m,27-50r,30-82c,33-07p,108h,38-131r,39-18r,43-81r karst features northwest of Sellecks Cave 42-8r Keyhole Cave 3-28d,29m,5-84a,7-137r,19-59m,21-88adh,29-75a,78a,80m,81m,92h,94h,113a,37-104r,123r,38-61r,131r,40-39c,97b,41-75g,43-81r,124r,125ra,44-45r Klondike Cave 36-122r,37-134b Klondike Quarry Cave 1-48r,99r Kniskern (Rockhouse) Cave 15-90r,27-61r Knox-Fossil-Beckers Cave 38-60r,44-44r large sinkhole near Carlisle 7-41r Lasells Hellhole 1-48r,76r,99r,2-4r,21g,3-21r,6-76r,37-134b,39-43b,40-29r,35r,98b,43-93r,44-3r,10g,38r lead in quarry 8-141r Levys Cave (Kniskerns Cave #1) 15-90r,16-26r,19-46d,47m,29-56r,33-9r,17h,76r,34-105rp,37-105r,121a,39-7c,104r,129x, 40-35r, 39c,101r,41-22x,53gx,42-101r Loden Cave 17-56g,27-50r,34-46g,40-35r Lodens Sinkhole 2-21g,17-59m,30-82c,118r,39-17x Lost Our Marbles Cave 34-44pr Lynk Cave 34-94r,114r McFails Cave 1-76r,100r,119dm,2-4r,21g,3-18r,50dhx,58d,67d,79dm,83r,90m,5-84a,76r,88r,6-50r,7-83p,89dp,93r,94d,95d,121d, 8-121p,123dmp,9-74r,94r,10-29r,72d,11-74d,12-49b,108a,13-3a,15-38r,16-23r,26r,27r,17-111i,121d,18-9r,57h,58m,62bg,77r, 81d,83a,87d,89m,90m,93h,19-19r,67i,81r,84m,85d,93a,114h,115m,117b,20-55r,58r,76d,79m,21-11r,12m,71d,22-13d,14m,17m, 21r,75d,77d,78m,23-86r,24-77c,25-103g,26-41o,82r,111r,27-11r,77a,78m,79bg,94r,103a,112g,28-41r,71p,110r,29-75r,111r, 30-35p,74r,119r,32-1p,27dp,107p,33-83r,34-69r,76m,105r,35-8g,45g,74r,78a,79p,109r,36-28d,71g,98dp,99p,37-83r,87r,89r, 104r,121o,122r,38-1p,16rh,19x,40r,47hr,60r,61r,62h,110a,131r,134r,39-7c,11g,43b,61g,39-104r,40-18r,35r,39c,51r,74p, 98b,99g,101d,41-5r,6r,21g,22x,53gx,75g,101p,42-43r,65p,70r,73r,80h,81rp,43-1p,4r,64ha,79r,90h,44-10g,44r,45r,76r,83h,124h,125m, 126p,128h McFails Hole 2-12dh,22-126dh,127m,42-55rh,56x,59p McFails-Howe Caverns System 17-66g,67m McFails-Howe-Secret-Bensons System 20-105g McMillens Cave 2-21g,38-94b,41-75g McMillens Waterfall Pit 26-47r,39-62g,63r,40-35r McMillens-Bakers Ice Box 39-62g,63r,40-35r,41-75g Millstein Cave 3-41r Missing Link 39-11g,41-89r Mothers Cave 3-130x,132d Mutha Cave 43-81g Mystery Pits 6-50r,26-48r,39-62g,63r,40-35r Nameless Cavern 9-121d near Lodens Sink 4-7r Nethaways Cave 2-12dx Nethaways Fissures 2-4dm,8-141r new cave in Howes Cave quarry 34-112dp,113p,114p new cave in Wright 27-120r new cave near Carlisle Ice Cave 32-10r new cave near Hanors Cave 27-103r new cave near Schoenlein Cave 29-54d new cave on Barton Hill 20-15r new passage on Barton Hill 8-95r No Admittance Spring 16-60g Old Maids Hole 2-21g,3-139r,27-62r,29-111r,32-48r,112r,37-127dmp,128mp,134b,41-33r Paradise Ice Cave 34-46g Paradise Lost Cave 3-89dm,129d Paradise Lost Resurgence 3-129d,130x,133m,7-82d Paradise Lost System 27-50r Paradise Regained 40-5r passage under Harder Hill 7-101dh Pasture Cave 27-55pr,56d,57m,58mp,38-61r,39-52r,62g,63r, 40-35r,41-75g,44-45r Paul Robinsons Back Cave(s) 1-100r,7-137r Paul Robinsons Cave 42-54r,55p Paul Robinsons Silo 36-95x,37-134b Peggy Hole 2-21g,28-85d,29-56r,73p,104hgdp,105p,106m,37-50r,134b,38-61r,116r,39-61g,62g, 40-35r,41-75g,44-45r Persistence Pit 6-3d,94dxm,29-56r Phoebe Pit 27-50r,97b,44-10g pit in western Schoharie County 30-17r pit near Carlisle 33-104r pit near Howe Caverns motel 7-41r pit north of Schoharie Courthouse 40-113r pit on Barton Hill 27-50r Quarry Cave 36-95x Quarry Hole 35-9rp Quarry Wall Dig 35-7g Red Trillium Pit 41-74dp Rockhouse Cave (Kniskerns Cave #2, Rock House) 16-26r,20-57r,58r,21-11d,102r,22-21r,27-11r,39-129x,130dp,40-35r,101r,41-53g Runkle/Youngs Cave 37-134b,44-10g Schoharie Reservation springs & crevices 7-41r Schantz Insurgence 39-17x Schoenlein Cave 27-91d,120r,29-102g,39-17x,40-24g Schoharie Caverns (Cooks Cave, Shutters Corner Cave, Treadlemires Cave, Spadeholts Cave, Nasholts Cave) 1-16d,77r,3-21r,5-70d,84a,6-5d, 9d,103p,10-1p,15-86hd,17-53g,83d,84m,93d,96m,18-6r,20d,41m,42d, 19-16r,19r,41r,81r,82d,109d,20-18r,19m,36d,37m,56r,22-21r,23-86r,108c,24-7c,8bg,9m,10o,41d,25-5o,117o,26-3o,45c, 27-11r,95h,96p,28-42r,75r,91g,110r,29-100g,115c,31-55g,32-41p,33-19h,20h,97r,34-9r,43r,35-4r,36-42r,79h,112r, 37-22r,57r,104r,134b,38-4b,38r,39b,60r,129r,39-3r,7cb,9b,24rp,25p,43b,104r,40-39c,44b,46b,111a,44-1p,11hp,13h,14p,15m,16m,18m,19m,20r,21p,38r,42hr,44hr Secret Caverns 1-48r,76r,99r,100r,2-21g,26-109r,28-4r,29-56r,30-118r,34-9h,35-7g,8x,36-95x,115p,122r,138b,37-134b, 39-33p,40-31r,41-25g,67mx,86r,87p,88o,111c,42-39b,101r,43-4r,36b,81r,119g,126h Secret-Bensons Cave 27-11r,38-60r,41-21g,22x,42-67r Secret-Bensons System 9-74r,120d,16-60g,18-7r,77r,19-19r,81r,20-56r,22-21r,23-86r,43-79r,44-44r Selkirks (Sellecks) Cave 27-61r Sellecks Cave 2-11dh,12dh,3-50dhx,4-79h,9-118d,20-109m,21-102r,22-39dm,31-44o,107c,32-90r,110o,33-4c,9ox,34-69r,70p, 37-105r,134b,38-37r,39-7c,11g,104r,40-35r,39c,51d,98b,101d,41-22x,53gx,43-4r,64r,44-88r Serpentine Pit 35-7g shallow sink northeast of Wolferts Cave 7-41r Shelter Cave 1-48r Shelter Cave One 44-46g Shelter Cave Two 44-46g Shoehorn Cave 20-118d,120m,27-50r,43-81d Single X Cave 8-115r,13-84o,17-53g,18-6r,19-19r,94r,20-56r,21-69r,101r,22-21r,23-86r,27-11r,30-82c,37-134b,38-60r,61r, 129r,40-35r,98b,43-26p,81r,119g,44-44r,45r sink near Howes Cave 40-83r Sinks by the Sugarbush 1-76r,6-76r,16-53r,22-79r,24-76r,25-87dm,28-85d,29-56r,104hgd,106m,37-134b,38-61r,39-62g,43-93r,44-45r Sitzers Cave 1-48r,76r,99r,27-12r,13x,37-134b,40-29r,35r,41-90r,93r Slant Shaft 39-38r small cave, Sharon Springs 43-82r Snake Hole Cave 32-64r,41-75g,42-8r Spider Cave 3-91dxm,129dxm,5-70d,18-36r,38rm,39m,19-19r,20-56r,21-100r,22-21r,23-86r,27-11r,29-100g,43-81o Straddle Canyon Cave 32-64r,34-20r,43r,44p,40-35r,98b,41-75g,42-8r Straddle Canyon-Snake Hole 39-11g,61g Strontium Mine 25-23r,29-10d,11p,12m Strontium Mines 26-84rhg Sutphens Fissure 44-46g Teenies Triumph 23-10d,11m,14m,28-109o through Terrace Mountain 1-48r,109r Thunder Hole 32-116d,117p,118p,33-11d,90r,120r, 38-61r,80r,83p,103p,112r,113m,116rp,117p,118p,119p,120mp,121p,122p, 123mp,124p,125m,126m,39-6r,17rx,42r,84d,85m,86p,87p,88m,89p,90mp,91p,92p,93p,94p,119d,120mp,121p,122p,123m,124p, 126m,128p, 40-35r,49d,71p,84dm,85m,86m,87p,88p,89p,90p,97p,99g,116dm,118m,41-76dm,77m,79m,89r,114d,115m,116m,117m,42-70r,74rm,43-72b,79r,128g,44-10g,44r,45r,117x Tillapaughs Collapsed Sink 11-4c Tims Crawl 44-46g Tin Can Alley 39-63rp Trap(s) Cave 26-110r,44-38r Traps Caves 27-127d, 40-24g,35r,41-90r,43-128g,44-3r Truax Spring 5-70d tubular cave near Spider Cave 8-8r Tufa Cave 5-70d,34-43r Turbine Cave 17-62d,25-8r,9m,72r,27-50r,29-100g,37-134b,44-10g,117x two pits, southwest of Sitzers Cave 27-12r Two Traps Cave 27-12r,14m Van Natten Cavern/Cave 40-29r,43-94r Veenfliets Cave (Nethaways Cave, Clarks Cave) 1-75r,2-12rg,3-5dh,33dh,67r,83r,6-88r,9-64r,16-50r,25-23r,27-11r,12r,13x,16hd,18m, 19g,50r,61r,29-43x,38-37r,108r, 40-35r,41-90r,43-93r Waterfall Pit 41-75g Westfall (Westfalls) Cave 17 53g,40-35r,43-81r,119g,44-12h Westfall Spring Cave 8-8r,9-1p,3dmx,20-50m,32-128dp,129mp,130dp,131p,33-109o,38-39r,58rp Wicks Hole 34-69r,76mrp,77p,78p,79p,80p,37-121o,38-17r,42-56rhx,58r,101r,44-88r Wine Cellar 23-11m,12m Wolferts Cave 2-21g,7-137r,26-3c,75c,27-37p,30-82c,33-18h,34-67p,69r,82d,92m,35-7g,8x,74rp,36-95x,37-52r,134b,38-37r,39-38r,43-65r Woodlot Sink 27-50r Wukits Huge Sink 17-64g Youngs Cave (Runkles Cave) 3-59r,4-79h,17-64g,27-61r,30-82c,43-81g Youngs Spring Cave 17-53g New York - Schuyler County Cavern Tunnel 37-148p Sinking Creek 40-83r New York - St. Lawrence County 700 foot Grenville marble cave 36-102r 950 foot gneiss talus cave 36-102r Big Spring Cave 3-62d Birds Nest Overhang 35-117dm Black Duck Hole ice cave 27-54dm Black Lake Cave 24-106md Bog Junction Hill 1976 Cave 34-99m Boland Creek Cave #1 6-100d Boland Creek Cave #2 6-101d Boland Creek Cave A 43-96mxr Boland Creek Cave B 43-96r,97m Boland Creek Cave C 43-96x,97r Boland Creek Cave D 43-96x,97r Boland Creek Cave E 43-96mxr Boland Creek Cave F 43-96x,97r Boland Creek Cave G 43-96x,97r Boland Creek caves 31-110r Boland Spring Sink and Caves 3-16dxm,62d Cat Mountain Cave-5 36-57r caves at Center Pond Mountain 30-40r caves in Balmat Mines 2-30r Chippewa Point Cave 24-106md Eagle Crag Cave 35-117dm East Pitcairn Cave #1 6-100d East Pitcairn Cave #2 6-100d East Pitcairn downstream 140 footer 3-62d East Pitcairn fifteen-foot caves 1-116dxm East Pitcairn Main Downstream Cave 1-116dxm,3-62d East Pitcairn Main Upstream Cave 1-116dxm,3-62d East Pitcairn Northwest Cave 1-116dxm East Pitcairn Southeast Cave 1-116dxm East Pitcairn Upstream 140' Cave 3-62d East Pitcairn West Cave 1-116dxm East Pitcairn, top of 60' hill 2-46d fissure caves nr. Black Lake 21-46r fracture caves near Bog River 34-43r gneiss caves at Eagle Crag Lake 30-40r Grasse Blade Tick Cave 23-102d,103m,28-93r,30-9r Grenville Overholt Cave 6-101d Hailesboro Cave 6-101d Hillsboro Caves 3-62d Joe Indian Island ice cave 27-54dm large cave south of Rossie 28-136r Little Mountain Fissure 30-40r Little Mountain Fissure Cave 32-11r,33-14d,15m Little Mountain Fissure Cave-1 26-102r,103m Little Mountain Fissure Cave-2 26-102r,103m Little Mountain fissure caves 26-102r Oak Island ice slab "caves" 29-14dmx,15p passages in lakes 33-104r Richville Caves 3-16dxm sandstone & fracture caves near Hammond 24-107r Six Mile Bay Microburst Cave 27-54r St. Regis River below Fort Jackson 4-16dhx Staplin Corners Cave 6-101d talus cave southeast of DeGrasse 34-74r talus caves at Wheeler Mountain 25-4r talus caves near Degrasse 33-45r talus caves near Dog Pond 25-4r talus caves near Little Mountain 23-101r talus caves southeast of Cranberry Lake 31-45r talus caves southwest of Otter Pond 23-101r three near East Pitcairn 1-116d Tin Can Pit 21-46r underwater cave southwest of Rossie 28-136r zinc mine, Gouverneur 39-71a New York - Steuben County cave in Hornellsville 40-105i New York - Sullivan County Barnums Cave 37-70r Bloomingburg/Wurtsboro tunnel 26-77oa cave near Summitville 41-73h Indian Cave 40-105i Mystery (Surprise) Cave 9-74r,15-45bcgh,57m,59m,60m,31-46r,128am,33-128dp,129mp,34-37p,40-16b,41-6r,111c near White Sulfur Springs 1-100r Shawangunk Silver Mine 41-73r Surprise Cave (Fallbrook Cave, see also Mystery Cave) 1-56r,3-59r,7-122d,18-8r,77r,19-19r,81r,20-55r,22-21r,23-86r, 24-76c,24-111o,25-70r,27-11r,35-45c,36-3ar,6a,7a,8a,11a,37r,41a,80r,113rp,37-81r,88r,123r,38-39c,60r,61r,74c,75c,77r,131r, 39-38c,42b,43b, 40-41r,74p,79c,42-35c,68r,101r,43-4r,6b,9b,44-44r,45r,104cp vent hole near Surprise Cave 24-61r New York - Tioga County freezing well of Owego 7-79dh freezing well near Tioga 10-30r New York - Tompkins County caves at Cayuga Lake 26-19r caves east of Cayuga Lake 25-99r Cayuga Cave 25-98g,99mx Critter Rock Cave 25-98r Ezra Cornells Tunnel 26-16h,17i,18m,19d Little Cayuga Cave 25-98r,99mx Millraces #1, #2, #3 26-19d,20m New York - Ulster County abandoned mine, Kingston 29-42bc Bonticou Crag cave(s) 25-25d,26m,27m,44-103r Bonticou Point Ice Caves 34-23r boulder caves in Shawangunks 7-67r Burroughs Shelter Cave 6-40d,26-12r cave near Kingston 36-39b Cave of Aeolus 42-94p caves in Mohonk Preserve 44-77r caves near Grahamsville 4-28r Cement Cave 34-26p chamber in Ashokan Reservoir dam 30-9d Cold Air Cave 44-74p crevice caves, Ellenville 28-69g Ellenville Crevice Caves 34-21r,22r Ellenville Ice Cave #1 41-17dx,18m,19h Ellenville Ice Cave #2 41-17dx,19h Ellenville Ice Cave(s) 5-84a,34-21r,26p,40-136h,137p Ellenville mines 34-24r Ellenville Shelter Caves 41-17x,18d enlarging sink near Kingston 23-135r Fossiliferous Cave 30-128dp,129m,130p freezing cave near Ellenville 10-32d grotto, Ellenville 41-62p Hasbrouck Mine 37-41p,42r,39-43b,41-69p,42-70r Hasbrouck Mine test cut 42-75rm Hotel Mine 38-39b Ice Cave Mountain Cave 1-44a ice caves, Shawangunks 27-104o,37-130r John Burroughs Ice Cave 34-24r Kingston cement mines 37-81r Lake Mine 38-39b Lake Minnewaska Ice Cave 34-21r,26p,43r limestone mine 39-10b limestone mines near Rosendale 36-40b lost Indian silver mines 41-73r Martins Cave 34-26p mine, Ulster County 34-7r Mohonk Caves 6-40d Pompeys Annex Cave No. 1 30-128dp,129m Pompeys Annex Cave No. 2 30-128d Pompeys Cave 1-63dh,3-21r,59r,18-5r,19-4dm,19r,94r,20-56r,22-21r,23-86r,25-23r,27-11r,62r,29-125ap,30-82c,31-45r,71h, 36-37ro,66gp,76om,37-81ro,38-49r,60r,43-67i,44-44r,103r Perilous Bridge Cave 41-13r,14pmg Rosendale Mines 7-51a,40-9b Salamander Cave 6-112dr,22-42m,25-23r,27-115gp,117m,29-56r,36-42r,44-103r Sams Cave 41-17x,18d Sams Point Crevice Cave 41-17dx Sams Point Crevices 5-91dx Sams Point Ice Cave 42-36a Sams Point Ice Caves 33-77c,34-21r,26p,37-130r Shawangunks fissure caves 37-81r shelter cave 41-61p shelter cave, Mohonk Lake 26-12r Shingle Gully Cave (Great Ellenville Rift, Great Ellenville Crevice) 41-17r,18r,19h,44-103r Shingle Gully Ice Caves 5-91dx, 40-110r Slanted Rock Red Cave 41-11p,12rp,13m,14g talus caves, Shawangunks 27-104o Tree Cave 25-24r water tunnel, Wawarsing 42-4r Widow Jane Mine 37-85r,44-4r,69r,44-103r Williams Complex 38-39b Williams Hotel Mine 39-43b Williams Lake Mine 39-43b Williams limestone mines 39-9b Williams Preserve Mine 38-39b,39-43b Xanadu Cave 44-67p,77pd,78p,79p,80m,83gc New York - Warren County 13th Lake Road/ Route 28 Cave 24-118dxm Barton Hill Mine 39-43b Barton iron mine 39-8b,9b Barton Mine 38-39b Beaver Cave 6-100d Brant Lake Caves 36-144rxm,37-8r Caldwell Ice Cave 7-67r,34-24r cave in Moxhams Mountain 27-62r cave in North Creek 30-118r Cave Knoll Cave 6-100d cave near Anthonys Nose 28-136r cave near Beaver Pond 28-136r caves near Prospect Mountain 1-48r Crane Mountain Cave(s) 1-97d,127r,135p,141dm,2-18r,3-61d,8-101d,29-43x,31-110r,33-18h,34-74r,40-11r,22rm,114r,41-113rpm,119r,43-101r Downstream North End Crane Mountain Cave 42-48rmx Graphite Mine 14-96m,97d,34-24r,38-39b,43b,41-108b,119r,42-48rx Hague Mountain graphite mine 24-39c,42-39b Hudson River Natural Bridge 1-134dx,3-21r,59r Junebug Cave 1-134dx,3-21r,59r lesser graphite mine 14-95d,96m Moxham Mountain Cave 1-134dx,3-21r,59r,61d,4-80h Natural Stone Bridge and Caves 34-107r,35-42r,73r,103p,36-76r,37-3r,42-41r Natural Stone Brige Cavern 27-62r Noisy Cave 38-110r North End Crane Mountain caves 42-48rx Route 40 Moon Bend Caves 33-95dm Skunk Cave 24-118dxm solution opening in quarry 28-136r talus caves near Barton Hill 14-95r talus caves near Rogers Rock 24-107r talus caves on Moxham Mountain 26-78r Upstream North End Crane Mountain Cave 42-48rmx Wolf Pond Cave 1-136dx New York - Washington County Carver Falls Cave 31-14dm,15p,39-3r cave in Dresden 32-90r cave near Hartford 4-80h cave near Indian Cave 39-95r cave near Siota 1-100r cave near Whitehall 18-95r,20-26d,27m caves at Inman Pond 37-8r caves, Anthonys Nose 44-9rg caves, Hartford 27-62r Gould Cave 39-3r,95dmp grotto near West Fort Ann 1-48r,6-39d Hooper Mine 40-4r Indian Cave 35-108r,39-95r limestone caverns, Chester 34-52r mine at Camp Little Notch 6-36d Mount Hope iron mine 33-82r pit near West Fort Ann 1-48r Prussian Cave 28-83m New York - Westchester County artificial cave, Tarrytown 41-61p Bedford Hills Leatherman Cave 1-78r Boulder Hole 3-21r cave near Ossining 42-28h caverns, Anthonys Nose 44-52rh Lake Waccabuc Ovens 3-21r marble cave 30-119r Natural Bridge 3-21r old cave near the ruins 40-105i Old Poker Hole 2-41r Pound Ridge Leatherman Cave 1-78r,42-52r,53hdm,54p proposed tunnel, Long Island Sound 39-5r Reservoir Shelter Cave 3-21r Rock Tunnel 3-21r Sarah Bishops Cave 40-64rh,65i New York - Wyoming County Ya-Ha-Ne-Gas Cave 40-105i New York - Yates County cave near Glenora 1-99r New York - county unknown or unspecified 10 new caves in western NY 15-14r 20 foot pit, central NY 10-84r Bull Mine Shafts 5-84a Camp Ellen Caves 5-84a cave in Finger Lakes Region 1-48r cave in Waterville 34-25p cave near Watertown 36-39b Cave That Roars 32-90r caves near Prospect Mountain 1-48r Devils Oven (Stygian Cave) 40-69rp Eagles Cave 31-44r Esopus Cave 40-133r Fisher Hill Mine 39-43b Green Cave 40-39c Harveys Hole 40-5r Hawkeye Porkie Maze 14-24r Hitchcock Mine 37-135b iron mines, southeastern Adirondacks 40-5b large cave in western NY 9-111r Lids Cave 38-108r marble cave, Adirondacks 34-52r maze caves near Watertown 36-45r Monita at Wigwam, The (Devils Abode) 40-133r new cave in western NY 32-109r north end of Seneca Lake 1-99r old iron mines, Adirondacks 21-67d pit in Shawangunks 30-17r Shelbys Cave 38-108r Ohio Hewitts Cave 4-28r caves near Chillicothe 4-28r mine,Lawrence County 42-39b submerged caves, Lake Erie 16-43r Oregon Ape Cave 26-64g Wind Cave 37-23rp Pennsylvania abandoned coal mine, Luzerne County 43-6b Aitkin Cave 24-112o,25-69o,28-42b,74cb Arch Spring 17-17m,18d,19-49a Arch Spring- Tytoona System 16-96r Archbald Pothole 3-47d,29-76r Big Ridge Cave 21-101r Carpenters Cave 33-1p,16h,18p,38-75c Casparis Cave 33-111a cave in the Allegheny Mountains 38-79r cave in Lancaster 32-78a Cool Caves 41-72a Copperhead Cave 29-43c Dreibelbug Cave 5-84a Durham Bat Mine 43-104b Eagle Cave 30-74r fissures at Worlds End 4-28r Frazer Cave 33-43o Gone Tomorrow Cave 17-104r Halls Cave 30-3o Hartmans Cave 36-4ob,39-76oc Heller Cave 41-72c Here Today Cave 17-105d,106m Hesston Cave #1 34-40r Hesston Cave #2 34-40r Hostermans Pit 21-71r,23-1m,5c,6m,37r,76c,24-4c,75c,25-5c,104oc,26-42c,27-39c,104c,28-5c,112b iron mine, Mifflin County 40-6b iron mine, Shindle 40-9b J-4 Cave 24-77r,32-78o,44-3c Laurel Caverns 27-75r,37-122o Onyx Cave 33-43o Quecreek Mine 35-63a Schofer Cave 25-69c Seawra Cave 28-42b sinkhole, southern Pennsylvania 29-5a Smullton Cave 28-112b Stover Cave(s) 24-75c,25-5c talus cave near Mount Penn 4-28r Tytoona Cave 17-15d,16m,28-74c,112o,29-76c,112o,39-7c,10c Veiled Lady Cave 28-112b Wind Cave 41-72a Rhode Island Adams Rock (cave) 38-109r cave in Burrillville 30-68r cave in Conklin Quarries 30-79r cave in Rhode Island 34-52r cave in Hipses Rock 40-46rp caves in Hopkinton 30-79r,34-43r caves in Lincoln Woods Reservation 30-79r Conrads Cave 34-9r,37-116h,38-13rp Coon Cave 31-109r,139dx Coopers Den 30-79r,38-14r Counterfeiters Den 38-14r,44-61r,62m,63p,64p,73r Dinosaur Caves 39-22r Forgers Cave 38-14r Glacier Cave 39-22r Indian Cave #1 39-23x Indian Cave #3 39-23rpx Indian caves 38-15r Indian rock shelters 39-22r,23px Indian Shelter Caves 34-43r John Harringtons Cave 44-99hdp limestone cave, northeast R.I. 38-14r limestone caves, Lincoln Woods 38-14r Margarets Cave 38-109r Narragansett Cave 39-22r,23x Pioneer Caves 39-22r Pirates Cave 38-14r,15p Purgatory 38-14r,40-133r sea cave 38-16r sea cave, Beaver Tail Fort 38-14rp sea caves, Middletown 33-113r sea caves, Narragansett Bay 38-16r slave cave 39-22r small cave, Mt. Hope 38-109r Spouting Cave 1-112d,38-14r,15pi, 40-133r,42-63i Swallows Cave 38-16r unnamed cave 39-22r,23x South Dakota Jewel Cave 18-77r,78r,28-19r,41-40r Wind Cave 3-71d,18-77r,78r,28-19r,32-78r Tennessee artificial cave near Nashville 43-104r Bell Witch Cave 10-41h cave used for marijuana 37-5r Collins River Springs 21-103r Cumberland Caverns 10-41r,18-77r Dunbar Cave 41-41b,42b Gourdneck Cave 40-45r Hardins Cave 40-45r Holly Creek Cave 40-45r Junkyard Cave 26-69a Lamons Cave 10-41r Nunley Mountain Cave 14-25d Rattling Cave 40-45r Sinking Cove Cave 40-45r Snail Shell Cave 33-78o,112o,40-45r South Pittsburg Pit 40-45r Spring Hill Cave 33-8r,34-41a Swirl Canyon Cave 40-45r Valhalla Cave 33-112o Wolf River Cave 33-112r, 40-45r Worleys Cave 41-9b Xanadu Cave System 18-77r Texas Honey Creek Cave 21-103r,104m Utah Main Drain Cave 36-4r Vermont - Addison County 400 foot cave below dam 14-50r ancient mine with ice near Bristol 28-136r Anne Story Cave 34-39c Baldwin Creek Cave (Porcupine Cave) 42-37rm Barrel Cave 25-11r,12r Beldens Falls Cave (see also Charybdis) 24 4r,25-11r,12r,37-20r Bostwick Point Cave 25-50mx Bristol Cave 25-12r Bristol North Cliffs Mine 24-85r cave on Snake Mountain 29-42r,36-101r cavern, Monkton 29-63r caves at Bristol Cliffs 37-21r Charybdis (cave) (see also Beldens Falls Cave) 6 101d Cobble Cave 25-12r Cobble Caves 8 115r Flat Room Cave 25-11r,12r Ghost Shaft 42-95ph Granville Talc Mine 24-85r Hise Cave (Porcupine Cave, see also South Baldwin Creek Cave) 25-12r Horse Farm Road Cave 6 101d,7 67r,79o,13-76r,21-110r,22-21r,25-11r,12r,26-5r,28-51r,31-49r,33-48d,49m,52r,38-38r,41-81r Kelley (Kelly) Farm Cave 21 44r,37-20r Leonards Cave 25-12r,29-56r Mack Farm Cave (Dead Cow Cave) 26-58r,33-42r Miller Cave 27-7rm Mount Independence Cave 24-106md new cave, East Orwell 42-4r Old No. 1 Mine, Orwell 24-85r Old No. 2 Mine, Orwell 24-85r Pipers Crossing Cave 25-12r Porcupine Cave (see Baldwin Creek Cave) Rimmond Cave 25-12r Rockerby (Rockeby, Rockaby) Cave 25-37r,26-76r,41-81r small caves near Weybridge Cave 37-20r South Baldwin Creek Cave (Hise Cave) 42-37rm talus cave, Silent Cliff 37-21r talus caves near Lake Dunmore 26-78r tunnel at the Money Diggings 42-38r Weybridge Cave 1 18dm,6-100d,8-34r,115r,141r,9-36r,13-76r,15-2i,17-3d,5m,7g,21-110r,22-21r,24-76c,25-11r,12r,26-3a,5r, 28-51r, 30-5r,108r,31-49r,32-78r,33-52r,35-108r,36-135a,37-20r,38-38r,61r,43-48r,44-45r,69a Vermont - Bennington County 300 foot cave, West Mountain 28-136r Aeolus Bat Cave (Mount Aeolus Cave, Aeolus Cave, see also Dorset Bat Cave) 1 30dm,5 29d,6-101d,13-22b,14-60b,21-110r, 25-11r,12r,30-4cb,31-49r,107r,111dp,112p,113p,114mp,115h,32-8r,33-52r,121bc,34-21r,39pc,106r,119r, 35-4ocb,6c,113ocp,114ocp,36-4r,39c,57r,112r,132b,37-20r,113c,38-38r,60r,61r,75c,39-9b,41b,43p, 40-1p,2r,7br,8b,9p,45r,75r,41-4c,39r,42b,81r,42-39b,105r,44-41c,44r,45r,105b Axe Handle Resurgence Caves 30-92d Bear Cave 25-12r Beartown Porkie Dens 25-12r Bobcat Cave 23 121dm,25-11r,12r,35-3r,38-48r Bone Room Cave 23 42x,44r,25-12r,43-70r Bruised Rib Cave (see also Sweeney Brook Caves) 23 41d,42x,43m,25-12r,37-20r Carpenter Hill Cave 25-12r cave in Mud Hole Quarry 30-17dm cave in pasture, East Pownal 12 64r cave on Netop 37-20r cave on Spruce Peak 25-20r Cave Woods Caves 25-12r cave, Mount Equinox 39-22r caves in Bennington 40-133r caves in Dorset 40-133r caves in Sandgate or Beartown 37-20r caves near Beartown 21-46r caves near Williams Cave 31-62r caves southeast of Arlington 25-21r Chock Stone Cave 30-12d,13m Cliff Hole (Cave) 5-29d,23 40d,41m,43x,25-11r,12r,30-17r,37-20r cliff opening southeast of Manchester 30-17r cliff opening west of North Dorset 30-17r Concretion Cave 30-92d Cook Hollow Caves 25-12r Cote Cave (Websters Bonus Cave) 23 42x,44dm deep pit, Bear Mountain 28-136r Deer Trail Cave 25-11r,12r disappearing stream, Mount Anthony 31-43r Dorset Bat Cave (see also Aeolus Bat Cave) 14 60b Dorset Cave (see also Aeolus Bat Cave) 29-41b East Spur Caves 23 42x Ellis Hollow Cave 30-90d,91m Equinox Cave 25-12r,35-53r Everett Cave 25-11r,12r,30-81c,32-47c,37-4r,43r,43-35r Falls Cliff Cave 3 35d,5 29d,6-101d,23-42x,45r,25-11r,12r,35-41rp,39-71a,77a,79a fissures near Glastonbury Mountain 25-21r Freedley Quarry cave remnants 23 40d,43x Freedley Tunnel Quarry 23-39r,40d,43x,24-89r Freedlyville (Tunnel) Quarry 33-111r,36-3c Gulf Brook Cave 23 41r,42x Haleys Hole Cave 26-100r,29-124r,30-91m,92d Hot Rocks Cave 30-90d,91m Indian Pit 26-99r Kent Cave (Wymans Cave) 5 30d,6-101d,25-11r,12r,35-41r,37-20r,43-3r Kirby Hollow Cave 42-69r Little Falls Cave 23 42x,45r Little Skinner (Hollow) Cave 25-12r,32-23d,35-3r,45b Lost Flashlight Cave 30-90d,91m Lower Sweeney Brook Cave (see also Sweeney Brook Caves) 23 41dm,42x Middle Sweeney Brook Cave (see also Sweeney Brook Caves) 36-91i Moses Tablet Cave 30-101rm,35-53r Mount Anthony Cave 23 118d,119m,24 34rm,25-11r,12r,27-74r,35-3r,38-48r Mount Anthony gold mine 26-99d,100m,42-7r Mount Antone Cave 40-23r new cave, Mount Anthony 26-100r North Falls Cave 25-12r,43-70r Per-Severance Cave 29-95r,96m,30-38b,73r,110r,120d,123m,125p,31-49r,105p,121r,32-23r,33-52r,35-3r,53r,38-61r,40-119rb,136g, 41-81r,44-45r,94g,95p Pisser Cave 26-100r Pit of Misery 25-11r,30-92d pit on Red Mountain 25-20r pit on West Mountain 28-136r,30-17r,37-21r Potholes Cave 25-12r,43-70r Potholes Cliff Cave 23 42x,45r Pownal Road Cut Cave 30-90d,91m Prow Fissure/Sink 27-88dh,89m Red Fox Cave 26-28r Red Mountain Pit 1-30dm,5-30d,8-95r,9-27d,36r,21-35r,22-30o,25-11r,12r,26-111o,28-3o,41o,73oc,30-82c,35-3r,36-35i,46r,52dh, 53i,54i,55m,56i,37-20r,114d,115p,116p,38-61r,40-136g,42-68r,43-35r,44-45r resurgence cave north of Spruce Peak 28-136r schist cave on Mount Equinox 37-21r sink, Pownal 29-124r Skinner(s) Hollow Cave 5 29d,6-101d,21-110r,25-11r,12r,30-37b,32-23p,24dp,132mp,33-52r,34-21r,43r,35-3r,45b,36-78bc,136r, 37-20r,38-38r,61r,39-43b,40-45b,136g,41-42b,42-95p,44-45r Snow Hole 27-119r,40-136g Sweeney Brook Cave 25-11r,12r Sweeney Brook caves (Bruised Ribbed Cave, Upper and Lower Sweeney Brook Caves) 3 35d,5 29d,37-20r Tallow Cave 2 24dx,5 29d,23-42x,44dm,25-11r,12r Tallow Spur Cave #4 25-12r talus caves, The Dome, Pownal 26-100r three new caves, Palmer Farm 26-100r three sinks in Pownal 12 64r Tri-State Cave (see also Williams Cave) 14-24r,40-136g Upper Sweeney Brook Cave (see also Sweeney Brook Caves) 23 41dm,42x void southeast of Falls Cliff Cave 14 49r Walk In Den 25-12r Websters Bonus Cave 25-12r West Mountain Pit 2-18r West Mountain resurgence 21 46r West Mountain South Knob Caves 25-12r Williams Cave (see also Tri-State Cave) 19 10m,11dx,27-119r,28-24hdx,29-75r,112r,31-19m,62r,34-22r,37-72r,38-61r,39-41b,43b, 40-1p,2r,7r,44b,41-81r,44-45r Vermont - Caledonia County Abenaki Cave 13 74d,75m,76r,14-24r,21-110r,22-21r, 26-5r,28-51r,93r,31-49r,33-52r,37-21r,41-81r cave on Mount Hor 25-23r Cow Hill Cave 3 69d,144d,6 4d,100d,14-24r,21-46r,25-21r,36-91i,37-20r,21r,73dm,74p,76g,77p,41-81r Devils Hill Cave (Devils Hill Tunnel) 37-20r,72rm,75dm,77xm Devils Hill Caves 3 69d,37-72m,75dm,77xm fissure cave, Wheeler Mountain 42-117r,118mx fracture cave at Peacham 26-28r pit on Wheelock Mountain 28-136r,30-17r,37-72r talus cave in Peacham 30-43r talus caves, Groton State Park 26-28r,37-21r tunnel or shaft at Devils Hill 33-104r Wheeler Talus Cave C 42-117r,118mx Vermont - Chittenden County Bat Cave, Chittenden 39-28d Cad Caves 36-38r Cave Island Cave #1 25-12r Cave Island Cave #2 25-12r Cave Island caves 22-25m,27d,42-68rm cave near Colchester 43-3r cave, Milton Falls 35-68p caves at Appalachian Gap 37-21r caves in Colchester 36-112r Colchester Caves 41-71r,81r Devils Den (Chittenden County) (see also Donohue Sea Cave) 25-12r Devils Den, Colchester 30-82c Devils Den, Mallets Bay 37-147p Donohue Sea Cave (see also Devils Den, Chittenden County) 37-121r Ethan Allen Cave #2 38-77r False Cave 36-92r,93r Flanders Cave 3 49dr Gothic Echo Cave (Red Rock Gothic Echo Cave) 22-25m,25-12r Green Mountain Boys Cave (Ethan Allen Cave) 37-147p Hole in the Wall Cave 25-12r Lamoille Ledge Cave 36-109dm Lime Kiln Caves 25-12r Lone Rock Point Caves 25-50mx Marble Island Cave 22-27r Queneska Island Cave 25-50mx Red Rock Point Cave #2 22-25m Red Rock Point Cave #5 22-25m Red Rock Point Cave #6 22-25m Red Rock Point caves 22-28d,25-12r talus caves at Shelburne Pass 37-20r Thompsons Point Cave 25-50mx Trap Spring Cave 36-73p,92d,93m Vermont - Essex County 800+ foot cave 6-4d caves on Miles Mountain 25-20r,33-104r fracture cave at Maidstone 26-28r Halls Lake Cave 26-139d,140m,27-124r Maidstone Cave 10 63d,64m,21-110r,25-20r,37r,26-5r,131m,132m,133d,27-3g,6r,121d,122m,28-51r,93r,31-49r,33-52r,38-61r Maidstone Caves (comprising Mole Cave, Stoneham Mountain Cave, Halls Lake Cave, and Maidstone Cave) 26-43r,128x,129g,131m, 37-21r,41-81r,44-45r Mole Cave 26-133d new cave at Maidstone 25-37r Stans Drake Cave (see also Maidstone Cave) 6 100d,13-76r,14-24r Stoneham Mountain Cave 26-5r,135d,136m,137m,27-3g,121r upper Miles Mountain cave 28-136r Vermont - Franklin County cave, Missisquoi Bay 37-21r Murder and Suicide Cave 40-41rm natural bridge, Georgia 29-63r Robbers Cave 37-147p,43-70r Vermont - Grand Isle County cave on South Hero Island 9-111r Clamshell Cave (Southeast La Motte Cave) 25-13r Double Cave 25-52d Hydes Cave 35-68p Isle La Motte caves 22-26d La Motte Clamshell Cave 22-25m marble cave, Isle La Motte 37-21r marble caves, North Hero Island 37-21r northeastern Lake Champlain caves 22-27d northern Lake Champlain caves 22 24d,25m Phelps Point Caves 22-25m,26d,25-13r Providence Island caves 22-26d Southwest La Motte Cave #4 22-25m,25-13r Southwest Providence Island Cave #1 22-25m Southwest Providence Island Cave #5 22-25m Southwest Providence Island Caves 25-13r Stave Island Cave #2 22-25m Stave Island Caves 22-27d,25-13r West Providence Island Cave #5 22-25m,25-13r Vermont - Lamoille County 100 foot cave, Johnson 26-31r American Mineral Talc Mine, East Johnson 24-85r American Mineral Talc Mine, Johnson 24-85r Cave of the Winds 14-24r,34-22r,37-146pd,39-4ra,41-81r,129rm,130p,42-27r,43-37r,44-52r,45r copper mine, Wolcott 24-85r Johnson Talc Mine 41-41b Mansfield Nose Cave 44-52rm pits on Mount Mansfield 25-21r Rousseau Talc Mine 24-85r Smugglers Notch Graffiti Cave (Smugglers Cave) 13-76r,14-24r,21-110r,26-5r,34-63rp,37-21r,148p talus caves, Smugglers Notch 26-28r,41-81r Waterville Talc Mine 24-85r Vermont - Orange County copper mines, West Fairlee 39-71a Cuprum and Eureka Mine 24-85r Elizabeth (Copper) Mine 24-86dm,25-28r,30-37r,34-24r,36-38r,132br,40-7r,112b Ely Copper Mine 24-85r,29-41b Old South Copper Mine 24-85r Pike Hill Mine 36-39b Snowsville Mine 24-85r Union Copper Mine 24-85r Vermont - Orleans County 200 footer at Wheeler Mountain 37-21r cave at Lake Willoughby 25-23r cave near Caspian Lake 28-136r cave on Wheeler Mountain 37-15r cliff hole near Caspian Lake 26-31r,30-17r crevice caves, Moose Mountain 42-118rm East Willoughby Caves 42-117rmx Haystack Cone Cave 22 124d,125m,37-21r Moonshiners Cave 42-118rx smugglers’ cave, Lake Willoughby (see Moonshiners Cave) talus cave near Lake Willoughby 37-21r underground stream 26-31r underground trout brook 25-23r West Willoughby Caves 42-117rmx Wheeler Ice Cave 42-117r,118rmx Wheeler Talus Caves A,B 42-117r,118mx Vermont - Rutland County 1867 Cave 23 23d,24 22r,23m,25-11r,13r,30-37b,38-111b,40-45b 60 foot pit, Tinmouth Range 28-136r 600 foot cave, Pine Hill 28-136r Bear Bones Cave 23 23r,24 22rm,25-13r,38-111b Boulder Cave 3 35d,5 29d,23 42x,47d,49m,25-11r,13r,29-4a Brandon Porkie Den 25-13r Brandon Silver Mines 42-39b Brians Cave 3 32d,5 28d,23-42x,45r,25-11r,13r,37-20r,44-71m Calvin Cave 25-11r,13r,28-112rm,36-39r Camp Spring Cave 25-13r Carvers Falls Cave 31-46r (S) cave in Proctor 12-64r cave in ravine, Mill River, Clarendon 37-146p cave in Tinmouth 6 116d cave near Beaver Pond 30-43r cave near Birdseye Mountain 30-67r caves in Brandon 37-20r cave in Clarendon 43-17d Caves in the Vales (Caves of the Vales) 21 45r,25-13r,29-124r caves near Bloodroot Mountain 26-78r caves on Pine Hill 25-21r caves on Purgatory Plateau 30-82c Cemetery Field Cave (Orchard Cave) 25-13r Chaffe Mountain Cave #1 31-12dm Chaffe Mountain Cave #2 25-11r,13r,31-12dm Chaffee (Mountain) Cave 34-106c,37-20r Chimney Cave (see also SciCoS Cave) 38-61r,25-11r,13r,40-136g,44-45r Clarendon Gorge Natural Bridge 2 46d Cold River Cave 25-13r Connors Cave 23 42x,47d Cricket Cave 27-133r,29-98r Cuttingsville Mine 24-85r Daves Porcupine Cave 25-11r,13r deep pit, Tinmouth Range 28-136r Deer Cave 3 32d,5 28d,6-101d,14-50h,23-42x,46m,47r,25-11r,13r,30-74c,110r,32-9r,37-20r,40-136g,44-71m Deer Leap Cave 11 14d,15m,13-76r,14-24r,21-110r,26-5r,37-21r,41-81r Deers Leap Cave 30-110c Devils Den (Mount Tabor) 25-13r,26-29r,38-108r disappearing stream/cave, Florence 28-41r,111rm East Morris Cave 1-7m,23 42x,47r fissures near Mount Tabor 25-21r Florence Quarry Cave #1 30-74r Funt Cave 43-70r,44-39rm Gees Cave 25-11r,13r,31-39m Granny Notch Cave 23 42x Graphite Mine 41-4r Green Frog Cave 25-13r Gully Cave 25-13r Hanging Boulder Cave 25-13r Hunter Cave 1 18dm,127r,3 32d,5 28d,6-100d,8-90dxmp,9-36r,13-76r,14-50h,21-110r,22-21r,23-42x,47rm,24-95d, 25-4r,11r,13r,20r,26-5r,28-51r,30-107r,110r,31-6r,49r,131dp,32-88d,89pm,33-52r,36-46r,91i,37-20r,21r,38-61r,40-136g, 41-81r,44-45r,71m,94g ice cave, Brandon 34-24r Imperial Marble Mine 23-39r,42x,24-89r,35-3r Ira Cave 25-11r,13r Johnston Pit (Hangover Pit) 25-13r kaolin mine, Clarendon 24-85r large talus cave south of Bird Mountain 29-124r Little Quarry Cave (Sluggos Cave) 25-11r,13r Lost Hunter Cave 23 47r marble quarry, West Rutland 36-76a mine in Brandon 33-6b Mole Root Cave 23 42x,47r,25-13r,37-20r Morris Cave 1-5dm,3 32d,5 27d,68d,6-100d,7-137r,9-36r,13-76r,18 79d,80m,21-110r,22-21r,23 42x,47r,24-76c, 25-11r,13r,20r,103r,26-5r,78o,27-106r,28-51r,30-4rp,110r,31-49r,33-52r,77a,34-40r,106r,35-3r,41r,36-42r,57r,37-20r,83r, 38-5r,38r,61r,39-9b,43b,75r,40-11bp,42-101r,43-35rp,105r,44-45r Morris East Satellite Cave 25-13r Morris West Satellite Cave 25-13r Nags Den 25-13r New York/ Polis (Tunnel) Quarry 23-39r,42x,45r,24-89r,25-30r Nickwackett Cave 6-101d,13-76r,21-110r,22 5a,25-11r,13r,26-5r,28-51r,30-37b,31-49r,33-52r,110r,121bc,34-106c,37-20r, 40-7b,41-4c,40r,42-39b Nickwackett Cave B 6 101d Nickwackett Caves 36-39c North End Cave 36-57r North End Caves 23 42x,45r,25-13r North White Rocks Caves #1 - #6 29-120d,121m Northeast End Caves 37-20r Oram Lead Mine 24-85r Peculiar Well 25-13r Philadelphia Cave 24-112r,25-11r,13r,37r,38m,41-81r Pico Cave 29-3r,30-69rm,31-4c,60rx Pittsford Ice Cave 5-30d,6-101d,14-24r,21 85d,86m,110r,26-5r,76a,78g,28-51r,93r,29-4a,31-49r,32-68rm,33-52r,34-23r, 35-3r,107r,37-15r,20r,21r,69r,38-75r,39-27r,41-41b,43-3r Proctor Village Cave 25-13r Purgatory Pit 1 30m,33d,3 35d,5 28d,68dm,6-100d,9-36r,13-76r,21-110r,23-3r,35p,40o,42x,45r,107r,25-11r,13r,20r,26-5r, 28-51r,36-57r,37-20r,38-38r,61r,43-35r,44-45r Purgatory South Vent 23 42x,45r,25-13r,44-71mr Purgatory System 31-49r,33-52r,40-136g,44-71m Purgatorys Back Door 3-35d,5-28d,6-101d,23 42x,40o,45r Quarry Cave 3 32d,5 28d,6-101d,23 42x,45d,46m,24-95r,25-11r,13r Quarry Caves 37-20r resurgence cave east of Danby 28-136r SciCoS (Sicos) Cave (see also Chimney Cave) 3 32d,5 27d,6-101d,23-42x,45d,46m silver mine, Brandon 39-28r sinkhole on Pico Peak 25-21r sinking stream, Benson 29-63r Sleeping Lucys Cave 30-119r small caves near Pittsford Ice Cave 37-21r Spider Cave (Morris Spider Cave) 1-7m,23 42x,47r,49m,25-11r,13r,37-20r Sugar Hollow Lead Mine 24-85r talus caves at White Rocks 37-21r talus caves, Wallingford 29-64r talus resurgence passage near Pittsford 28-136r Thin Mans Cave 25-13r Tinmouth Fracture Cave (Tinmouth Mountain Cave) 30-56dm,33-138d,139m,34-8r True Blue Quarry "cavern" 31-137r Tweed River Mine 24-85r two tunnel quarries south of Imperial Quarry 23-42x,24-89r vertical fissure cave, Tinmouth Range 28-136r West Morris Cave 1-7m,23 42x,47r Wheeler Farm Cave 24-112rm,25-13r Widened Fault Cave 3 32d,5 30d,6-101d,10 64d,65mx,14-24r,33-31d,32m,37-20r,72r,41-81r Vermont - Washington County cave in Plainfield 30-3r Devils Den, Rice Mountain 3 83r Eastern Magnesia Company Talc Mine 24-85r Mad River Talc Mine 24-85r talus caves, Waterbury 29-64r Tysons Mine 24-85r Waterbury Talc Mine 24-85r Vermont - Windham County 80 foot cave in Readsboro (see also Carved Falls Cave) 26-6r Carbide Quarry Cave 32-77r,109r Carved Falls Cave 26-118r Catamount Cave 26-118r,42-69r caves at Hamilton Falls, Jamaica 37-147p,38-5r caves, Mountain Mills karst 43-3r Cooper Hill Mine 24-85r Dragon Cave 42-69r Easter Cave 26-42d,76r,118dm,27-3r,21r,42m,43d,44d,28-51r,33-52r,43-3r Glitter Rock Cave 38-12r,41-4r,45r Halafax Cave 38-75d iron mine, Dover 24-85r marble caves, Windham County 41-81r Mountain Mills Cave 38-5rm,41-4rm,46rm new caves, Wilmington karst 42-101r Porky Den Cave 26-118r Porky Poop Pit 26-118r Serpentine Cave 42-69r small cave-like openings, Jamaica 26-29r Tropical Breeze Cave 27-44r Vermont Talc Company Mine 24-85r waterfall cave, Whitingham (see also Carved Falls Cave) 26-42d Woodards Cave (Duns Den) 29-63r,40-63r Vermont - Windsor County 100 foot talus cave, Mount Horrid 29-120d,121m 150 foot talus cave, Mount Horrid 29-120d,121m 200+ foot talus cave, Mount Horrid 29-120d,121m 50 foot talus cave, Mount Horrid 29-120d,121m Averys Cave 3 83r,9-57p Box Canyon Caves 29-98r,99m Bridgewater gold mines 40-45b,113b Carbeneau Gold Mine 24-85r Chiller Cave 10 66d,67m,11 68d,69m,13 76r,103r,14-24r,21-110r,22-21r,26-5r,78g,27-133r,28-51r,93r,31-49r,33-52r,37-21r, 38-108r copper mine, Hartford 24-85r Dailey Hollow (Bridgewater) Mine 41-4r Dailey Hollow Cave 31-18dm Eiger Caves 29-98r Eigercave 27-133r Fox (Rook) Mine 24-85r Gargantua Cave 12 13d,14m,13 76r,103r,14-24r,21-110r,22-21r,26-5r,78g,27-133r,28-51r,93r,31-49r,33-52r,37-21r,38-108r gold mine, Hartford 24-85r Greeley Mine 40-4r,8b Greeley Grit Mine 24-85r Greeley Talc Mine 30-37b iron mine, Plymouth 24-85r iron mine, Rochester 24-85r Kibling Mine 24-85r Leaves Cave 27-133r magnetite mine, Bethel 24-85r McPherson Talc Mine 24-85r Mount Horrid Ice Cave 13 103r,14-24r,21-110r,26-5r,27-133r,28-51r,93r,29-98r,99m,31-49r,33-52r,37-21r,38-108rm,110r near Downers Corners 3 83r Ottauquechee Mine 41-4r overhang cave, Mount Ascutney 36-101r Pioneer Mine 24-85r Plymouth Cave 42-39b Plymouth Cave #1 (South Cave) 25-11r,13r Plymouth Cave #2 (West Cave) 25-13r Plymouth Caves 2 22dhxm,19-20h,21m,26-30r,68rx,77b,29-41b,37-20r,40-7b,8b,113b,44-41c Plymouth Water Cave (mine) 26-7d,8m,68rx Porkie Beans Cave 27-133r,29-98r,99m Reading Talc & Asbestos Mine 24-85r Schoolhouse Cave 26-8r,30r,68rx Substitute Cave 27-133r,29-98r,36-89rp,37-21r T Mine 41-4r Taggart/Fagneau Mine 41-4r talc mine, Ludlow 24-85r talus cave in Bridgewater 31-19r talus caves, Mount Horrid 26-28r,28-73r,36-46r,48r,37-21r,41-81r three new caves, Mount Horrid 27-133r underwater cave, Reading 36-101r Upper Plymouth Cave 42-101r Water Cave 5 72dm,19-22r West Horrid Sink caves 29-99m Williams Talc Mine 24-85r,30-102m Virginia 340 foot pit 31-4r Battered Bar Cave 37-70r Breathing Cave 32-47c,40-45bc cave near Burnsville 26-3a Clover Hollow Cave 40-45b Corkscrew Cave 31-76r Doe Mountain Cave 31-4r,76r Endless Caverns 40-45b Franklin Pit 34-41o Grand Caverns 35-5r Hancock Cave 40-79b Luray Caverns 3-47d Natural Tunnel 3-47d Newberry-Banes Cave 40-45b,79b Omega Cave 37-86r Omega System 31-76r, 34-410 Parson Cave 34-41o Rams Head Cave 33-78r West Virginia Benedicts Cave 34-41r Billy Clay Pit 36-4r Boar Hole – Portal Cave 34-41r Boarhole Cave 34-8r,39-10c Boartal System 40-45c Bone Cave 36-57r Bone-Norman Cave 4-28r,34-41r,44-39a,104r Bowden Cave 30-135r,33-78r Buckeye Creek Cave 29-77o Burns Cave 22-75d Carpenters Cave 33-43a Cass Cave 42-38r Cave Hollow-Arbogast Cave 39-83r,41-40r Cave Mountain Cave 40-45b cave near Lewisburg 34-37p closed coal mine 37-86a Cow Tooth Cave 3-60dxm Culverson Creek Cave 34-41r,36-4r Elkhorn Mountain Cave 39-10c,83r Foxhole Cave 29-112c Friars Hole Cave 11-67d,80rm,82m,18-77r,34-41r,36-4r General Davis Cave 4-72d,88d,98dx,5-31dx,33m Germany Valley Cave System 35-111r Grenville Saltpeter Cave 39-83r Hamilton Cave 39-7c,10c,104r, 40-6b,10b,45b,42-38r Hellhole Cave 12-107c,32-22co,35-111r,40-45r,41-7bc,43b,42-38r Highlander Ridge Cave 4-98d Highlander Ridge Pit 6-142dhxm Hole, The 34-41r Kee Cave 40-45b Kimble Pit 35-111r Island Ford Cave 40-45c Little Trout Cave 39-104r Lobelia Saltpetre Cave 28-112o,30-6o, 40-45c Lost World Caverns 42-70r Maggot Cave 21-44r Marthas Cave 39-83r Maxwellton Cave 34-8r,36-4r Maxwelton Sink 29-77o McClurg Cave 34-41r,36-4r Memorial Day Cave 34-110r,35-111r My Cave 30-136r New Trout Cave 39-7c,10c,42-38r Norman Cave 25-104a,28-42a Organ Cave 28-112o,29-112c,34-41r Organ Cave (Greenbrier) System 18-77r Organ-Bone-Norman Cave 36-4r Portal, The 34-8r,39-10c Postal-Boar Hole Cave 36-4r Rapps Cave 29-77o,30-109o Saltpeter Cave 40-45b Schoolhouse Cave 35-111r Scott Hollow Cave 21-103r,25-24r,32-47r,33-78r,34-41r,36-4r,38-132r,42-43r Shovel Eater Cave 37-48r Sinks of the Run Cave 4-98dx Sinnett-Thorn Mountain Cave 39-10c,83r Thompsons Spring Cave 4-28d,36-91i Trout Cave 17-28c,39-7c,10c,104r,40-6b,40-45b Union Cave 733-8r Walt Allen Cave 12-44o Windy Mouth Cave 1-57r,34-41r Wyoming Periodic spring near Afton 6-50r Caves, outside United States Antarctica crevasse 36-110a Australia cave in Kakadu National Park 37-49r Austria Hollenhohle 28-112r Lamprechtshofen 28-19r Stary Swistak 28-112r Belgium cave near Rochefort 1-11i Belize cave with bad air 37-50r Canada, Alberta Castleguard Cave 24-99b,38-5r Canada, British Columbia Arctomys Cave 38-5r cave on Vancouver Island 1-145r Heavy Breather Cave 42-5r Langford Lake Cave 39-39c Pachidream Cave 42-5r SPAET Cave 39-39r Canada, New Brunswick Aroostook River Canyon Cave 1 35-115dm,116p Aroostook River Canyon Cave 2 35-115dm,116p Aroostook River Cave 35-115d Berryton Cave (Turtle Brook Cave, Stewart Cave, Stuart Cave) 30-15d cave, Albert County 42-40b cave, Aroostook Falls 35-68p,80r Cave, The 29-109r caves at The Glebe 32-94a caves, Aroostook River Gorge 35-80r Dallings Cave 29-97o Devils Half Acre 20-73d Garbage Pit 30-14d Glebe Pot (Garbage Pit) 30-14r Golems Grotto (Parlee Brook Cave) 30-15d gypsum caves 29-71r Herring Cove Cave 20-73r Howes Cave (Howes Lake Cave, Olivers Cave) 30-14d Hunts Cave 20-74d Kinney Brook pseudokarst 20-74r Kitts Cave 29-16rp,17m Little North Pole Cave 35-131dm,130p,132p North Pole Annex Cave 35-131m,132d North Pole Cave 35-131dmp,132p sandstone rift caves 30-15r Shaft Cave 30-14d sink near Plaster Rock 28-76r sinking stream in gypsum 29-70r Underground Lake Cave 29-5r,32-5r White Caves (Bat Cave and Gypsum Cave) 30-14d Canada, Newfoundland Arches, The 32-134rp Big Oven Sea Cave 32-135r caves at Port au Choix 32-135r Corner Brook Cave 32-135r Dungeon, The 32-134r Green Garden Sea Cave 32-134dm,135p sea caves, Bay Bulls 32-134r,135p,136p sea caves, Port Saunders 32-135r sea caves, Pouch Cove 32-135r sea caves, Smith Harbour 32-134r stress crevasses, Gros Morne National Park 32-136r Canada, Nova Scotia Springhill Mine 35-62a Canada, Ontario Across the River (ATR) Cave 37-46r,38-5r,40-65rp calcite-filled fissures 40-68r cave near Horseshoe Falls 44-109r caves in Eramosa karst 37-46rp caves in Lanark 40-133r caves in Marmora karst 40-67r caves in Ontario 9-111r caves in the Canadian Shield 40-68r Dewdneys Cave 29-77r,32-60rp, 40-67r George Lake Cave 40-67r Gervais Cave 38-5r Godfrey Crystal Cave 40-68r Gorkens Cavern 10-46d,47m hydro power outlet tunnel, Niagara Falls 38-28r Leader Cave 32-5r Leopard Frog Cave 40-42r Mackenzies Cave 40-42r Moira Cave 9-74r,32-60r,77r,111o,33-7o,83oc,35-42r Nexus Cave 38-126p,127p,39-39r,40-66r Niagara Caverns 33-68r Niagara Grotto 40-133r Ottawa River Cave 22-120dh,121m,30-5r Ottawa River caves 32-109r Pilgrims Crawl 40-68rp Roots Cave 40-67r St. Edmunds Cave System 40-42r Shelburne Leader Cave 29-77r,32-109r sinkholes in Horse Lake 30-43r Sleepy Hollow Resurgence (cave) 37-46r unnamed cave, Ontario 42-73a Warsaw Cave 32-60r Canada, Prince Edward Island North Point Cape Sea Cave 34-75r,76p Canada, Quebec 131, Grotto 35-120xm,121p Aerobic Cave 44-30dp Alverne, Grotto 35-120x,122m Bender Cave 34-129dx Bigsbys Cavern 33-68r Boischatel, Grotte de/ Cave 32-109r,34-74r,38-5r,44-56r,73r Bouchettes Cavern 33-69r cave, Lake Memphramagog 33-105p Courville Cave 44-56r Fairys Hole (Trou de la fee) 32-87dh Fee, Grotto des 35-120x,121m,122d Fee, Speos de la 28-94d,95m Finissants, Grotto des 35-120xd,121m fracture caves, La Pocatiere 42-4r Gervais Cave 38-5r highway tunnel, Quebec City 41-108a Kazabazua Natural Bridges 34-129dx Lafleche Cavern 34-129r Lievres, Antre aux 35-120xm Little River Caverns 33-68r Mickeys Cave (Grotte Mickeys) 44-31dm,32p Ottawa River Cave 30-5r Ours, Cave de l' 30-57d Perdrix, Antre aux 35-120x,122m Perdus, Trou des 28-76r,30-78r Perdus II, Trou des 28-130dm Perdus IV, Trou des 31-102dp,103m Perdus, Trou des, System 28-119r,29-51dp,52p,53m Petit Lac du Cerf Cave 39-4r pits near Woburn 28-136r Point Comfort Cave 30-57d sea caves, Iles de la Madeleine 28-64d,65p,33-68r sinkhole, Quebec City 44-56rp sinkhole, St. Jude 41-40r Skinners Cave 37-33hp Skinners Island Cave 32-105dphx St. Hippolyte Mine 34-130dmp storm drain system, Montreal 34-74r Subiaco, Grotto 35-120xm,121d talus caves at Pocatiere 30-9r Tartare, Grotto 35-120x,122dm,42-4r Thermopyles (cave) 35-120x,121mp Three Island Cave 38-5r Torrent, Grotte du 33-24dm Chile salt caves 34-75r China Baiyudong (White Rain) Cave 34-42r new cave in Sichuan 26-43r Croatia Lukina Jama 28-19r Patkov Gust 28-112r record deep pit 35-74r Cuba Grande, Cueva 30-11r Menendez, Cueva 30-10r Palmarito Cave System 30-11r Santa Catalina Cave 30-11r Santo Tomas Cave System 30-11r Scarlet Cave 30-11r Dominican Republic Great Water Cave, San Domingo 2-42dxi Egypt cave complex below Pyramids of Giza 40-76r Finland Torhola Grotto 33-131rp France cave in Ardeche River Canyon 26-4r caverns below Paris 35-110d caves in Ariége region 26-90r Cuomo d'Hoyouernedo, Systeme de la 18-78r Gouffre Mirolda 28-19r,29-43r,34-8r great sewers of Paris 2-40dxi Jean-Bernard, Reseau 28-19r mushroom farm cave 36-5a Georgia Abatz Cave 25-69r Krubera (Voronja) Cave 35-108r,36-110r,38-7r,43-104r Vjacheslava Pantjukhina 28-19r Voronja Cave 32-4r,47r,35-74r Germany Laichinger Deep Cave 37-130r Nazi labyrinth 25-5r Salt Caverns of Berchtesgaten 2-41di Greece Antiparos, Grotto of 2-39dhi Labyrinthos Cave 40-111r Iceland waterfall of Kvarnararfoss 2-41di India Armanath Cave 28-75a cave in Kashmir 40-111r Iran Ghar Parau 4-97d Italy San Servolo, Cave of, Trieste 2-40i Jamaica Saint Clair Cave 41-40r Malaysia Deer Cave 40-43r Gua Air Jernih 28-19r Mexico Abra, Cueva de la 13-72d Ahuacatlan, Sotanito de 13-73d Aktun Hu, Sistema 42-38r Buque, Sotano del 10-75d,79m Cheve, Sistema 28-19r Cuesta, Sotano de la 13-71d Golindrinas, Sotano de las 13-73d Guaguas, Hoya de las 13-73d, 35-69a Huautla, Sistema 25-105r,28-19r,44-39r Li Nita 11-35d Nacimiente del Rio Choy 13-72d Nohoch Nah Chich, Sistema 38-7r Ox Bel Ha, Sistema 31-5r,38-7r,38-109r Sac Actun, Sistema 38-7r,109r,42-38r Salitre, Cueva de 13-72d Sendero, Sotano de 13-72r Tepepa, Sistema de 31-43a Villa Luz, Cueva de 29-9gbr,30-3r Moldova Zolushka 18-78r New Zealand General Grant Cave 37-28ah,29i Norway Trolls Heart, The 2-40i Palestine Royal Caverns, Jerusalem 2-39dxi Poland Wieliczka Salt Mine 34-47r Romania Adams Pit 15-13d Herculana hotel cave 15-12d Pestera Closani 15-12d Pestera Topolnita 15-13d Russia Bozhko Cave 37-6a cave in Penza region 38-109r mountain cave, Siberia 42-104r tunnels, Krasnoyarsk region 37-86rp Slovenia Brezno Pod Velbom 28-6r,112r Vrtiglavica Vertigo 28-6r,112r South Africa Cango Caves 38-6a gold mines 38-8r Spain Illaminako Ateeneko Leiza 28-19r Nerja Cave System 43-5rp Sistema de la Trave 28-19r Systeme de Ojo Guarena 18-78r Sri Lanka cave near Taprobane Island 36-6b Switzerland Grotto of Topazen 2-40dhxi Holloch 18-78r,28-19r Siebenhengste-Hohgant Hohle 18-78r,28-19r Sweden cave in Funasdalen 42-38a Thailand cave near Cave Lodge 25-1p,2r Emerald Cave 36-5a Turnmenistan Gates of Hell 40-76rp Ukraine Kristalnaya Cave 37-14p Optimistecheskaja (Optymistychna) Cave 18-78r,28-19r,36-5r,79r,43-69r Ozernaya Cave 18-78r,28-19r,36-5r,79r Priests Grotto 35-48hp,74r,38-40h,39-76r,40-43r,41-108r United Kingdom Ogof Ffynnon Ddu 37-8r Peak Cavern 19-27i Sawney Beane Cave 32-92h Swildons Hole 19-29d Wookey Hole 19-29d,35m,44-38r Uzbekistan Boj Bulok 28-19r Venezuela Burying Place...Atures 2-42dxi Vietnam caves of Danang 2-20d KaKuche tunnels 29-124r Son Doong, Hang (Mountain River Cave) 40-43r Country Unspecified Cavern of Blood 6-124d sandstone cave, “Sahara Emirate” 41-6r CAVES, EXTRATERRESTRIAL Mars caves on Arsia Mons 38-40rp,40-112rp Moon lava pit, Marius Hills 40-111rp |