
Complete list and contacts at all member grottos


Conservation, international, etc.


Listing of all the other regions of the NSS. Not members... more like brothers

NRO Affiliates

These are other caving organizations which work closely with the NRO for the mutual benefit of the region's caving.

The Northeast Cave Conservancy (NCC)
History (excerpted from their website): In 1978, one of the nation's first cave conservancies, the Northeastern Cave Conservancy, Inc. (NCC) was formed to accept the donation of Knox Cave in Albany County, NY when the National Speleological Society (NSS) declined to accept it. The NSS's board was deeply concerned that the liability exposure was too risky, so the NCC was incorporated with Knox Cave as its sole asset. The NCC's officers have appointed managers and led several volunteer cleanups to act as responsible stewards over the past 20 years and to reopen a popular cave that had been closed. To the NCC's credit, there have been no major accidents at Knox Cave over the past two decades and several educational groups have been able to use the resources on and under the property.

Please visit their website for further information.

The Ukrainian American Youth Caver Exchange Foundation (UAYCEF)
UAYCEF is a nonprofit incorporated organization with NSS Project Status dedicated, along with its principle sponsor Western Ukraine's Ternopol-Podilskyi Caving Club, to the exchange of caving related information between the U.S. and Ukraine through the mechanism of student exchange programs, funded through both the operartion of annual trips to the Former Soviet Union (FSU), and donations from the Caving Community at Large.
(NSS Institution # 45732)

Please visit their Website

The Ternopol-Podilskyi Caving Club
The Ternopol-Podilskyi Caving Club has recently been associated with the NRO when four NSS/NRO organizations joined them (UAYCEF, NNJG, MET & CCG) in August 2000. Besides sheer love for caving, the membership was motivated by the need for funds and support of a worsening economy that lends little toward not only conservation of caves, but also simply the funds for individuals to afford recreational trips. Through our joint efforts, we hope to continue to preserve amazing caving areas of the Ukraine for future generations.

*** The caver pictured in the homepage photo is Sergey Eperfanov who is the President of the Ternopil Speleological Club in Western Ukraine. In adition the photo was taken in Ozernaya, one of the "Giant Gypsums" located in Ukraine, and the ninth longest cave in the world.

More information and an application to join can be found on UAYCEF's website.

We are fortunate to have a local resource like Speleobooks in our own backyard. Speleobooks sells "Bat & Cave Books, Prints, Ephemera, Jewelry and Gifts," but is so much more. Owner Emily Davis also dedicates an amazing amount of time and effort towards accomodating cavers in the area. From release forms to last-minute cave details to that one piece of equipment you forgot, Speleobooks is a resources our region is proud to have.

Please visit the online store or drop by:

Post Office Box 10
Schoharie, New York 12157-0010
Phone 518 295-7978 Before 9 P.M. EDT, Please
Fax 518 295-7981

Schoharie Caverns Preserve
One of the best examples of cavers coming together is the Schoharie Preserve. With a cabin available for cavers and Schoharie Caverns just a walk down the path, this place is a great weekend camp for caving in the entire area.

Please visit the website for more information.

Northeast Diggers
Northern Schoharie County in the vicinity of Cobleskill is one of N.Y. state's richest karst regions. It is the focus of the Northeast Diggers to search for and investigate missing segments of cave using digging techniques to crack into these segments.

Please visit the website for more information.