Bylaws of the Northeastern Regional Organization (NRO)
(Approved by the board May 14, 2000):
Bylaw I: Requirements for membership:
A). Any chartered grotto of the N.S.S. located within regional boundaries shall be eligible for membership in the N.R.O. provided that:
1). The grotto expresses a desire to become a member, and
2). The grotto is actively engaged in sufficient speleological activity to demonstrate to the regional that it would support and further the purpose and aims of the regional organization.
B). Institutional members of the NSS shall be eligible for membership as "Advisory" (non-voting) members in the NRO, provided that:
1). The institution expresses a desire to become a member, and
2). The institution is actively engaged in sufficient speleological activity to demonstrate to the regional that it would support and further the purpose and aims of the regional organization.
C). In the event that a member Grotto becomes grossly lax in the fulfillment of their obligations to the N.R.O. and/or the NSS, it shall be the right of the Administrative Board to recommend to the National Vice-President of organization that the grotto be placed on inactive status in accordance with the NSS Constitution and Bylaws.
Bylaw II:
The "Administrative Board" shall meet at least twice a year with representation from member grottos to discuss and formulate policy, plans, projects, etc.
Additional meetings may be held at the discretion of the Chairman, or upon petition by any officer, or member grotto. In such cases the board members shall be given a minimum of 20 days notice of all meetings.
Bylaw III:
Each member grotto shall have a single vote, to be vested in the appointed representative or designated proxy, to be cast when matters requiring a vote arise at the semi-annual meetings, known as the "Fall" and "Spring" NROs, or any other meeting of the Administrative Board.
A quorum at meetings shall consist of 25 percent representation of member grottos as long as the number of member grottos exceeds four. A simple majority of those representatives present shall carry any motion other than an Amendment to the Constitution and Bylaws.
Bylaw IV:
Minutes of the meetings, project reports, notices, etc. shall be sent to all officers, member grottos, NSS files, the Northeastern Caver, Archivist and to any others designated by the Chairman.
Bylaw V:
Member grottos receiving correspondence, which is of importance to the N.R.O. as a whole, will have a copy forwarded to the Chairman.
Bylaw VI:
At intervals, to be specified by the board, progress reports on Regional projects shall be submitted by those in charge of such projects.
Bylaw VII:
Amendments to these Bylaws shall require a 2/3 majority vote of the membership of the NRO present at any meeting of the Administrative Board at which proposed amendments are being presented, provided that (2) months notice of all proposed amendments is made in the Northeastern Caver. In the event that a quorum is not present at a meeting, voting may be carried out via mail.
Bylaw VIII:
Upon expiration of an officer's term, the officer shall deliver to the archivist any NRO- related correspondence, documents, and records which came into his/her possession during the course of his/her tenure.
Bylaw IX:
Roberts Rules of Order shall govern all business to come before the Board.