Spring 2000 NRO Board Meeting
During the course of Sunday's Board meeting a veritety of topics were discussed (see Agenda List below), with much discussion being devoted to the proposed Bylaw and Constitution changes published in the last edition of the Northeastern Caver.
The following were elected as the new NRO officers at the Board Meeting: Chairman Mark Stover, Vice-Chair Tom Oakes, and Secretary-Treasurer Mike Nardacci. All ran unopposed. Congradulations to all.
The following NRO entities each had a designated a representative, as indicated, attending the meeting to vote on their behalf:
- MET Grotto (Tom Oakes)
- Northern New Jersey Grotto (Mark Stover)
- Central New Jersey Grotto (Dom Digioia)
- Helderberg-Hudson Grotto (Thom Engel, then Bob Addis when Engel left)
- Renesselaer Outing Club (Scott Stepenuck)
- Central Connecticut Grotto (Norm Berg)
- Niagara Frontier Grotto (Eric Oogjen)
- Boston Grotto (Kevin Harris)
- Shawangunk Catskill Area Grotto (Steve McLuckie)
- NRO Chairman (Chris Nicola)
- NRO Vice-Chair (Peter Haberland)
Of the proposed Bylaw/Constitution changes accepted, the following were some highlights:
- Pennsylvania and portions of Southeastern Canada were included as areas within the NRO's jurisdiction.
- NSS Institutions can now join the NRO in a non-voting advisortory capacity.
Fall NRO 2000
Where: Check location notices at Cave Trip/Event Signup Desk
Date: Sunday, May 14th
Time: 10 AM (Sharp!)
NRO Old Business:
- Roll Call of Member Grottos/Clubs
- Introduction of Officers
- Introduction of Spring 2000 NRO Event Organizers
- Chairman's Report (inc. recap of past year's events, new grants program, website)
- Vice-Chair Report
- Treasurer's Report[updated 5/20/00]
- Surprise Cave Committee
- Spring NRO scheduling re: Mother's Day
- Policy re: Dogs at NRO Events
- New Discoveries (May 13th) at Knox Cave
- Schoharie Cavern Cabin Update
- Cornell Outing Club Donation of Library Holdings to Grottos
NRO New Business:
- Constitution & Bylaw Changes (voting)
- Nominations for Officers
- Election of Officers (voting)
- Installation of New Officers
- Other New Business (inc. Fall 2000 NRO)
Other Business:
- NSS 2001 Convention Update
- UAYCEF Update (inc. July Ukraine/Russia annual trip info)
- NCC Update
- Announcements from NRO Members Grottos/Clubs
- Other Announcements (day's activities, events, projects, cleanup, lost & found, etc.)
NOTE #1:
Many attendees have Sunday afternoon family commitments as a result of it being Mother's Day. In light of this, we are asking that you do your best to help us begin the meeting promptly, keep all discussions well focused and to the point, all voting done in a swift & organized manner, and all extraneous conversations to a minimum (or at least out of "ear-shot" of those speaking to the group). Your cooperation in helping us to keep this a short meeting will be greatly appreciated by all; especially the Caver Mothers & Wives of the Northeast. Thanks.
NOTE #2:
The following grottos/clubs have designated a representative to attend and vote on their behalf: MET,NNJG,CNJG,HHG,RPI,SCAG,CCG,NFG,BG
Treasurer's Report
[Submitted by Secretary-Treasurer Mike Nardacci. Presented at Sunday, May 14, 2000 Board meeting by Chris Nicola, incumbent Chairman]
Debit: $ 100.00 Donation to NNJG (Mark Skove) for maintenance/service of NNJG's Hot Tub at the Spring 99 NRO
Balance: $ 1784.69
Credit: $ 12.46 Interest
Balance: $ 1797.15
Credit: $ 415.03 Moneys from Spring 99 NRO hosted by Met Grotto
Credit: $ 25.60 Interest
Balance: $ 2237.78
Debit: - $ 26.67 Payment to Mark Skove (NNJG) for fire damage sustained to tarp loaned at Spring 99 NRO. Boston and Met each agreed to repay the remainder of moneys owed at $ 26.67 each (total cost of tarp was $80.00)
Credit: $ 5.15 Interest
Credit: $ 65.00 Moneys from Fall 99 NRO hosted by HHG *
Balance: $ 2280.93
Currently awaiting moneys earn from Spring 2000 NRO
* Awaiting required financial report of September 99 Fall NRO from Thom Engel of HHG.