Illinois Speleological Survey, Inc.
ISS Meeting Agenda - September 23, 2007


The ISS business meeting was held at 9AM, Sunday September 23, 2007 at the Dixon Springs Agricultural Center. It coincided with the Shawnee project weekend.

ISS Meeting Agenda
September 23, 2007– Dixon Spring Agricultural Building

Called to order at: 0910
Introduction of Directors and Officers.
President: Philip Moss
Recording Secretary: Philip Moss
Vice-President/Treasurer: John Lovaas
Director/webmaster: Jack Wood
Director: Philip Moss (absent from this position to be present as President)
Director: Tony Schmitt
Director: Don Coons, absent – John Lovaas is appointed proxy later Rod Raber became proxy
Director: Steve Taylor
Director: Bob Weck
IDNR Director: Mona Colburn

Data Request Committee: John Lovaas, Frank Wilhelm, Jack Wood
Other attendees: Richard Raber, Rod Raber, JoAnn Jacoby

1. Wood moved: The text of Coons' proxy letter shall be appended to the minutes in its entirety.
Taylor seconded.
For: the rest
Against: Taylor

2. Moss moved: The minutes of the February 18, 2007 meeting are approved.
Colburn seconded.
For: all

3. Email Votes – read for the record.
3a. Lovaas moved (5/23/07): Anthony D. Castillo is a member of the ISS.
Wood seconded.
For: unanimous

3b. Lovaas moved (5/23/07): Andrew Frierdich is a member of the ISS.
Wood seconded.
For: unanimous

4. Reports:
Treasury: John Lovaas, Treasurer – previous $383.56, now 436.56 plus $25 petty cash = $461.56 total

Director Elections: John Lovaas, Vice-President:
Steve Taylor 18 votes
Philip Moss 16 votes
Jack Wood 16 votes
Tony Schmitt 15 votes
Don Coons 13 votes
Bob Weck 13 votes
Aaron Addison 11 votes
Larry Cohen 3 votes
Vote recounted and confirmed by President Philip Moss, Richard and Rod Raber.
Comments on voting process and participation. 60% participation  

Membership applications: John Lovaas, Vice-President:
No new applications since the email vote of 5/23/07.

Data Requests: Philip Moss, President:
No formal data requests were handled during the period since the last meeting. One inquiry regarding cave locations in the Waterloo/Fults area containing bats for netting for educational purposes was fielded via Wilhelm and the Little Egypt Grotto and channeled to Philip Moss and Joe Kath. No formal inquiry resulted and the interested party did not pursue this any further with the ISS.

Not-For-Profit Annual Report: Philip Moss, Registered Agent
Filed on time.

Shawnee Forest Project: Jack Wood, Chair, Shawnee Forest Committee:
2 Shawnee projects since the last meeting, this weekend and one in July after the NSS Convention as an official post-convention trip. 500 volunteer hours donated since 8/05. $36.57 was donated for food this weekend and Jack is satisfied with the donation response.

Xara Acquisition status: Jack Wood
No action.

5. Wood moved: Only one copy of Xara will be purchased by Jack Wood for ISS use at this time.
Schmitt seconded.
For: all
Absent for voting purposes: Moss

Website: Jack Wood, webmaster: The website is at
Updated last week.

Status of MOU with The Karst Conservancy of Illinois : Jack Wood
Ongoing talks

Status of the ISS Patch: Richard Raber
Out of pocket expenses amounted to $178 to produce the patch. When the income exceeds that amount, the additional income will accrue to the ISS. The patch received a blue ribbon merit award at the 2007 NSS Convention.

Grotto/Agency Activity Reports:
Lovaas reports that the Little Princess Mine near Galena has been resealed.
Weck reports that the Friends of Stemler Nature Preserves cleaned up a sinkhole on Nancy Spence's property in the Stemler Cave recharge area on September 15, 2007. 14 people attended and a dumpster was filled.


Election of President:
6. Election of President.
Nominations: Schmitt nominates Lovaas. Lovaas accepted.
Taylor moved to close nominations.
Colburn seconded.
Result: Lovaas elected by acclamation.

1018 hours
Lovaas transfers Coons proxy to Rod Raber.
Moss becomes absent at President (supposed to serve until the end of the meeting) to serve as Director.

New Business
7. Moss nominates Wood to fill the remainder of the Vice-Presidential term.
Moss moved to close nominations.
Wood seconded.
For: all
Wood is elected as Vice-President by acclamation.

8. Moss moved: The ISS will help sponsor the Fall NSS BOG meeting in the amount of $150 to defray the costs of hosting the meeting and associated parties.
Taylor seconded.
For: the rest
Against: none
Abstain: Moss

9. Wood moved: A period for open discussion of the future of the Shawnee Forest Project will be held for 20 minutes.
Moss seconded.
For: All

10. Moss moved: The next meeting will be held at the County Annex building in Waterloo on March 9, 2008 at 0900 hrs. There will be c ave mapping on Saturday, weather and owner dependent.
Schmitt seconded.
For: all

11. Taylor moved: 10 minutes of open discussion of topics of general interest.
Weck seconded.
Passed without objection.

12. Moss moved to adjourn.
Wood seconded
For: all
Adjourned at 1120

Attachment 1
ISS Board:
To whom it may concern. Know all that Don Coons, currently serving as a director to the Illinois Speleological Survey does hereby transfer his vote in the upcoming fall meeting to director Steve Taylor. In the event that a majority of the Board does not agree that a single person should serve as both an elected director and hold the proxy vote of second director simultaneously, then I also charge Mr. Taylor with the task of transferring my proxy to any other eligible person attending this meeting.
Thank you for your interest in this matter. I hope to be able to attend the spring meeting in April.

Sincerely, Don Coons, ISS Director


ISS main page

Please email the webmaster with web page comments and corrections. All other correspondence should be addressed to the ISS via the president. Page created on 17 June 2007 and modified on 23 Sept 2007.