NSS Member Since 2000

The Gypsy Underground is the first Traveling Grotto in the NSS membership.   We'd like to give you a little background on
how we formed, how we operate and what we do.


Randy Waslien and Kristen Nielsen began to instigate the beginnings of the grotto in 1999 at the NSS convention in Filer, Idaho.

With the help of many, an organizational meeting, of about a dozen people, met to decide and develop the concept of
a traveling grotto.

The Gypsy Underground was created in order to form a community of traveling cavers.

The GUG's are a people based grotto.  We are not Local, Regional or Political in nature.  When you join up for a weekor more of adventure, you build relationships, share meals and go caving.

The Gypsy Underground Grotto will promote fellowship and exchange between cavers from all parts of the country, in addition to the mingling that takes place at conventions and major regional events

After the initial organizational meeting, the concept was discussed with the NSS officials, by-laws were developed and approved and the first traveling grotto, Gypsy Underground was born in February 1999.

There were 25 members on the Original Charter. These charter Individuals hail from all over the country.
As of April 2010 we have 96 members.



Our means of communication is primarily email, using a onelist to simplify knowing everybody's address.

The GUG's use email to conduct meetings, set up activities, share pictures, trip reports, news letters and for voting.


All members must have access to an email address. This can be done through a home computer or the local library.

Meetings are held as needed and can be initiated by anyone.

Election of officers will occur every two years.


A lifetime Membership is $1 and can be sent to current Treasurer. For more information contact any officer.