NSS Volunteer Value Database


The NSS Conservation Division is excited to bring to you a BETA VERSION online volunteer value database.  This database will contain your volunteer value information for inclusion in NSS Reports, grant application processes, cave management proposals, keeping fee demo down, providing information to government agencies and karst protection efforts. Volunteer Value represents huge contributions to caves on private, state, and federal lands.  Cavers give significantly to the protection, exploration, scientific investigation, conservation, and preservation of cave and karst resources, and through the Volunteer Value program this important work is quantified, recorded and recognized.


We need your Volunteer Value for all projects - survey, cartography, inventory, science, administration, restoration,  and conservation.  Include  in-cave work as well as preparation and documentation.


In the future we will be able to provide reports on all the hard work cavers do for use by government agencies, NSS Grant committees, and the cavers themselves.


See the Volunteer Value Website for more information on what Volunteer Value is, the FS agreement, and sample volunteer value forms.





  All Fields Are Required


Submitter Name


First name of the person submitting the information.


Last name of the person submitting the information.

Project Information

Project Name:


Name of the project. Value can be filled in or selected from the list of existing projects in the popup window.

Project Date:


Date work was done on the project. To assure proper date format, project date can only be populated from the calendar popup window.

State Name:


State/Country in which the project took place. Value can be filled in or selected from the list of existing locations in the popup window.



Location (City/County) in which the project took place. Value can be filled in or selected from the list of existing locations in the popup window.

Work Details

Work Type:

   Work Types

Type of work done. Value can be filled in or selected from the list of existing work types in the popup window.



Name of landowner receiving the work. Value can be filled in or selected from the list of existing agencies in the popup window.

Group performing work:


The group that the personnel doing the work is affiliated with. Value can be filled in or selected from the list of existing groups in the popup window.

Is this an official NSS organization?

Yes       No       NSS organizations

Is the group performing the work an official NSS organization?

Volunteer Value

Volunteer Hours:


The total number of hours worked on the project for this date. Include the total for all volunteers.

Number of Volunteers:


The total number of volunteers that worked on the project for this date.

Volunteer Value:


The total dollar amount the work is valued at. Example: 1250.50

For help in calculating total volunteer value, please use the volunteer value forms located on the NSS volunteer value page.


Please report any problems to: mlankford65@yahoo.com