Journal of Cave and Karst Studies - ISSN 1090-6924
Volume 62 Number 1: 11-17 - April 2000

A publication of the National Speleological Society

Hotspots of Subterranean Biodiversity in Caves and Wells
David C. Culver and Boris Sket


We documented 18 caves and two karst wells that have 20 or more stygobites and troglobites. Crustacea dominated the aquatic fauna. Taxonomic composition of the terrestrial fauna varied, but Arachnida and Insecta together usually dominated. Geographically, the sites were concentrated in the Dinaric Karst (6 caves). Sites tended to have high primary productivity or rich organic input from the surface, be large caves, or have permanent groundwater (phreatic water).

Dokumentirala sva 18 jam in dva kraška vodnjaka, iz katerih je znanih 20 ali vec vrst troglobiontov in stigobiontov. V vodni favni preladujejo raki. Taksonomski sestav kopenske favne je raznolik, vendar pajkovci in zuzelke skupaj navadno prevladujejo. Najvec takšnih jam (šest) je v Dinarskem krasu. Nadpovprecno so zastopane jame z lastno primarno produkcijo ali bogatim vnosom hrane s površja, obsezne jame in jame, ki vkljucujejo tudi freatsko plast.

This page last updated: 7 May, 2003 15:18
Web Author: Jim Pisarowicz