The NSS Bulletin
- ISSN 1090-6924
Volume 52 Number 1: 104-109 - December 1990
A publication of the National Speleological Society
Factors That May Affect
Radon Daughter Concentrations in Whipple Cave and Goshute Cave, Nevada
Joyce A. Quinn
Radon daughter measurements taken in Whipple Cave and Goshute Cave in Nevada in the summer of 1984 showed low levels of radioactivity. Working levels ranged from .048 to .073 for Whipple Cave and from .056 to .128 in Goshute Cave. Factors other than meteorological conditions that may contribute to radon concentrations are suggested. The high average radon concentraitons in Goshute Cave may relate to its orientation away from prevailing winds, its small entrance, and its complexity of passageways, all of which may hinder free airflow and reduce ventilation. Airflow within Whipple Cave may be aided by a large entrance oriented toward prevailing winds and a large, straight passageway; both may serve to dilute radon in the cave.
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17 May, 2002 8:25
Web Author: Jim Pisarowicz