The NSS Bulletin - ISSN 1090-6924
Volume 44 Number 3: 64-66 - July 1982

A publication of the National Speleological Society

Surveying the Butler Cave-Sinking Creek System
Fred L. Wefer


The Butler Cave Conservation Society inherited a map of the Butler Cave-Sinking Creek System which had been compiled from the work of numerous surveyors. Some of the survey notes have been lost, others are unintelligible. These have made the addition of maps of newly discovered passages difficult and have necessitated the resurveying of many sections of the cave. Current surveys are done with Brunton compasses and measuring tapes, are computer processed, and are stored in an orderly manner. Loops are adjusted to achieve closure by the Compass Rule. Radio location techniques were used in determining the relationship between Butler Cave and nearby Breathing Cave. Old survey data are being converted to machine-readable form; about two-thirds of the 100,000 ft of passages so far surveyed are machine readable.

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Web Author: Jim Pisarowicz