The NSS Bulletin - ISSN 1090-6924
Volume 44 Number 3: 48-63 - July 1982

A publication of the National Speleological Society

Exploration and Mapping of the Sinking Creek System
Fred L. Wefer and I. Kennedy Nicholson


Breathing Cave was surveyed by the Nittany Grotto of the NSS during the period 1954 through 1958. New discoveries in the late 1960's led to some additional mapping. The current extent of the cave is approximately 5 miles.

Aqua Cave was discovered in July 1956 by Bevin Hewitt while diving Mill Run Spring. It is the final resurgence of the Bullpasture River of the Sinking Creek System. Diving the sumps at the back of the cave has not produced significant extensions.

Bulter Cave was discovered in May 1958 by Kennedy Nicholson. The largest of the five caves, the current map of Butler Cave shows more than 16.75 miles of passages. Exploration is continuing at both the upstream and downstream ends of the cave.

Better Forgotten Cave was first entered in November 1959 by Lief Mollo and Jim Hixson. Explorations in the late 1960's led to many additional passages being discovered deep under Chestnut Ridge.

Boundless Cave was discovered in 1957, but was not explored until 1959, when its entrance crawl was dug open by Bill Plummer and Bill Buckingham.

These 5 caves have been shown to be parts of the Sinking Creek System by water tracing: however, no traversable connection has been found between any two of the caves. The total of the known passages in the 5 caves exceeds 21 miles. The Butler Cave Conservation Society, Inc. curently owns and controls access to Butler Cave, where most of the current effort in exploration and mapping is centered.

This page last updated: 9 June, 2002 7:24
Web Author: Jim Pisarowicz