Bulletin of the National Speleological Society - ISSN 0146-9517
Volume 25 Part 2: 73-78 - July 1963

A publication of the National Speleological Society

The Caves of Mont Hoyo, Eastern Congo Republic
C.D. Ollier and J.F. Harrop


Mont Hoyo is 25 miles southwest of Irimu in the Eastern Province of the Congo Republic. The caves are in Precambrian limestone and shale that have not been metamorphosed nor strongly folded. Several caves in Mont Hoyo contain large chambers and extensive passages. They are similar in form to caves in temperate areas. Cave fills of red clay, now mostley removed by stream action, and of guano are extensive. The caves in Mont Hoyo are developed on several levels. All contain evidence of origin under phreatic conditions, probably previous to the development of the fault escarpment bounding the Mont Hoyo horst.

This page last updated: 18 July, 2002 9:42
Web Author: Jim Pisarowicz